Research Article
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Year 2017, , 599 - 608, 30.06.2017


In this research, personal caring service field
consumer are analyzed  consumer behavior
participation effect of the customers loyalty. This research is considered as a
descriptive study, personal caring service consumers structured questionnaire
administered data was obtained by convenience sampling method. In data analyze,
data was obtained with factor analysis, hypothesis testing was performed with
regression analysis. According to the results obtained from the research;
customer engagement behavior positively affects the of the behavioral and
attitudinal loyalty. And attitudinal loyalty positively affects behavioral
loyalty.  In enterprises providing personal care
services, the effect of customer participation behavior on customer loyalty is
examined. In this process, firstly literature based evaluations are given and
interpretations are made according to the analyzes made for the variables
discussed later.Suggestions are provided to practitioners and future studies.
Research is an exploratory research.Survey was used as data collection tool in
the research.The questionnaire was formed in two parts in order to measure the
effect of demographic variables and customer participation behavior on customer
loyalty. Customer participation behavior is examined in four dimensions;
information seeking, information sharing, responsible behavior, personnel
communication.Customer loyalty is examined in two dimensions as loyalty and
behavioral loyalty.Dimensions of customer participation behavior in research Yi
and Gong, (2013); Attitude and behavioral loyalty are adorned from the work of
Kuikka and Laukkanen, (2012). Expressions in the scales were evaluated as
"I definitely agree - 5 I definitely do not agree" as the five-point
Likert scale. It has been found that customer participation behaviors
positively affect loyalty and behavioral loyalty, whereas attitudinal loyalty
affects behavioral loyalty positively. As a result of the data obtained within
the scope of the research; All hypotheses have led to the conclusion that
accepted customer participation behavior positively affects behavioral loyalty
and attitudinal loyalty positively affects behavioral loyalty. 


  • AİLAWADİ Kusum, , NESLİN Scott A., Y. Luan Jackie, TAYLOR Gail Ayala, (2014), ''Does retailer CSR enhance behavioral loyalty? A case for benefit segmentation”, Intern. J. of Research in Marketing, 31 156–167.
  • AKDOĞAN M. Şükrü ve ŞENER Turan, (2015), “Kurum İmajının Müşteri Sadakatine Etkilerinin Ticari Bankalar Üzerinde Değerlendirilmesi: Nevşehir İli Örneği”, Journal of World of Turks, Vol. 7, No. 3.
  • BİLGİHAN Anil, MADANOGLU Melih, RİCCİ Peter, (2016) “Service attributes as drivers of behavioral loyalty in casinos: The mediating effect of attitudinal loyalty”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 31,14–21.
  • BOZACI İbrahim ve DURUKAN Tülin, (2015)“ Müşteri Güçlendirmenin Ölçülmesi: İç Anadolu’da Bir Uygulama”, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt-Sayı: 8 (1) ss: 105-119.
  • BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK Şener, ÇAKMAK Kılıç Ebru, AKGÜN Özcan Erken, KARADENİZ Şirin, DEMİREL Funda, (2014), Bilimsel araştırma Yöntemleri, Pegem Akademi, Ankara
  • CAMACHO María Ángeles Revilla, VÁZQUEZ Manuela Vega, SİLVA Francisco José Cossío , (2015), “Customer participation and citizenship behavior effects on turnover intention”, Journal of Business Research 68 1607–1611.
  • CHAE Heeju ve KO Eunju, (2016) “Customer social participation in the social networking services and its impact upon the customer equity of global fashion brands”, Journal of Business Research.
  • CHEN Chih-Cheng Volvic, CHEN Chih-Jou, LİN Ming-Ji James, (2015), “The impact of customer participation: the employee’s perspective” Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 30/5 486–497.
  • CHEN Ching-Fu, WANG Jing-Ping, (2016) “Customer participation, value co-creation and customer loyalty e A case of airline online check-in system”, Computers in Human Behavior 62, 346e352.
  • CHENA Sandy C., RAABB Carola ve TANFORD Sarah (2015), “Antecedents of mandatory customer participation in serviceencounters: An empirical study”, International Journal of Hospitality Management 46, 65–75.
  • ÇATI Kahraman, MURAT Cenk, ve GELİBOLU, Levent (2010), “Müşteri Beklentileri İle Müşteri Sadakat Arasındaki İlişki: Beş Yıldızlı Bir Otel Örneği”, Ç.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt 19, Sayı 1, Sayfa 429-446.
