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İlkokul Birinci Sınıf Hayat Bilgisi ve Türkçe Dersi Kazanımlarının Bütünleştirilmiş Eğitim Açısından İncelenmesi

Yıl 2024, , 1433 - 1466, 30.12.2024


İlkokul döneminde çocuk dünyayı bir bütün olarak algılamaktadır. Bu dönemde, derslerin bağımsız birimler şeklinde değil bir bütün olarak ele alınmasının öğrencinin gelişimine daha uygun olduğu belirtilmektedir. Ancak, güncel öğretim programlarında dersler bağımsız bölümler şeklinde hazırlanmıştır. İlkokul düzeyinde öğretim programlarının bu bütünlük ilkesine göre hazırlanmasının öğrencinin öğrenmesine daha fazla katkıda bulunması beklenmektedir. Bu çerçevede araştırma, bütünleştirilmiş eğitim açısından birinci sınıf hayat bilgisi ile Türkçe derslerinin kazanımlarını incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Nitel araştırma desenlerinden durum çalışması olarak tasarlanan çalışmanın verileri ilkokul birinci sınıf hayat bilgisi ve Türkçe dersi programlarından elde edilmiştir. Betimsel analiz ile çözümlenen veriler altı başlık altında sunulmuştur. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, 53 hayat bilgisi ve 47 Türkçe dersi kazanımından 39 tanesinin birbiriyle ilişkilendirilebileceği ve bütünsel olarak işlenebileceği belirlenmiştir. Bu ilişkilendirmeye göre, hayat bilgisi ve Türkçe derslerini en az 39 en fazla 106 ders saatinde bütünsel olarak işlemek mümkündür. Diğer yandan, Türkçe dersi kazanımlarının birden fazla hayat bilgisi dersi kazanımı ile ilişkilendirilmesi durumunda bütünsel ders sayısı da artırılabilmektedir. Bu sonuçlara göre, ilkokul birinci sınıfta hayat bilgisi ve Türkçe derslerinin bir kısmı bütünsel olarak işlenebilir. Özellikle birinci sınıf düzeyinde, farklı ders kazanımlarının birbiriyle ilişkilendirildiği bütünsel programlar hazırlanabilir. Öğretmenlere bu programla ilgili olarak hizmet içi eğitim verilmesi ve öğretmen adaylarının da buna göre yetiştirilmesi durumunda programın daha da verimli olması beklenmektedir.


  • Akkaya, A. (2023). A comparison of 2018 and 2023 life sciences curricula. Journal of Cappadocia Education, 4(1), 60-69.
  • Akosmanoğlu, E., & Bedel, A. (2021). Examination of the effects of the integrated family support education guide with the preschool education program (OBADER) on the attitudes of mothers towards their children. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 5(1), 44-65.
  • Aktay, S., & Çetin, H. S. (2019). 2015, 2017 and 2018 life sciences course teaching programs. Eskisehir Osmangazi University Journal of Social Science, 20(Special Issue), 577-600.
  • Aladağ, S. (2016). Hayat bilgisi: tanımı, amacı ve doğası. Editör Semra Güven and Selahattin Kaymakçı. Hayat bilgisi öğretimi. Pp.1-21. Ankara: Pegem Akademi
  • Altun, T., & Güler, T. (2020). Investigation of classroom teachers' views on the renewed life science program. YYU Journal of Education Faculty, 17(1), 54-78.
  • Arslan, E., Erbay, F., & Saygın, Y. (2010). An investigation about the effect of communication skills education integrated with creative drama on students of departments of child development and education. The Journal of Selcuk University Social Sciences Institute, (23), 1-8.
  • Atik, S., & Aykaç, N. (2019). Evaluation of life science curricula (1926-2018). Trakya Journal of Education, 9(4), 708-722.
  • Avcı, E. K., & Kayabaşı, Z. E. K. (2018). Content analysis of the values in the purposes of life science education curricula (1936- 2018). Journal of Values Education, 16(35), 27-56.
  • Aybek, B. (2001). Interdisciplinary (integrated) teaching approach. Journal of Educational Research, 3, 1-7.
