Research Article
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Parental Phubbing and Empathy as the Predictors of Adolescent Phubber Behaviors

Year 2022, , 401 - 425, 01.09.2022


The aim of this research is to determine whether adolescent’s phubbing is predicted by parental phubbing and empathy variables, and to examine whether adolescent’s phubbing differs according to gender, class level, smartphone ownership status, online classes, and training, as well as daily smartphone usage time. For this purpose, the study group consists total of 1019 students, 734 girls and 285 boys, from 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in the Kestel and Gürsu districts of Bursa in the 2020 – 2021 academic year, selected by the appropriate sampling method. The research data were obtained by Generic Scale of Phubbing (GPS), Generic Scale of Being Phubbed (GPS) and KA-SI Empathic Tendency Scale Adolescent Form. Within the scope of the research, Independent-Samples t Test and One-Way Variance Analysis (ANOVA) were used to determine the difference of adolescent phubbing between groups. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis was used to determine the level of adolescent phubbing predicted by parental phubbing and empathy variables. As a result of the research, female students compared to male students; students with smartphone had higher overall phubbing scores than students without smartphone. 5th grade students had lower average scores of being phubber than other grades. Participants with daily phone usage time of 1-2 hours had lower overall phubbing scores than with 3, 4 and 5 hours. According to the results of the regression analysis, parental phubbing and empathy variables were determined to be important precursors of adolescent phubbing and explained 13.5% of the change in adolescent phubbing. The findings provided important clues in planning and implementing psychological counseling and guidance services for middle and high school students.