  • ÇOKLUK Ömat, ŞEKERCİOĞLU Güçlü ve BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK Şener, (2010), Sosyal bilimler için Çok Değişkenli İstatistik SPSS ve LISREL Uygulamaları, Pegem Akademi
  • DEDEOĞLU ÖZHAN Ayla, (2015), “Değişen Pazaryerinde Tüketici Ve Tüketimin Rolüne İlişkin Yeni Yaklaşımlar: Ortak-Üretim (CoProductıon) Ve Ortak-Yaratma (Co-Creatıon)”, Ege Strategic Research Journal , 6 ( 2 ): 17 – 29.
  • DONG Beibei and SİVAKUMAR K., (2015), “A process-output classification for customer participation in services”, Journal of Service Management Vol. 26 No. 5, pp. 726-750.
  • GEGEZ, Ercan Pazarlama Araştırmaları, Beta Basım, Genişletilmiş üçüncü baskı, 2010.
  • GİNER Gabriela Ribes ve RİLLO Agustín Peralt, (2016), “Structural equation modeling of co-creation and its influence on the student’s satisfaction and loyalty towards university”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 291, 257–263.
  • GÜNEŞ Serkan (2011), “Değer Yaratma Bağlamında Güncel Dört Yenilik Modeli”, Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, Sayı 7, ss. 71-89 .
  • HAN Heesup ve WOODS Davıd Paul, (2014)“Attitudinal and Behavioral Aspects of Loyalty in the Screen-Golf Industry”, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 15, 175–189.
  • HONG Ilyoo B., ve CHO Hwihyung, (2011), “The impact of consumer trust on attitudinal loyalty and purchase intentions in B2C emarketplaces: Intermediary trust vs. seller trust”, International Journal of Information Management, 31 469– 479.
  • IZOGO Ernest Emeka, (2015), “Determinants of attitudinal loyalty in Nigerian telecom service sector: Does commitment play a mediating role?”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services23, 107–117.
  • KALAYCI, Şeref, (2014), SPSS Uygulamaları Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri, Asil Yayınevi, 6.Baskı, Ankara
  • KHIABANIAN HAGHIGH YasamıN ve KARAKADILAR İbrahim Sarper, , (2016)“Marka Sadakati Yaklaşımlarına Etki Eden Öncül Faktörlerin İncelenmesine Yönelik Bir Ampirik Çalışma”, Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, pp:60-70.
  • KUİKKA Anna and LAUKKANEN Tommi, (2012), “Brand loyalty and the role of hedonic value”, Journal of Product & Brand Management 21/7 529–537.
  • MOLINERO Teresa Villacé, LARA Pedro Reinares, LARA Eva Reinares, (2016), “Multi-Vendor Loyalty Programs: Influencing Customer Behavioral Loyalty?”, Frontiers in Psychology, Volume 7.
  • ONG Chuan Huat, SALLEH Salniza Md., and YUSOFF Rushami Zien, (2016), “The Role of Emotional and Rational Trust in Explaining Attitudinal and Behavioral Loyalty: An Insight Into SME Brands”, Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business Vol. 18, No. 1, 1-19.
  • OYMAN Mine, (2002)“Müşteri Sadakati saglamada Sadakat Programlarının Önemi”, Kurgu Dergisi, S: 19, 169-185.
  • PRENTICE Catherıne, (2013), “Attitudinal and Behavioral Loyalty Amongst Casino Players in Macau”, Services Marketing Quarterly, 34:309– 321.
  • QUİNTAL Vanessa, PHAU Ian, (2016), “Comparing student loyalty behavioural intentions across multi entry mode deliveries: An Australian perspective”, Australasian Marketing Journal, pp:1-10
  • SANTOS Juliana Bonomi ve SPRİNG Martin, (2015), “Are knowledge intensive business services really co-produced? Overcoming lack of customer participation in KIBS”, Industrial Marketing Management 50 85–96.
  • SHARMA Shikha, CONDUİT Jodie , HİLL Sally Rao, (2014) “Organisational capabilities for customer participation in health care service innovation”, Australasian Marketing Journal 22,179–188.
  • SİLVA Francisco-José Cossío, CAMACHO María-Ángeles Revilla , VÁZQUEZ Manuela Vega, FLORENCİO Beatriz Palacios, (2016), “Value cocreation and customer loyalty”, Journal of Business Research 69, 1621–1625.
