Year 2024,
, 47 - 65, 01.01.2024
Yiğit Cebeci
Hüseyin Çalışkan
Mehmet Uymaz
- Adwan, S., Bar‐Tal, D., & Wexler, B. E. (2016). Portrayal of the Other in P alestinian and Israeli Schoolbooks: A Comparative Study. Political Psychology, 37(2), 201-217.
- Akhan, O. Babaev, A. & Yalçın, A. (2019). Example of Comparative Social Studies Teaching: Turkey and Russia Social Studies Programs. Journal of International Social Research, 12(63),746-762.
- Aktaş, Ö. (2012). Student views on the treatment of war and peace themes in propaganda posters. Gazi University Journal of Gazi Educational Faculty, 32(2), 281-309.
- Arabacı, H. M. (2019). Turks in Ukrainian secondary and high school history textbooks. Turkish History Education Journal, 8(1), 27-59.
- Arıkan, R. (2011). Research Methods and Techniques. Ankara: Nobel Academic Publishing.
- Ayhan, B., & Balcı, Ş. (2009). University youth and the internet in Kyrgyzstan: A uses and gratifications study. Bilig Journal of Social Sciences of the Turkish World, 48, 13-40.
- Balcı, A, (2001). Research, methods, techniques and principles in social sciences. Ankara: Pegem Academy.
- Balta, E. & Demir, S. (2016). History, identity and foreign policy: Ottoman-Turkish image in Russian Federation contemporary history textbooks. Bilig, (76), 1-32.
- Bogolyubova, I.N. & Ivanovoy, L.F. (2013) Akademicheskiy shkol'nyy uchebnik Obshchestvoznaniye:5.Moskva: Prosveshcheniye.
- Bozkuş, Y. D. (2014). Turkish image in Armenian history textbooks. New Turkey 60, 2014.
- Canan-Sokullu, E. (2014). Transatlantic Public Opinion on War: Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. Saarbrucken: LAP Lambert Verlag.
- Cemaloğlu, N. (2003). The place and importance of textbooks in teaching subject area textbook review guide - history. Nobel Publishing.
- Cengiz, N. M. & Şimşek, A. (2017). The image of Turks in history textbooks taught in Russia during the Soviet Union period. Journal of Modern Turkish History, 13(26), 37-66.
- Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research design: qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. California: Sage Publications.
- Dinler, M. (2019). Ukraine-Russia Tension in the Geopolitical Framework. [Unpublished Master's thesis]. Trakya University.
- Doğan, A. & Kılınç, M. (2014). analysis of the level of inclusion of the concepts of peace and war in different primary school textbooks. The Journal of Academic Social Science, 2(1), 277-289.
- Egüz, S. (2020). The meaning of war and peace for the migrant Syrian students at tertiary level in Turkey: an art-based study. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 7(3) 992-1008.
- Ensaroğlu, Y. (2001). Multiculturalism in the Process of Modernization,1.
- Ercantürk, O. K. (2010). Examination of the Russian Education System. [Unpublished Master's thesis]. Yeditepe University.
- Erözden, O. (2014). Ottoman-Turkish image in Croatian history textbooks. Journal of Political Sciences, (50), 39-54.
- Fitzduff, M., & Stout, C. E. (Eds.) (2006). The psychology of resolving global conflicts: From war to peace (Vols. 1–3). Westport, CT: Praeger Security International.
- Galtung, J. (1969). Violence, Peace and Peace Research. Journal of Peace Research. 6 (3). 167-191.
- Gisem, O. V. ve Martınük, O. O. (2016). Vsesvitna istoriya 8. Harkiv: Ranok
- Güzelyurt, T. (2022). An ınvestigation of the concept of war and peace in ıllustrated children's books. Çukurova University Faculty of Education Journal, 51(1), 273-292.
- Hanaba, S. (2020). Image of the Other in Teaching History: Humanistic Potential of the intersubjective Approach. История, 28(3), 302-321.
- Harris, I. M. & Morrison, M. L. (2012). Peace education (3rd ed.). Jefferson, NC: McFarland ve Co.
- İnan, S. (2013). A sinister issue on Democracy Education in Turkey: Militarism in the Textbooks of Social Sciences. Pamukkale University Faculty of Education Journal, 33 (33), 31-38.
