Research Article
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Year 2018, , 86 - 95, 01.06.2018



  • Akaydın, B.B. & Kaya, S. (2018). The effect of 5e model with and without animation on students’ achievement and attitude in Social Science. Kastamonu Education Journal 26(1), 171-179.
  • Aksoy, G. (2013). Effect of computer animation technique on Students' Comprehension of the solar system and beyond unit in the science and technology course. Mevlana International Journal of Education, 3(1), 40-46.
  • Aktürk, V., Yazıcı, H. & Bulut, R. (2013). The effects of the use of animations and digital maps in Social Science on students’ spatial perception skills. Marmara geography Journal, 28, 1-17.
  • Altınışık, S. & Orhan, F. (2002). The effects of multimedia learning environment on the students' attitudes and achievement in Social Science. Hacettepe University Journal of Education,, 23(23), 41-49.
  • Arıkan, R. (2013). Araştırma yöntem ve teknikleri [Research methods and techniques]. Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Ayvacı, H.Ş., Abdüsselam, Z. & Abdüsselam, M. S. (2012). The effect of animation-assisted cartoons in science teaching: 6th grade force topic example. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 1(4), 182-190.
  • Barak, M., Ashkar, T., & Dori, Y.J. (2011). Learning science via animated movies: Its effect on students’ thinking and motivation. Computers & Education, 56(3), 839-846.
  • Bektaş Öztaşkın, Ö. (2013). The Effect of Using Documentaries in Social Science Lesson on the Levels of Academic Success and Mindfulness. Journal of Educational Sciences Research, 3(2), 147-162.
  • Carolyn Yang, Y. T. & Chang, C. H. (2013). Empowering students through digital game authorship: Enhancing concentration, critical thinking, and academic achievement. Computers & Education, 68, 334-344.
  • Çepni, S., Taş, E. & Köse, S. (2006). The effect of computer-assisted material on students’ cognitive levels misconceptions and attitudes toward science. Computers Education, 46, 192-205.
  • Chio, C. C., Tien, L. C. & Lee, L. T. (2015). Effects on learning of multimedia animation combined with multidimensional concept maps. Computers & Education, 80, 211-223.
  • Cinkaya, Z. (2011). The impact of the acedemical succes of computer animation for 6. 7. 8. grade science and technology class. Unpublished Master Thesis. Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul.
  • Çoban, M. (2017). The effect of earthquake education on the academic achievement and motivation of elementary school students and the opinions of students. Unpublished Phd Thesis. Ataturk University Institute of Educational Sciences, Erzurum.
  • Daşdemir, İ. & Doymuş, K. (2012). The effect of using animation on primary science and technology course students’ academic achievement, retention of knowledge and scientific process skills. Pegem Education and Training Journal, 2(3),33-42.
  • Daşdemir, İ., Uzoğlu, M., & Cengiz, E. (2012). The effect of use of animations in unit of body systems on the academic achievements of the 7th students, retention of the knowledge learned, and the scientific process skills. Trakya University Journal of Education, 2(2), 54-62.
  • Daşdemir, İ. (2006). The effect of using animation on academic achievement and permanence in primary school science class. Unpublished Master Thesis. Ataturk University, Institute of Science, Erzurum.
  • Dikmenli, Y. & Ünaldı, Ü. E. (2013). Effect of the blended learning environment and the application of virtual class upon the achievement and the attitude against the geography course. Mevlana International Journal of Education,3(2), 43-56.
  • Doğan, E., & Koç, H. (2017). The impact of instruction through digital games on students’ academic achievement in teaching earthquakes in a social science class. International Journal of Turkish Education Science, 5(8), 91-100.
  • Engin, İ., Cin, M., & Gençtürk, E. (2007). An investigation into the effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction and traditional teaching methods in teaching of the topic “earth sphere”. National Education Journal, 173, 245-257.
  • Evrekli, E. & Balım, A. G. (2015). The effects of concept cartoons assisted animations on 6th grade students’ inquiry learning skills perceptions. Western Anatolian Journal of Educational Sciences, 6(11), 109-136.
  • Güven, G. & Sülün, Y. (2012). Bilgisayar destekli öğretimin 8.sınıf fen ve teknoloji dersindeki akademik başarıya ve öğrencilerin derse karşı tutumlarına etkisi [The Effect of Academic Achievement and Students' Attitudes Towards the Course in the 8th Grade Science and Technology Course of Computer Aided Instruction]. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 9(1), 69-79.
