Writing Rules

In the Journal of Politics, Economics and Business Sciences referencing, footnote writing, and bibliography preparation will follow the American Psychological Association (APA) style.

All texts should be written in the following order:

Title of the Study
JEL Codes
Main Text
All studies should be prepared in MS Office Word files, with A4 page size preferred, and should not contain any information about the authors within the file/file name.
Margins should be 2.5 cm from right, left, bottom, and top, and the entire text should be written with 1.5 line spacing.
Times New Roman font should be used throughout the study.
The Turkish title of the study should be in 14-point, bold, centered, with all capital letters; the English title should be in 12-point, bold, centered, with only the first letters of words capitalized, written below the Turkish abstract.
Turkish and English abstract sections, each not exceeding 250 words, should be included after the Turkish and English titles, respectively. Below the Turkish and English abstracts, at least three keywords and appropriate JEL codes should be written. The headings "Keywords" and "JEL Codes" should be in title case, centered, bold, and italicized. Keywords and JEL codes should be written in two columns (1.25 cm indentation).

Subheadings should be formatted as shown in the table below, in 12-point font.

Last Update Time: 7/28/24, 10:03:11 PM