Year 2023,
, 1 - 15, 22.05.2023
Berrak Fırat
Şirin Okyayuz
Mustafa Yaşar Şahin
Bu çalışmada Sağır sporlarında çevirmenlik yapan CODA işaret dili çevirmeninin rolü, uygu-layıcılardan verilerle ele alınarak betimlenmiştir. Araştırmada TİESF (Türkiye İşitme Engelliler Spor Federasyonu) bünyesinde görev yapan, duyan milli takım antrenörleri ile Sağır sporcuları arasında iletişimi sağlayan işaret dili çevirmenlerinin rolü sahadan toplanan veriler sayesinde çok yönlü bir bakış açısıyla değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında, TİESF’nin ulusal ve uluslararası faaliyetlerinde görev alan, mesleki alandaki deneyimleri olan yedi CODA çevirmen-le yarı yapılandırılmış telefon görüşmesi yapılmıştır. Görüşmeler katılımcılardan izin alınarak üçüncü şahısla paylaşılmamak şartı ile kaydedilmiştir. Ülkemizde spor çevirmenliği ile ilgili çalışmalar ve özellikle de Sağır sporculara yönelik çevirilerle ilgili çalışmalar oldukça sınırlı sayıdadır. Araştırma, alan yazınında işaret dili çevirmeninin spor çevirmeni rolüne odaklanan nadir bir çalışmadır, takip edecek araştırma ve çalışmalar için de kaynak niteliği taşıyacağı umuduyla kaleme alınmıştır.
Supporting Institution
- Adams, S. (2008). “Characteristics Of The Coda Experience in 21st-Century Contemporary Culture” Hearing, Mother Father Deaf: Hearing People in Deaf Families (Ed. M. Bishop & S. Hicks), Gallaudet University Press, USA.
- Angelelli, C. (2010). “A Professional Ideology in the Making: Bilingual Youngsters Interpreting For the Communities and The Notion of (No) Choice”, Translation and Interpreting Studies, 5/1, 94-108.
- Atherton, M. (2009b). “A Feeling As Much As a Place: Leisure, Deaf Clubs and The British Deaf Community”, Leisure Studies, 28/4, 443–454.
- Atherton, M. (2012). Deafness, Community and Culture In Britain: Leisure and Cohesion, 1945–1995. Manchester University Press, Manchester.
- Baker, M. (2006). Translation and Conflict: A Narrative Account, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Oxfordshire.
- Baker, M. (2009). “Resisting State Terror: Theorizing Communities of Activist Translators And Interpreters”, Globalization, Political Violence and Translation, (Ed. B. Es-perança, & C. W. Hughes), Palgrave Macmillan, London.
- Bienvenu, M. J. (1987).” Third Culture: Working Together”, Journal of Interpretation, 4, 1-12.
- Bishop, M., & Hicks, S. (2008). “Coda Talk: Bimodal Discourse Among Hearing, Native Signers” Hearing, Mother Father Deaf: Hearing People in Deaf Families, (Ed. M. Bishop & S. Hicks), Gallaudet University Press, USA.
- Bontempo, K. (2015). “Sign Language Interpreting”, (Ed. H. Mikkelson & R. Jourdenais), The Routledge Handbook of Interpreting, Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- Bulut, A. (2018). Türkiye'de Futbol Çevirmenliği, Çeviribilim, İstanbul
- Butterfield, S. A. (1991). ”Physical Education and Sport For the Deaf: Rethinking the Least Restrictive Environment”, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 8/2, 95–102.
- Büyüknisan E. (2009). “Reiß Ve Vermeer’in Genel Bir Çeviri Kuramının Temeli Çeviri-bilimde Yapısalcı Eğilime Karşı Bütünleyici Bir Çözüm Mü?”, Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 18/1, 71-78.
