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Arıtılmış kentsel atıksuların tarımsal sulama amaçlı kullanımı

Year 2018, Volume: 24 Issue: 6, 1161 - 1168, 18.12.2018


suya olan ihtiyacın gün geçtikçe artmasına bağlı olarak özellikle kentsel
atıksular hacimleri ve içerdikleri besin maddeleri nedeniyle tarımsal sulamada
cazip hale gelmiştir. Atıksular Dünya’nın birçok bölgesinde su kıtlığı ya da
ekonomik nedenlerle tarımsal sulamada yaygın bir şekilde arıtılarak, kısmi
arıtılarak, seyreltilerek ya da hiç arıtılmadan kullanılmaktadır. Fakat çoğu
endüstriyel atıksuya kıyasla kentsel atıksular daha az kompleks ve kolay
giderilebilir kirleticiler içerse de bu kirleticiler giderilmedikleri takdirde
kısa ve uzun dönemde insan ve çevre için tehdit oluşturmaktadır. Bu
kirleticilerden en önemlisi insan sağlığını direk tehdit eden patojenlerdir.
Patojenler haricinde atıksu içerisinde birçok askıda ya da çözünmüş organik ve
inorganik kirletici bulunmaktadır. Bu kirleticiler de uzun dönemli bir sulama
sonucunda birikerek toprak yapısında fiziksel ve kimyasal bozulmalara, yerüstü
ve yeraltı sularında direk ya da dolaylı yoldan insan hayatını tehdit edecek
kirlenmelere neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle sürdürülebilir bir tarımsal sulama
için atıksuların bu amaçla kullanımları öncesi muhakkak uygun bir şekilde
arıtılmaları ve kirletici konsantrasyonlarının sürekli kontrol edilmesi
gerekmektedir. Arıtmanın derecesi ve kullanılacak teknolojiler o ülkenin ya da
Dünya Sağlık Teşkilatı’nın belirlediği kirleticiler ve limit değerleri esas
alınarak seçilebilir. Yapılan birçok çalışma uygun bir şekilde arıtılmış
atıksuların tarımsal sulamada çiğ yenen meyve ve sebzeler de dahil olmak üzere
kullanılabileceğini göstermiştir.


  • Hussain I, Raschid L, Hanjra MA, Marikar F, Van der Hoek W. International Water Management Institute. “Wastewater use in agriculture: Review of impacts and Methodological Issues in Valuing Impacts”. Colombo, Sri Lanka, Working Paper 37, 2002.
  • Tessaro, D, Sampaio SC, Castaldelli APA. “Wastewater use in agriculture and potential effects on meso and macrofauna soil”. Ciência Rural, 46(6), 976-983, 2016.
  • Qadir M, Wichnels D, Raschid-Sally L, Minhas PS, Drechsel P, Bahri A, McCornick P. Agricultural use of Marginal-Quality Water-Opportunities and Challenges. Editor: Molden, D. Water for Food, Water for Life, 425-457, London and International Water Management Colombo: Institute, 2007.
  • Worldometers, “Water Consumed This Year”. (18.09.2017).
  • World Water Assessment Programme. “Managing Water Under Uncertainty and Risk”. The United Nations World Water Development, Paris, France, Report 4, 2012.
  • Kalavrouziotis IK, Arambatzis C, Kalfountzos D, Varnavas SP. “Wastewater reuse planning in agriculture: The case of Aitoloakarnania, Western Greece”. Water, 3(4), 988-1004, 2011.
  • Woltersdorf L, Liehr S, Scheidegger R, Döll P. “Small-scale water reuse for urban agriculture in Namibia: Modeling water flows and productivity”. Urban Water Journal, 12(5), 414-429, 2015.
  • Bixio D, Thoeye C, De Koning J, Joksimovic D, Savic D, Wintgens T, Melin T. “Wastewater reuse in Europe”. Desalination, 187(1-3), 89-101, 2006.
