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Algılanan Lüks Marka Değerinin ve Marka İtibarının Premium Fiyat Ödeme İstekliliği Üzerindeki Etkisi

Year 2019, , 1680 - 1709, 31.12.2019


Lüks mallar tarihin her döneminde bireyler için ilgi
çekici ve satın alma arzusu uyandıran mallar olarak yer almıştır. Lüks malların
diğer mallardan ayrılmasında önemli bir etken ise sahip olmak isteyenlere
sunduğu değerler olmaktadır. Lüks malların değer önermeleri ise tarih
içerisinde değişmiş ve daha karmaşık hale gelmiştir. Sunulan değer önermesinin
bedeli olarak ise işletmeler bu mallar için özel ve yüksek fiyatlar
belirlemektedirler. Lüks mallar karşısında işletmelerin premium fiyatlar
istemesi, tüketicilere sundukları değerlerle tüketici beklentilerini
karşıladığında kabul görmektedir. Mevcut araştırmanın amacı tüketicilerin
premium fiyat ödeme istekliliğine etki eden faktörleri araştırmaktır. Araştırma
modelinde marka itibarı ve algılanan lüks marka değerinin Premium fiyat ödeme
istekliliği üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında kolayda
örneklem ile 273 anket yapılmıştır. Lüks marka değeri altında fonksiyonel
değer, deneyimsel değer ve sembolik değerin etkisi ölçülmüştür. Çalışma
bulgularında marka itibarının hem algılanan marka değeri boyutlarına hem de
premium fiyat ödeme istekliliğine anlamlı bir etkisi olduğu bulunmuştur. Ayrıca
algılanan değer boyutlarından fonksiyonel değer ve deneyimsel değerin de
premium fiyat ödeme istekliliği üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi olduğu elde


  • Aaker, D. A. (1996). Measuring brand equity across products and markets. California Management Review, 38, 102-120.
  • Atwal, G. ve Williams, A. (2009). Luxury brand marketing-the experience is everything. Journal of Brand Management, 16, 338-346.
  • Audrin, C., Brosch, T. C. J. ve Sander, D. (2017). When Symbolism overtakes quality: Materialists consumers disregard product quality when faced with luxury brands. Journal of Economic Psychology, 61, 115-123.
  • Bao, Y., Bao, Y. ve Sheng, S. (2011). Motivating purchase of private brands: Effects of store image, product signatureness and quality variation. Journal of Business Research, 64, 220-226.
  • Berthon, P., Pitt, L., Parent, M. ve Berthon, J.-P. (2009). Aesthetics and Ephemerality: Observing and preserving the luxury brand. California Management Review, 52, 45-66.
  • Beverland, M. B. (2004). Uncovering "theories in use": Building luxur wine brands. European Journal of Marketing, 38, 446-466.
  • Chattalas, M. ve Shukla, P. (2015). Impact of value perceptions on luxury purchase intensions: a Developed market comparison. Luxury Research Journal, 1, 40-57.
  • Chaudhuri, A. (2002). How brand reputation Affects the advertising-brand equity link. Journal of Advertising Research, 42, 33-43.
  • Cheah, I., Phau, I., Chong, C. ve Shimul, A. S. (2015). Antecedents and outcomes of brand prominence on willingness to buy luxury brands. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 19, 402-415.
  • Choo, H. J., Moon, H., Kim, H. ve Yoon, N. (2012). Luxury customer value. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 16, 81-101.
  • Christodoulides, G., Michaelidou, N. ve Li, C. H. (2009). Mesasuring perceived brand luxury: An evaluation of the BLI scale. Brand Management, 16, 395-405.
  • Day, G., S. (1990), Market driven strategy. New York, NY: Free Press
  • Dubois, B., Czellar, S. ve Laurent, G. (2005). Consumer segments based on attitudes toward luxury: Empirical evidence from twenty countries. Marketing Letters, 16, 115-128.
  • Dubois, B. ve Duquense, P. (1993). The market for luxury goods: Income versus culture. Marketing and Research Today, 27, 25-44.
  • Dubois, B., Laurent, G. ve Czellar, S. (2001). Consumer rapport to luxury: Analyzing complex and ambivalent attitudes. France: HEC School of Management.
  • Dumoulin (2007). What is today's definition of luxury. Admap, 42(3), 27-30.
  • Fionda, A. M. ve Moore, C. M. (2009). The Anatomy of the Luxury fashion brand. Brand Management, 16, 347-363.
