Research Article
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The Effects of Mobile Technology on Retailing

Year 2019, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 421 - 440, 30.08.2019


The aim of this study is to make predictions about
the future of retailing by analyzing the important factors affecting retailing.
 In view of the fact that mobile technology alone would be insufficient
to explain the change in retailing, the changes in consumers, organization,
competition, logistics and marketing communication in relation to technology
are emphasized.
Of course, the study mainly
deals with the effects of mobile technology. How mobile technology directly or
indirectly affects retailing and, accordingly, how it causes structural
transformation in retailers has been analyzed on the basis of literature and
case studies based on developments in the sector. It has been determined that
mobile technology affects the form and content of communication with the
customer, the organization of retailing and the direction of competition in the
sector. Considering the change in all these areas as a whole, it is predicted
that there may be signs of changes that can be considered important for


  • Altunışık, Remzi; Özdemir, Şuayıp; Torlak, Ömer (2017), Pazarlamaya Giriş, 4.Baskı, Sakarya: Sakarya Yayıncı-lık.Becker, Michael; Arnold, John (2010), Mobile Marketing For Dummies, New Jersey: Wiley Publication. Berman, Barry; Evans, Joel R. (2007), Retail Management, 10th Ed., New Jersey: Pearson Education.Cox, Roger; Brittain, Paul (2004), Retailing an Introduction, 5th Ed., England: Pearson Education.Craig, Alan B. (2013), Understanding Augmented Reality: Concepts an Applications, Waltham, MA: ElsevierDeloitte (2015), “Global Power of Retailing 2015: Embracing Innovation”,,(Erişim: 17.10.2018).Dunne, Patric M; Lusch, Robert F; Carver, James R. (2011), Retailing, 7th Ed., Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning.Ergür, H. Sevil (2015), “Pnömatik Sistemlerde Sağlık ve Güvenlik”, Mühendis ve Makina, Cilt 56, Sayı: 662: 63-71 Friedman, Zack (2018), “Walmart Offers Employees College For $1 A Day”,, (Erişim, 31.05.2018).Gottlieb, Udo; Bianchi, Constanza (2017), “Virtual Trade Shows: Exhibitors’ Perspectives on Virtual Marketing Capability Requirements”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 21, 17–26.Gülşen, İzzet; Özdemir, Şuayıp (2018), “Perakendecilikte Teknolojik Yenilikler ve Uygulamalar”, Pazarlama Teorisi ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, Cilt.4, Sayı.1: 869-876.Inman, J. Jeffrey; Nikolova, Hristina (2017), “Shopper-Facing Retail Technology: A Retailer Adoption Decision Framework Incorporating Shopper Attitudes and Privacy Concerns”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 93, No. 1: 7-28. Jerald, Jason (2016), “The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality, The Association for Compu-ting Machinery and Morgan & Claypool Publishers.Karadağ, Serkan (2017), “Dünyada Akıllı Telefon Kullanım Rakamları Açıklandı”,, (Erişim: 15 Haziran 2017).Kemp, Simon (2018), "Digital in 2018", (Erişim: 30.01.2018).Koçel, Tamer (2014), İşletme Yöneticiliği, 15.Baskı, İstanbul: Beta Yayın.Kotler, Philip; Armstrong, Gary (2018), Principles of Marketing, 17th Ed., England: Pearson Education.Kotler, Philip; Keller, Kevin Lane (2016), Marketing Management, 15th Ed., England: Pearson Education.Laudon, Kenneth C.; Traver, Carol Guercio (2017), E-commerce, 13th Ed., England: Pearson Education.Levy, Michael; Weitz, Barton A. (2012), Retailing Management, 8th Ed., New York: McGraw-Hill Education.Lindqvist, Ulf; Neumann, Peter G. (2017), “The Future of the Internet of Things”, Communications of the Acm, Vol. 60, No.2: 26-30. Mucuk, İsmet (2007), Pazarlama İlkeleri, 16.Baskı, İstanbul: Türkmen Kitabevi.Mulesoft (2018), “What is an API? (Application Programming Interface)”,, (Erişim:10.11.2018)Murray, Alan; Papa, Armando; Cuozzo, Benedetta; Russo, Giuseppe (2016), “Evaluating the Innovation of the Internet of Things: Empirical Evidence From the Intellectual Capital Assessment”, Business Process Ma-nagement Journal, Vol.22, No.2: 341-356.Ozturk, Ahmet Bulent; Bilgihan, Anil; Esfahani, Saba Salehi; Hua, Nan (2017), "Understanding the Mobile Payment Technology Acceptance Based on Valence Theory: A Case of Restaurant Transactions", Interna-tional Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol.29 No.2: 8, 2027-2049. Özdemir, Şuayıp (2008), Mağaza Yönetimi, 2.Baskı, Ankara: Nobel Yayın.Perreault, William D; Cannon, Joseph P.; McCarthy, E. Jerome (2017), Essential of Marketing, 15th Ed., New York: McGraw-Hill Education.Porter, Michael E.; Heppelmann, James. E. (2017), “Why Every Organization Needs an Augmented Reality Strategy”, Harvard Business Review, November- DecemberRaj, Pethuru; Raman, Anupama C. (2017), The Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Platforms, and Use Cases, Florida: CRC.Rese, Alexandra; Schreiber, Stefanie; Baier, Daniel (2014), “Technology Acceptance Modeling of Augmented Reality at the Point of Sale: Can Surveys be Replaced by Ananalysis of Online Reviews?”, Journal of Retai-ling and Consumer Services, 21, 869-876.Samson, Harland E. (1969), The Nature and Characteristics of Middle Management in Retail Department Stores, Wisconsin: ERIC.Samuely, Alex (2018), “Minyard Sun Fresh Market adds mobile circulars, coupons to shoppers’ carts”,, (Erişim: 17.10.2018).Shankar, Venkatesh; Venkatesh, Alladi; Hofacker, Charles; Naik Prasad (2010), “Mobile Marketing in the Retailing Environment: Current Insights and Future Research Avenues”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24, 111-120.Solomon, Michael R. (2017), Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being, 12th Ed., New Jersey: Pearson Education.Tek, Ömer Baybars; Özgül, Engin (2013), Modern Pazarlama İlkeleri, 4.Baskı, İzmir: Birleşik Matbaacılık.Varinli, İnci (2012a), Pazarlamada Yeni Yaklaşımlar, 3.Baskı, Ankara: Detay YayıncılıkVarinli, İnci (2012b), Marketlerde Pazarlama Yönetimi, 4.Baskı, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.Verhoef, Peter.C.; Lemon, Katherine N.; Parasuraman, A.; Roggeveen, Anne; Tsiros, Michael; Schlesinger, Leonard A. (2009), “Customer Experience Creation: Determinants, Dynamics and Management Strate-gies”, Journal of Retailing, Vol.85, No.1: 31-41.