  • Hansen E,, Rodrigues MAS, de Aquim PM. “Wastewater reuse in a cascade based system of a petrochemical industry for the replacement of losses in cooling towers”. Journal of Environmental Management, 181, 157-162, 2016.
  • Yuan H, He Z. “Integrating membrane filtration into bioelectrochemical systems as next generation energy-efficient wastewater treatment technologies for water reclamation: a review”. Bioresource Technology, 195, 202-209, 2016.
  • Garg MC, Joshi H. “A review on PV-RO process: solution to drinking water scarcity due to high salinity in non-electrified rural areas”. Separation Science and Technology, 50(8), 1270-1283, 2015.
  • Shenvi SS, Isloor A, Ismail AF. “A review on RO membrane technology: developments and challenges”. Desalination, 368, 10-26, 2015.
  • Xua J, Wub AC, Changb Y, Zhanga G. “Impact of long-term reclaimed wastewater irrigation on agricultural soils: a preliminary assessment”. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 183(1-3), 780-786, 2010.
  • Baresel C, Dahlgre, L, Lazi, A, De Kerchove A, Almemark M, Ek M, Harding M, Ottosson E, Karlsson J, Yang J, Allard AS, Magnér J, Ejhed H, Björk A. “IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute. “Reuse of treated wastewater for non-potable use (ReUse)”. Final Report, Stockholm, Sweden, 142, 2016.
  • Abu-Dieyeh MH, Diab M, Al-Ghouti MA. “Ecological and agriculture impacts of bakery yeast wastewater use on weed communities and crops in an arid environment”. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(17), 14957- 14969, 2017.
  • Banerjee A. “Wastewater use for agriculture in India: A background review”. Wastewater Use for Agriculture in India, 1-12, 2016.
  • Goncalves, IZ, Barbosa EAA, Santos LNS, Nazário AA, Feitosa DRC, Tuta NF, Matsura EE. “Water relations and productivity of sugarcane irrigated with domestic wastewater by subsurface drip”. Agricultural Water Management, 185,105-115, 2017.
  • De La Cueva Bueno P, Gillerman L, Gehr R, Oron G. “Nanotechnology for sustainable wastewater treatment and use for agricultural production: A comparative long-term study”. Water Research, 110, 66-73, 2017.
  • Reznik A, Feinerman E, Finkelshtain I, Fisher F, Huber-Lee A, Joyce B, Kan I. “Economic implications of agricultural reuse of treated wastewater in Israel: A statewide long-term perspective”. Ecological Economics, 135, 222-233, 2017.
  • Khalil S, Kakar MK. “Agricultural use of untreated urban wastewater in Pakistan”. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 1(1), 21-26, 2011.
  • Kellis M, Kalavrouziotis IK, Gikas P. “Review of wastewater reuse ın the Mediterranean countries, focusing on regulations and policies for municipal and industrial applications”. Global NEST Journal, 15(3), 333-350, 2013.
  • Seder N, Abdel-Jabbar S. Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA). “Safe use of treated wastewater in agriculture: Jordan case study”. Amman, Jordan, 2011.
  • Leas EC, Dare A, Al-Delaimy WK. “Is grey water the key to unlocking water for resource-poor areas of the Middle East, North Africa, and other arid regions of the world?”. Ambio, 43(6), 707-717, 2014.
  • Biswas SK, Mojid MA, Wyseure GCL, “Physicochemical properties of soil under wheat cultivation by irrigation with municipal wastewater in Bangladesh, communications in soil science and plant analysis”. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 48(1), 1-10, 2017.
  • World Health Organization. “Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater”. Geneva, Switzerland, Volume 4, 2006.
  • Ensink HH, Mehmood T, Vand der Hoeck W, Raschid-Sally L, Amerasinghe FP. “A nation-wide assessment of wastewater use in Pakistan: An obscure activity or a vitally important one?”. Water Policy, 6(3), 197-206, 2004.
  • Pedrero F, Kalavrouziotis I, José Alarcón J, Koukoulakis P, Asano T. “Use of treated municipal wastewater in irrigated agriculture-Review of some practices in Spain and Greece” Agricultural Water Management, 97(9), 1233-1241, 2010.