  • Fuchs, C., Prandelli, E., Schreier, M. ve Dahl, D. W. (2013). All that is users might not be gold: how labeling products as user designed backfires in the context of luxury fashion brands. Journal of Marketing, 77, 75-91.
  • Gil, L. A., Kwon, K.-N., Good, L. K. ve Johnson, L. W. (2012). Impact of Self on attitudes toward luxury brands among teens. Journal of Business Research, 65, 1425-1433.
  • Godey, B., Lagier, J. ve Pederzoli, D. (2009). A Measurement Scale of "aesthetic style" applied to luxury goods stores. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 37, 527-537.
  • Godey, B., Pederzoli, D., Aiello, G., Donvito, R., Wiedmann, K. P., ve Hennigs, N. (2013). A cross-cultural exploratory content analysis of the perception of luxury from six countries. Journal of Product ve Brand Management, 22, 229-237.
  • Godey, B., Manthiou, A., Pederzoli, D., Rokka, J., Aiello, G., Donvito, R., ve Singh, R. (2016). Social media marketing efforts of luxury brands: influence on brand equity and consumer behavior. Journal Of Business Research, 69, 5833-5841.
  • Haine, K. ve Phan, M. (2011). Trading-up Mass-market goods to luxury product. Australasian Marketing Journal, 19, 108-114.
  • Hassan, S. ve Mehmedovic, M. H. Duverger, P. (2015). Retainıng the allure of luxury brands during an economic downturn. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 19, 416-429.
  • Hudders, L., Pandelaere, M. ve Vyncke, P. (2013). Consumer meaning making the meaning of luxury brands in a democratised luxury world. International Journal of Marketing Research, 55, 391-412.
  • Hung, K., Chen, A., Peng, N., Hackley, C., Tiwsakuş, R. A. ve Chou, C. (2011). Antecedents of luxury brand purchase intention. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 20, 457-467.
  • Husic, M. ve Cicic, M. (2009). Luxury consumption factors. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 13, 231-245.
  • Jain, V., ve Schultz, D. E. (2019). How digital platforms influence luxury purchase behavior in India. Journal of Marketing Communications, 25, 41-64.
  • Juggessur J, ve Cohen G. (2009). Is fashion promoting counterfeit brands? Journal of Brand Management, 16, 383–394.
  • Kapferer, J.-N. (1998). Why Are we seduced by luxury brands. Journal of Brand Management, 6, 44-4.
  • Kapferer, J. N. (1997). Managing luxury brands. Journal of Brand Management, 4, 251-260.
  • Kapferer, J. N. (2012). Abundant rarity: The key to luxury growth. Business Horizons, 55, 453-462.
  • Kapferer, J. N. ve Bastien, V. (2009). The specifity of luxury management: Turning marketing upside down. Joyrnal of Brand Management, 16, 311-322.
  • Kapferer, J.-N. ve Valette-Florence, P. (2016). Beyond rarity: the paths of luxury desire. How luxury brands grow yet remain desirable. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 25, 120-133.
  • Kapferer, J.-N. ve Laurent, G. (2016). Where do consumers think luxury begins? A Study of perceived minimum price for 21 luxury goods in 7 countries. Journal of Business Research. 69, 332-340
  • Keller, K. L. (2009). Managing the growth tradeoff: Challenges and opportunities in luxury branding. Journal of Brand Management, 16, 290-301.
  • Kemp, S. (1998). Perceiving luxury and necessity. Journal of Economic Psychology, 19, 591-606.
  • Kim, D. J., Ferrin, D. L. ve Rao, H. R. (2008). A Trust-based consumer decision making model in electronic commerce: The role of trust, perceived risk and their antecedents. Decision Support Systems, 44, 544-564.
  • Kim, A. Kim, G. ve So Young, S. (2009). Conjoint analysis for luxury brand outlet malls in Korea with consideration of customer lifetime value. Expert Sistems with Applicaitons, 36, 922-932.
  • Kim, K. H., Ko, E., Xu, B. ve Han, Y. (2012). Increasing customer equity of luxury fashion brands through nurturing consumer attitude. Journal of Business Research, 65, 1495-1499.
  • Lacroix, C. ve Jolibert, A. (2017). Mediational role of perceived personal legacy value between consumer agentic generativity and attitudes/buying intensions toward luxury brands. Journal of Business Research, 77, 203-211.
