In the context of finance theory, predicting
the return / price or movements of financial assets over the historic data
provides elemination of the uncertainty and make such assets manageable.
Therefore, modeling the financial asset behaviors with objective and scientific
methods greatly contribute to reduce and manage the risk. In this study, the
direction of the relationship between the Gold prices and the BIST 100 index
was determined and tried to be estimated within a certain probability and how the change in the Gold prices in the
Bayes Theorem would be reflected in the BIST 100 index.
Variables used in the study are the bullion
gold gram sale price and BIST 100 index and the monthly closing prices of the
mentioned variables are used as data set for the 18 years (2000: 01-2017: 07)
period. The data were compiled from the official website of the Central Bank of
the Republic of Turkey. E-Views 9 SV program was used for statistical analysis
of data. During the methodological process, statistical methods such as Pearson
Correlation Analysis and Bayes Theorem were used.
In the study, it was found that positive correlation (0,91) exist between
these two financial assets. In addition, the
significance of the correlation coefficient at the 5% significance level was
tested and it was determined that there was a significant correlation between
the Gold prices and the BIST 100 index.
At a later stage, it was tried to estimate with certain probability, how
the BIST 100 index would react to an increase in gold prices. As a result of
the analysis carried out in the framework of the Bayes theorem, it is found
that increase of the gold prices will also lead to increase the BIST 100 index
with 52.1% probability.
It is important, valuable and necessary for
investors to make accurate and on-the-spot decisions, especially in uncertainty
and risk environment in the markets. If this uncertainty is managed by being
reduced to a measurable risk level, it offers the opportunity to provide
extraordinary returns or to minimize losses for individual and / or
institutional investors. Working with scientific data and methods to
understand, mitigate and manage the future risks of assets in this framework
makes a significant contribution to the success of risk management strategies
implemented by financial institutions. In this context, a positively and
statistically significant relationship was found between gold price and BIST
100 index in the study. Moreover, in the case of an increase in gold prices,
the BIST 100 index will increase too with 52.1% probability.
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 30, 2017 |
Published in Issue | Year 2017 |
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