  • Gatta G, Libutti A, Beneduce L, Gagliardi A, Disciglio G, Lonigro A, Tarantino E. “Reuse of treated municipal wastewater for globe artichoke irrigation: Assessment of effects on morpho-quantitative parameters and microbial safety of yield”. Scientia Horticulturae, 213, 55-65, 2016.
  • Van Oort F, Thiry M, Foy E, Fujisaki K, Delarue G, Dairon R, Jongmans T. “Impacts of one century of wastewater discharge on soil transformation through ferrolysis and related metal pollutant distributions”. Science of the Total Environment, 590-591, 1-13, 2017.
  • Tamtam F, Van Oort F, LeBot B, Dinh T, Mompelat S, Chreveuil M, Lamy I, Thiry M. “Assessing antibiotic contamination in metal contaminated soils four years after cessation of long-term wastewater irrigation”. Science of the Total Environment, 409(3), 540-547, 2011.
  • Liebe J, Ardakanian R. Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture. UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development, Bonn, Germany, 2013.
  • Chen Z, Ngo HH, Guo W. “A critical review on sustainability assessment of recycled water schemes”. Science of The Total Environment, 426, 13-31, 2012.
  • Murray A, Ray I. “Wastewater for agriculture: A re-use oriented planning model and its application in semi-arid China”. Water Research, 44(5), 1667-1679, 2010.
  • O’Connor GA, Elliott HA, Bastian RK. “Degraded water reuse: An overview”. Journal of Environment Quality, 37(5), 157-168, 2008.
  • Hamilton AJ, Stagnitti F, Xiong X, Kreidl SL, Benke KK, Maher P. “Wastewater irrigation: The state of play”. Vadose Zone Journal, 6(4), 823, 2007.
  • Bernstein N. “Potential for contamination of crops by microbial human pathogens introduced into the soil by irrigation with treated effluent”. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 59(2-4), 115-123, 2011.
  • Habbari K, Tifnouti A, Bitton B, Mandil A. “Geohelminthic infections associated with raw wastewater reuse for agricultural purposes in Beni-Mellal, Morocco”. Parasitology International, 48(3), 249-254, 2000.
  • Feenstra S, Hussain R, Van der Hoek W. International Water Management Institute and Institute of Public Health, Lahore “Health risks of irrigation with untreated urban wastewater in the Southern Punjab, Pakistan”, IWMI Pakistan Report No. 107, Pakistan, 2000.
  • Ensink JH, Van der Hoek W, Amerasinghe FP. “Giardia duodenalis infection and wastewater irrigation in Pakistan”. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 100(6), 538-542, 2006.
  • Luprano ML, De Sanctis M, Del Moro G, Di Iaconi C, Lopez A, Levantesi C. “Antibiotic resistance genes fate and removal by a technological treatment solution for water reuse in agriculture”. Science of the Total Environment, 571, 809-818, 2016.
  • Pourcher A, Picard-Bonnaud F, Ferré V, Gosinska A, Stan V, Moguedet G. “Survival of faecal indicators and enteroviruses in soil land-spreading of municipal sewage sludge”. Applied Soil Ecology, 35(3), 473-479, 2007.
  • Liberti L, Lopez A, Notarnicola M. “Disinfection with Peracetic acid for domestic sewage re-use in agriculture”. Water and Environment Journal , 13(4), 262-269, 1999.
  • Gori R, Caretti C. “Experimental study on municipal and industrial reclaimed wastewater refinement for agricultural reuse”. Water Science and Technology, 58(1), 217-223, 2008.
  • Montemayor M, Costan A, Sala L. “The combined performance of UV light and chlorine during reclaimed water disinfection”. Water Science and Technology, 57(6), 935-940. 2008.
  • Fonseca JA, Heredia RD, Ortiz C, Mazo M, Clavijo-Ramίrez CA, Lopez MC. ”Identification of Entamoeba moshkovskii in treated waste water used for agriculture”. EcoHealth, 13(1), 156-160, 2016.