  • TACHİS Stavros ve TZETZİS George, (2015), “The Relationship Among Fans’ Involvement, Psychological Commitment, and Loyalty in Professional Team Sports”, International Journal of Sport Management Recreation & Tourism, Vol.18, p.1-25,.
  • TANFORD Sarah, (2013), “The impact of tier level on attitudinal and behavioral loyalty of hotel reward program members”, International Journal of Hospitality Management 34, 285– 294.
  • TARIQ Muhammad Irfan, (2015), “Examınıng The Relatıonshıp Between Rısk Aversıon And Behavıoral Loyalty In The Presence Of Brand Affects And Attıtudınal Loyalty As Medıator: Evıdence From Emergıng Market”, Business Management Conference, Vienna.
  • TENGA, Chih-Ching ve CHANG Jung-Hua (2014), “Effects of temporal distance and related strategies on enhancingcustomer participation intention for hotel eco-friendly programs”, International Journal of Hospitality Management 40 92–99.
  • USTA S VE MEMİŞ U, (2009), “Hizmet Kalitesi ve Marka Bağlılığı Arasındaki İlişki Üzerine Müşteri Tatminini Aracılık Etkisi, Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi.
  • VAİTONE Neringa Vilkaite, PAPSİENE Palmira, (2016), “Influence of Customer Loyalty Program on Organizational Performance: a Case of Airline Industry”, Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 27(1), 109–116.
  • VÂZQUEZ VEGA Manuela, CAMACHO Marïa-Ângeles Revilla, SILVA COSSIO Francisco-José, (2015), “Can the customer's value co-creation behavior be measured?”, mars – avril.
  • WANG Yonggui, MAB Shuang (Sara), LİDahui, (2015), “Customer participation in virtual brand communities: The self-construal perspective”, Information & Management 52 577–587.
  • Yİ Youjae ve GONG Taeshik, (2013) “Customer value co-creation behavior: Scale development and validation”, Journal of Business Research 66, 1279–1284.
  • Yİ Youjae, NATARAAJAN Rajan, GONG Taeshik, (2011), “Customer participation and citizenship behavioral influences on employee performance, satisfaction, commitment, and turnover intention”, Journal of Business Research 64 87–95.
  • ZHANG Hong, LU Yaobin Bin Wangc, WU Sibin, (2015), “The impacts of technological environments and co-creation experiences on customer participation”, Information & Management 52 468–482.
Year 2017, , 599 - 608, 30.06.2017



  • AİLAWADİ Kusum, , NESLİN Scott A., Y. Luan Jackie, TAYLOR Gail Ayala, (2014), ''Does retailer CSR enhance behavioral loyalty? A case for benefit segmentation”, Intern. J. of Research in Marketing, 31 156–167.
  • AKDOĞAN M. Şükrü ve ŞENER Turan, (2015), “Kurum İmajının Müşteri Sadakatine Etkilerinin Ticari Bankalar Üzerinde Değerlendirilmesi: Nevşehir İli Örneği”, Journal of World of Turks, Vol. 7, No. 3.
  • BİLGİHAN Anil, MADANOGLU Melih, RİCCİ Peter, (2016) “Service attributes as drivers of behavioral loyalty in casinos: The mediating effect of attitudinal loyalty”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 31,14–21.
  • BOZACI İbrahim ve DURUKAN Tülin, (2015)“ Müşteri Güçlendirmenin Ölçülmesi: İç Anadolu’da Bir Uygulama”, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Cilt-Sayı: 8 (1) ss: 105-119.
  • BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK Şener, ÇAKMAK Kılıç Ebru, AKGÜN Özcan Erken, KARADENİZ Şirin, DEMİREL Funda, (2014), Bilimsel araştırma Yöntemleri, Pegem Akademi, Ankara
  • CAMACHO María Ángeles Revilla, VÁZQUEZ Manuela Vega, SİLVA Francisco José Cossío , (2015), “Customer participation and citizenship behavior effects on turnover intention”, Journal of Business Research 68 1607–1611.
  • CHAE Heeju ve KO Eunju, (2016) “Customer social participation in the social networking services and its impact upon the customer equity of global fashion brands”, Journal of Business Research.
  • CHEN Chih-Cheng Volvic, CHEN Chih-Jou, LİN Ming-Ji James, (2015), “The impact of customer participation: the employee’s perspective” Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 30/5 486–497.
  • CHEN Ching-Fu, WANG Jing-Ping, (2016) “Customer participation, value co-creation and customer loyalty e A case of airline online check-in system”, Computers in Human Behavior 62, 346e352.
