Manuscripts must be prepared by following “APA style,” as outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). Manuscripts should be 1,5 spaced throughout in a 12-point font, including quotations and references.
Manuscript must be written in MS Word.
Manuscripts that submitted simultaneously for publication any other journal are not considered.
Cover Page
Name of the manuscript should be written at the top of the page. Under the manuscript name, author's name, affiliation, and e-mail addresses should be written. Any coauthors should be listed in preferred order with name, affiliation, and contact information.
Abstract (150-200 words) should be situated after author information. The abstract should be written as clearly as possible in adherence to APA style. Key words (3-5 words) should follow abstract.
Main Text
In an experimental study main text should include following sections:
In other kinds of emprical studes (including qualitative and quantitative research) main text should include following sections:
In review studies:
Author(s) may name the sections and sub sections as they wish to make text easy to understand.
All kind of graphics, charts, tables, and photographs are acceptable (if it helps clarifying the text) and should be .jpg files.