- İnan, S. (2019.) Social studies education: What is it, When and Why?.In İnan,S.(Ed.) Introduction to social studies education (pp.1-21) Anı Publishing.
- Jabbar, S., & Betawi, A. (2019). Children express: war and peace themes in the drawings of Iraqi refugee children in Jordan. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 24(1), 1-18.
- Jaganjac, A. (2021). The role of education in peacebuilding (comparative analysis of history textbooks taught in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro). [Unpublished Master's thesis]. Sakarya University.
- Janmaat, J. G. (2007). The ethnic ‘other’in Ukrainian history textbooks: The case of Russia and the Russians. Compare, 37(3), 307-324.
- Kaya, B. & Topçu, E. (2017). Perceptions of friend and enemy country of social studies teacher students. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(3), 48-56.
- Kabapınar, Y. (2009). Social Studies Textbooks in the Light of the New Understanding of Learning. Cemil Öztürk (Eds.), Social Studies Teaching: Democratic Citizenship Education, In I. Edition (367-401), Pegema Publishing.
- Keskin, M. (2015). Russian Foreign Policy In The Context Of Near Environment Doctrine: Ukrainian Intervention. Journal of Peace Research and Conflict Resolution, 3(2), 45-62.
- Konukhov, S. (2017). Images Of European Culture In Ukrainian History Textbooks. Vіі Міжнародний Молодіжний Науковий Форум “Litteris Et Artibus”, 379.
- Korostelina, K. (2023). War and Peace in Ukraine: Training for History Teachers on Dynamics of Peace and Conflict. Peace and Conflict Studies, 29(2), 3.
- Korostelina, K. (2010). War of textbooks: History education in Russia and Ukraine. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 43(2), 129-137.
- Malek, M. (2009). The “Western Vector” of the Foreign and Security Policy of Ukraine: Continuites and Ruptures under President Viktor Yushchenko (2005–2009). The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 22(4), 515-542.
- Neuman, W.L., (2001). Fear of the “alien other”: Cultural anxiety and opinions about Japan. Sociological Inquiry, 71(3), (335-356).
- Nikitin,F. & T. I. Nikitina, T.I. (2016). Obshchestvoznaniye, 8 klass, uchebnik. Moskva: Drofa.
- Oruç, Ş. (2006). The phenomenon of war in textbooks. Turkish Journal of Social Work Research, 10(3), 9-29.
- Öztop, F. A., Jaganjac, A., & Efegil, E. (2021). Education in the social construction of peace: An evaluation through history textbooks in Serbia. International Journal of Politics And Security, 3(2), 102-134.
- Özdemir, F., & Çelik, H. (2017). Social Studies teachers' views on the inclusion of the concepts of war and peace in the Social Studies program and textbooks. International Journal of Social Science Research, 6(1), 38-60.
- Panarin, O & Makarevych, A. & Topolʹnytsʹka. & Y. Okhrimenko, O. (2022). Doslidzhuyemo istoriyu i suspilʹstvo 5 klas. Kiev: Litera.
- Trošt, T. P. (2019). Remembering the good: Constructing the nation through joyful memories in school textbooks in the former Yugoslavia. Memory Studies, 12(1), 27-45.
- Saba, K., Irshad, S., & Shehzad, W. (2021). Preparing for War or Peace: Exploring the Peace Values in 9th Grade English Textbook in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. University of Chitral Journal of Linguistics & Literature, 5(1), 311-329.
- Safran, M. & B. Ata (1996). Studies on peaceful history teaching. Journal of Gazi Educational Faculty, 18(1) 11-26.
- Semerci, Ç. (2004). A general evaluation of primary education (1st-5th grade) Turkish textbooks. Fırat University Journal of Eastern Studies, 3(1), 21-24.
- Şahingöz, M., & Bilalli, S. (2018). Ottoman-Turkish Image" in history textbooks taught in educational institutions in the Balkans. CTAD, (14), 28, 163-182.
- Schrumpf, F., Crawford, D., & Bodine, R. J., (2007). School conflict resolution and peer mediation program guide. Ankara: Imge Publishing.
