BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster


Yıl 2003, Sayı: 8, 189 - 213, 01.11.2003



  • AA Anadolu Araflt›rmalar›. Ankara.
  • Adak 2003 Adak, M., “Olympos und Korykos in Ost-Lykien” EA 34, (forthcoming).
  • AJA American Journal of Archaeology. The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America. New York.
  • Arslan 2000 Arslan, A., Antikça¤ Anadolusu’nun Savaflç› Kavmi: Galatlar. ‹stanbul.
  • Athenaeum Athenaeum. Studi periodici di letteratura e storia dell’antichità. Università Pavia. Pavia.
  • Badian 1959 Badian, E., “Sulla’s Cilician Command”. Athenaeum XXXVII, 279-303.
  • Bean and Mitford 1965 Bean, G.E., and Mitford, T. B., Journeys in Rough Cilicia. Vienna.
  • Bernhardt 1972 Bernhardt, R., “Zwei Ehrenstatuen in Kaunos für L. Licinius Murena und seinen Sohn Gaius”. Çev.: B. Ö¤ün, “Kaunos’ta L. Licinius Murena ve O¤lu Gaius fierefine Dikilmifl iki Heykel”. AA 17, 123-129.
  • CAH The Cambridge Ancient History. Ed. by J. B. Bury, S. A. Cook. I-XII. Cambridge, London 1923-1996.
  • CQ The Classical Quarterly. Oxford University Press. Oxford.
  • Crawford 1996 Crawford, M.H., Roman Statues I-II. London. EA Epigraphica Anatolica. Zeitschrift für Epigraphik und Geographie Anatoliens. Bonn.
  • Ferrary 1977 Ferrary, J.L., “Recherches sur la législation de Saturninus et de Glaucia”. Mélanges d’archéologie et d’histoire de l’Ecole française de Rome 89.1: 619-660.
  • FGrHist Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker. F. Jacoby. I-XV. Berlin-Leiden 1923-1958.
  • Greenhalgh 1980 Greenhalgh, P., Pompey: The Roman Alexander. London. Hall 1973 Hall, A., “New Light on the Capture of Isaura Vetus by P. Servilius Vatia”. SEG XVII, 568-571.
  • Harris 1979 Harris, W.V., War and Imperialism in Republican Rome 327-70 BC. Oxford.
  • Hassal 1974 Hassal, M., Crawford, M. and Reynolds, J., “Rome and the Eastern Provinces at the End of the Second Century BC. The So-Called ‘Piracy Law’ and a New Inscription from Cnidos”. JRS 64, 195-220.
  • Historia Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte; Revue d’ Histoire Ancienne; Journal of Ancient History; Rivista di Storia Antica. Stutttgart
  • ICret Inscriptiones Creticae opera et consilio Friderici Halbherr collectae. 1 Tituli Cretae mediae praeter Gortynios. Curavit Margartia GUARDUCCI. Rome 1935.
  • IG Inscriptiones Graecae, consilio et auctoritate Academiae Litterarum Borussicae ed. maior: I-IV., VII., IX., XI., XII., XIV. Berlin 1873-1939.
  • IGR Inscriptiones Graecea ad res Romanas Pertinentes. Ed. by R. Cagnat- J. Toutain. I-IV. Paris 1906-1928.
  • ILLRP Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae Rei Publicae 2Bde. 1925-31.
  • Ed. by A. Degrassi 1961.
  • I.v. Ilion Inschriften von Ilion. P. Frisch. Bonn 1975 (I.K. 3).
  • JESHO Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. Leiden.
  • JRS Journal of Roman Studies. London.
  • Keyser 1997 Keyser, P.T., “Sallust’s Historiae, Dioskorides and the Sites of the Korykos Captured by P. Servilius Vatia”. Historia XLVI, 64-79.
  • Magie 1950 Magie, D., Roman Rule in Asia Minor to the End of the Third Century after Christ I-II. Princeton.
