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Plastron Apandisit ile Karışan Tüberküloz Peritoniti

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 47 Sayı: 2, 328 - 332, 27.02.2025


Akut apandisit, karın ağrısı nedeniyle acil servise başvuran en yaygın cerrahi durumdur. Çocuklarda lenfoid hiperplazi, erişkinlerde ise fekalit en sık nedenlerdir. Ayrıca, Crohn hastalığı ve gastrointestinal tüberküloz da granülomatöz inflamasyona yol açabilir. Apendektomi örneklerinde granülomatöz apandisit görülme sıklığı %0.1 ile %2 arasındadır. Tüberküloz, özellikle gelişmekte olan ülkelerde önde gelen ölüm nedenlerindendir ve abdominal tüberküloz vakaların %1-2’sini oluşturur. Abdominal tüberküloz belirtileri spesifik olmadığından, birçok hastalıkla karışabilir. Bu çalışmada, plastron apandisit ön tanısıyla ameliyat edilen ve sonrasında intestinal tüberküloz tanısı alan bir vaka sunulmaktadır. 31 yaşında kadın hasta, 10 gündür süren karın ağrısı ve ishal şikayetiyle acil servise başvurdu. Fizik muayenede sağ alt kadranda hassasiyet tespit edildi. Yapılan laboratuvar testlerinde yüksek CRP ve lökosit seviyeleri belirlendi. Abdominal BT’de plastron apandisit bulguları üzerine hasta antibiyoterapi ve klinik takip amacıyla yatırıldı. Tedavi süresince karın ağrısı ve ishal belirtileri devam eden hastada, kontrol BT’de inflamatuar bağırsak hastalığı ve batın içi tüberküloz belirtileri tespit edildi. Operasyonla sağ hemikolektomi ve lenf nodu diseksiyonu yapıldı. Postoperatif takiplerde hastaya batın içi tüberküloz tanısı konuldu ve tüberküloz tedavisi başlatıldı.Tüberküloz, mycobacterium tuberculosis kompleksinin neden olduğu, akciğerleri ve diğer organları etkileyen bir enfeksiyon hastalığıdır. Abdominal tüberküloz daha az yaygın olup, izole vakaların %15-20'sinde görülür. Olgumuzda hem Mycobacterium tuberculosis hem de Mycobacterium bovis izole edilmiştir. Abdominal tüberküloz, non-spesifik semptomlar nedeniyle maligniteleri taklit edebilir. Ultrasonografi, BT ve MR gibi görüntüleme yöntemleri tanıya yardımcı olabilir. Olgumuzda plastron apandisit ön tanısı ile başlayan süreç, abdominal tüberküloz tanısıyla sonuçlanmıştır. Erken ve doğru tanı, tıbbi tedavinin hızlı başlamasına ve morbidite ile mortalitenin azaltılmasına yardımcı olur.


