HEXB Geninde Yeni Bir C.1341delt Homozigot Mutasyonu Saptanan Fotosensitif Nöbetli Bir Kız Çocuğu Vakası
Yıl 2019,
, 289 - 293, 01.07.2019
Gonca Kılıç Yıldırım
Coşkun Yarar
Kürşat Bora Çarman
Hikmet Başmak
hastalığı otozomal resesif geçişli, nadir rastlanan lizozomal depo
hastalıklarından biridir. Progresif nörolojik gerileme ve makulada kiraz
kırmızısı nokta (Cherry red spot) görünümü tipiktir. Total β-hekzosaminidaz A
ve B enzim aktivitelerinde azalmanın ve HEXB geninde mutasyonun gösterilmesi
ile tanı doğrulanır. 14 aylık kız
hasta gelişme geriliği ve makulada kiraz kırmızısı nokta görünümü saptanması
üzerine yönlendirildi. Öyküsünden aralarında birinci dereceden akrabalık olan
anne babanın tek çocuğu olduğu, baş boyun kontrolünün hiç olmadığı, anneyi
tanımadığı öğrenildi. Hastanın nörolojik muayenesinde göz teması ve baş boyun
kontrolü yoktu. Sese karşı aşırı irkilmesi ve hipotonisitesi mevcuttu. Hepatosplenomegali
saptanmadı. Enzim çalışmasında Total β-Hekzosaminidaz A ve B 29
nmol/saat/mg protein (N: 1223±273 nmol/saat/mg protein), genetik çalışmasında
HEXB geninde c.1341delT homozigot
mutasyonu saptandı. Hastaya Sandhoff
hastalığı tanısı konuldu, aileye hastalık hakkında bilgi ve genetik danışma
verildi. İzleminde tek taraflı fotosensitif nöbet ve elektroensefalografide
fokal bulgu saptandı. Bu olgu ile metabolik hastalık şüphesi olan hastalarda
göz dibi muayenesinin tanıda önemine; Sandhoff hastalığının atipik
bulgular ile de seyredebileceğine dikkat çekilmek istenmiştir.
- Referans 1-Sandhoff K, Andreae U, Jatzkewitz H. Deficient hexosaminidase activity in an exceptional case of Tay-Sachs disease with additional storage of kidney globoside in visceral organs. Life Sci 1968; 7 (6): 283-8.
- Referans 2-Saudubray, Van den Berghe, Walter. Disorders of sphingolipid synthesis, sphingolipidoses, Niemann-Pick disease type C and neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses. Inborn Metabolic Diseases, Diagnosis and Treatment. 6 th edition 2016; Chapter 38: 561-2.
- Referans 3-Maegawa GH, Stockley T, Tropak M et al. The natural history of juvenile or subacute GM2 gangliosidosis: 21 new cases and literatüre review of 134 previously reported. Pediatrics 2006; 118 (5): 1550-62.
- Referans 4-Nyhan WL, Barshop BA, Al-aqeel A. Sandhoff disease/GM2 gangliosidosis/deficiency of hexosaminidase A and B/hex-B subunit deficiency. Atlas of Inherited Metabolic Diseases. Third edition 2012; Chapter 91: 686-93.
- Referans 5-Hendriksz, C.J, P.C. Corry, J.E. Wraith, Besley, A. Cooper, and C.D. Ferrie. Juvenile Sandhoff disease-Nine New Cases and a review of the literature. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 2004; 27 (2): 241–49.
- Referans 6-Delnooz CC, Lefeber DJ, Langemeijer SM et al. New cases of adult-onset Sandhoff disease with a cerebellar or lower motor neuron phenotype. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2010; 81 (9): 968-72.
- Referans 7-Morton LD, selected disorders associated with epilepsy. In: Pellock JM, Bourgeois BFD, Dodson WE (eds), Pediatric Epilepsy, 3rd ed. Demos, New York 2007, 387-399.
- Referans 8-Çalışkan M, Özmen M, Beck M, Apak S. Thalamic hyperdensity-is it a diagnostic marker for Sandhoff disease? Brain Dev 1993; 15 (5): 387-88.
- Referans 9- Gutierrez SLG, Ruiz FML, Garcia PJJ, Chabas A, Manzano BS, Gomez MG, Lopez T. Evolutive neuroradiological alterations in Sandhoff's disease. Rev Neurol 1996; 24: 1263-66.
- Referans 10- Kumar D, Ramanathan S, Khanna M, Palaniappan Y. Bithalamic T2 hypointensity: a diagnostic clue for Sandhoff's disease. Neurol India. 2014; 62 (4): 481- 82.
- Referans 11- Hittmair K, Wimberger D, Bernert G, Mallek R, Schindler EG. MRI in a case of Sandhoff's disease. Neuroradiology 1996; 38 (1): 178-80.
- Referans 12- Yalçınkaya C. Kalıtsal metabolik hastalıklar ve epilepsi. İçinde: Bora İ, Yeni SN, Gürses C (ed). Epilepsi. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, 2008: 145-152.
- Referans 13- McCurdy VJ, Rockwell HE, Arthur JR, Bradbury AM, Johnson AK, Randle AN, Brunson BL, Hwang M, Gray-Edwards HL, Morrison NE, Johnson JA, Baker HJ, Cox NR, Seyfried TN, Sena-Esteves M, Martin DR. Widespread correction of central nervous system disease after intracranial gene therapy in a feline model of Sandhoff disease. Gene Ther. 2015 Feb; 22 (2): 181-89.