- Clark, K. (2003, April 24). “Communication and Parenting Issues in Families With Deaf Parents and Hearing Children”, Children of Deaf adults http://www.lifeprint.com/asl101/pages-layout/coda.htm
- Fitzgerald, H. (2013). “Disability and Sports Development”, Sports Development: Policy, Process and Practice (Ed. K. Hylton), Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- Fitzgerald, H., & Long, J. (2017). “Integration or Special Provision? Positioning Disa-bled People in Sport and Leisure”, Sport, Leisure and Social Justice, (Ed. J. Long, B. Watson, & T. Fletcher, Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- Gile, D. (2009) “Conference Interpreting, Historical and Cognitive Perspectives”, Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (Ed. M. Baker & G. Saldanha),. Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- Hoffmeister, R. (2008). “Border Crossings by Hearing Children of Deaf Parents: The Lost History of Codas”, Open Your Eyes: Deaf Studies Talking, (Ed. D. L. Bauman (Ed.). University of Minnesota Press, Minnesota.
- Holmes, J. S. (1972). “The Name and Nature of Translation Studies”, Third International Congress of Applied Linguistics (Copenhagen, 21–26 August 1972): Congress Abstracts, (Ed. J. Qvistgaard et al.), Ehrverskøkonomisk Forlag, Copenhagen.
Janzen, T. (2005). “Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Signed Language Interpreting”. Topics in Signed Language Interpreting: Theory and Practice, (Ed. T Jan-zen). John Benjamins, Amsterdam.
- Kanto, L., Huttunen, K., & Laakso, M. L. (2013). “Relationship Between the Linguistic Environments and Early Bilingual Language Development of Hearing Children in Deaf-Parented Families”, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 18/2, 242-260.
- Kiuppis, F. (2018). “Inclusion in Sport: Disability and Participation”, Sport in Society, 21/1, 4–21.
- Kurková, P., Válková, H. & Scheetz, N. (2011). “Factors Impacting Participation of European Elite Deaf Athletes in Sport”, Journal of Sports Sciences, 29, 607-618.
İşaret Dili Çevirmeni Mesleki Yeterlilik Seviye 6 (25.12.2021). MYK - Mesleki Yeterlilik Kurumu. https://tyc.gov.tr/yeterlilik/isaret-dili-cevirmeni-seviye-6-myk-mesleki-yeterlilik-belgesi-TR00122680.html
- Napier, J. (2015). “Comparing Signed and Spoken Language Interpreting”, The Routledge Handbook of Interpreting, (Ed. H. Mikkelson & R. Jourdenais), Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- Peers, D. (2018).” Sport and Social Movements by and for Disability and Deaf Communities: Important Differences in Self-Determination, Politicization and Activism”, The Palgrave Handbook of Paralympic Studies, (Ed. I. Brittain and A. Beacom), Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Pöchhacker, F. (1999) “Getting Organized: The Evolution of Community Interpreting” Interpreting, 4/1, 125-140.
- Reagan, T. (2010). “Translating and Interpreting Sign Language: Mediating the DEAF-WORLD”, The translator as mediator of cultures (Vol 3) (Ed. Tonkin, H., & Frank, M. E). John Benjamins, Amsterdam.
- Rosenstock, R. & Napier, J. (2015). “Introduction: To International Sign or Not To International Sign? That Is The Question”, International Sign: Linguistics, Usage and Status Issues (Ed. R. Rosenstock & J.Napier), Gallaudet University Press, USA.
Roy, C. B. (2000). “Training Interpreters: Past, Present and Future”, Innovative Prac-tices for Teaching Sign Language Interpreters, (Ed. C. Roy), Gallaudet University Press, USA.
- Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Kurulu (RTÜK) (25.12, 2021). Sağırların, İşitme ve Görme Engellilerin Yayın Hizmetlerine erişiminin İyileştirilmesine İlişkin Usul ve Esaslar Hakkında Yönetmelik. https://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2019/10/20191011-15.htm
Schiff-Myers, N. (1988). “Hearing Children of Deaf Parents”, Language Development In Exceptional Circumstances, (Ed. D. Bishop & K. Mogford), Churchill Livingstone, London.
- Schultz, J. L., Lieberman, L. J., Ellis M. K. & Hilgenbrinck, L. C. (2013). “Ensuring The Success of Deaf Students in Inclusive Physical Education”, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 84/5, 51-56.
- Shaw, S., Grbic, N. & Franklin, K. (2004). “Applying Language Skills To Interpretation: Student Perspectives From Signed and Spoken Language Programs”, Interpreting, 6/1, 69-100.
- Sherwood, B. (1987). “Third Culture: Making It Work”, Journal of Interpretation, IV, 13-24.