Mobil Teknolojinin Perakendecilik Üzerindeki Etkileri

Year 2019, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 421 - 440, 30.08.2019


Bu çalışmanın amacı,
perakendeciliği etkileyen önemli faktörleri analiz ederek perakendeciliğin
geleceği ile ilgili öngörülerde bulunmaktır. Tek başına mobil teknolojinin
perakendecilikteki değişimi açıklamakta yetersiz kalacağı düşüncesiyle,
teknolojiyle bağlantılı olarak tüketiciler, 
organizasyon, rekabet, lojistik ve
pazarlama iletişimindeki değişim üzerinde durulmuştur. Elbette çalışmada
ağırlıklı olarak mobil teknolojinin etkileri ele alınmıştır. Mobil teknolojinin
doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak perakendeciliği nasıl etkilediği, buna bağlı
olarak perakendecilerde nasıl bir yapısal dönüşüme neden olduğu konusu,
literatüre dayalı olarak ve sektördeki gelişmelere bağlı olarak örnek olaylar
üzerinden analiz edilmiştir. Mobil teknolojinin, müşteri ile iletişim biçimi ve
içeriğini, perakendeciliğin organizasyonunu, sektörde yaşanacak rekabetin
yönünü etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Tüm bu alanlardaki değişimin bütün olarak
ele alındığında perakendecilik için önemli sayılabilecek değişikliklerin
işaretleri olabileceği öngörülmüştür.


