Year 2019,
, 169 - 188, 01.12.2019
Mehmet Durnalı
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The Relationship between Faculty Members’ Job Satisfaction and Perceptions of Organizational Politics
Year 2019,
, 169 - 188, 01.12.2019
Mehmet Durnalı
Pınar Ayyıldız
This study aimed to investigate not only the level of faculty members’ views on job satisfaction and their perceptions of organizational politics but also the relationship between their job satisfaction and perceptions of organizational politics. The study intended to examine how well faculty members’ job satisfaction can predict the perceptions of organizational politics as well. The descriptive relational survey model dominated the research. The study group consisted of 240 faculty members who work for 7 state and 7 private universities located in Ankara city. Data were collected using the Job Satisfaction Scale for Academicians (JSSA), and Perceptions of Organizational Politics Scale (POPS) Questionnaire along with a demographic information form developed by the researchers. Data were collected in September and October in 2019. Descriptive statistic (mean, standard deviation), reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient), correlation (Pearson coefficient) and Multiple Linear Regression were used to analyze the data. SPSS v. 23 was referred to in doing so. The main findings indicated that the faculty members’ job satisfaction total and nature of the job sub-dimension scores were at a very high level while organizational policy sub-dimension scores were high. Faculty members’ scores on “Go along to get ahead” were the highest and they appeared uncertain about “General political behavior” and “Honesty / Work ethics”. The JSSA subscales were moderately and positively correlated with the POPS subscales. The regression result demonstrated that the JSSA’s intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction dimensions significantly and positively predicted the POPS subscales.
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