Research Article
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Year 2020, , 220 - 241, 19.02.2020



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  • Aizikovitsh, E., & Amit, M. (2010). Evaluating an infusion approach to the teaching of critical thinking skills through mathematics. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(1), 3818–3822.
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The relationship between prospective middle school mathematics teachers’ critical thinking skills and reflective thinking skills

Year 2020, , 220 - 241, 19.02.2020


The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between critical thinking skills and reflective thinking skills of prospective middle school mathematics teachers. In addition, it was aimed to examine critical thinking skills and reflective thinking skills of prospective middle school mathematics teachers with regard to some variables (gender, grade level, academic achievement level). This study adopts one of the general survey models: relational survey model. 201 prospective middle school mathematics teachers studying in Elementary Mathematics Teacher Education Program at a state university participated in this study. Reflective Thinking Scale and Critical Thinking Standards Scale were used. For the data analysis, descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way analysis of variance, correlation analysis, and simple linear regression analysis were used. The findings of this study showed that the prospective teachers' critical thinking skill level is high (agree), reflective thinking skill level is at moderate level (neutral). Critical thinking skills of the prospective teachers were significantly different in terms of gender and academic achievement. On the other hand, reflective thinking skills of the prospective teachers were significantly different in terms of grade level. Besides, there was a positive, significant and moderate relationship between critical thinking skills and reflective thinking skills of the prospective teachers. The prospective teachers’ critical thinking skills were the significant predictors of their reflective thinking skills. It was found that critical thinking skills explained 24% of the variance related to reflective thinking skills.