  • Maróti 1970 Maróti, E., “Die Rolle der Seeräuber in der Zeit des Mithridatischen Krieges”. In Ricerche storiche ed economiche in memoria di Corrado Barbagallo, a cura di Luigi de Rosa, vol. I, Naples: 479-493.
  • McGing 1986 McGing, B.C., The Foreign Policy of Mithridates VI. Eupator King of Pontos. Leiden.
  • MHR Mediterranean Historical Review. London. Münzer 1921 Münzer, F., “Seleukos (16)”. RE II A/1, 1247.
  • OGIS Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae. Ed. W. Dittenberger. I-II. Leipzig 1903-1905.
  • Ö¤ün 2001 Ö¤ün, B. – Ifl›k, C., et al., Kaunos. Antalya.
  • Ormerod 1922 Ormerod, H.A., “The Campaigns of Servilius Isauricus Against the Pirates”. JRS XII (1922) 35-56.
  • Ormerod 19972 Ormerod, H.A., Piracy in the Ancient World. London.
  • Parke 1985 Parke, H.W., The Oracles of Apollo in Asia Minor. London.
  • Peek 1978 Peek, W., “Orakel aus Dodona für den Piratenkönig Zeniketes”. ZPE XXX, 247-248.
  • Pohl 1993 Pohl, H., Die römische Politik und die Piraterie im östlichen Mittelmeer vom 3. bis zum 1. Jh. v. Chr., Berlin.
  • RE Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. Neue Bearb. unter Mit-wirkung zahlreicher Fachgenossen hrsg. von G. Wissowa (später fortgef. von W. Kroll u. K. Mittelhaus et al., hrsg. von K. Ziegler) Reihe 1
  • Halbbd. I-XLVII. Reihe, Halbbd. I- XIX. Suppl.- Bd. IXVI. Stuttgart (München) 1893-1980 ( Reihe 1: A-Q, Bde.
  • I-XXIV 1, 1893-963; Reihe 2: R-Z, Bde. IA1-XA, 1914- 1972; Suppl.-Bde. I-XV, 1903-1978.
  • Reddé 1986 Reddé, M., Mare Nostrum. Rome.
  • Rostovtseff 1941 Rostovtseff, M.I., Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World I-III. Oxford.
  • Rubinsohn 1993 Rubinsohn, W.Z., “Mithridates VI Eupator Dionysos and Rome’s Conquest of the Hellenistic East”. MHR VIII/1, 5-54.
  • fiahin 1994 fiahin, S., “Piratenüberfall auf Teos: Volksbeschluss über die Finanzierung der Erpressungsgelder”. EA 23, 1-40.
  • Seager 1979 Seager, R., Pompey: A Political Biography. Oxford. SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (1-25 Leiden 1923; 26-7 Alphen 1979-80; 28 v.d. Amsterdam 1982 ff).
  • Shaw 1990 Shaw, B.D., “Bandit Highlands and Lowland Peace: The Mountains of Isauria-Cilicia”. JESHO XXXIII, 199-233; 237-270.
  • Sherk 1969 Sherk, R.K., Roman Documents from the East. Baltimore. Sherwin-White 1976 Sherwin-White, A.N., “Rome, Pamphylia and Cilicia”. JRS LXVI, 1-14.
  • Sherwin-White 1994 Sherwin-White, A.N., “Lucullus, Pompey and the East”. CAH IX, 229-265.
  • SIG3 Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum. Ed. by W. Dittenberger, et al. I-IV Leipzig 1883-1915.
  • Souza 1997 Souza, P. de, “Romans and Pirates in a Late Hellenistic Oracle from Pamphylia”. CQ XLVII/2, 477-481.
  • Souza 1999 Souza, P. de, Piracy in the Graeco-Roman World. Cambridge.
  • Taylor – West 1928 Taylor, L.R. – West, A.B., “Latin elegiacs from Corinth”. AJA 32, 9-22.
  • ZPE Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. Bonn 1967 ff.