  • Courault D, Albert I, Perelle S, Fraisse A, Renault P, Salemkour A, Amato P. “Assessment and risk modeling of airborne enteric viruses emitted from wastewater reused for irrigation”. Science of the Total Environment, 592, 512-526, 2017.
  • Lamy I, Van Oort F, Dère C, Baize D. “Use of major- and trace-element correlations to assess metal migration in sandy Luvisols irrigated with wastewater”. European Journal of Soil Science, 57(5), 731-740, 2006.
  • Bourennane H, Dère C, Lamy I, Cornu S, Baize D, Van Oort F, King D. “Enhancing spatial estimates of metal pollutants in raw wastewater irrigated fields using a topsoil organic carbon map predicted from aerial photography”. Science of the Total Environment, 361(1-3), 229-248, 2006.
  • Hoffmann C, Renger M, Hajnos M, Sokolowska Z, Jo´zefaciuk G, Marschner B. “Reactions of sewage farm soils to different irrigation solutions in a column experiment. 1. solid phase physicochemical properties”. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 162(6), 653-659, 1999.
  • Woltersdorf L, Scheidegger R, Liehr S, Döll P. “Municipal water reuse for urban agriculture in Namibia: Modeling nutrient and salt flows as impacted by sanitation user behavior”. Journal of Environmental Management, 169, 272-284, 2016.
  • Ganjegunte G, Ulery A, Niu G, Wu Y. “Effects of treated municipal wastewater irrigation on soil properties, switchgrass biomass production and quality under arid climate”. Industrial Crops and Products, 99, 60-69, 2017.
  • Tanık A, Öztürk İ, Cüceloğlu G. Arıtılmış Atıksuların Yeniden Kullanımı ve Yağmur Suyu Hasadı Sistemleri(El Kitabı). 2. Baskı. Türkiye Belediyeler Birliği. Ankara, Türkiye, 2016.
  • Urbano VR, Mendonc¸ TG, Bastos RG. “Effects of treated wastewater irrigation on soil properties and lettuce yield”. Agricultural Water Management, 181, 108-115, 2017.
  • PROMIX. “Role of Sodium and Chloride in Plant Culture” (26.11.2017).
  • Maathuis FJ, “Sodium in plants: perception, signalling, and regulation of sodium fluxes”. Journal of Experimental Botany, 65(3), 849-58, 2014.
  • Tanji KK, Kielen NC. FAO irrigation and Drainage Paper 61. Agricultural Drainage Water Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas, Rome, Food and Agricultural Organization, 2002.
  • Devitt DA, Lockett M, Morris RL, Bird BM. “Spatial and temporal distribution of salts on fairways and greens irrigated with reuse water”. Agronomy Journal, 99(3), 692-700, 2007.
  • Jouyban Z. “The effects of salt stress on plant growth”. Technical Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2(1), 7-10, 2012.
  • Bhatt MJ, Patel AD, Bhatti PM, Pandey AN. “Effect of soil salinity on growth, water status and nutrient accumulation in seedlings of ziziphus mauritiana (RHAMNACEAE)”. Journal of Fruit and Ornamental Plant Research, 16, 383-401, 2008.
  • Ak M, Gündüz O. “Fate of nutrients in secondary treated municipal wastewater during percolation through the soil media”. Clean Soil Air Water, 42(8), 1036-1043, 2014.
  • Kalavrouziotis IK, Arambatzis C, Kalfountzos D, Varnavas SP. “Wastewater Reuse Planning in Agriculture: The Case of Aitoloakarnania, Western Greece”. Water, 3(4), 988-1004, 2011.
  • Ak M, Gündüz O. “Comparison of Organic Matter Removal from Synthetic and Real Wastewater in a Laboratory-Scale Soil Aquifer Treatment System”. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 224(3), 1467-1483, 2013.