  • Baş, M., Tay, B., & Işık Tertemiz, N. (2021). The effects of integrated mathematics and social sciences teaching on 3rd grade students' academic achievement. Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University Journal of Faculty of Education, 21(4), 1311-1327.
  • Batmaz, O., Batmaz, M. C., & Kılıç, A. (2021). Opinions of primary school teachers about life science course teaching during the covid-19 epidemic. MANAS Journal of Social Studies, 10(3), 1665-1677.
  • Bolat, Y. (2016) An action research on the authentic assessment of a unit designed according to concept-based interdisciplinary approach [Unpublished doctoral thesis]. Çukurova University, Adana.
  • Budak Coşkun, S. (2009). An investigation of the effect of interdisciplinary approach used at 8th grade math lessons on students' mat achievement levels and critical thinking disposition inventory [Unpublished master's thesis]. Yıldız Teknik University, İstanbul.
  • Çelebi, G. (2020). Examining the effectiveness of the fifth grade mathematics curriculum integrated with the value of scientific education program [Unpublished master's thesis]. Marmara University, İstanbul.
  • Çelik, Ö. (2022). Hayat bilgisi dersinin amacı, kapsamı ve içeriği. Editör V. Aktepe ve M. Gündüz. Kuramdan uygulamaya Hayat Bilgisi öğretimi içinde. ss.2-25. Ankara: Pegem Akademi
  • Demirel, Ö., Tuncel, İ., Demirhan, C., & Demir, K. (2008). Teacher and pupil views about activities based on multiple ıntelligences and the ınterdisciplinary approach. Education and Science, 33(147), 14-25.
  • Deveci, İ. (2016). The development, implementation and evaluation of entrepreneurship training modules integrated with the middle school science curriculum [Unpublished doctoral thesis]. Uludağ University, Bursa.
  • Ekmen, M., & Demir, M. K. (2020). An investigation of the objectives of life study course curriculum according to the teacher’s opinions. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 77, 35-57. 10.29228/JASSS.39581
  • Engin, G., & Uygun, S. (2014). The effectiveness of language arts and physical education curriculum integrated with values education program. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 10(4), 942-969.
  • Erbil, B. A., & Doğan, B. (2019). According to the teachers’ opinions about needs for primary life studies curriculum. Journal of Education, Theory and Practical Research, 5(1), 14-26.
  • Esemen, A. (2019). Evaluation of the relationship between life science curriculum gains and root values. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 4(1), 16-29.
  • Gündoğan, A. (2020). Life sciences course from primary school student’s perspective. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International, 10(1), 31-53.
  • Gürkan, T., & Gökçe, E. (1999). Eğitim programlarını bütünleştirmenin on yolu. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences (JFES), 32(1), 29-39.
  • Herdem, K. (2016). The effect of values education activities integrated with seventh grade science subjects on students' value development [Unpublished master's thesis]. Adıyaman University, Adıyaman.
  • Kalaycı, N., & Yıldırım, N. (2020). Comparative analysis and evaluation of turkish course curricula (2009-2017-2019). Trakya Journal of Education, 10(1), 238-262.
  • Karacaoğlu, Ö. C. (2020). An examination of learning outcomes in the second grade life sciences curriculum and identification of their levels according to the criteria in the literature. Kırşehir Education Faculty Journal, 21(1), 34-62. 10.29299/kefad.2020.21.01.002
  • Karakuş, C. (2021). Analyzing the primary education social science program’s (2018) achievements in terms of life skills. Kocaeli University Journal of Education, 4(1), 1-25.
  • Karaman, P. (2019). Evaluation of the elements in the life science curriculum as per teachers' views. Iğdır University Journal of Social Sciencei, 17, 347-368.
  • Katılmış, A., Ekşi, H., & Öztürk, C. (2010). The efficiency of being scientific focused character education programme in social studies course. Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 1(1), 50-87.
  • Kıyıkcı, A. (2021). The investigation of 2018 life sciences curriculum and its activities in terms of predisposing the students to 21st-century skills. [Unpublished master's thesis]. Gaziantep University, Gaziantep.
  • Mason, T. C. (1996). Integrated curricula: potential and problems. Journal of Teacher Education, 47(4), 263-269.