  • Heinch, R., Molenda, M., & Russel, J.D. (1993).Instructional Media and the New Technologies of Instruction (4th ed.). NY: Macmillan Publishing Company.
  • İnaç, A. E. (2010). The effect of using animation on the academic achievement and mind-reading levels of elementary school students in Science and Technology class: example of 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Unpublished Master Thesis. Çanakkale Eighteen Mart University, Institute of Science, Çanakkale.
  • İnel, Y. & Çetin, T. (2017). Determination of the Effects of Computer BasedInstructional Materials Used in Social Science Education of Sixth Grade Students' Attention Levels via Using an Electroencephalography Device. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 6(4), 831-848.
  • Joseph, E.C. (2001). Animated films as a teaching resource. Journal of Management Education, 25(1), 79-100.
  • Kalaycı, Ş. (2010). SPSS UygulamalıÇokDeğişkenliİstatistikTeknikleri [SPSS Applied Multivariate Statistical Techniques]. Ankara: Asil Yayıncılık.
  • Karaçöp, A., Doymuş, K., Doğan, A. & Koç, Y. (2009). The Effects of Computer Animations and Jigsaw Technique on Academic Achievement of Students. Journal of Gazi Educational Faculty, 29(1), 211-235.
  • Koç, Y., Şimşek, Ü. & Has, C. (2013). The effect of computer animations on the teaching of the light unit. MuşAlparslan University Journal of Science, 1(2), 145-156.
  • Kuş, Z. (2006). The consolidation of the Social Science lesson of 7th, Black Sea and Middle Anatolia, casses and its effects one students' success, by supporting of computers. Unpublished Master's Thesis. Gazi University Education Science Institute, Ankara.
  • Lin, L. & Atkinson, R.K. (2011). Using animations and visual cueing to support learning of scientific concepts and processes. Computers Education, 56(3), 650-658.
  • Mayer, R. E. & Moreno, R. (2002). Animation as an aid multimedia learning. Educational Psychology Review, 14(1), 87-99.
  • Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB). (2016). Ortaöğretim kurumları yönetmeliği [Regulation of secondary education institutions] s:3-5.
  • Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB). (2018). Sosyal bilgiler dersi öğretim programı [Social Science course curriculum]. Ankara.
  • Öcal, A. (2005). The evaluation of earthquake education in the elementary school Social Science courses. Journal of Gazi Educational Faculty, 25(1), 169-184.
  • Öğütveren, M. (2014). The influence of google earth software on the success of teaching geographical topics for the 6th grade students. Unpublished Master Thesis. Giresun University Institute of Social Sciences, Giresun.
  • Oruç, Ş. & Teymuroğlu, B. (2016). The effect of using cartoons at social sciences teaching to the academic success of students. International Journal of Field Education, 2 (2), 92-106.
  • Özdamar, K. (2004). Paket programlar ile istatistiksel veri analizi [Statistical data analysis with packet programs]. Eskişehir: KaanKitabevi.
  • Reiser, R.A. (1987). Instructional technology: A History .Gagne, R.M. (Editör) Digital Printing (2010). Instructional technology foundations. NJ: Educational Technology Publications.
  • Smeets, E., & Mooij, T. (1999). Time on task, interaction, and information handling in multimedia learning environments. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 21(4), 487-502.
  • Taşçı, G. & Soran, H. (2008). The effects of multimedia applications in cell division subject on the comprehension and application levels of learning achievement. Hacettepe University, Journal of Education, 34,3-233-243.
  • Tezer, M. & Deniz, A.K. (2009). The effect of using an interactive board in mathematics course on the learning of equation solving. 9th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 501-506.
  • Uçar, A. & Karakuş, U. (2017). The Effects of Using Documentary in Teaching Environmental Issues on 6 th Grade Social Sciences Course on the Academic Success and Attitudes of Students. Kırşehir Education Faculty Journal, 18(3), 992-1009.
  • Yalın, H.İ. (2014). Öğretim teknolojileri ve material geliştirme [Teaching technologies and material development]. (Edition 27). Ankara: NobelA Yayıncılık.
  • Yemen, S. (2009). The effect of technology assisted instruction on 8th grade students? achievement and attitudes on analytical geometry instruction. Unpublished Master Thesis. Dokuz Eylül University Educational Sciences Institute, İzmir . Yeşiltaş, E. & Turan, R. (2015). The Effect of Computer Software, Designed for Social Science Teaching, To Academic Achievement and Attitude. International Journal of Turkish Educational Sciences, 2015(5), 1-23.