  • Blumentha UJ, Peasey A, Ruiz-Palacio G, Mara DD. “Guidelines for Wastewater Reuse in Agriculture and Aquaculture: Recommended Revisions Based On New Research Evidence”. Report Summary of WELL, 68 (Part 1), London, United Kingdom, 2000.
  • TC. Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığu. “Atıksu Arıtma Tesisleri Teknik Usuller Tebliği”. (17.09.2017).
  • Ben Ayed L, Schijven J, Alouini Z, Jemli M, Sabbahi S. “Presence of parasitic protozoa and helminth in sewage and efficiency of sewage treatment in Tunisia”. Parasitology Research, 105(2), 393-406, 2009.

Use of treated municipal wastewater for agricultural irrigation

Year 2018, Volume: 24 Issue: 6, 1161 - 1168, 18.12.2018


to the growing need for water in the world, municipal wastewaters have become
attractive in agricultural irrigation especially due to their volume and
nutrient contain. Wastewater is used in many parts of the world in a widespread
manner, by treated, by partial treated, by dilution or by no treated, for water
scarcity or economic reasons in agricultural irrigation. But compared to most
industrial wastewater, municipal wastewaters are less complex and contain
easily removable pollutants, but they are a threat to human and environment in
the short and long term if these pollutants are not removed. The most important
of these pollutants are pathogens directly threatening human health. Except
pathogens, there are many suspended or dissolved organic and inorganic
contaminants in wastewater. These pollutants accumulate in the result of
long-term irrigation, resulting in physical and chemical deteriorations in soil
structure and contamination of surface and groundwater threatening human life
directly or indirectly. For this reason, for sustainable agricultural irrigation,
wastewaters must be purified appropriately before their use for this purpose,
and pollutant concentrations must be constantly controlled. The grade of the
treatment and the technologies to be used can be selected based on the
pollutants and limit values determined by that country or the World Health
Organization. Many studies have shown that suitably treated wastewaters can be
used in agricultural irrigation, including raw fruits and vegetables.


  • Hussain I, Raschid L, Hanjra MA, Marikar F, Van der Hoek W. International Water Management Institute. “Wastewater use in agriculture: Review of impacts and Methodological Issues in Valuing Impacts”. Colombo, Sri Lanka, Working Paper 37, 2002.
  • Tessaro, D, Sampaio SC, Castaldelli APA. “Wastewater use in agriculture and potential effects on meso and macrofauna soil”. Ciência Rural, 46(6), 976-983, 2016.
  • Qadir M, Wichnels D, Raschid-Sally L, Minhas PS, Drechsel P, Bahri A, McCornick P. Agricultural use of Marginal-Quality Water-Opportunities and Challenges. Editor: Molden, D. Water for Food, Water for Life, 425-457, London and International Water Management Colombo: Institute, 2007.
  • Worldometers, “Water Consumed This Year”. (18.09.2017).
  • World Water Assessment Programme. “Managing Water Under Uncertainty and Risk”. The United Nations World Water Development, Paris, France, Report 4, 2012.
  • Kalavrouziotis IK, Arambatzis C, Kalfountzos D, Varnavas SP. “Wastewater reuse planning in agriculture: The case of Aitoloakarnania, Western Greece”. Water, 3(4), 988-1004, 2011.
  • Woltersdorf L, Liehr S, Scheidegger R, Döll P. “Small-scale water reuse for urban agriculture in Namibia: Modeling water flows and productivity”. Urban Water Journal, 12(5), 414-429, 2015.
  • Bixio D, Thoeye C, De Koning J, Joksimovic D, Savic D, Wintgens T, Melin T. “Wastewater reuse in Europe”. Desalination, 187(1-3), 89-101, 2006.
  • Hansen E,, Rodrigues MAS, de Aquim PM. “Wastewater reuse in a cascade based system of a petrochemical industry for the replacement of losses in cooling towers”. Journal of Environmental Management, 181, 157-162, 2016.
  • Yuan H, He Z. “Integrating membrane filtration into bioelectrochemical systems as next generation energy-efficient wastewater treatment technologies for water reclamation: a review”. Bioresource Technology, 195, 202-209, 2016.