  • Lai, A. W., (1995). Consumer values, product benefits and customer value: a consumption behavior approach. Advances in Cosnumer Research, 22, 381-388
  • Lee, E., Edwards, S. M., Youn, S. ve Yun, T. (2018). Understanding the moderating effect of motivational values on young consumers' responses to luxury brands: A cross cultural study of South Korea and the USA. Journal of Marketing Communications,24, 103-124
  • Lee, J. H. ve Hwang, J. (2011). Luxury marketing: The influences of psychological and demographic characteristics on attitudes toward luxury restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30, 658-669.
  • Lee, W. J., Phau, I. ve Roy, R. (2012). Status and nanstatus consumers'attitudes toward foreign and domestic luxury brands of underwear. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 24, 43-56.
  • McKinsey (1990). The luxury industry. Paris: McKinsey Corp.
  • Megehee, C. M. ve Spake, D. F. (2012). Consumer Enactments of archetypes using luxury brands. Journal of Business Research, 65, 1434-1442.
  • Miller, K. W. ve Mills, M. K. (2012). Contributing clarity by examing brand luxury in the fashion market. Journal of Business Research, 65, 1471-1479.
  • Moore, C. M. ve Birtwistle, G. (2004). The Burberry business model: Creating an international luxury fashion brand. International Journal of Retail and Distribustion Management, 32, 412-422.
  • Netemeyer, R. G. Krishnan B., Pullig, C., Wang, G., Yagci, M., Dean, D., Ricks, J., ve Wirth F. (2004). Developing and validating measures of facets of customer-based brand equity. Journal of Business Research, 57, 209-224.
  • Nia, A. ve Zaichkowsky, J. L., (2000). Do counterfeits devalue the ownership of luxury brands?. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 9, 485-497.
  • Nueno, J. L. ve Quelch, J. A. (1998). The mass marketing of luxury. Business Horizons, November-December, 61-68.
  • Onkokwo, U. (2007). Luxury fashion branding: Trends, tactics and techniques. - ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Oxford, D., (2017). Oxford living dictionaries. [Online] Available at: Accessed 20 November 2017.
  • Parguel, B., Delecolle, T. ve Florence, P. V. (2016). How price display influences consumer luxury perceptions. Journal of Business Research, 69, 341-348.
  • Phau, I. ve Prendergast, G. (2000). Consuming luxury brands: The relevance of the "rarity principle". Journal of Brand Management, 8, 122-138.
  • Phau, I., Teah, M. ve Chuah, J., (2015). Consumer attitudes towards luxury fashion apparel made in sweatshops. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 19, 169-187.
  • Prendergast, G. ve Wong, C. (2003). Parental influence on the purchase of luxury brands of infant apparel: An exploratory study in Hong Kong. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 20, 157-169.
  • Riley, F. D., Pina, J. M. ve Bravo, R. (2015). The role of perceived value in vertical brand extension of luxury and premium brands. Journal of Marketing Management, 31, 881-913.
  • Roper, S., Caruana, R., Medway, D. ve Murphy, P. (2013). Constructing luxury brands: Exploring the role of consumer discourse. European Journal of Marketing, 47, 375-400.
  • Salezadeh, R. ve Pool, J. K. (2017). Brand attitude and perceived value and purchase intention toward global luxury brands. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 29, 74-82.
  • Shukla, P., Banerjee, M. ve Singh, J. (2016). Customer commitment to luxury brands: Antecedents and consequences. Journal of Business Research, 69, 323-331.
  • Silverstein, M. L., Fiske, N, ve Butman, J. (2005). Trading up: the New American luxury. , New York: Boston Consulting Group.
  • Siu, N. Y.-M., Kwan, H. Y. ve Zeng, C. Y. (2016). The role of brand equity and face saving in chinese luxury consumption. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 33, 245-256.
  • Smith, A. (1776). An inquiry into the nature and causes of wealth of nations. London: W. StrahanveT. Cadell.
  • Sreejesh, S., Sarkar, A. ve Roy, S. (2016). Validating a scale to measure consumer’s luxury brand aspiration. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 25, 465-478.
  • Sweeney, J. C. ve Soutar, G. N. (2001). Consumer perceived value: The development of a multiple item scale. Journal of Retailing, 77, 203-220.
  • Thomas, D. (2008). Deluxe: How Luxury Lost its Luster. New York: Thorndike Press.
  • Truong, Y., McColl, R. ve Kitchen, P. J. (2009). New luxury brand positioning and the emerge of masstige brands. Journal of Brand Management, 16, 375-382.
  • Truong, Y., McColl, R. ve Kitchen, P. J. (2010). Uncovering the relationships between aspirations and luxury brand preference. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 19, 346-355.