- Şeker, M., & İlhan, G. O. (2020). Examination of the way the Ottoman and Turkish Image is handled in Bulgarian textbooks. Journal of Human and Social Sciences.3(2), 507-524.
- Şimşek, A. (Ed.) (2018). Turkish image in the world. Ankara: Pegem.
- Sokullu, E. (2019). Types of war. Security Articles Series. Retrieved 24.10.2023 from
- United Nations (n.d). Ukraine: civilian casualty update 6 February 2023. Retrieved 28.02.2023 from
- UNESCO. (2011). The hidden crisis: Armed conflict and education-EFA Global
- Monitoring Report. Paris: UNESCO.
- The UN Refugee Agency (n.d). Ukraine Situation. Retrieved 28.02.2022 from
- Veysal, Ç. (1998). An Approach to the Problem of War and Peace from the Perspective of Human Philosophy. Felsefelogos, (4)
- Volkan,V.(1999).When enemies talk: Psycho analytic insights from Arab-Israeli dialogues [Freud lecture presented at Vienna University]. Vienna: Freud Museum.
- Wach, E., & Ward, R. (2013). Learning about qualitative document analysis. Retrieved from 24.10.2023
- Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2005). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. (5. edition). Ankara: Seçkin Publishing.
- Zotova, J. A. (2021). Mutual Perception in Contemporary Relations between Russia and Iran: Image of Russia and Iran in History School Textbooks of the Two Countries. Vestnik RUDN. International Relations, 21(1), 157-170.
Perceptions of War-Peace and Ukraine-Russia in Textbooks Corresponding to Russia and Ukraine Social Studies Course
Year 2024,
, 47 - 65, 01.01.2024
Yiğit Cebeci
Hüseyin Çalışkan
Mehmet Uymaz
This study examined how the perceptions of war and peace and the perceptions of both countries towards each other are handled in the textbooks corresponding to social studies course in Russia and Ukraine. The analysis of the compared textbooks in terms of targeted images is also related to the current Russia-Ukraine war. In this study designed as qualitative research, the data were obtained through descriptive analysis. The first finding of the study revealed that in the textbooks analysed in terms of the frequency of use of the concepts of war and peace and the target country-nation expression; the concept of war is more frequent than the concept of peace at all grade levels in both countries. The second finding showed that in general, the Ukrainian-Ukraine image in Russian social studies textbooks is neutral, while the Russian-Russia image in Ukrainian history textbooks is negative. Another finding of the study is that the Russian and Ukrainian social studies textbooks use various visuals that evoke the concepts of war and peace. The last finding of the study revealed that various metaphors, implicit messages, or slogan-like expressions in terms of the concept of war, peace and target country-nation were encountered in the textbooks corresponding to social studies course in Russia and Ukraine.
- Adwan, S., Bar‐Tal, D., & Wexler, B. E. (2016). Portrayal of the Other in P alestinian and Israeli Schoolbooks: A Comparative Study. Political Psychology, 37(2), 201-217.
- Akhan, O. Babaev, A. & Yalçın, A. (2019). Example of Comparative Social Studies Teaching: Turkey and Russia Social Studies Programs. Journal of International Social Research, 12(63),746-762.
- Aktaş, Ö. (2012). Student views on the treatment of war and peace themes in propaganda posters. Gazi University Journal of Gazi Educational Faculty, 32(2), 281-309.
- Arabacı, H. M. (2019). Turks in Ukrainian secondary and high school history textbooks. Turkish History Education Journal, 8(1), 27-59.
- Arıkan, R. (2011). Research Methods and Techniques. Ankara: Nobel Academic Publishing.
- Ayhan, B., & Balcı, Ş. (2009). University youth and the internet in Kyrgyzstan: A uses and gratifications study. Bilig Journal of Social Sciences of the Turkish World, 48, 13-40.
- Balcı, A, (2001). Research, methods, techniques and principles in social sciences. Ankara: Pegem Academy.
- Balta, E. & Demir, S. (2016). History, identity and foreign policy: Ottoman-Turkish image in Russian Federation contemporary history textbooks. Bilig, (76), 1-32.