  • 1. Akbulut S, Tas M, Sogutcu N, Arikanoglu Z, Basbug M, Ulku A, et al. Unusual histopathological findings in appendectomy specimens: a retrospective analysis and literature review. World journal of gastroenterology: WJG. 2011;17(15):1961.
  • 2. Yilmaz M, Akbulut S, Kutluturk K, Sahin N, Arabaci E, Ara C, et al. Unusual histopathological findings in appendectomy specimens from patients with suspected acute appendicitis. World journal of gastroenterology: WJG. 2013;19(25):4015.
  • 3. Pal K. Granulomatous appendicitis in children: a single institutional experience. African Journal of Paediatric Surgery. 2014;11(1):26-31.
  • 4. AbdullGaffar B. Granulomatous diseases and granulomas of the appendix. International journal of surgical pathology. 2010;18(1):14-20.
  • 5. Lamps LW, Madhusudhan KT, Greenson JK, Pierce RH, Massoll NA, Chiles MC, et al. The role of Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in granulomatous appendicitis: a histologic and molecular study. The American journal of surgical pathology. 2001;25(4):508-15.
  • 6. World Health O. World Health Organization Global Tuberculosis Report 2020. World Health Organization. 2020;232.
  • 7. Taramasso L, Tatarelli P, Ricci E, Madeddu G, Menzaghi B, Squillace N, et al. Improvement of lipid profile after switching from efavirenz or ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitors to rilpivirine or once-daily integrase inhibitors: results from a large observational cohort study (SCOLTA). BMC Infectious Diseases. 2018;18:1-8.
  • 8. Ulusoy AN, Karabicak I, Dicle K, Kefeli M, Tosun M, Cetinkaya M, et al. Peritoneal tuberculosis in premenopausal patients with elevated serum CA 125. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics. 2010;282:639-42.
  • 9. Taşkın Dalgıç B, Yenişehirli G, Tanrıverdi ES, Akkan M, Otlu B, Sezer Ö, et al. [A Case of Intra-abdominal Tuberculosis Due to Mycobacterium bovis Mimicking Ovarian Cancer: Importance of Microbiological Diagnosis]. Mikrobiyol Bul. 2022;56(1):124-32.
  • 10. Tirumani SH, Ojili V, Gunabushanam G, Shanbhogue AK, Nagar A, Fasih N, et al. Imaging of tuberculosis of the abdominal viscera: beyond the intestines. J Clin Imaging Sci. 2013;3:17.
  • 11. Koff A, Azar MM. Diagnosing peritoneal tuberculosis. BMJ Case Rep. 2020;13(2).
  • 12. Mignard S, Pichat C, Carret G. Mycobacterium bovis infection, Lyon, France. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006;12(9):1431-3.
  • 13. Weledji EP, Pokam BT. Abdominal tuberculosis: Is there a role for surgery? World journal of gastrointestinal surgery. 2017;9(8):174.
  • 14. Swe T, Naing AT, Phyo ZW, Thwin M. A rare presentation of peritoneal tuberculosis mimicking malignancy. Journal Of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports. 2016;4(4):2324709616679191.
  • 15. Ionescu S, Nicolescu AC, Madge OL, Marincas M, Radu M, Simion L. Differential Diagnosis of Abdominal Tuberculosis in the Adult-Literature Review. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021;11(12).
  • 16. Xu YE, Tan K, Hendahewa R. Intra-abdominal tuberculosis masquerading as ovarian carcinoma. J Surg Case Rep. 2019;2019(12):rjz361.
  • 17. Alrashed RF, Alkhuwaylidi AA, Aldashash KA, Albati NA, Algarni AA, Almodhaiberi H, et al. Peritoneal Tuberculosis in a Young Healthy Male Resembling Intra-Abdominal Malignancy. Cureus. 2021;13(12):e20677.
  • 18. Epstein D, Watermeyer G, Kirsch R. Review article: the diagnosis and management of Crohn's disease in populations with high-risk rates for tuberculosis. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2007;25(12):1373-88.

Tuberculous Peritonitis Confused with Plastron Appendicitis

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 47 Sayı: 2, 328 - 332, 27.02.2025


Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical cause of abdominal pain in emergency departments. In children, it is often due to lymphoid hyperplasia, while in adults, fecaliths are the primary cause. Granulomatous appendicitis is rare, with an incidence of 0.1-2%, and may result from gastrointestinal tuberculosis. Tuberculosis remains a significant cause of death, particularly in developing countries, and accounts for 1-2% of abdominal tuberculosis cases. Due to its nonspecific symptoms, abdominal tuberculosis can mimic various diseases, complicating diagnosis. This study presents a case of a 31-year-old female initially diagnosed with plastron appendicitis. She had a 10-day history of abdominal pain and diarrhea. Physical examination revealed right lower quadrant tenderness, and laboratory tests showed elevated CRP and leukocyte levels. Abdominal CT findings suggested plastron appendicitis, leading to antibiotic therapy and observation. However, her symptoms persisted, and follow-up imaging indicated inflammatory bowel disease and intra-abdominal tuberculosis. The patient underwent right hemicolectomy and lymph node dissection. Postoperative tests confirmed intra-abdominal tuberculosis, and anti-tuberculosis treatment was initiated. Tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, primarily affects the lungs but can also involve other organs. Isolated abdominal tuberculosis is uncommon, accounting for 15-20% of cases. In this patient, both Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium bovis were detected. Because of its nonspecific presentation, abdominal tuberculosis can resemble malignancies. Imaging techniques such as ultrasound, CT, and MRI aid in diagnosis. Early and accurate diagnosis is crucial for timely treatment, reducing morbidity and mortality.