Yıl 2003, Sayı: 8, 189 - 213, 01.11.2003


During the second half of the second century BC the south coast of
Anatolia (Fig. 1) appears to have been the base of a large number of pirates
that made an income mainly via the slave trade with Rome, and who
assisted Mithridates Eupator, king of Pontus, with military operations
against the Romans during the Mithridatic Wars between 90 and 63 BC.


  • AA Anadolu Araflt›rmalar›. Ankara.
  • Adak 2003 Adak, M., “Olympos und Korykos in Ost-Lykien” EA 34, (forthcoming).
  • AJA American Journal of Archaeology. The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America. New York.
  • Arslan 2000 Arslan, A., Antikça¤ Anadolusu’nun Savaflç› Kavmi: Galatlar. ‹stanbul.
  • Athenaeum Athenaeum. Studi periodici di letteratura e storia dell’antichità. Università Pavia. Pavia.
  • Badian 1959 Badian, E., “Sulla’s Cilician Command”. Athenaeum XXXVII, 279-303.
  • Bean and Mitford 1965 Bean, G.E., and Mitford, T. B., Journeys in Rough Cilicia. Vienna.
  • Bernhardt 1972 Bernhardt, R., “Zwei Ehrenstatuen in Kaunos für L. Licinius Murena und seinen Sohn Gaius”. Çev.: B. Ö¤ün, “Kaunos’ta L. Licinius Murena ve O¤lu Gaius fierefine Dikilmifl iki Heykel”. AA 17, 123-129.
  • CAH The Cambridge Ancient History. Ed. by J. B. Bury, S. A. Cook. I-XII. Cambridge, London 1923-1996.
  • CQ The Classical Quarterly. Oxford University Press. Oxford.
  • Crawford 1996 Crawford, M.H., Roman Statues I-II. London. EA Epigraphica Anatolica. Zeitschrift für Epigraphik und Geographie Anatoliens. Bonn.
  • Ferrary 1977 Ferrary, J.L., “Recherches sur la législation de Saturninus et de Glaucia”. Mélanges d’archéologie et d’histoire de l’Ecole française de Rome 89.1: 619-660.
  • FGrHist Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker. F. Jacoby. I-XV. Berlin-Leiden 1923-1958.
  • Greenhalgh 1980 Greenhalgh, P., Pompey: The Roman Alexander. London. Hall 1973 Hall, A., “New Light on the Capture of Isaura Vetus by P. Servilius Vatia”. SEG XVII, 568-571.
  • Harris 1979 Harris, W.V., War and Imperialism in Republican Rome 327-70 BC. Oxford.
  • Hassal 1974 Hassal, M., Crawford, M. and Reynolds, J., “Rome and the Eastern Provinces at the End of the Second Century BC. The So-Called ‘Piracy Law’ and a New Inscription from Cnidos”. JRS 64, 195-220.
  • Historia Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte; Revue d’ Histoire Ancienne; Journal of Ancient History; Rivista di Storia Antica. Stutttgart
  • ICret Inscriptiones Creticae opera et consilio Friderici Halbherr collectae. 1 Tituli Cretae mediae praeter Gortynios. Curavit Margartia GUARDUCCI. Rome 1935.
  • IG Inscriptiones Graecae, consilio et auctoritate Academiae Litterarum Borussicae ed. maior: I-IV., VII., IX., XI., XII., XIV. Berlin 1873-1939.
  • IGR Inscriptiones Graecea ad res Romanas Pertinentes. Ed. by R. Cagnat- J. Toutain. I-IV. Paris 1906-1928.
  • ILLRP Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae Rei Publicae 2Bde. 1925-31.
  • Ed. by A. Degrassi 1961.
  • I.v. Ilion Inschriften von Ilion. P. Frisch. Bonn 1975 (I.K. 3).
  • JESHO Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. Leiden.
  • JRS Journal of Roman Studies. London.
  • Keyser 1997 Keyser, P.T., “Sallust’s Historiae, Dioskorides and the Sites of the Korykos Captured by P. Servilius Vatia”. Historia XLVI, 64-79.
  • Magie 1950 Magie, D., Roman Rule in Asia Minor to the End of the Third Century after Christ I-II. Princeton.