- Bogolyubova, I.N. & Ivanovoy, L.F. (2013) Akademicheskiy shkol'nyy uchebnik Obshchestvoznaniye:5.Moskva: Prosveshcheniye.
- Bozkuş, Y. D. (2014). Turkish image in Armenian history textbooks. New Turkey 60, 2014.
- Canan-Sokullu, E. (2014). Transatlantic Public Opinion on War: Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. Saarbrucken: LAP Lambert Verlag.
- Cemaloğlu, N. (2003). The place and importance of textbooks in teaching subject area textbook review guide - history. Nobel Publishing.
- Cengiz, N. M. & Şimşek, A. (2017). The image of Turks in history textbooks taught in Russia during the Soviet Union period. Journal of Modern Turkish History, 13(26), 37-66.
- Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research design: qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. California: Sage Publications.
- Dinler, M. (2019). Ukraine-Russia Tension in the Geopolitical Framework. [Unpublished Master's thesis]. Trakya University.
- Doğan, A. & Kılınç, M. (2014). analysis of the level of inclusion of the concepts of peace and war in different primary school textbooks. The Journal of Academic Social Science, 2(1), 277-289.
- Egüz, S. (2020). The meaning of war and peace for the migrant Syrian students at tertiary level in Turkey: an art-based study. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 7(3) 992-1008.
- Ensaroğlu, Y. (2001). Multiculturalism in the Process of Modernization,1.
- Ercantürk, O. K. (2010). Examination of the Russian Education System. [Unpublished Master's thesis]. Yeditepe University.
- Erözden, O. (2014). Ottoman-Turkish image in Croatian history textbooks. Journal of Political Sciences, (50), 39-54.
- Fitzduff, M., & Stout, C. E. (Eds.) (2006). The psychology of resolving global conflicts: From war to peace (Vols. 1–3). Westport, CT: Praeger Security International.
- Galtung, J. (1969). Violence, Peace and Peace Research. Journal of Peace Research. 6 (3). 167-191.
- Gisem, O. V. ve Martınük, O. O. (2016). Vsesvitna istoriya 8. Harkiv: Ranok
- Güzelyurt, T. (2022). An ınvestigation of the concept of war and peace in ıllustrated children's books. Çukurova University Faculty of Education Journal, 51(1), 273-292.
- Hanaba, S. (2020). Image of the Other in Teaching History: Humanistic Potential of the intersubjective Approach. История, 28(3), 302-321.
- Harris, I. M. & Morrison, M. L. (2012). Peace education (3rd ed.). Jefferson, NC: McFarland ve Co.
- İnan, S. (2013). A sinister issue on Democracy Education in Turkey: Militarism in the Textbooks of Social Sciences. Pamukkale University Faculty of Education Journal, 33 (33), 31-38.
- İnan, S. (2019.) Social studies education: What is it, When and Why?.In İnan,S.(Ed.) Introduction to social studies education (pp.1-21) Anı Publishing.
- Jabbar, S., & Betawi, A. (2019). Children express: war and peace themes in the drawings of Iraqi refugee children in Jordan. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 24(1), 1-18.
- Jaganjac, A. (2021). The role of education in peacebuilding (comparative analysis of history textbooks taught in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro). [Unpublished Master's thesis]. Sakarya University.
- Janmaat, J. G. (2007). The ethnic ‘other’in Ukrainian history textbooks: The case of Russia and the Russians. Compare, 37(3), 307-324.
- Kaya, B. & Topçu, E. (2017). Perceptions of friend and enemy country of social studies teacher students. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(3), 48-56.
- Kabapınar, Y. (2009). Social Studies Textbooks in the Light of the New Understanding of Learning. Cemil Öztürk (Eds.), Social Studies Teaching: Democratic Citizenship Education, In I. Edition (367-401), Pegema Publishing.
- Keskin, M. (2015). Russian Foreign Policy In The Context Of Near Environment Doctrine: Ukrainian Intervention. Journal of Peace Research and Conflict Resolution, 3(2), 45-62.
- Konukhov, S. (2017). Images Of European Culture In Ukrainian History Textbooks. Vіі Міжнародний Молодіжний Науковий Форум “Litteris Et Artibus”, 379.