  • Aagaard, J. (2019). Digital akrasia: a qualitative study of phubbing. AI & SOCIETY, 35, 237-244.
  • Al‐Saggaf, Y. ve O’Donnell, S. B. (2019). Phubbing: Perceptions, reasons behind, predictors, and impacts. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 1(2), 132–140.
  • Al-Saggaf, Y., MacCulloch, R. ve Wiener, K. (2018). Trait Boredom Is a Predictor of Phubbing Frequency. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, 4(3), 245–252.
  • Arslan, K. A., Tunç, Z. ve Çolak, C. (2019). Veri dönüşümü için açık kaynak erişimli web tabanlı yazılım: veri dönüşüm yazılımı. F.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Tıp Dergisi, 33 (3), 175-181.
  • Aydoğdu, F. ve Çevik, Ö. (2020). Okul psikolojik danışmanlarının sosyotelist davranışlarının, sosyotelizme maruz kalma ve yalnızlık düzeyleri üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi. Humanistic Perspective, 2 (3), 219-230.
  • Aykaç, S. ve Yıldırım, Ş. (2021). Gelişen Dünyada nomofobi ve sosyotelist olma- sosyotelizme maruz kalmanın etkileri. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 243-256.
  • Bai, Q., Bai, S., Dan, Q., Lei, L., & Wang, P. (2020). Mother phubbing and adolescent academic burnout: The mediating role of mental health and the moderating role of agreeableness and neuroticism. Personality and Individual Differences, 155, 109622.
  • Bai, Q., Lei, L., Hsueh, F. H., Yu, X., Hu, H., Wang, X., & Wang, P. (2020). Parent-adolescent congruence in phubbing and adolescents’ depressive symptoms: A moderated polynomial regression with response surface analyses. Journal of Affective Disorders, 275, 127–135.
  • Balta, S., Emirtekin, E., Kircaburun, K. ve Griffiths, M. D. (2018). Neuroticism, trait fear of missing out, and phubbing: The mediating role of state fear of missing out and problematic instagram use. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18(3), 628–639.
  • Barrios-Borjas, D. A., Bejar-Ramos, V. A. ve Cauchos-Mora, V. S. (2017). Uso excesivo de Smartphones/teléfonos celulares: Phubbing y Nomofobia. Revista Chilena de Neuro-Psiquiatría, 55(3), 205–206.
  • Bayrakcı, M. (2007). Sosyal öğrenme kuramı ve eğitimde uygulanması. Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 14, 198-210.
  • Benvenuti, M., Błachnio, A., Przepiorka, A. M., Daskalova, V. M. ve Mazzoni, E. (2020). Factors Related to Phone Snubbing Behavior in Emerging Adults. In Advances in Psychology, Mental Health, and Behavioral Studies (pp. 164–187). IGI Global.
  • Błachnio, A. ve Przepiorka, A. (2018). Be Aware! If you start using facebook problematically you will feel lonely: Phubbing, loneliness, self-esteem, and facebook ıntrusion. A Cross-Sectional Study. Social Science Computer Review, 37(2), 270–278.
  • Brown, K., Adger, W. N., Devine-Wright, P., Anderies, J. M., Barr, S., Bousquet, F., Butler, C., Evans, L., Marshall, N. ve Quinn, T. (2019). Empathy, place and identity interactions for sustainability. Global Environmental Change, 56, 11–17.
  • Cameron, A. F. ve Webster, J. (2011). Relational outcomes of multicommunicating: Integrating incivility and social exchange perspectives. Organization Science, 22(3), 754–771. Capilla-Garrido, E., Cubo-Delgado, S. ve Gutiérrez-Esteban, P. (2020). Design and validation of an instrument to evaluate phubbing behaviors. RELIEVE, 26(2), 1-15.
  • Chatterjee, S. (2020). Antecedents of phubbing: from technological and psychological perspectives. Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 22 (2), 161-178.
  • Chi, L. C., Tang, T. C. ve Tang, E. (2022). The phubbing phenomenon: a cross-sectional study on the relationships among social media addiction, fear of missing out, personality traits, and phubbing behavior. Current Psychology, 41(2), 1112–1123.
  • Chotpitayasunondh, V. ve Douglas, K. M. (2016). How “phubbing” becomes the norm: The antecedents and consequences of snubbing via smartphone. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 9-18.
  • Chotpitayasunondh, V. ve Douglas, K. M. (2018). Measuring phone snubbing behavior: Development and validation of the Generic Scale of Phubbing (GSP) and the Generic Scale of Being Phubbed (GSBP). Computers in Human Behavior, 88, 5–17.
  • Chu, X., Ji, S., Wang, X., Yu, J., Chen, Y. ve Lei, L. (2021). Peer Phubbing and Social Networking Site Addiction: The Mediating Role of Social Anxiety and the Moderating Role of Family Financial Difficulty. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. 670065.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research . Boston, MA: Pearson.
  • Escalera-Chávez, M. E., García-Santillán, A. ve Molchanova, V. (2020). Phubbing Behavior: Is There a Gender Difference in College Students? European Journal of Contemporary Education, 9(3), 546-551.
  • Franchina, V., Vanden Abeele, M., van Rooij, A., Lo Coco, G. ve De Marez, L. (2018). Fear of missing out as a predictor of problematic social media use and phubbing behavior among flemish adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(10), 2319.
  • Geng, J., Lei, L., Ouyang, M., Nie, J. ve Wang, P. (2021). The influence of perceived parental phubbing on adolescents’ problematic smartphone use: A two-wave multiple mediation model. Addictive Behaviors, 121, 106995.
  • George, D. ve Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 17.0 update (10a ed.) Pearson
  • González-Rivera, J., Segura-Abreu, L. ve Urbistondo-Rodríguez, V. (2018). Phubbing en las Relaciones Románticas: Uso del Celular, Satisfacción en la Pareja, Bienestar Psicológico y Salud Mental. Interacciones: Revista de Avances En Psicología, 4(2), 143–151.
  • Grusec, J. E. (2011). Socialization Processes in the Family: Social and Emotional Development. Annual Review of Psychology, 62(1), 243–269.
  • İliç, U. ve Tanyeri, T. (2020). Is phubbing a matter for educators: A case for pre-service and in-service teachers. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 9(1), 70–79.
  • Karadağ, E., Tosuntaş¸, S¸. B., Erzen, E., Duru, P., Bostan, N., Şahin, B. M., ... Babadağ, B. (2015). Determinants of phubbing, which is the sum of many virtual addictions: A structural equation model. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 4, 60–74.
  • Karadağ, E., Tosuntaş¸, S¸. B., Erzen, E., Duru, P., Bostan, N., Şahin, B. M. ve Babadağ, B. (2016). The virtual world’s current addiction: Phubbing. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 3, 250–269.
  • Karagöz, Y. (2010). Nonparametrik testlerin güç ve etkinlikleri. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9 (33), 18-40.
  • Kaya, A. ve Siyez, D. (2010). KA-Sİ Çocuk ve Ergenler İçin Empatik Eğilim Ölçeği: Geliştirilmesi geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Eğitim ve Bilim, 35(156), 110-125.
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Ergen Sosyotelist Davranışlarının (Phubbing) Yordayıcıları Olarak Ebeveyn Sosyotelizmine Maruz Kalma ve Empati