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The Effect of Perceived Luxury Brand Value and Brand Reputation on Willingness to Pay Price Premium

Year 2019, , 1680 - 1709, 31.12.2019


During history, luxury goods have been an
interesting and demanding goods for individuals. An important factor in the
separation of luxury goods from other goods is the values ​​it offers to those
who wish to own. The value propositions of luxury goods have changed and become
more complex in history. As the return of the value proposition offered, the
companies set special and high prices for these goods. The fact that companies
demand premium prices against luxury goods is accepted when they meet consumer
expectations with the values ​​they offer to consumers. The aim of the present
research is to investigate the factors that affect consumers' willingness to
pay price premium. In the research model, the effect of brand reputation and
perceived luxury brand value on the willingness to pay price premium was
investigated. Within the scope of the study, 273 questionnaires were conducted
with convenience sampling method. Under the luxury brand value, the effect of
functional value, experiential value and symbolic value was measured. In the
study findings, it was found that brand reputation has a significant effect on
both perceived brand value dimensions and willingness to pay premium price. In
addition, functional value and experiential value of perceived value dimensions
had a significant effect on willingness to pay premium price.


  • Aaker, D. A. (1996). Measuring brand equity across products and markets. California Management Review, 38, 102-120.
  • Atwal, G. ve Williams, A. (2009). Luxury brand marketing-the experience is everything. Journal of Brand Management, 16, 338-346.
  • Audrin, C., Brosch, T. C. J. ve Sander, D. (2017). When Symbolism overtakes quality: Materialists consumers disregard product quality when faced with luxury brands. Journal of Economic Psychology, 61, 115-123.
  • Bao, Y., Bao, Y. ve Sheng, S. (2011). Motivating purchase of private brands: Effects of store image, product signatureness and quality variation. Journal of Business Research, 64, 220-226.
  • Berthon, P., Pitt, L., Parent, M. ve Berthon, J.-P. (2009). Aesthetics and Ephemerality: Observing and preserving the luxury brand. California Management Review, 52, 45-66.
  • Beverland, M. B. (2004). Uncovering "theories in use": Building luxur wine brands. European Journal of Marketing, 38, 446-466.
  • Chattalas, M. ve Shukla, P. (2015). Impact of value perceptions on luxury purchase intensions: a Developed market comparison. Luxury Research Journal, 1, 40-57.
  • Chaudhuri, A. (2002). How brand reputation Affects the advertising-brand equity link. Journal of Advertising Research, 42, 33-43.
  • Cheah, I., Phau, I., Chong, C. ve Shimul, A. S. (2015). Antecedents and outcomes of brand prominence on willingness to buy luxury brands. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 19, 402-415.
  • Choo, H. J., Moon, H., Kim, H. ve Yoon, N. (2012). Luxury customer value. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 16, 81-101.
  • Christodoulides, G., Michaelidou, N. ve Li, C. H. (2009). Mesasuring perceived brand luxury: An evaluation of the BLI scale. Brand Management, 16, 395-405.
  • Day, G., S. (1990), Market driven strategy. New York, NY: Free Press
  • Dubois, B., Czellar, S. ve Laurent, G. (2005). Consumer segments based on attitudes toward luxury: Empirical evidence from twenty countries. Marketing Letters, 16, 115-128.
  • Dubois, B. ve Duquense, P. (1993). The market for luxury goods: Income versus culture. Marketing and Research Today, 27, 25-44.
  • Dubois, B., Laurent, G. ve Czellar, S. (2001). Consumer rapport to luxury: Analyzing complex and ambivalent attitudes. France: HEC School of Management.
  • Dumoulin (2007). What is today's definition of luxury. Admap, 42(3), 27-30.
  • Fionda, A. M. ve Moore, C. M. (2009). The Anatomy of the Luxury fashion brand. Brand Management, 16, 347-363.
  • Fuchs, C., Prandelli, E., Schreier, M. ve Dahl, D. W. (2013). All that is users might not be gold: how labeling products as user designed backfires in the context of luxury fashion brands. Journal of Marketing, 77, 75-91.
  • Gil, L. A., Kwon, K.-N., Good, L. K. ve Johnson, L. W. (2012). Impact of Self on attitudes toward luxury brands among teens. Journal of Business Research, 65, 1425-1433.
  • Godey, B., Lagier, J. ve Pederzoli, D. (2009). A Measurement Scale of "aesthetic style" applied to luxury goods stores. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 37, 527-537.