  • Garg MC, Joshi H. “A review on PV-RO process: solution to drinking water scarcity due to high salinity in non-electrified rural areas”. Separation Science and Technology, 50(8), 1270-1283, 2015.
  • Shenvi SS, Isloor A, Ismail AF. “A review on RO membrane technology: developments and challenges”. Desalination, 368, 10-26, 2015.
  • Xua J, Wub AC, Changb Y, Zhanga G. “Impact of long-term reclaimed wastewater irrigation on agricultural soils: a preliminary assessment”. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 183(1-3), 780-786, 2010.
  • Baresel C, Dahlgre, L, Lazi, A, De Kerchove A, Almemark M, Ek M, Harding M, Ottosson E, Karlsson J, Yang J, Allard AS, Magnér J, Ejhed H, Björk A. “IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute. “Reuse of treated wastewater for non-potable use (ReUse)”. Final Report, Stockholm, Sweden, 142, 2016.
  • Abu-Dieyeh MH, Diab M, Al-Ghouti MA. “Ecological and agriculture impacts of bakery yeast wastewater use on weed communities and crops in an arid environment”. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(17), 14957- 14969, 2017.
  • Banerjee A. “Wastewater use for agriculture in India: A background review”. Wastewater Use for Agriculture in India, 1-12, 2016.
  • Goncalves, IZ, Barbosa EAA, Santos LNS, Nazário AA, Feitosa DRC, Tuta NF, Matsura EE. “Water relations and productivity of sugarcane irrigated with domestic wastewater by subsurface drip”. Agricultural Water Management, 185,105-115, 2017.
  • De La Cueva Bueno P, Gillerman L, Gehr R, Oron G. “Nanotechnology for sustainable wastewater treatment and use for agricultural production: A comparative long-term study”. Water Research, 110, 66-73, 2017.
  • Reznik A, Feinerman E, Finkelshtain I, Fisher F, Huber-Lee A, Joyce B, Kan I. “Economic implications of agricultural reuse of treated wastewater in Israel: A statewide long-term perspective”. Ecological Economics, 135, 222-233, 2017.
  • Khalil S, Kakar MK. “Agricultural use of untreated urban wastewater in Pakistan”. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 1(1), 21-26, 2011.
  • Kellis M, Kalavrouziotis IK, Gikas P. “Review of wastewater reuse ın the Mediterranean countries, focusing on regulations and policies for municipal and industrial applications”. Global NEST Journal, 15(3), 333-350, 2013.
  • Seder N, Abdel-Jabbar S. Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA). “Safe use of treated wastewater in agriculture: Jordan case study”. Amman, Jordan, 2011.
  • Leas EC, Dare A, Al-Delaimy WK. “Is grey water the key to unlocking water for resource-poor areas of the Middle East, North Africa, and other arid regions of the world?”. Ambio, 43(6), 707-717, 2014.
  • Biswas SK, Mojid MA, Wyseure GCL, “Physicochemical properties of soil under wheat cultivation by irrigation with municipal wastewater in Bangladesh, communications in soil science and plant analysis”. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 48(1), 1-10, 2017.
  • World Health Organization. “Guidelines for the Safe Use of Wastewater, Excreta and Greywater”. Geneva, Switzerland, Volume 4, 2006.
  • Ensink HH, Mehmood T, Vand der Hoeck W, Raschid-Sally L, Amerasinghe FP. “A nation-wide assessment of wastewater use in Pakistan: An obscure activity or a vitally important one?”. Water Policy, 6(3), 197-206, 2004.
  • Pedrero F, Kalavrouziotis I, José Alarcón J, Koukoulakis P, Asano T. “Use of treated municipal wastewater in irrigated agriculture-Review of some practices in Spain and Greece” Agricultural Water Management, 97(9), 1233-1241, 2010.