- Stewart, D. & McCarthy, D. & Robinson, J.A. (1988). “Participation in Deaf Sport: Characteristics of Deaf Sports Directors”, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 5, 233-244.
Toury, G. (2000). “The Nature and Role of the Norms in Translation”, The Translation Studies Reader, (Ed. L. Venuti). Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- Türk İşaret Dili ve Sağır Çalışmaları Anabilim Dalı, Türk İşaret Dili Tercümanlığı Tezli ve Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programları ile Türk İşaret Dili Doktora Programı (25.12 2021). Ankara University Graduate School of Social Sciences, Ankara University. https://basin.yok.gov.tr/AciklamaBelgeleri/2018/09_isaret_didli_anabilimdali_acildi.pdf
- Türk Işaret Dili Çalişmaları ve Uygulamaları I.Ö.Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans (25.12.2021). Hacettepe University. http://akts.hacettepe.edu.tr/program_detay.php?birim_ref=410c62646915763e0169582bea630344&birim_kod=2172&prg_oid=410c62646915763e0169582dab220345&prg_kod=21721&programduzey=3&submenuheader=2
- Türkiye İşitme Engelliler Spor Federasyonu (TIESF) Tarihçe (25.12. 2021). https://tiesf.gov.tr/tarihce/
- Türkiye Özürlüler Spor Federasyonu (TÖSF) Tarihçesi (25.12. 2021). https://www.rehabilitasyon.com/makale/Engellilerde_Spor-2_CZOqEG_89#:~:text=%C3%9Clkemizde%208%2D11%20May%C4%B1s%201990,Dr.
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) (25.12.2021). https://www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/convention-on-the-rights-of-persons-with-disabilities.html
- Ünsal, G. (2019). “Spor Dili ve Çevirisi”, International Journal of Language Academy, 7/27, 118–138.
- Venuti, L. (1995). The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation, Routledge, London and New York
- Williamson, A. (2012).” The cost of invisibility: Codas and the sign language interpret-ing profession”, Retrieved from http://www.streetleverage.com/2012/11/the-cost-of- invisibility-codas-and-the-sign-languageinterpreting-profession/.
- Williamson, A. (2015). Heritage Learner To Professional Interpreter: Who Are Deaf-Parented Interpreters and How Do They Achieve Professional Status? [Master's of Arts in Interpreting. Studies (MAIS) Theses] 22. Web (25. December 2021): http://digitalcommons.wou.edu/theses/2
- Yıldırım, A., & Simsek, H. (2011). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri (8th ed.). Seckin Yayinevi, Ankara.
Year 2023,
, 1 - 15, 22.05.2023
Berrak Fırat
Şirin Okyayuz
Mustafa Yaşar Şahin
In the present study, based on a doctorate thesis, data obtained from practitioners was evaluated to determine the role of CODA sign-language interpreters in Deaf sports. The study includes a multifaceted analysis of the role played by sign language interpreters in the com-munication of hearing national team coaches working with athletes who are deaf in the Turk-ish Deaf Sports Federation (TIESF). For this purpose, semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with seven experienced CODA interpreters involved in the national and inter-national activities of the TIESF. To date there have been few studies in the field of sports in-terpreting in Turkey, and particularly interpreting for athletes who are deaf. The present research is a pioneering and exemplary study that focuses on the role of signed language interpreters as sports interpreters.
- Adams, S. (2008). “Characteristics Of The Coda Experience in 21st-Century Contemporary Culture” Hearing, Mother Father Deaf: Hearing People in Deaf Families (Ed. M. Bishop & S. Hicks), Gallaudet University Press, USA.
- Angelelli, C. (2010). “A Professional Ideology in the Making: Bilingual Youngsters Interpreting For the Communities and The Notion of (No) Choice”, Translation and Interpreting Studies, 5/1, 94-108.
- Atherton, M. (2009b). “A Feeling As Much As a Place: Leisure, Deaf Clubs and The British Deaf Community”, Leisure Studies, 28/4, 443–454.
- Atherton, M. (2012). Deafness, Community and Culture In Britain: Leisure and Cohesion, 1945–1995. Manchester University Press, Manchester.
- Baker, M. (2006). Translation and Conflict: A Narrative Account, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Oxfordshire.
