Fostering Tech Integration: Teachers' Attitudes Mediating Lifelong Learning and Technology Integration Self-Efficacy
Year 2024,
, 112 - 133, 01.11.2024
Alper Aytaç
Melek Alemdar
Yasin Akay
Yunus Emre Avcu
What matters in education now is teaching and learning in a transformational era. It is primarily about what we demand from education and how we acquire information. To manage the dynamism of learning and teaching, it is crucial to research the teachers’ integration of technology in the context of lifelong education. This study investigates how teachers’ perspectives of lifelong learning and technology attitudes influence technology integration self-efficacy. A structural equation model was constructed to represent the causal relationships between variables. In the 2021-2022 academic year, 386 teachers from various high schools in Eskişehir, Türkiye, were selected using the stratified sampling method. Descriptive analysis and simple linear regression analysis were used to analyze the data, and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis determined the structural validity of the scales. The validity of the structural equation model was tested by means of path analysis and the model was found to be acceptable. Results show that teacher attitudes mediate between lifelong learning and technology integration self-efficacy, thereby influencing successful technology integration in the classroom. Examining the relationship between teachers’ perceptions of lifelong learning and their level of competence in adapting to technological advances is expected to contribute to relevant studies in this area.
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Year 2024,
, 112 - 133, 01.11.2024
Alper Aytaç
Melek Alemdar
Yasin Akay
Yunus Emre Avcu
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