  • CHENA Sandy C., RAABB Carola ve TANFORD Sarah (2015), “Antecedents of mandatory customer participation in serviceencounters: An empirical study”, International Journal of Hospitality Management 46, 65–75.
  • ÇATI Kahraman, MURAT Cenk, ve GELİBOLU, Levent (2010), “Müşteri Beklentileri İle Müşteri Sadakat Arasındaki İlişki: Beş Yıldızlı Bir Otel Örneği”, Ç.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt 19, Sayı 1, Sayfa 429-446.
  • ÇOKLUK Ömat, ŞEKERCİOĞLU Güçlü ve BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK Şener, (2010), Sosyal bilimler için Çok Değişkenli İstatistik SPSS ve LISREL Uygulamaları, Pegem Akademi
  • DEDEOĞLU ÖZHAN Ayla, (2015), “Değişen Pazaryerinde Tüketici Ve Tüketimin Rolüne İlişkin Yeni Yaklaşımlar: Ortak-Üretim (CoProductıon) Ve Ortak-Yaratma (Co-Creatıon)”, Ege Strategic Research Journal , 6 ( 2 ): 17 – 29.
  • DONG Beibei and SİVAKUMAR K., (2015), “A process-output classification for customer participation in services”, Journal of Service Management Vol. 26 No. 5, pp. 726-750.
  • GEGEZ, Ercan Pazarlama Araştırmaları, Beta Basım, Genişletilmiş üçüncü baskı, 2010.
  • GİNER Gabriela Ribes ve RİLLO Agustín Peralt, (2016), “Structural equation modeling of co-creation and its influence on the student’s satisfaction and loyalty towards university”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 291, 257–263.
  • GÜNEŞ Serkan (2011), “Değer Yaratma Bağlamında Güncel Dört Yenilik Modeli”, Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, Sayı 7, ss. 71-89 .
  • HAN Heesup ve WOODS Davıd Paul, (2014)“Attitudinal and Behavioral Aspects of Loyalty in the Screen-Golf Industry”, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 15, 175–189.
  • HONG Ilyoo B., ve CHO Hwihyung, (2011), “The impact of consumer trust on attitudinal loyalty and purchase intentions in B2C emarketplaces: Intermediary trust vs. seller trust”, International Journal of Information Management, 31 469– 479.
  • IZOGO Ernest Emeka, (2015), “Determinants of attitudinal loyalty in Nigerian telecom service sector: Does commitment play a mediating role?”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services23, 107–117.
  • KALAYCI, Şeref, (2014), SPSS Uygulamaları Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri, Asil Yayınevi, 6.Baskı, Ankara
  • KHIABANIAN HAGHIGH YasamıN ve KARAKADILAR İbrahim Sarper, , (2016)“Marka Sadakati Yaklaşımlarına Etki Eden Öncül Faktörlerin İncelenmesine Yönelik Bir Ampirik Çalışma”, Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges, pp:60-70.
  • KUİKKA Anna and LAUKKANEN Tommi, (2012), “Brand loyalty and the role of hedonic value”, Journal of Product & Brand Management 21/7 529–537.
  • MOLINERO Teresa Villacé, LARA Pedro Reinares, LARA Eva Reinares, (2016), “Multi-Vendor Loyalty Programs: Influencing Customer Behavioral Loyalty?”, Frontiers in Psychology, Volume 7.
  • ONG Chuan Huat, SALLEH Salniza Md., and YUSOFF Rushami Zien, (2016), “The Role of Emotional and Rational Trust in Explaining Attitudinal and Behavioral Loyalty: An Insight Into SME Brands”, Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business Vol. 18, No. 1, 1-19.
  • OYMAN Mine, (2002)“Müşteri Sadakati saglamada Sadakat Programlarının Önemi”, Kurgu Dergisi, S: 19, 169-185.
  • PRENTICE Catherıne, (2013), “Attitudinal and Behavioral Loyalty Amongst Casino Players in Macau”, Services Marketing Quarterly, 34:309– 321.
  • QUİNTAL Vanessa, PHAU Ian, (2016), “Comparing student loyalty behavioural intentions across multi entry mode deliveries: An Australian perspective”, Australasian Marketing Journal, pp:1-10
  • SANTOS Juliana Bonomi ve SPRİNG Martin, (2015), “Are knowledge intensive business services really co-produced? Overcoming lack of customer participation in KIBS”, Industrial Marketing Management 50 85–96.