- Baker, M. (2009). “Resisting State Terror: Theorizing Communities of Activist Translators And Interpreters”, Globalization, Political Violence and Translation, (Ed. B. Es-perança, & C. W. Hughes), Palgrave Macmillan, London.
- Bienvenu, M. J. (1987).” Third Culture: Working Together”, Journal of Interpretation, 4, 1-12.
- Bishop, M., & Hicks, S. (2008). “Coda Talk: Bimodal Discourse Among Hearing, Native Signers” Hearing, Mother Father Deaf: Hearing People in Deaf Families, (Ed. M. Bishop & S. Hicks), Gallaudet University Press, USA.
- Bontempo, K. (2015). “Sign Language Interpreting”, (Ed. H. Mikkelson & R. Jourdenais), The Routledge Handbook of Interpreting, Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- Bulut, A. (2018). Türkiye'de Futbol Çevirmenliği, Çeviribilim, İstanbul
- Butterfield, S. A. (1991). ”Physical Education and Sport For the Deaf: Rethinking the Least Restrictive Environment”, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 8/2, 95–102.
- Büyüknisan E. (2009). “Reiß Ve Vermeer’in Genel Bir Çeviri Kuramının Temeli Çeviri-bilimde Yapısalcı Eğilime Karşı Bütünleyici Bir Çözüm Mü?”, Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 18/1, 71-78.
- Clark, K. (2003, April 24). “Communication and Parenting Issues in Families With Deaf Parents and Hearing Children”, Children of Deaf adults http://www.lifeprint.com/asl101/pages-layout/coda.htm
- Fitzgerald, H. (2013). “Disability and Sports Development”, Sports Development: Policy, Process and Practice (Ed. K. Hylton), Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- Fitzgerald, H., & Long, J. (2017). “Integration or Special Provision? Positioning Disa-bled People in Sport and Leisure”, Sport, Leisure and Social Justice, (Ed. J. Long, B. Watson, & T. Fletcher, Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- Gile, D. (2009) “Conference Interpreting, Historical and Cognitive Perspectives”, Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (Ed. M. Baker & G. Saldanha),. Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- Hoffmeister, R. (2008). “Border Crossings by Hearing Children of Deaf Parents: The Lost History of Codas”, Open Your Eyes: Deaf Studies Talking, (Ed. D. L. Bauman (Ed.). University of Minnesota Press, Minnesota.
- Holmes, J. S. (1972). “The Name and Nature of Translation Studies”, Third International Congress of Applied Linguistics (Copenhagen, 21–26 August 1972): Congress Abstracts, (Ed. J. Qvistgaard et al.), Ehrverskøkonomisk Forlag, Copenhagen.
Janzen, T. (2005). “Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Signed Language Interpreting”. Topics in Signed Language Interpreting: Theory and Practice, (Ed. T Jan-zen). John Benjamins, Amsterdam.
- Kanto, L., Huttunen, K., & Laakso, M. L. (2013). “Relationship Between the Linguistic Environments and Early Bilingual Language Development of Hearing Children in Deaf-Parented Families”, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 18/2, 242-260.
- Kiuppis, F. (2018). “Inclusion in Sport: Disability and Participation”, Sport in Society, 21/1, 4–21.
- Kurková, P., Válková, H. & Scheetz, N. (2011). “Factors Impacting Participation of European Elite Deaf Athletes in Sport”, Journal of Sports Sciences, 29, 607-618.
İşaret Dili Çevirmeni Mesleki Yeterlilik Seviye 6 (25.12.2021). MYK - Mesleki Yeterlilik Kurumu. https://tyc.gov.tr/yeterlilik/isaret-dili-cevirmeni-seviye-6-myk-mesleki-yeterlilik-belgesi-TR00122680.html
- Napier, J. (2015). “Comparing Signed and Spoken Language Interpreting”, The Routledge Handbook of Interpreting, (Ed. H. Mikkelson & R. Jourdenais), Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- Peers, D. (2018).” Sport and Social Movements by and for Disability and Deaf Communities: Important Differences in Self-Determination, Politicization and Activism”, The Palgrave Handbook of Paralympic Studies, (Ed. I. Brittain and A. Beacom), Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Pöchhacker, F. (1999) “Getting Organized: The Evolution of Community Interpreting” Interpreting, 4/1, 125-140.