  • 1. Akbulut S, Tas M, Sogutcu N, Arikanoglu Z, Basbug M, Ulku A, et al. Unusual histopathological findings in appendectomy specimens: a retrospective analysis and literature review. World journal of gastroenterology: WJG. 2011;17(15):1961.
  • 2. Yilmaz M, Akbulut S, Kutluturk K, Sahin N, Arabaci E, Ara C, et al. Unusual histopathological findings in appendectomy specimens from patients with suspected acute appendicitis. World journal of gastroenterology: WJG. 2013;19(25):4015.
  • 3. Pal K. Granulomatous appendicitis in children: a single institutional experience. African Journal of Paediatric Surgery. 2014;11(1):26-31.
  • 4. AbdullGaffar B. Granulomatous diseases and granulomas of the appendix. International journal of surgical pathology. 2010;18(1):14-20.
  • 5. Lamps LW, Madhusudhan KT, Greenson JK, Pierce RH, Massoll NA, Chiles MC, et al. The role of Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in granulomatous appendicitis: a histologic and molecular study. The American journal of surgical pathology. 2001;25(4):508-15.
  • 6. World Health O. World Health Organization Global Tuberculosis Report 2020. World Health Organization. 2020;232.
  • 7. Taramasso L, Tatarelli P, Ricci E, Madeddu G, Menzaghi B, Squillace N, et al. Improvement of lipid profile after switching from efavirenz or ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitors to rilpivirine or once-daily integrase inhibitors: results from a large observational cohort study (SCOLTA). BMC Infectious Diseases. 2018;18:1-8.
  • 8. Ulusoy AN, Karabicak I, Dicle K, Kefeli M, Tosun M, Cetinkaya M, et al. Peritoneal tuberculosis in premenopausal patients with elevated serum CA 125. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics. 2010;282:639-42.
  • 9. Taşkın Dalgıç B, Yenişehirli G, Tanrıverdi ES, Akkan M, Otlu B, Sezer Ö, et al. [A Case of Intra-abdominal Tuberculosis Due to Mycobacterium bovis Mimicking Ovarian Cancer: Importance of Microbiological Diagnosis]. Mikrobiyol Bul. 2022;56(1):124-32.
  • 10. Tirumani SH, Ojili V, Gunabushanam G, Shanbhogue AK, Nagar A, Fasih N, et al. Imaging of tuberculosis of the abdominal viscera: beyond the intestines. J Clin Imaging Sci. 2013;3:17.
  • 11. Koff A, Azar MM. Diagnosing peritoneal tuberculosis. BMJ Case Rep. 2020;13(2).
  • 12. Mignard S, Pichat C, Carret G. Mycobacterium bovis infection, Lyon, France. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006;12(9):1431-3.
  • 13. Weledji EP, Pokam BT. Abdominal tuberculosis: Is there a role for surgery? World journal of gastrointestinal surgery. 2017;9(8):174.
  • 14. Swe T, Naing AT, Phyo ZW, Thwin M. A rare presentation of peritoneal tuberculosis mimicking malignancy. Journal Of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports. 2016;4(4):2324709616679191.
  • 15. Ionescu S, Nicolescu AC, Madge OL, Marincas M, Radu M, Simion L. Differential Diagnosis of Abdominal Tuberculosis in the Adult-Literature Review. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021;11(12).
  • 16. Xu YE, Tan K, Hendahewa R. Intra-abdominal tuberculosis masquerading as ovarian carcinoma. J Surg Case Rep. 2019;2019(12):rjz361.
  • 17. Alrashed RF, Alkhuwaylidi AA, Aldashash KA, Albati NA, Algarni AA, Almodhaiberi H, et al. Peritoneal Tuberculosis in a Young Healthy Male Resembling Intra-Abdominal Malignancy. Cureus. 2021;13(12):e20677.
  • 18. Epstein D, Watermeyer G, Kirsch R. Review article: the diagnosis and management of Crohn's disease in populations with high-risk rates for tuberculosis. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2007;25(12):1373-88.
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Genel Cerrahi

Arda Şakir Yılmaz 0000-0003-1269-0814

Necdet Fatih Yaşar 0000-0002-3918-7920

Bartu Badak 0000-0003-3465-8719

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Şubat 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 3 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 47 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Yılmaz AŞ, Yaşar NF, Badak B. Tuberculous Peritonitis Confused with Plastron Appendicitis. Osmangazi Tıp Dergisi. 2025;47(2):328-32.

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