  • Godey, B., Pederzoli, D., Aiello, G., Donvito, R., Wiedmann, K. P., ve Hennigs, N. (2013). A cross-cultural exploratory content analysis of the perception of luxury from six countries. Journal of Product ve Brand Management, 22, 229-237.
  • Godey, B., Manthiou, A., Pederzoli, D., Rokka, J., Aiello, G., Donvito, R., ve Singh, R. (2016). Social media marketing efforts of luxury brands: influence on brand equity and consumer behavior. Journal Of Business Research, 69, 5833-5841.
  • Haine, K. ve Phan, M. (2011). Trading-up Mass-market goods to luxury product. Australasian Marketing Journal, 19, 108-114.
  • Hassan, S. ve Mehmedovic, M. H. Duverger, P. (2015). Retainıng the allure of luxury brands during an economic downturn. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 19, 416-429.
  • Hudders, L., Pandelaere, M. ve Vyncke, P. (2013). Consumer meaning making the meaning of luxury brands in a democratised luxury world. International Journal of Marketing Research, 55, 391-412.
  • Hung, K., Chen, A., Peng, N., Hackley, C., Tiwsakuş, R. A. ve Chou, C. (2011). Antecedents of luxury brand purchase intention. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 20, 457-467.
  • Husic, M. ve Cicic, M. (2009). Luxury consumption factors. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 13, 231-245.
  • Jain, V., ve Schultz, D. E. (2019). How digital platforms influence luxury purchase behavior in India. Journal of Marketing Communications, 25, 41-64.
  • Juggessur J, ve Cohen G. (2009). Is fashion promoting counterfeit brands? Journal of Brand Management, 16, 383–394.
  • Kapferer, J.-N. (1998). Why Are we seduced by luxury brands. Journal of Brand Management, 6, 44-4.
  • Kapferer, J. N. (1997). Managing luxury brands. Journal of Brand Management, 4, 251-260.
  • Kapferer, J. N. (2012). Abundant rarity: The key to luxury growth. Business Horizons, 55, 453-462.
  • Kapferer, J. N. ve Bastien, V. (2009). The specifity of luxury management: Turning marketing upside down. Joyrnal of Brand Management, 16, 311-322.
  • Kapferer, J.-N. ve Valette-Florence, P. (2016). Beyond rarity: the paths of luxury desire. How luxury brands grow yet remain desirable. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 25, 120-133.
  • Kapferer, J.-N. ve Laurent, G. (2016). Where do consumers think luxury begins? A Study of perceived minimum price for 21 luxury goods in 7 countries. Journal of Business Research. 69, 332-340
  • Keller, K. L. (2009). Managing the growth tradeoff: Challenges and opportunities in luxury branding. Journal of Brand Management, 16, 290-301.
  • Kemp, S. (1998). Perceiving luxury and necessity. Journal of Economic Psychology, 19, 591-606.
  • Kim, D. J., Ferrin, D. L. ve Rao, H. R. (2008). A Trust-based consumer decision making model in electronic commerce: The role of trust, perceived risk and their antecedents. Decision Support Systems, 44, 544-564.
  • Kim, A. Kim, G. ve So Young, S. (2009). Conjoint analysis for luxury brand outlet malls in Korea with consideration of customer lifetime value. Expert Sistems with Applicaitons, 36, 922-932.
  • Kim, K. H., Ko, E., Xu, B. ve Han, Y. (2012). Increasing customer equity of luxury fashion brands through nurturing consumer attitude. Journal of Business Research, 65, 1495-1499.
  • Lacroix, C. ve Jolibert, A. (2017). Mediational role of perceived personal legacy value between consumer agentic generativity and attitudes/buying intensions toward luxury brands. Journal of Business Research, 77, 203-211.
  • Lai, A. W., (1995). Consumer values, product benefits and customer value: a consumption behavior approach. Advances in Cosnumer Research, 22, 381-388
  • Lee, E., Edwards, S. M., Youn, S. ve Yun, T. (2018). Understanding the moderating effect of motivational values on young consumers' responses to luxury brands: A cross cultural study of South Korea and the USA. Journal of Marketing Communications,24, 103-124
  • Lee, J. H. ve Hwang, J. (2011). Luxury marketing: The influences of psychological and demographic characteristics on attitudes toward luxury restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30, 658-669.
  • Lee, W. J., Phau, I. ve Roy, R. (2012). Status and nanstatus consumers'attitudes toward foreign and domestic luxury brands of underwear. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 24, 43-56.