- Reagan, T. (2010). “Translating and Interpreting Sign Language: Mediating the DEAF-WORLD”, The translator as mediator of cultures (Vol 3) (Ed. Tonkin, H., & Frank, M. E). John Benjamins, Amsterdam.
- Rosenstock, R. & Napier, J. (2015). “Introduction: To International Sign or Not To International Sign? That Is The Question”, International Sign: Linguistics, Usage and Status Issues (Ed. R. Rosenstock & J.Napier), Gallaudet University Press, USA.
Roy, C. B. (2000). “Training Interpreters: Past, Present and Future”, Innovative Prac-tices for Teaching Sign Language Interpreters, (Ed. C. Roy), Gallaudet University Press, USA.
- Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Kurulu (RTÜK) (25.12, 2021). Sağırların, İşitme ve Görme Engellilerin Yayın Hizmetlerine erişiminin İyileştirilmesine İlişkin Usul ve Esaslar Hakkında Yönetmelik. https://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/eskiler/2019/10/20191011-15.htm
Schiff-Myers, N. (1988). “Hearing Children of Deaf Parents”, Language Development In Exceptional Circumstances, (Ed. D. Bishop & K. Mogford), Churchill Livingstone, London.
- Schultz, J. L., Lieberman, L. J., Ellis M. K. & Hilgenbrinck, L. C. (2013). “Ensuring The Success of Deaf Students in Inclusive Physical Education”, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 84/5, 51-56.
- Shaw, S., Grbic, N. & Franklin, K. (2004). “Applying Language Skills To Interpretation: Student Perspectives From Signed and Spoken Language Programs”, Interpreting, 6/1, 69-100.
- Sherwood, B. (1987). “Third Culture: Making It Work”, Journal of Interpretation, IV, 13-24.
- Stewart, D. & McCarthy, D. & Robinson, J.A. (1988). “Participation in Deaf Sport: Characteristics of Deaf Sports Directors”, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 5, 233-244.
Toury, G. (2000). “The Nature and Role of the Norms in Translation”, The Translation Studies Reader, (Ed. L. Venuti). Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- Türk İşaret Dili ve Sağır Çalışmaları Anabilim Dalı, Türk İşaret Dili Tercümanlığı Tezli ve Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programları ile Türk İşaret Dili Doktora Programı (25.12 2021). Ankara University Graduate School of Social Sciences, Ankara University. https://basin.yok.gov.tr/AciklamaBelgeleri/2018/09_isaret_didli_anabilimdali_acildi.pdf
- Türk Işaret Dili Çalişmaları ve Uygulamaları I.Ö.Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans (25.12.2021). Hacettepe University. http://akts.hacettepe.edu.tr/program_detay.php?birim_ref=410c62646915763e0169582bea630344&birim_kod=2172&prg_oid=410c62646915763e0169582dab220345&prg_kod=21721&programduzey=3&submenuheader=2
- Türkiye İşitme Engelliler Spor Federasyonu (TIESF) Tarihçe (25.12. 2021). https://tiesf.gov.tr/tarihce/
- Türkiye Özürlüler Spor Federasyonu (TÖSF) Tarihçesi (25.12. 2021). https://www.rehabilitasyon.com/makale/Engellilerde_Spor-2_CZOqEG_89#:~:text=%C3%9Clkemizde%208%2D11%20May%C4%B1s%201990,Dr.
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) (25.12.2021). https://www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/convention-on-the-rights-of-persons-with-disabilities.html
- Ünsal, G. (2019). “Spor Dili ve Çevirisi”, International Journal of Language Academy, 7/27, 118–138.
- Venuti, L. (1995). The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation, Routledge, London and New York
- Williamson, A. (2012).” The cost of invisibility: Codas and the sign language interpret-ing profession”, Retrieved from http://www.streetleverage.com/2012/11/the-cost-of- invisibility-codas-and-the-sign-languageinterpreting-profession/.
- Williamson, A. (2015). Heritage Learner To Professional Interpreter: Who Are Deaf-Parented Interpreters and How Do They Achieve Professional Status? [Master's of Arts in Interpreting. Studies (MAIS) Theses] 22. Web (25. December 2021): http://digitalcommons.wou.edu/theses/2
- Yıldırım, A., & Simsek, H. (2011). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri (8th ed.). Seckin Yayinevi, Ankara.