  • Mcmillan, J. H. (2000). Educational research: Fundamentals for the consumer. New York: Addison Wesley Longman Inc.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı [MEB]. (2018). Mathematics course curriculum (Primary and secondary school 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. grades).
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı [MEB]. (2019). Turkish course curriculum (Primary and secondary school 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. grades).
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı [MEB]. (2023). İlkokul hayat bilgisi dersi (1, 2 ve 3. grades) öğretim programında değişiklik yapılmasına dair kurul kararı ve öğretim programı.
  • Özhamamcı, T. (2013). Teachers' opinions about interdisciplinary teaching applications in elementary and secondary school education programs [Unpublished master's thesis]. Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Öztürk, T., & Kalafatçı, Ö. (2016). Evaluation of the appliability of primary school life studies curriculum in terms of teacher’s opinions. Ihlara Journal Educational Research, 1(1), 58-74
  • Palmer, P. J. (1993). To know as we are known: Education as a spiritual journey. San Francisco: Harper.
  • Sağlam, H. İ. (2015). Toplum, birey ve doğaya bütüncül bakış: Hayat bilgisi. Editör M. Gültekin. Hayat bilgisi öğretimi. ss.1-14. Ankara: Nobel
  • Selçuk, A., & Aykaç, N. (2019). Evaluation of life science curricula (1926-2018). Trakya Journal of Education, 9(4), 708-722.
  • Simon, C. E. (2015). Effects of interdisciplinary experiential pedagogy on elementary social studies [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Saint Mary’s College of California.
  • Sönmez, V. (2010). Hayat bilgisi öğretimi ve öğretmen kılavuzu (6. Baskı). Ankara: Anı yayıncılık.
  • Şimşek, A. (2008). The wholeness teaching in history lessons: A perspective essay from Gestalt approach to Holistic approach. International Journal of Human Sciences, 5(2), 1-16.
  • Tay, B., & Baş, M. (2015). Comparison of 2009 and 2015 life science course curricula. Journal of Bayburt Education Faculty, 10(2), 341-374.
  • Tekerek, B., & Cebesoy, Ü. B. (2017). An interdisciplinary study on 8th grade middle grade students’ learning difficulties of line graphs in heattemperature unit. Necatibey Faculty of Education Electronic Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 11(2), 307-332.
  • White, J. D., & Carpenter, J. P. (2008). Integrating mathematics into the ıntroductory biology laboratory course. PRIMUS, 18(1), 22–38.

Examination of Primary School First Grade Life Science and Turkish Courses Acquisition in Terms of Integrated Education

Yıl 2024, , 1433 - 1466, 30.12.2024


At the primary school level, the child perceives the world as a whole during the primary school level. However, in the current curriculum, courses are prepared as independent sections. It is more suitable for the student’s development of the student to handle the courses as a whole rather than as independent units during this period. At the primary school level, preparing a curriculum according to this principle of integrity is expected to contribute more to student learning. In this direction, the research aims to investigate the acquisitions of first-grade life sciences and Turkish courses in terms of integrated education. The research was designed as a case study. Study data were obtained from primary school first-grade life sciences and Turkish course programs. The data analyzed with descriptive analysis are presented under six headings. The research results reveal that 39 of 53 life sciences and 47 Turkish language course acquisitions can be related and processed holistically. According to this association, it is possible to teach life science and Turkish lessons holistically in a minimum of 39 and a maximum of 106 lesson hours. On the other hand, if Turkish language acquisitions are associated with more than one life science course acquisition, the number of holistic courses can be increased. According to the results, some of the life sciences and Turkish lessons can be taught holistically in the first grade of primary school. Particularly at the first-grade level, holistic programs can be prepared in which different course acquisitions are linked to each other. If teachers are given in-service training regarding this program and teacher candidates are trained accordingly, the program is expected to be more efficient.


  • Akkaya, A. (2023). A comparison of 2018 and 2023 life sciences curricula. Journal of Cappadocia Education, 4(1), 60-69.
  • Akosmanoğlu, E., & Bedel, A. (2021). Examination of the effects of the integrated family support education guide with the preschool education program (OBADER) on the attitudes of mothers towards their children. Journal of Early Childhood Studies, 5(1), 44-65.