Effects of Animation Film Use on Earthquake Knowledge Level of 4th Grade Students

Year 2018, , 86 - 95, 01.06.2018


use of different teaching models, materials, and tools in education and
teaching process have increased. The main reason for such increase is the
search to make education more quality, easier, more entertaining, and more
permanent. In this sense, animation films are technological products that
contribute learners in visual and audial terms. In this study, what effect does
animation film use has on earthquake knowledge level of 4th grade students was
analysed. The pattern of this study was selected as pre-test/post-test control
group trial model among experimental research models. Participants of this
study were selected among 4th grade students in Fatih Elementary School in
Bünyan District, Kayseri in 2017-2018 academic year. Total of 62 students was included
in the study where 31 students were included in experiment group and 31
students were included in control group. The duration of this study was four
weeks. Pre-test was applied on first week, post-test was applied on last week,
and application was conducted on remaining two weeks. Traditional methods were
applied on the control group and animation films selected by researchers based
on content and subject of class were applied on experiment group.  In this study, “Academic Success Test”
developed by researchers was adopted to test the effects of animation film use
on earthquake knowledge level of 4th
grade students. As a result, it was determined that
experiment group was more successful than control group in terms of academic
success, and animation film use in earthquake knowledge level of 4th grade
students had positive effects.  