  • Maróti 1970 Maróti, E., “Die Rolle der Seeräuber in der Zeit des Mithridatischen Krieges”. In Ricerche storiche ed economiche in memoria di Corrado Barbagallo, a cura di Luigi de Rosa, vol. I, Naples: 479-493.
  • McGing 1986 McGing, B.C., The Foreign Policy of Mithridates VI. Eupator King of Pontos. Leiden.
  • MHR Mediterranean Historical Review. London. Münzer 1921 Münzer, F., “Seleukos (16)”. RE II A/1, 1247.
  • OGIS Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae. Ed. W. Dittenberger. I-II. Leipzig 1903-1905.
  • Ö¤ün 2001 Ö¤ün, B. – Ifl›k, C., et al., Kaunos. Antalya.
  • Ormerod 1922 Ormerod, H.A., “The Campaigns of Servilius Isauricus Against the Pirates”. JRS XII (1922) 35-56.
  • Ormerod 19972 Ormerod, H.A., Piracy in the Ancient World. London.
  • Parke 1985 Parke, H.W., The Oracles of Apollo in Asia Minor. London.
  • Peek 1978 Peek, W., “Orakel aus Dodona für den Piratenkönig Zeniketes”. ZPE XXX, 247-248.
  • Pohl 1993 Pohl, H., Die römische Politik und die Piraterie im östlichen Mittelmeer vom 3. bis zum 1. Jh. v. Chr., Berlin.
  • RE Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. Neue Bearb. unter Mit-wirkung zahlreicher Fachgenossen hrsg. von G. Wissowa (später fortgef. von W. Kroll u. K. Mittelhaus et al., hrsg. von K. Ziegler) Reihe 1
  • Halbbd. I-XLVII. Reihe, Halbbd. I- XIX. Suppl.- Bd. IXVI. Stuttgart (München) 1893-1980 ( Reihe 1: A-Q, Bde.
  • I-XXIV 1, 1893-963; Reihe 2: R-Z, Bde. IA1-XA, 1914- 1972; Suppl.-Bde. I-XV, 1903-1978.
  • Reddé 1986 Reddé, M., Mare Nostrum. Rome.
  • Rostovtseff 1941 Rostovtseff, M.I., Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World I-III. Oxford.
  • Rubinsohn 1993 Rubinsohn, W.Z., “Mithridates VI Eupator Dionysos and Rome’s Conquest of the Hellenistic East”. MHR VIII/1, 5-54.
  • fiahin 1994 fiahin, S., “Piratenüberfall auf Teos: Volksbeschluss über die Finanzierung der Erpressungsgelder”. EA 23, 1-40.
  • Seager 1979 Seager, R., Pompey: A Political Biography. Oxford. SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (1-25 Leiden 1923; 26-7 Alphen 1979-80; 28 v.d. Amsterdam 1982 ff).
  • Shaw 1990 Shaw, B.D., “Bandit Highlands and Lowland Peace: The Mountains of Isauria-Cilicia”. JESHO XXXIII, 199-233; 237-270.
  • Sherk 1969 Sherk, R.K., Roman Documents from the East. Baltimore. Sherwin-White 1976 Sherwin-White, A.N., “Rome, Pamphylia and Cilicia”. JRS LXVI, 1-14.
  • Sherwin-White 1994 Sherwin-White, A.N., “Lucullus, Pompey and the East”. CAH IX, 229-265.
  • SIG3 Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum. Ed. by W. Dittenberger, et al. I-IV Leipzig 1883-1915.
  • Souza 1997 Souza, P. de, “Romans and Pirates in a Late Hellenistic Oracle from Pamphylia”. CQ XLVII/2, 477-481.
  • Souza 1999 Souza, P. de, Piracy in the Graeco-Roman World. Cambridge.
  • Taylor – West 1928 Taylor, L.R. – West, A.B., “Latin elegiacs from Corinth”. AJA 32, 9-22.
  • ZPE Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. Bonn 1967 ff.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Murat Arslan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Kasım 2003
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2003 Sayı: 8

Kaynak Göster