  • Aktay, S., & Çetin, H. S. (2019). 2015, 2017 and 2018 life sciences course teaching programs. Eskisehir Osmangazi University Journal of Social Science, 20(Special Issue), 577-600.
  • Aladağ, S. (2016). Hayat bilgisi: tanımı, amacı ve doğası. Editör Semra Güven and Selahattin Kaymakçı. Hayat bilgisi öğretimi. Pp.1-21. Ankara: Pegem Akademi
  • Altun, T., & Güler, T. (2020). Investigation of classroom teachers' views on the renewed life science program. YYU Journal of Education Faculty, 17(1), 54-78.
  • Arslan, E., Erbay, F., & Saygın, Y. (2010). An investigation about the effect of communication skills education integrated with creative drama on students of departments of child development and education. The Journal of Selcuk University Social Sciences Institute, (23), 1-8.
  • Atik, S., & Aykaç, N. (2019). Evaluation of life science curricula (1926-2018). Trakya Journal of Education, 9(4), 708-722.
  • Avcı, E. K., & Kayabaşı, Z. E. K. (2018). Content analysis of the values in the purposes of life science education curricula (1936- 2018). Journal of Values Education, 16(35), 27-56.
  • Aybek, B. (2001). Interdisciplinary (integrated) teaching approach. Journal of Educational Research, 3, 1-7.
  • Baş, M., Tay, B., & Işık Tertemiz, N. (2021). The effects of integrated mathematics and social sciences teaching on 3rd grade students' academic achievement. Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University Journal of Faculty of Education, 21(4), 1311-1327.
  • Batmaz, O., Batmaz, M. C., & Kılıç, A. (2021). Opinions of primary school teachers about life science course teaching during the covid-19 epidemic. MANAS Journal of Social Studies, 10(3), 1665-1677.
  • Bolat, Y. (2016) An action research on the authentic assessment of a unit designed according to concept-based interdisciplinary approach [Unpublished doctoral thesis]. Çukurova University, Adana.
  • Budak Coşkun, S. (2009). An investigation of the effect of interdisciplinary approach used at 8th grade math lessons on students' mat achievement levels and critical thinking disposition inventory [Unpublished master's thesis]. Yıldız Teknik University, İstanbul.
  • Çelebi, G. (2020). Examining the effectiveness of the fifth grade mathematics curriculum integrated with the value of scientific education program [Unpublished master's thesis]. Marmara University, İstanbul.
  • Çelik, Ö. (2022). Hayat bilgisi dersinin amacı, kapsamı ve içeriği. Editör V. Aktepe ve M. Gündüz. Kuramdan uygulamaya Hayat Bilgisi öğretimi içinde. ss.2-25. Ankara: Pegem Akademi
  • Demirel, Ö., Tuncel, İ., Demirhan, C., & Demir, K. (2008). Teacher and pupil views about activities based on multiple ıntelligences and the ınterdisciplinary approach. Education and Science, 33(147), 14-25.
  • Deveci, İ. (2016). The development, implementation and evaluation of entrepreneurship training modules integrated with the middle school science curriculum [Unpublished doctoral thesis]. Uludağ University, Bursa.
  • Ekmen, M., & Demir, M. K. (2020). An investigation of the objectives of life study course curriculum according to the teacher’s opinions. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 77, 35-57. 10.29228/JASSS.39581
  • Engin, G., & Uygun, S. (2014). The effectiveness of language arts and physical education curriculum integrated with values education program. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 10(4), 942-969.
  • Erbil, B. A., & Doğan, B. (2019). According to the teachers’ opinions about needs for primary life studies curriculum. Journal of Education, Theory and Practical Research, 5(1), 14-26.
  • Esemen, A. (2019). Evaluation of the relationship between life science curriculum gains and root values. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 4(1), 16-29.
  • Gündoğan, A. (2020). Life sciences course from primary school student’s perspective. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International, 10(1), 31-53.
  • Gürkan, T., & Gökçe, E. (1999). Eğitim programlarını bütünleştirmenin on yolu. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences (JFES), 32(1), 29-39.
  • Herdem, K. (2016). The effect of values education activities integrated with seventh grade science subjects on students' value development [Unpublished master's thesis]. Adıyaman University, Adıyaman.