  • Akaydın, B.B. & Kaya, S. (2018). The effect of 5e model with and without animation on students’ achievement and attitude in Social Science. Kastamonu Education Journal 26(1), 171-179.
  • Aksoy, G. (2013). Effect of computer animation technique on Students' Comprehension of the solar system and beyond unit in the science and technology course. Mevlana International Journal of Education, 3(1), 40-46.
  • Aktürk, V., Yazıcı, H. & Bulut, R. (2013). The effects of the use of animations and digital maps in Social Science on students’ spatial perception skills. Marmara geography Journal, 28, 1-17.
  • Altınışık, S. & Orhan, F. (2002). The effects of multimedia learning environment on the students' attitudes and achievement in Social Science. Hacettepe University Journal of Education,, 23(23), 41-49.
  • Arıkan, R. (2013). Araştırma yöntem ve teknikleri [Research methods and techniques]. Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Ayvacı, H.Ş., Abdüsselam, Z. & Abdüsselam, M. S. (2012). The effect of animation-assisted cartoons in science teaching: 6th grade force topic example. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 1(4), 182-190.
  • Barak, M., Ashkar, T., & Dori, Y.J. (2011). Learning science via animated movies: Its effect on students’ thinking and motivation. Computers & Education, 56(3), 839-846.
  • Bektaş Öztaşkın, Ö. (2013). The Effect of Using Documentaries in Social Science Lesson on the Levels of Academic Success and Mindfulness. Journal of Educational Sciences Research, 3(2), 147-162.
  • Carolyn Yang, Y. T. & Chang, C. H. (2013). Empowering students through digital game authorship: Enhancing concentration, critical thinking, and academic achievement. Computers & Education, 68, 334-344.
  • Çepni, S., Taş, E. & Köse, S. (2006). The effect of computer-assisted material on students’ cognitive levels misconceptions and attitudes toward science. Computers Education, 46, 192-205.
  • Chio, C. C., Tien, L. C. & Lee, L. T. (2015). Effects on learning of multimedia animation combined with multidimensional concept maps. Computers & Education, 80, 211-223.
  • Cinkaya, Z. (2011). The impact of the acedemical succes of computer animation for 6. 7. 8. grade science and technology class. Unpublished Master Thesis. Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. Institute of Science and Technology, Istanbul.
  • Çoban, M. (2017). The effect of earthquake education on the academic achievement and motivation of elementary school students and the opinions of students. Unpublished Phd Thesis. Ataturk University Institute of Educational Sciences, Erzurum.
  • Daşdemir, İ. & Doymuş, K. (2012). The effect of using animation on primary science and technology course students’ academic achievement, retention of knowledge and scientific process skills. Pegem Education and Training Journal, 2(3),33-42.
  • Daşdemir, İ., Uzoğlu, M., & Cengiz, E. (2012). The effect of use of animations in unit of body systems on the academic achievements of the 7th students, retention of the knowledge learned, and the scientific process skills. Trakya University Journal of Education, 2(2), 54-62.
  • Daşdemir, İ. (2006). The effect of using animation on academic achievement and permanence in primary school science class. Unpublished Master Thesis. Ataturk University, Institute of Science, Erzurum.
  • Dikmenli, Y. & Ünaldı, Ü. E. (2013). Effect of the blended learning environment and the application of virtual class upon the achievement and the attitude against the geography course. Mevlana International Journal of Education,3(2), 43-56.
  • Doğan, E., & Koç, H. (2017). The impact of instruction through digital games on students’ academic achievement in teaching earthquakes in a social science class. International Journal of Turkish Education Science, 5(8), 91-100.
  • Engin, İ., Cin, M., & Gençtürk, E. (2007). An investigation into the effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction and traditional teaching methods in teaching of the topic “earth sphere”. National Education Journal, 173, 245-257.
  • Evrekli, E. & Balım, A. G. (2015). The effects of concept cartoons assisted animations on 6th grade students’ inquiry learning skills perceptions. Western Anatolian Journal of Educational Sciences, 6(11), 109-136.
  • Güven, G. & Sülün, Y. (2012). Bilgisayar destekli öğretimin 8.sınıf fen ve teknoloji dersindeki akademik başarıya ve öğrencilerin derse karşı tutumlarına etkisi [The Effect of Academic Achievement and Students' Attitudes Towards the Course in the 8th Grade Science and Technology Course of Computer Aided Instruction]. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 9(1), 69-79.
  • Heinch, R., Molenda, M., & Russel, J.D. (1993).Instructional Media and the New Technologies of Instruction (4th ed.). NY: Macmillan Publishing Company.