- Korostelina, K. (2023). War and Peace in Ukraine: Training for History Teachers on Dynamics of Peace and Conflict. Peace and Conflict Studies, 29(2), 3.
- Korostelina, K. (2010). War of textbooks: History education in Russia and Ukraine. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 43(2), 129-137.
- Malek, M. (2009). The “Western Vector” of the Foreign and Security Policy of Ukraine: Continuites and Ruptures under President Viktor Yushchenko (2005–2009). The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 22(4), 515-542.
- Neuman, W.L., (2001). Fear of the “alien other”: Cultural anxiety and opinions about Japan. Sociological Inquiry, 71(3), (335-356).
- Nikitin,F. & T. I. Nikitina, T.I. (2016). Obshchestvoznaniye, 8 klass, uchebnik. Moskva: Drofa.
- Oruç, Ş. (2006). The phenomenon of war in textbooks. Turkish Journal of Social Work Research, 10(3), 9-29.
- Öztop, F. A., Jaganjac, A., & Efegil, E. (2021). Education in the social construction of peace: An evaluation through history textbooks in Serbia. International Journal of Politics And Security, 3(2), 102-134.
- Özdemir, F., & Çelik, H. (2017). Social Studies teachers' views on the inclusion of the concepts of war and peace in the Social Studies program and textbooks. International Journal of Social Science Research, 6(1), 38-60.
- Panarin, O & Makarevych, A. & Topolʹnytsʹka. & Y. Okhrimenko, O. (2022). Doslidzhuyemo istoriyu i suspilʹstvo 5 klas. Kiev: Litera.
- Trošt, T. P. (2019). Remembering the good: Constructing the nation through joyful memories in school textbooks in the former Yugoslavia. Memory Studies, 12(1), 27-45.
- Saba, K., Irshad, S., & Shehzad, W. (2021). Preparing for War or Peace: Exploring the Peace Values in 9th Grade English Textbook in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. University of Chitral Journal of Linguistics & Literature, 5(1), 311-329.
- Safran, M. & B. Ata (1996). Studies on peaceful history teaching. Journal of Gazi Educational Faculty, 18(1) 11-26.
- Semerci, Ç. (2004). A general evaluation of primary education (1st-5th grade) Turkish textbooks. Fırat University Journal of Eastern Studies, 3(1), 21-24.
- Şahingöz, M., & Bilalli, S. (2018). Ottoman-Turkish Image" in history textbooks taught in educational institutions in the Balkans. CTAD, (14), 28, 163-182.
- Schrumpf, F., Crawford, D., & Bodine, R. J., (2007). School conflict resolution and peer mediation program guide. Ankara: Imge Publishing.
- Şeker, M., & İlhan, G. O. (2020). Examination of the way the Ottoman and Turkish Image is handled in Bulgarian textbooks. Journal of Human and Social Sciences.3(2), 507-524.
- Şimşek, A. (Ed.) (2018). Turkish image in the world. Ankara: Pegem.
- Sokullu, E. (2019). Types of war. Security Articles Series. Retrieved 24.10.2023 from
- United Nations (n.d). Ukraine: civilian casualty update 6 February 2023. Retrieved 28.02.2023 from
- UNESCO. (2011). The hidden crisis: Armed conflict and education-EFA Global
- Monitoring Report. Paris: UNESCO.
- The UN Refugee Agency (n.d). Ukraine Situation. Retrieved 28.02.2022 from
- Veysal, Ç. (1998). An Approach to the Problem of War and Peace from the Perspective of Human Philosophy. Felsefelogos, (4)
- Volkan,V.(1999).When enemies talk: Psycho analytic insights from Arab-Israeli dialogues [Freud lecture presented at Vienna University]. Vienna: Freud Museum.
- Wach, E., & Ward, R. (2013). Learning about qualitative document analysis. Retrieved from 24.10.2023
- Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2005). Qualitative research methods in the social sciences. (5. edition). Ankara: Seçkin Publishing.
- Zotova, J. A. (2021). Mutual Perception in Contemporary Relations between Russia and Iran: Image of Russia and Iran in History School Textbooks of the Two Countries. Vestnik RUDN. International Relations, 21(1), 157-170.