- Referans 14- Chiricozzi E, Niemir N, Aureli M, Magini A, Loberto N, Prinetti A, Bassi R, Polchi A, Emiliani C, Caillaud C,Sonnino S. Chaperone therapy for GM2 gangliosidosis: effects of pyrimethamine on β-hexosaminidase activity in Sandhoff fibroblasts. Mol Neurobiol. 2014; 50 (1): 159-67.
Case Report of A Novel C.1341 Delt Homozygous Mutation in The HEXB Gene in A Girl with Photosensitive Seizure
Yıl 2019,
, 289 - 293, 01.07.2019
Gonca Kılıç Yıldırım
Coşkun Yarar
Kürşat Bora Çarman
Hikmet Başmak
Sandhoff disease is one of the
rare lysosomal storage diseases with autosomal recessive inheritance. The
progressive neurological decline and the appearance of a cherry red spot on the
macula is typical. Diagnosis is confirmed by a decrease in total β-hexosaminidase
A and B enzyme activities and by showing the mutation in the HEXB gene. A
14-month-old girl was referred to our clinic for developmental delay and the
appearance of a cherry red spot on the macula. It was learned that she was the
only child of parents who had first degree relatives among them, she had no
head and neck control and did not recognize the mother. In the neurological
examination, there was no eye contact and head-neck control. She had excessive
irritation against noise and hypotonicity. Hepatosplenomegaly was not detected.
In the enzyme study, Total β-Hexosaminidase A and B 29 nmol / hour / mg protein
(N: 1223 ± 273 nmol / hour / mg protein) and in the HEXB gene study c.1341delT
homozygote mutation was detected. The patient was diagnosed with Sandhoff
disease, the family was informed about the disease and genetic counseling.
Unilateral photosensitive seizure and electroencephalography revealed focal
findings. In this case, the importance of diagnosis of ocular examination in
patients with suspected metabolic disease; It was aimed to draw attention to
the fact that Sandhoff disease may also be observed with atypical findings.
- Referans 1-Sandhoff K, Andreae U, Jatzkewitz H. Deficient hexosaminidase activity in an exceptional case of Tay-Sachs disease with additional storage of kidney globoside in visceral organs. Life Sci 1968; 7 (6): 283-8.
- Referans 2-Saudubray, Van den Berghe, Walter. Disorders of sphingolipid synthesis, sphingolipidoses, Niemann-Pick disease type C and neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses. Inborn Metabolic Diseases, Diagnosis and Treatment. 6 th edition 2016; Chapter 38: 561-2.
- Referans 3-Maegawa GH, Stockley T, Tropak M et al. The natural history of juvenile or subacute GM2 gangliosidosis: 21 new cases and literatüre review of 134 previously reported. Pediatrics 2006; 118 (5): 1550-62.
- Referans 4-Nyhan WL, Barshop BA, Al-aqeel A. Sandhoff disease/GM2 gangliosidosis/deficiency of hexosaminidase A and B/hex-B subunit deficiency. Atlas of Inherited Metabolic Diseases. Third edition 2012; Chapter 91: 686-93.
- Referans 5-Hendriksz, C.J, P.C. Corry, J.E. Wraith, Besley, A. Cooper, and C.D. Ferrie. Juvenile Sandhoff disease-Nine New Cases and a review of the literature. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 2004; 27 (2): 241–49.
- Referans 6-Delnooz CC, Lefeber DJ, Langemeijer SM et al. New cases of adult-onset Sandhoff disease with a cerebellar or lower motor neuron phenotype. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2010; 81 (9): 968-72.
- Referans 7-Morton LD, selected disorders associated with epilepsy. In: Pellock JM, Bourgeois BFD, Dodson WE (eds), Pediatric Epilepsy, 3rd ed. Demos, New York 2007, 387-399.
- Referans 8-Çalışkan M, Özmen M, Beck M, Apak S. Thalamic hyperdensity-is it a diagnostic marker for Sandhoff disease? Brain Dev 1993; 15 (5): 387-88.
- Referans 9- Gutierrez SLG, Ruiz FML, Garcia PJJ, Chabas A, Manzano BS, Gomez MG, Lopez T. Evolutive neuroradiological alterations in Sandhoff's disease. Rev Neurol 1996; 24: 1263-66.
- Referans 10- Kumar D, Ramanathan S, Khanna M, Palaniappan Y. Bithalamic T2 hypointensity: a diagnostic clue for Sandhoff's disease. Neurol India. 2014; 62 (4): 481- 82.
- Referans 11- Hittmair K, Wimberger D, Bernert G, Mallek R, Schindler EG. MRI in a case of Sandhoff's disease. Neuroradiology 1996; 38 (1): 178-80.
- Referans 12- Yalçınkaya C. Kalıtsal metabolik hastalıklar ve epilepsi. İçinde: Bora İ, Yeni SN, Gürses C (ed). Epilepsi. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, 2008: 145-152.
- Referans 13- McCurdy VJ, Rockwell HE, Arthur JR, Bradbury AM, Johnson AK, Randle AN, Brunson BL, Hwang M, Gray-Edwards HL, Morrison NE, Johnson JA, Baker HJ, Cox NR, Seyfried TN, Sena-Esteves M, Martin DR. Widespread correction of central nervous system disease after intracranial gene therapy in a feline model of Sandhoff disease. Gene Ther. 2015 Feb; 22 (2): 181-89.
- Referans 14- Chiricozzi E, Niemir N, Aureli M, Magini A, Loberto N, Prinetti A, Bassi R, Polchi A, Emiliani C, Caillaud C,Sonnino S. Chaperone therapy for GM2 gangliosidosis: effects of pyrimethamine on β-hexosaminidase activity in Sandhoff fibroblasts. Mol Neurobiol. 2014; 50 (1): 159-67.