  • Gatta G, Libutti A, Beneduce L, Gagliardi A, Disciglio G, Lonigro A, Tarantino E. “Reuse of treated municipal wastewater for globe artichoke irrigation: Assessment of effects on morpho-quantitative parameters and microbial safety of yield”. Scientia Horticulturae, 213, 55-65, 2016.
  • Van Oort F, Thiry M, Foy E, Fujisaki K, Delarue G, Dairon R, Jongmans T. “Impacts of one century of wastewater discharge on soil transformation through ferrolysis and related metal pollutant distributions”. Science of the Total Environment, 590-591, 1-13, 2017.
  • Tamtam F, Van Oort F, LeBot B, Dinh T, Mompelat S, Chreveuil M, Lamy I, Thiry M. “Assessing antibiotic contamination in metal contaminated soils four years after cessation of long-term wastewater irrigation”. Science of the Total Environment, 409(3), 540-547, 2011.
  • Liebe J, Ardakanian R. Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture. UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development, Bonn, Germany, 2013.
  • Chen Z, Ngo HH, Guo W. “A critical review on sustainability assessment of recycled water schemes”. Science of The Total Environment, 426, 13-31, 2012.
  • Murray A, Ray I. “Wastewater for agriculture: A re-use oriented planning model and its application in semi-arid China”. Water Research, 44(5), 1667-1679, 2010.
  • O’Connor GA, Elliott HA, Bastian RK. “Degraded water reuse: An overview”. Journal of Environment Quality, 37(5), 157-168, 2008.
  • Hamilton AJ, Stagnitti F, Xiong X, Kreidl SL, Benke KK, Maher P. “Wastewater irrigation: The state of play”. Vadose Zone Journal, 6(4), 823, 2007.
  • Bernstein N. “Potential for contamination of crops by microbial human pathogens introduced into the soil by irrigation with treated effluent”. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 59(2-4), 115-123, 2011.
  • Habbari K, Tifnouti A, Bitton B, Mandil A. “Geohelminthic infections associated with raw wastewater reuse for agricultural purposes in Beni-Mellal, Morocco”. Parasitology International, 48(3), 249-254, 2000.
  • Feenstra S, Hussain R, Van der Hoek W. International Water Management Institute and Institute of Public Health, Lahore “Health risks of irrigation with untreated urban wastewater in the Southern Punjab, Pakistan”, IWMI Pakistan Report No. 107, Pakistan, 2000.
  • Ensink JH, Van der Hoek W, Amerasinghe FP. “Giardia duodenalis infection and wastewater irrigation in Pakistan”. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 100(6), 538-542, 2006.
  • Luprano ML, De Sanctis M, Del Moro G, Di Iaconi C, Lopez A, Levantesi C. “Antibiotic resistance genes fate and removal by a technological treatment solution for water reuse in agriculture”. Science of the Total Environment, 571, 809-818, 2016.
  • Pourcher A, Picard-Bonnaud F, Ferré V, Gosinska A, Stan V, Moguedet G. “Survival of faecal indicators and enteroviruses in soil land-spreading of municipal sewage sludge”. Applied Soil Ecology, 35(3), 473-479, 2007.
  • Liberti L, Lopez A, Notarnicola M. “Disinfection with Peracetic acid for domestic sewage re-use in agriculture”. Water and Environment Journal , 13(4), 262-269, 1999.
  • Gori R, Caretti C. “Experimental study on municipal and industrial reclaimed wastewater refinement for agricultural reuse”. Water Science and Technology, 58(1), 217-223, 2008.
  • Montemayor M, Costan A, Sala L. “The combined performance of UV light and chlorine during reclaimed water disinfection”. Water Science and Technology, 57(6), 935-940. 2008.
  • Fonseca JA, Heredia RD, Ortiz C, Mazo M, Clavijo-Ramίrez CA, Lopez MC. ”Identification of Entamoeba moshkovskii in treated waste water used for agriculture”. EcoHealth, 13(1), 156-160, 2016.
  • Courault D, Albert I, Perelle S, Fraisse A, Renault P, Salemkour A, Amato P. “Assessment and risk modeling of airborne enteric viruses emitted from wastewater reused for irrigation”. Science of the Total Environment, 592, 512-526, 2017.