  • McKinsey (1990). The luxury industry. Paris: McKinsey Corp.
  • Megehee, C. M. ve Spake, D. F. (2012). Consumer Enactments of archetypes using luxury brands. Journal of Business Research, 65, 1434-1442.
  • Miller, K. W. ve Mills, M. K. (2012). Contributing clarity by examing brand luxury in the fashion market. Journal of Business Research, 65, 1471-1479.
  • Moore, C. M. ve Birtwistle, G. (2004). The Burberry business model: Creating an international luxury fashion brand. International Journal of Retail and Distribustion Management, 32, 412-422.
  • Netemeyer, R. G. Krishnan B., Pullig, C., Wang, G., Yagci, M., Dean, D., Ricks, J., ve Wirth F. (2004). Developing and validating measures of facets of customer-based brand equity. Journal of Business Research, 57, 209-224.
  • Nia, A. ve Zaichkowsky, J. L., (2000). Do counterfeits devalue the ownership of luxury brands?. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 9, 485-497.
  • Nueno, J. L. ve Quelch, J. A. (1998). The mass marketing of luxury. Business Horizons, November-December, 61-68.
  • Onkokwo, U. (2007). Luxury fashion branding: Trends, tactics and techniques. - ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Oxford, D., (2017). Oxford living dictionaries. [Online] Available at: Accessed 20 November 2017.
  • Parguel, B., Delecolle, T. ve Florence, P. V. (2016). How price display influences consumer luxury perceptions. Journal of Business Research, 69, 341-348.
  • Phau, I. ve Prendergast, G. (2000). Consuming luxury brands: The relevance of the "rarity principle". Journal of Brand Management, 8, 122-138.
  • Phau, I., Teah, M. ve Chuah, J., (2015). Consumer attitudes towards luxury fashion apparel made in sweatshops. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 19, 169-187.
  • Prendergast, G. ve Wong, C. (2003). Parental influence on the purchase of luxury brands of infant apparel: An exploratory study in Hong Kong. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 20, 157-169.
  • Riley, F. D., Pina, J. M. ve Bravo, R. (2015). The role of perceived value in vertical brand extension of luxury and premium brands. Journal of Marketing Management, 31, 881-913.
  • Roper, S., Caruana, R., Medway, D. ve Murphy, P. (2013). Constructing luxury brands: Exploring the role of consumer discourse. European Journal of Marketing, 47, 375-400.
  • Salezadeh, R. ve Pool, J. K. (2017). Brand attitude and perceived value and purchase intention toward global luxury brands. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 29, 74-82.
  • Shukla, P., Banerjee, M. ve Singh, J. (2016). Customer commitment to luxury brands: Antecedents and consequences. Journal of Business Research, 69, 323-331.
  • Silverstein, M. L., Fiske, N, ve Butman, J. (2005). Trading up: the New American luxury. , New York: Boston Consulting Group.
  • Siu, N. Y.-M., Kwan, H. Y. ve Zeng, C. Y. (2016). The role of brand equity and face saving in chinese luxury consumption. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 33, 245-256.
  • Smith, A. (1776). An inquiry into the nature and causes of wealth of nations. London: W. StrahanveT. Cadell.
  • Sreejesh, S., Sarkar, A. ve Roy, S. (2016). Validating a scale to measure consumer’s luxury brand aspiration. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 25, 465-478.
  • Sweeney, J. C. ve Soutar, G. N. (2001). Consumer perceived value: The development of a multiple item scale. Journal of Retailing, 77, 203-220.
  • Thomas, D. (2008). Deluxe: How Luxury Lost its Luster. New York: Thorndike Press.
  • Truong, Y., McColl, R. ve Kitchen, P. J. (2009). New luxury brand positioning and the emerge of masstige brands. Journal of Brand Management, 16, 375-382.
  • Truong, Y., McColl, R. ve Kitchen, P. J. (2010). Uncovering the relationships between aspirations and luxury brand preference. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 19, 346-355.
  • Tynan, C., McKechnie, S. ve Chhuon, C. (2010). Co-creation value for luxury brands. Journal of Business Research, 63, 1156-1163.
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There are 81 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Operation
Journal Section Articles

Ozge Habiboglu 0000-0001-5312-5024

Aypar Uslu 0000-0002-6994-9367

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Acceptance Date December 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Habiboglu, O., & Uslu, A. (2019). Algılanan Lüks Marka Değerinin ve Marka İtibarının Premium Fiyat Ödeme İstekliliği Üzerindeki Etkisi. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 14(20), 1680-1709.