  • SHARMA Shikha, CONDUİT Jodie , HİLL Sally Rao, (2014) “Organisational capabilities for customer participation in health care service innovation”, Australasian Marketing Journal 22,179–188.
  • SİLVA Francisco-José Cossío, CAMACHO María-Ángeles Revilla , VÁZQUEZ Manuela Vega, FLORENCİO Beatriz Palacios, (2016), “Value cocreation and customer loyalty”, Journal of Business Research 69, 1621–1625.
  • TACHİS Stavros ve TZETZİS George, (2015), “The Relationship Among Fans’ Involvement, Psychological Commitment, and Loyalty in Professional Team Sports”, International Journal of Sport Management Recreation & Tourism, Vol.18, p.1-25,.
  • TANFORD Sarah, (2013), “The impact of tier level on attitudinal and behavioral loyalty of hotel reward program members”, International Journal of Hospitality Management 34, 285– 294.
  • TARIQ Muhammad Irfan, (2015), “Examınıng The Relatıonshıp Between Rısk Aversıon And Behavıoral Loyalty In The Presence Of Brand Affects And Attıtudınal Loyalty As Medıator: Evıdence From Emergıng Market”, Business Management Conference, Vienna.
  • TENGA, Chih-Ching ve CHANG Jung-Hua (2014), “Effects of temporal distance and related strategies on enhancingcustomer participation intention for hotel eco-friendly programs”, International Journal of Hospitality Management 40 92–99.
  • USTA S VE MEMİŞ U, (2009), “Hizmet Kalitesi ve Marka Bağlılığı Arasındaki İlişki Üzerine Müşteri Tatminini Aracılık Etkisi, Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi.
  • VAİTONE Neringa Vilkaite, PAPSİENE Palmira, (2016), “Influence of Customer Loyalty Program on Organizational Performance: a Case of Airline Industry”, Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics, 27(1), 109–116.
  • VÂZQUEZ VEGA Manuela, CAMACHO Marïa-Ângeles Revilla, SILVA COSSIO Francisco-José, (2015), “Can the customer's value co-creation behavior be measured?”, mars – avril.
  • WANG Yonggui, MAB Shuang (Sara), LİDahui, (2015), “Customer participation in virtual brand communities: The self-construal perspective”, Information & Management 52 577–587.
  • Yİ Youjae ve GONG Taeshik, (2013) “Customer value co-creation behavior: Scale development and validation”, Journal of Business Research 66, 1279–1284.
  • Yİ Youjae, NATARAAJAN Rajan, GONG Taeshik, (2011), “Customer participation and citizenship behavioral influences on employee performance, satisfaction, commitment, and turnover intention”, Journal of Business Research 64 87–95.
  • ZHANG Hong, LU Yaobin Bin Wangc, WU Sibin, (2015), “The impacts of technological environments and co-creation experiences on customer participation”, Information & Management 52 468–482.
There are 42 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Ercan Taskin This is me

Fatma Demirag

Publication Date June 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Taskin, E., & Demirag, F. (2017). EFFECTS OF CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT BEHAVIOR ON CUSTOMER LOYALTY. PressAcademia Procedia, 3(1), 599-608.
AMA Taskin E, Demirag F. EFFECTS OF CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT BEHAVIOR ON CUSTOMER LOYALTY. PAP. June 2017;3(1):599-608. doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2017.636
Chicago Taskin, Ercan, and Fatma Demirag. “EFFECTS OF CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT BEHAVIOR ON CUSTOMER LOYALTY”. PressAcademia Procedia 3, no. 1 (June 2017): 599-608.
EndNote Taskin E, Demirag F (June 1, 2017) EFFECTS OF CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT BEHAVIOR ON CUSTOMER LOYALTY. PressAcademia Procedia 3 1 599–608.
IEEE E. Taskin and F. Demirag, “EFFECTS OF CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT BEHAVIOR ON CUSTOMER LOYALTY”, PAP, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 599–608, 2017, doi: 10.17261/Pressacademia.2017.636.
ISNAD Taskin, Ercan - Demirag, Fatma. “EFFECTS OF CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT BEHAVIOR ON CUSTOMER LOYALTY”. PressAcademia Procedia 3/1 (June 2017), 599-608.
MLA Taskin, Ercan and Fatma Demirag. “EFFECTS OF CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT BEHAVIOR ON CUSTOMER LOYALTY”. PressAcademia Procedia, vol. 3, no. 1, 2017, pp. 599-08, doi:10.17261/Pressacademia.2017.636.

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