  • İnaç, A. E. (2010). The effect of using animation on the academic achievement and mind-reading levels of elementary school students in Science and Technology class: example of 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Unpublished Master Thesis. Çanakkale Eighteen Mart University, Institute of Science, Çanakkale.
  • İnel, Y. & Çetin, T. (2017). Determination of the Effects of Computer BasedInstructional Materials Used in Social Science Education of Sixth Grade Students' Attention Levels via Using an Electroencephalography Device. Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 6(4), 831-848.
  • Joseph, E.C. (2001). Animated films as a teaching resource. Journal of Management Education, 25(1), 79-100.
  • Kalaycı, Ş. (2010). SPSS UygulamalıÇokDeğişkenliİstatistikTeknikleri [SPSS Applied Multivariate Statistical Techniques]. Ankara: Asil Yayıncılık.
  • Karaçöp, A., Doymuş, K., Doğan, A. & Koç, Y. (2009). The Effects of Computer Animations and Jigsaw Technique on Academic Achievement of Students. Journal of Gazi Educational Faculty, 29(1), 211-235.
  • Koç, Y., Şimşek, Ü. & Has, C. (2013). The effect of computer animations on the teaching of the light unit. MuşAlparslan University Journal of Science, 1(2), 145-156.
  • Kuş, Z. (2006). The consolidation of the Social Science lesson of 7th, Black Sea and Middle Anatolia, casses and its effects one students' success, by supporting of computers. Unpublished Master's Thesis. Gazi University Education Science Institute, Ankara.
  • Lin, L. & Atkinson, R.K. (2011). Using animations and visual cueing to support learning of scientific concepts and processes. Computers Education, 56(3), 650-658.
  • Mayer, R. E. & Moreno, R. (2002). Animation as an aid multimedia learning. Educational Psychology Review, 14(1), 87-99.
  • Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB). (2016). Ortaöğretim kurumları yönetmeliği [Regulation of secondary education institutions] s:3-5.
  • Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB). (2018). Sosyal bilgiler dersi öğretim programı [Social Science course curriculum]. Ankara.
  • Öcal, A. (2005). The evaluation of earthquake education in the elementary school Social Science courses. Journal of Gazi Educational Faculty, 25(1), 169-184.
  • Öğütveren, M. (2014). The influence of google earth software on the success of teaching geographical topics for the 6th grade students. Unpublished Master Thesis. Giresun University Institute of Social Sciences, Giresun.
  • Oruç, Ş. & Teymuroğlu, B. (2016). The effect of using cartoons at social sciences teaching to the academic success of students. International Journal of Field Education, 2 (2), 92-106.
  • Özdamar, K. (2004). Paket programlar ile istatistiksel veri analizi [Statistical data analysis with packet programs]. Eskişehir: KaanKitabevi.
  • Reiser, R.A. (1987). Instructional technology: A History .Gagne, R.M. (Editör) Digital Printing (2010). Instructional technology foundations. NJ: Educational Technology Publications.
  • Smeets, E., & Mooij, T. (1999). Time on task, interaction, and information handling in multimedia learning environments. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 21(4), 487-502.
  • Taşçı, G. & Soran, H. (2008). The effects of multimedia applications in cell division subject on the comprehension and application levels of learning achievement. Hacettepe University, Journal of Education, 34,3-233-243.
  • Tezer, M. & Deniz, A.K. (2009). The effect of using an interactive board in mathematics course on the learning of equation solving. 9th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), 501-506.
  • Uçar, A. & Karakuş, U. (2017). The Effects of Using Documentary in Teaching Environmental Issues on 6 th Grade Social Sciences Course on the Academic Success and Attitudes of Students. Kırşehir Education Faculty Journal, 18(3), 992-1009.
  • Yalın, H.İ. (2014). Öğretim teknolojileri ve material geliştirme [Teaching technologies and material development]. (Edition 27). Ankara: NobelA Yayıncılık.
  • Yemen, S. (2009). The effect of technology assisted instruction on 8th grade students? achievement and attitudes on analytical geometry instruction. Unpublished Master Thesis. Dokuz Eylül University Educational Sciences Institute, İzmir . Yeşiltaş, E. & Turan, R. (2015). The Effect of Computer Software, Designed for Social Science Teaching, To Academic Achievement and Attitude. International Journal of Turkish Educational Sciences, 2015(5), 1-23.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Yurdal Dikmenli

Fakı Danabaşı This is me

Barış Bilge Çelik This is me

Özgür Tekin This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2018
Acceptance Date June 21, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Dikmenli, Y., Danabaşı, F., Çelik, B. B., Tekin, Ö. (2018). Effects of Animation Film Use on Earthquake Knowledge Level of 4th Grade Students. Participatory Educational Research, 5(1), 86-95.

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