  • Kalaycı, N., & Yıldırım, N. (2020). Comparative analysis and evaluation of turkish course curricula (2009-2017-2019). Trakya Journal of Education, 10(1), 238-262.
  • Karacaoğlu, Ö. C. (2020). An examination of learning outcomes in the second grade life sciences curriculum and identification of their levels according to the criteria in the literature. Kırşehir Education Faculty Journal, 21(1), 34-62. 10.29299/kefad.2020.21.01.002
  • Karakuş, C. (2021). Analyzing the primary education social science program’s (2018) achievements in terms of life skills. Kocaeli University Journal of Education, 4(1), 1-25.
  • Karaman, P. (2019). Evaluation of the elements in the life science curriculum as per teachers' views. Iğdır University Journal of Social Sciencei, 17, 347-368.
  • Katılmış, A., Ekşi, H., & Öztürk, C. (2010). The efficiency of being scientific focused character education programme in social studies course. Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 1(1), 50-87.
  • Kıyıkcı, A. (2021). The investigation of 2018 life sciences curriculum and its activities in terms of predisposing the students to 21st-century skills. [Unpublished master's thesis]. Gaziantep University, Gaziantep.
  • Mason, T. C. (1996). Integrated curricula: potential and problems. Journal of Teacher Education, 47(4), 263-269.
  • Mcmillan, J. H. (2000). Educational research: Fundamentals for the consumer. New York: Addison Wesley Longman Inc.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı [MEB]. (2018). Mathematics course curriculum (Primary and secondary school 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. grades).
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı [MEB]. (2019). Turkish course curriculum (Primary and secondary school 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. grades).
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı [MEB]. (2023). İlkokul hayat bilgisi dersi (1, 2 ve 3. grades) öğretim programında değişiklik yapılmasına dair kurul kararı ve öğretim programı.
  • Özhamamcı, T. (2013). Teachers' opinions about interdisciplinary teaching applications in elementary and secondary school education programs [Unpublished master's thesis]. Gazi University, Ankara.
  • Öztürk, T., & Kalafatçı, Ö. (2016). Evaluation of the appliability of primary school life studies curriculum in terms of teacher’s opinions. Ihlara Journal Educational Research, 1(1), 58-74
  • Palmer, P. J. (1993). To know as we are known: Education as a spiritual journey. San Francisco: Harper.
  • Sağlam, H. İ. (2015). Toplum, birey ve doğaya bütüncül bakış: Hayat bilgisi. Editör M. Gültekin. Hayat bilgisi öğretimi. ss.1-14. Ankara: Nobel
  • Selçuk, A., & Aykaç, N. (2019). Evaluation of life science curricula (1926-2018). Trakya Journal of Education, 9(4), 708-722.
  • Simon, C. E. (2015). Effects of interdisciplinary experiential pedagogy on elementary social studies [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Saint Mary’s College of California.
  • Sönmez, V. (2010). Hayat bilgisi öğretimi ve öğretmen kılavuzu (6. Baskı). Ankara: Anı yayıncılık.
  • Şimşek, A. (2008). The wholeness teaching in history lessons: A perspective essay from Gestalt approach to Holistic approach. International Journal of Human Sciences, 5(2), 1-16.
  • Tay, B., & Baş, M. (2015). Comparison of 2009 and 2015 life science course curricula. Journal of Bayburt Education Faculty, 10(2), 341-374.
  • Tekerek, B., & Cebesoy, Ü. B. (2017). An interdisciplinary study on 8th grade middle grade students’ learning difficulties of line graphs in heattemperature unit. Necatibey Faculty of Education Electronic Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 11(2), 307-332.
  • White, J. D., & Carpenter, J. P. (2008). Integrating mathematics into the ıntroductory biology laboratory course. PRIMUS, 18(1), 22–38.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Türkçe ve Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Fehmi Demir 0000-0003-4111-0700

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Mart 2024
Kabul Tarihi 15 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Demir, F. (2024). İlkokul Birinci Sınıf Hayat Bilgisi ve Türkçe Dersi Kazanımlarının Bütünleştirilmiş Eğitim Açısından İncelenmesi. Ondokuz Mayis University Journal of Education Faculty, 43(2), 1433-1466.