  • Altunışık, Remzi; Özdemir, Şuayıp; Torlak, Ömer (2017), Pazarlamaya Giriş, 4.Baskı, Sakarya: Sakarya Yayıncı-lık.Becker, Michael; Arnold, John (2010), Mobile Marketing For Dummies, New Jersey: Wiley Publication. Berman, Barry; Evans, Joel R. (2007), Retail Management, 10th Ed., New Jersey: Pearson Education.Cox, Roger; Brittain, Paul (2004), Retailing an Introduction, 5th Ed., England: Pearson Education.Craig, Alan B. (2013), Understanding Augmented Reality: Concepts an Applications, Waltham, MA: ElsevierDeloitte (2015), “Global Power of Retailing 2015: Embracing Innovation”,,(Erişim: 17.10.2018).Dunne, Patric M; Lusch, Robert F; Carver, James R. (2011), Retailing, 7th Ed., Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning.Ergür, H. Sevil (2015), “Pnömatik Sistemlerde Sağlık ve Güvenlik”, Mühendis ve Makina, Cilt 56, Sayı: 662: 63-71 Friedman, Zack (2018), “Walmart Offers Employees College For $1 A Day”,, (Erişim, 31.05.2018).Gottlieb, Udo; Bianchi, Constanza (2017), “Virtual Trade Shows: Exhibitors’ Perspectives on Virtual Marketing Capability Requirements”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 21, 17–26.Gülşen, İzzet; Özdemir, Şuayıp (2018), “Perakendecilikte Teknolojik Yenilikler ve Uygulamalar”, Pazarlama Teorisi ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, Cilt.4, Sayı.1: 869-876.Inman, J. Jeffrey; Nikolova, Hristina (2017), “Shopper-Facing Retail Technology: A Retailer Adoption Decision Framework Incorporating Shopper Attitudes and Privacy Concerns”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 93, No. 1: 7-28. Jerald, Jason (2016), “The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality, The Association for Compu-ting Machinery and Morgan & Claypool Publishers.Karadağ, Serkan (2017), “Dünyada Akıllı Telefon Kullanım Rakamları Açıklandı”,, (Erişim: 15 Haziran 2017).Kemp, Simon (2018), "Digital in 2018", (Erişim: 30.01.2018).Koçel, Tamer (2014), İşletme Yöneticiliği, 15.Baskı, İstanbul: Beta Yayın.Kotler, Philip; Armstrong, Gary (2018), Principles of Marketing, 17th Ed., England: Pearson Education.Kotler, Philip; Keller, Kevin Lane (2016), Marketing Management, 15th Ed., England: Pearson Education.Laudon, Kenneth C.; Traver, Carol Guercio (2017), E-commerce, 13th Ed., England: Pearson Education.Levy, Michael; Weitz, Barton A. (2012), Retailing Management, 8th Ed., New York: McGraw-Hill Education.Lindqvist, Ulf; Neumann, Peter G. (2017), “The Future of the Internet of Things”, Communications of the Acm, Vol. 60, No.2: 26-30. Mucuk, İsmet (2007), Pazarlama İlkeleri, 16.Baskı, İstanbul: Türkmen Kitabevi.Mulesoft (2018), “What is an API? (Application Programming Interface)”,, (Erişim:10.11.2018)Murray, Alan; Papa, Armando; Cuozzo, Benedetta; Russo, Giuseppe (2016), “Evaluating the Innovation of the Internet of Things: Empirical Evidence From the Intellectual Capital Assessment”, Business Process Ma-nagement Journal, Vol.22, No.2: 341-356.Ozturk, Ahmet Bulent; Bilgihan, Anil; Esfahani, Saba Salehi; Hua, Nan (2017), "Understanding the Mobile Payment Technology Acceptance Based on Valence Theory: A Case of Restaurant Transactions", Interna-tional Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol.29 No.2: 8, 2027-2049. Özdemir, Şuayıp (2008), Mağaza Yönetimi, 2.Baskı, Ankara: Nobel Yayın.Perreault, William D; Cannon, Joseph P.; McCarthy, E. Jerome (2017), Essential of Marketing, 15th Ed., New York: McGraw-Hill Education.Porter, Michael E.; Heppelmann, James. E. (2017), “Why Every Organization Needs an Augmented Reality Strategy”, Harvard Business Review, November- DecemberRaj, Pethuru; Raman, Anupama C. (2017), The Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Platforms, and Use Cases, Florida: CRC.Rese, Alexandra; Schreiber, Stefanie; Baier, Daniel (2014), “Technology Acceptance Modeling of Augmented Reality at the Point of Sale: Can Surveys be Replaced by Ananalysis of Online Reviews?”, Journal of Retai-ling and Consumer Services, 21, 869-876.Samson, Harland E. (1969), The Nature and Characteristics of Middle Management in Retail Department Stores, Wisconsin: ERIC.Samuely, Alex (2018), “Minyard Sun Fresh Market adds mobile circulars, coupons to shoppers’ carts”,, (Erişim: 17.10.2018).Shankar, Venkatesh; Venkatesh, Alladi; Hofacker, Charles; Naik Prasad (2010), “Mobile Marketing in the Retailing Environment: Current Insights and Future Research Avenues”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24, 111-120.Solomon, Michael R. (2017), Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being, 12th Ed., New Jersey: Pearson Education.Tek, Ömer Baybars; Özgül, Engin (2013), Modern Pazarlama İlkeleri, 4.Baskı, İzmir: Birleşik Matbaacılık.Varinli, İnci (2012a), Pazarlamada Yeni Yaklaşımlar, 3.Baskı, Ankara: Detay YayıncılıkVarinli, İnci (2012b), Marketlerde Pazarlama Yönetimi, 4.Baskı, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.Verhoef, Peter.C.; Lemon, Katherine N.; Parasuraman, A.; Roggeveen, Anne; Tsiros, Michael; Schlesinger, Leonard A. (2009), “Customer Experience Creation: Determinants, Dynamics and Management Strate-gies”, Journal of Retailing, Vol.85, No.1: 31-41.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

İzzet Gülşen 0000-0001-5369-1130

Şuayıp Özdemir This is me 0000-0002-6799-8480

Publication Date August 30, 2019
Submission Date November 16, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Gülşen, İ., & Özdemir, Ş. (2019). Mobil Teknolojinin Perakendecilik Üzerindeki Etkileri. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 14(2), 421-440.