  • Lamy I, Van Oort F, Dère C, Baize D. “Use of major- and trace-element correlations to assess metal migration in sandy Luvisols irrigated with wastewater”. European Journal of Soil Science, 57(5), 731-740, 2006.
  • Bourennane H, Dère C, Lamy I, Cornu S, Baize D, Van Oort F, King D. “Enhancing spatial estimates of metal pollutants in raw wastewater irrigated fields using a topsoil organic carbon map predicted from aerial photography”. Science of the Total Environment, 361(1-3), 229-248, 2006.
  • Hoffmann C, Renger M, Hajnos M, Sokolowska Z, Jo´zefaciuk G, Marschner B. “Reactions of sewage farm soils to different irrigation solutions in a column experiment. 1. solid phase physicochemical properties”. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 162(6), 653-659, 1999.
  • Woltersdorf L, Scheidegger R, Liehr S, Döll P. “Municipal water reuse for urban agriculture in Namibia: Modeling nutrient and salt flows as impacted by sanitation user behavior”. Journal of Environmental Management, 169, 272-284, 2016.
  • Ganjegunte G, Ulery A, Niu G, Wu Y. “Effects of treated municipal wastewater irrigation on soil properties, switchgrass biomass production and quality under arid climate”. Industrial Crops and Products, 99, 60-69, 2017.
  • Tanık A, Öztürk İ, Cüceloğlu G. Arıtılmış Atıksuların Yeniden Kullanımı ve Yağmur Suyu Hasadı Sistemleri(El Kitabı). 2. Baskı. Türkiye Belediyeler Birliği. Ankara, Türkiye, 2016.
  • Urbano VR, Mendonc¸ TG, Bastos RG. “Effects of treated wastewater irrigation on soil properties and lettuce yield”. Agricultural Water Management, 181, 108-115, 2017.
  • PROMIX. “Role of Sodium and Chloride in Plant Culture” (26.11.2017).
  • Maathuis FJ, “Sodium in plants: perception, signalling, and regulation of sodium fluxes”. Journal of Experimental Botany, 65(3), 849-58, 2014.
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There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Review Article

Mesut Ak 0000-0003-4013-5770

İlayda Top This is me 0000-0003-4035-9109

Publication Date December 18, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 24 Issue: 6


APA Ak, M., & Top, İ. (2018). Arıtılmış kentsel atıksuların tarımsal sulama amaçlı kullanımı. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 24(6), 1161-1168.
AMA Ak M, Top İ. Arıtılmış kentsel atıksuların tarımsal sulama amaçlı kullanımı. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. December 2018;24(6):1161-1168.
Chicago Ak, Mesut, and İlayda Top. “Arıtılmış Kentsel atıksuların tarımsal Sulama amaçlı kullanımı”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 24, no. 6 (December 2018): 1161-68.
EndNote Ak M, Top İ (December 1, 2018) Arıtılmış kentsel atıksuların tarımsal sulama amaçlı kullanımı. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 24 6 1161–1168.
IEEE M. Ak and İ. Top, “Arıtılmış kentsel atıksuların tarımsal sulama amaçlı kullanımı”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 1161–1168, 2018.
ISNAD Ak, Mesut - Top, İlayda. “Arıtılmış Kentsel atıksuların tarımsal Sulama amaçlı kullanımı”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 24/6 (December 2018), 1161-1168.
JAMA Ak M, Top İ. Arıtılmış kentsel atıksuların tarımsal sulama amaçlı kullanımı. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2018;24:1161–1168.
MLA Ak, Mesut and İlayda Top. “Arıtılmış Kentsel atıksuların tarımsal Sulama amaçlı kullanımı”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 24, no. 6, 2018, pp. 1161-8.
Vancouver Ak M, Top İ. Arıtılmış kentsel atıksuların tarımsal sulama amaçlı kullanımı. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi. 2018;24(6):1161-8.

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