Year 2022, , 401 - 425, 01.09.2022


Bu araştırmanın amacı ergen sosyotelist davranışının ebeveyn sosyotelizmine maruz kalma ve empati değişkenleri tarafından yordanıp yordanmadığını saptamak ve ergen sosyotelist davranışının cinsiyet, sınıf düzeyi, akıllı telefona sahip olma durumu, canlı dersler ve eğitimler haricinde günlük akıllı telefon kullanım süresine göre farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığını incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 2020 – 2021 eğitim öğretim yılında Bursa’nın Kestel ve Gürsu ilçelerinde öğrenim gören 5, 6, 7, 8 ve 9. sınıf öğrencilerinden uygun örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilen 734’ü kız, 285’i erkek olmak üzere toplamda 1019 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Araştırma verileri Genel Sosyotelist Olma Ölçeği (GSO), Genel Sosyotelizme Maruz Kalma Ölçeği (GSMK) ve KASİ Empatik Eğilim Ölçeği Ergen Formu ile elde edilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında ergen sosyotelist davranışının gruplar arasındaki farkını tespit etmek için Bağımsız Örneklemler İçin t Testi ve Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi (ANOVA) kullanılmıştır. Ergen sosyotelist davranışının ebeveyn sosyotelizmine maruz kalma ve empati değişkenleri tarafından ne düzeyde yordandığını tespit etmek için Çoklu Doğrusal Regresyon Analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamında yapılan fark istatistiklerine göre kız öğrencilerin erkek öğrencilere göre; akıllı telefona sahip olan öğrencilerin akıllı telefona sahip olmayan öğrencilere göre genel sosyotelist olma toplam puanları daha yüksek bulunmuştur. 5. sınıf öğrencilerin diğer sınıf düzeylerine göre genel sosyotelist olma ortalama puanları daha düşük bulunmuştur. Günlük telefon kullanma süresi 1 saat ve 2 saat olan katılımcıların günlük telefon kullanma süresi 3, 4 ve 5 saat olan katılımcılara göre genel sosyotelist olma toplam puanları daha düşük bulunmuştur. Yapılan regresyon analizi sonucuna göre ebeveyn sosyotelizmine maruz kalma ve empati değişkenleri ergenlerin sosyotelist davranışının önemli yordayıcıları olduğu belirlenmiş ve ergen sosyotelist davranışındaki değişimin %13.5’ini açıklamaktadır. Bulgular, ortaokul ve lise öğrencilerine yönelik psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik hizmetlerini planlama ve uygulama önemli ipuçları sağlamıştır.


