Current Issue

Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

The OLGU is an international peer-reviewed journal that focuses on sociological research and is published twice a year (June and December) aiming to make academic contributions to the field of sociology in both Turkey and the world.

The OLGU is a journal that allows geographical, ideological and cultural differences without any discrimination against authors, referees, editorial board members and advisory/scientific board members.

The OLGU contains theoretical and applied (qualitative, quantitative and mixed) researches centered on sociology. In addition, OLGU also includes book reviews in sociology as well as translations of articles published in other languages originally. The publication language of the OLGU is Turkish and English.

The OLGU uses American Psychological Association (APA) Sixth Edition as the citation system. The APA 6 booklet prepared by the Turkish Librarians Association can be found here.

Authors are obliged to submit their articles with the template prepared by the OLGU Journal of Sociology. Click here for the template…

The rules for the template can be specified as follows:

Orcid numbers, institution/education information and e-mails of the authors must be clearly included in the submitted article. Blinding will be carried out by the editor.
Only Times New Roman font and 1.15 line spacing will be used.
The main title and the English title should be 14 points; subheadings and writings including introduction and conclusion should be set to 12 points; abstract for Turkish articles (250-300 words) and extended English abstract (750-1000 words) 10 points; full quotations separated from paragraph should be set to 10 points in quotation marks and 1 cm from the edges; and lastly 9 points for the footnotes.
Each paragraph should start with an indentation of 1 cm and ought to be hyphen-free.
Page edges should be set to 2.5 cm from the right and left and 2 cm from the top.
Tables should be set to 10, 9, or 8 points to fit on the page using only horizontal borders. Large tables can be positioned horizontally on a separate page. Tables should be prevented from scrolling to another page. Tables must be set not to exceed a page. Tables submitted inside can be presented as attachments.
The bibliography should be located on a separate Attachments such as APPENDIX-1, APPENDIX-2… must be placed after the bibliography.

Based on the ethical principles prepared by the Committe on Publication Ethics (COPE) for scientific publications, the ethical principles of the OLGU can be stated as follows:

Scientific Research Ethics

Scientific methods are acted upon in obtaining, analyzing, interpreting and achieving the results of the data. Unscientific results cannot be shown as the result of research.

While the research is being carried out, it is necessary to adhere to national and international agreements and obtain permission from the competent authorities.

The data obtained in the studies should be used as permitted by the authorities. It should be essential that the data that should not be presented remains confidential.

Researchers are obliged to report any negative situations that may occur as a result of the research to the relevant persons and institutions. Every researcher has the right not to participate in the research due to the negative situations that may occur.

Publication Ethics

People who do not contribute to the study during the scientific research and writing phase should not be shown as authors.

Unpublished or unpresented studies should not be cited as sources.

All or part of any work may not be published without permission or the use of reference to the related work (plagiarism).

Authors should avoid irresponsible authorship, piracy, fabrication, multi-publication, divisive publication, biased source, biased publication, violation of human-animal ethics, which are stated as unethical behaviors.

Authors should act in accordance with the citation system specified in the journal during the writing phase of the article.

Authors must obtain Ethics Committee Approval for their work done by qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods created with human sampling.

Authors are obliged to declare the contribution rate of the authors and the lack of conflicts of interest in the text.

Authors should specify the financial resources and support of the study, if any.

Referee Ethics

Referees must be experts in the fields addressed by the submitted article.

Referees are obliged to make their criticisms objectively and clearly. They should not act in their own personal interests/opinions and, if necessary, should not agree to review to article.

Referees should not be shared with third parties, considering that the texts are personal during the refereeing process.

Referees should not transfer information from the submitted article in the refereeing process for their own work and should not take any academic/personal interest.

Referees should provide clear and detailed reasons for the submitted articles they will reject.

Reviewers should also consider the scientific research and publication ethics rules of the journal.

Editor Ethics

Editors are obliged to appoint at least two referees who are suitable for the subject of the submitted article.

Editors should ensure communication between the referee(s) and the responsible author, taking into account the blind refereeing process.

Editors should maintain their relationships in a transparent and objective manner without discriminating between any author and referee.

Editors should not use their position for their own individual and academic interests.

Editors should provide clear and detailed reasons for the submitted articles they will reject.

Editors should also consider scientific research, publication and referee ethics.

Publication Policy and Principles

The OLGU Journal of Sociology does not charge any fees for the evaluation, string and publication of the submitted candidate articles. No royalties are paid to the authors for the published articles. The copyright of the published articles belongs to OLGU sociology journal.

The OLGU Journal of Sociology is a free electronic journal that adopts an open access policy.

Publication Policies

The OLGU is published regularly twice a year in June and December.
The publication language of the OLGU is Turkish and English.
The articles submitted to the OLGU should be within the scope of the subject specified by the journal.
The OLGU only includes research articles, translation articles and book reviews. The studies produced from papers, graduate studies, projects and compilation studies are not included in any way.
The scientific and legal responsibility of the articles published in the OLGU belongs to the authors.
The opinions in the articles in the journal are the personal opinions of the authors and do not reflect the opinions of the journal and the institutions to which it is affiliated.
The studies submitted to the OLGU have never been published anywhere before and should not be submitted for publication on another platform.
Ethics Committee Approval is mandatory for qualitative, quantitative and mixed studies created with human sampling.
The studies submitted to the OLGU are accepted only through the Dergipark ( online submission system. Articles submitted through various means (such as e-mail or social media) will not be accepted.

The OLGU Journal of Sociology does not charge any fees for the evaluation, string and publication of the submitted candidate articles. No royalties are paid to the authors for the published articles. The copyright of the published articles belongs to OLGU sociology journal.

The OLGU Journal of Sociology is a free electronic journal that adopts an open access policy.