  • Aagaard, J. (2019). Digital akrasia: a qualitative study of phubbing. AI & SOCIETY, 35, 237-244.
  • Al‐Saggaf, Y. ve O’Donnell, S. B. (2019). Phubbing: Perceptions, reasons behind, predictors, and impacts. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 1(2), 132–140.
  • Al-Saggaf, Y., MacCulloch, R. ve Wiener, K. (2018). Trait Boredom Is a Predictor of Phubbing Frequency. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, 4(3), 245–252.
  • Arslan, K. A., Tunç, Z. ve Çolak, C. (2019). Veri dönüşümü için açık kaynak erişimli web tabanlı yazılım: veri dönüşüm yazılımı. F.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Tıp Dergisi, 33 (3), 175-181.
  • Aydoğdu, F. ve Çevik, Ö. (2020). Okul psikolojik danışmanlarının sosyotelist davranışlarının, sosyotelizme maruz kalma ve yalnızlık düzeyleri üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi. Humanistic Perspective, 2 (3), 219-230.
  • Aykaç, S. ve Yıldırım, Ş. (2021). Gelişen Dünyada nomofobi ve sosyotelist olma- sosyotelizme maruz kalmanın etkileri. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 243-256.
  • Bai, Q., Bai, S., Dan, Q., Lei, L., & Wang, P. (2020). Mother phubbing and adolescent academic burnout: The mediating role of mental health and the moderating role of agreeableness and neuroticism. Personality and Individual Differences, 155, 109622.
  • Bai, Q., Lei, L., Hsueh, F. H., Yu, X., Hu, H., Wang, X., & Wang, P. (2020). Parent-adolescent congruence in phubbing and adolescents’ depressive symptoms: A moderated polynomial regression with response surface analyses. Journal of Affective Disorders, 275, 127–135.
  • Balta, S., Emirtekin, E., Kircaburun, K. ve Griffiths, M. D. (2018). Neuroticism, trait fear of missing out, and phubbing: The mediating role of state fear of missing out and problematic instagram use. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18(3), 628–639.
  • Barrios-Borjas, D. A., Bejar-Ramos, V. A. ve Cauchos-Mora, V. S. (2017). Uso excesivo de Smartphones/teléfonos celulares: Phubbing y Nomofobia. Revista Chilena de Neuro-Psiquiatría, 55(3), 205–206.
  • Bayrakcı, M. (2007). Sosyal öğrenme kuramı ve eğitimde uygulanması. Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 14, 198-210.
  • Benvenuti, M., Błachnio, A., Przepiorka, A. M., Daskalova, V. M. ve Mazzoni, E. (2020). Factors Related to Phone Snubbing Behavior in Emerging Adults. In Advances in Psychology, Mental Health, and Behavioral Studies (pp. 164–187). IGI Global.
  • Błachnio, A. ve Przepiorka, A. (2018). Be Aware! If you start using facebook problematically you will feel lonely: Phubbing, loneliness, self-esteem, and facebook ıntrusion. A Cross-Sectional Study. Social Science Computer Review, 37(2), 270–278.
  • Brown, K., Adger, W. N., Devine-Wright, P., Anderies, J. M., Barr, S., Bousquet, F., Butler, C., Evans, L., Marshall, N. ve Quinn, T. (2019). Empathy, place and identity interactions for sustainability. Global Environmental Change, 56, 11–17.
  • Cameron, A. F. ve Webster, J. (2011). Relational outcomes of multicommunicating: Integrating incivility and social exchange perspectives. Organization Science, 22(3), 754–771. Capilla-Garrido, E., Cubo-Delgado, S. ve Gutiérrez-Esteban, P. (2020). Design and validation of an instrument to evaluate phubbing behaviors. RELIEVE, 26(2), 1-15.
  • Chatterjee, S. (2020). Antecedents of phubbing: from technological and psychological perspectives. Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 22 (2), 161-178.
  • Chi, L. C., Tang, T. C. ve Tang, E. (2022). The phubbing phenomenon: a cross-sectional study on the relationships among social media addiction, fear of missing out, personality traits, and phubbing behavior. Current Psychology, 41(2), 1112–1123.
  • Chotpitayasunondh, V. ve Douglas, K. M. (2016). How “phubbing” becomes the norm: The antecedents and consequences of snubbing via smartphone. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 9-18.
  • Chotpitayasunondh, V. ve Douglas, K. M. (2018). Measuring phone snubbing behavior: Development and validation of the Generic Scale of Phubbing (GSP) and the Generic Scale of Being Phubbed (GSBP). Computers in Human Behavior, 88, 5–17.
  • Chu, X., Ji, S., Wang, X., Yu, J., Chen, Y. ve Lei, L. (2021). Peer Phubbing and Social Networking Site Addiction: The Mediating Role of Social Anxiety and the Moderating Role of Family Financial Difficulty. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. 670065.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research . Boston, MA: Pearson.
  • Escalera-Chávez, M. E., García-Santillán, A. ve Molchanova, V. (2020). Phubbing Behavior: Is There a Gender Difference in College Students? European Journal of Contemporary Education, 9(3), 546-551.
  • Franchina, V., Vanden Abeele, M., van Rooij, A., Lo Coco, G. ve De Marez, L. (2018). Fear of missing out as a predictor of problematic social media use and phubbing behavior among flemish adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(10), 2319.
  • Geng, J., Lei, L., Ouyang, M., Nie, J. ve Wang, P. (2021). The influence of perceived parental phubbing on adolescents’ problematic smartphone use: A two-wave multiple mediation model. Addictive Behaviors, 121, 106995.
  • George, D. ve Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 17.0 update (10a ed.) Pearson
  • González-Rivera, J., Segura-Abreu, L. ve Urbistondo-Rodríguez, V. (2018). Phubbing en las Relaciones Románticas: Uso del Celular, Satisfacción en la Pareja, Bienestar Psicológico y Salud Mental. Interacciones: Revista de Avances En Psicología, 4(2), 143–151.
  • Grusec, J. E. (2011). Socialization Processes in the Family: Social and Emotional Development. Annual Review of Psychology, 62(1), 243–269.
  • İliç, U. ve Tanyeri, T. (2020). Is phubbing a matter for educators: A case for pre-service and in-service teachers. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 9(1), 70–79.
  • Karadağ, E., Tosuntaş¸, S¸. B., Erzen, E., Duru, P., Bostan, N., Şahin, B. M., ... Babadağ, B. (2015). Determinants of phubbing, which is the sum of many virtual addictions: A structural equation model. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 4, 60–74.
  • Karadağ, E., Tosuntaş¸, S¸. B., Erzen, E., Duru, P., Bostan, N., Şahin, B. M. ve Babadağ, B. (2016). The virtual world’s current addiction: Phubbing. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 3, 250–269.
  • Karagöz, Y. (2010). Nonparametrik testlerin güç ve etkinlikleri. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9 (33), 18-40.
  • Kaya, A. ve Siyez, D. (2010). KA-Sİ Çocuk ve Ergenler İçin Empatik Eğilim Ölçeği: Geliştirilmesi geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Eğitim ve Bilim, 35(156), 110-125.
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There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Fuat Aydoğdu 0000-0002-5986-5645

Sümeyra Yaşar 0000-0003-0677-6590

Publication Date September 1, 2022
Submission Date December 24, 2021
Acceptance Date April 22, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Aydoğdu, F., & Yaşar, S. (2022). Ergen Sosyotelist Davranışlarının (Phubbing) Yordayıcıları Olarak Ebeveyn Sosyotelizmine Maruz Kalma ve Empati. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi(56), 401-425.