  • References Agustan, S., Juniati, D., & Siswono, T. Y. E. (2016). Reflective thinking in solving an algebra problem: A case study of field independent-prospective teacher. Retrieved from
  • Aizikovitsh, E., & Amit, M. (2010). Evaluating an infusion approach to the teaching of critical thinking skills through mathematics. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(1), 3818–3822.
  • Aizikovitsh-Udi, E., & Cheng, D. (2015). Developing critical thinking skills from dispositions to abilities: Mathematics education from early childhood to high school. Creative Education, 6, 455-462.
  • Alakawi, K. M. (2018). Reflective teaching methodology in pre-service education: Theory and practice. In K. M. Alakawi (Ed.), Fostering reflective teaching practice in pre-service education (pp.1-24). Pennsylvania: Igi Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2963-7.ch001.
  • Albayrak, M., Simsek, M., & Yazici, N. (2018). The predictive power to mathematical success of belief and reflective thinking for problem solving. Journal of Human Sciences, 15(2), 807-815. doi:10.14687/jhs.v15i2.5141.
  • Aryani, F., Rais, M., & Wirawan, H. (2017). Reflective learning model in improving student critical thinking skills. Global Journal of Engineering Education, 19(1), 19-23.
  • Aşkın-Tekkol, İ., & Bozdemir, H. (2018). An investigation of reflective thinking tendencies and critical thinking skills of teacher candidates. Kastamonu Education Journal, 26(6), 1897-1907. doi: 10.24106/kefdergi.2211.
  • Aybek, B., Aslan, S., Dincer, S., & Arısoy, B. C. (2015). Critical thinking standards scale for the teacher candidates: study of validity and reliability. Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, 21(1), 25-50.
  • Aydın, M., & Çelik, T. (2013). The prospective teacher’ opinions relating reflective thinking skill. Pamukkale University Journal of Education, 34, 169-181.
  • Baki, A., Güç, F.A., & Özmen, Z.M. (2012). The investigation of pre-service mathematic teachers’ reflective thinking skills toward problem solving. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies, 2(3), 59-72.
  • Başol, G., & Evin-Gencel, İ. (2013). Reflective Thinking Scale: A validity and reliability study. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 13(2), 929-946.
  • Biber, A. C, Tuna, A., & İncikabi, L. (2013). An investigation of critical thinking dispositions of mathematics teacher candidates. Educational Research, 4(2), 109-117.
  • Bigge, M. L., & Shermis, S. S. (1999). Learning theories for teachers. New York: Longman.
  • Burgoyne, M. B., & Chuppa-Cornell, K. (2018). If I tried this idea again: Developing faculty professional growth through reflective practice. Reflective Practice, 19(6), 818–831.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç-Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö., E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2014). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri [Scientific research methods]. Ankara: Pegem Publ.
  • Choy, S. C., & Oo, P. S. (2012). Reflective thinking and teaching practices: A precursor for incorporating critical thinking into the classroom. International Journal of Instruction, 5(1), 167-182.
  • Chukwuyenum, A. N. (2013). Impact of critical thinking on performance in mathematics among senior secondary school students in Lagos State. Journal of Research & Method in Education, 3(5), 18-25.
  • Colley, B. M., Bilics, A. R., & Lerch, C. M. (2012). Reflection: A key component to thinking critically. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 3(1), 1-19.
  • Collin, S., Karsenti, T., & Komis, V. (2013). Reflective practice in initial teacher training: Critiques and perspectives. Reflective Practice, 14(1), 104–117.
  • Cutts, A. D. (2018). The effects of an assignment that incorporated reading, writing, discourse, and reflection for honors advanced algebra students: A quasi-experimental study. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Valdosta State University, Georgia Valdosta.
  • Deringöl, Y. (2017). Determining critical thinking standards of teacher candidates. Igdır University Journal of Social Sciences, 13, 44-65.
  • Dewey, J. (1933). How we think. Boston: Heath & CO.
  • Elmalı, Ş., & Balkan-Kıyıcı, F. (2018). Prospective science teachers’ tendecies of reflective thinking and views about reflective thinking. Elementary Education Online, 17(3), 1706-1718.
  • Ennis, R. H. (1996). Critical thinking. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Erdem, A. R., & Yazıcıoğlu, A. (2015). The relation between teacher candidates’ ability of solving problems and critical thinking. OPUS-International Journal of Society Researches, 5(9), 27-41.
  • Erdogan, F. (2019). Effect of cooperative learning supported by reflective thinking activities on students’ critical thinking skills. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 19(80), 89-112.
  • Erdoğan, F., & Şengül, S., (2014). The investigation of pre-service elementary mathematics teachers’ reflective thinking levels. E-AJI (Asian Journal of Instruction), 2(1(special)), 18-30.
  • Evin-Gencel, İ., & Güzel-Candan, D. (2014). Investigation of critical thinking tendency and reflective thinking levels of teacher candidates. International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies, 4(8), 55-68.
  • Forrest, M.E.S. (2008). On becoming a critically reflective practitioner. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 25(3), 229-232. Ghanizadeh, A. (2017). The interplay between reflective thinking, critical thinking, self-monitoring, and academic achievement in higher education. Higher Education, 74(1), 101-114.
  • Gibbons, J., & Gray, M. (2004). Critical thinking as integral to social work practice. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 24 (1/2), 19-38.
  • Gilstrap, D. L., & Dupree, J. (2008). A regression model of predictor variables on critical reflection in the classroom: Integration of the Critical Incident Questionnaire and the framework for reflective thinking. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 34(6), 469-481.
  • Göğüş, A., Göğüş, N.G., & Bahadır, E. (2019). Intersections between critical thinking skills and reflective thinking skills toward problem solving. Pamukkale University Journal of Education, 1-19.doi: 10.9779/pauefd.526407.
  • Gray, A. (2016). The 10 skills you need to thrive in the fourth industrial revolution. Retrieved from
  • Halpern, D. F. (2014). Thought and knowledge: An introduction to critical thinking. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates.
  • Han, H. S., & Brown, E. T. (2013). Effects of critical thinking intervention for early childhood teacher candidates. The Teacher Educator, 48(2), 110-127.
  • Hatton, N., & Smith, D. (1995). Reflection in teacher education: Towards definition and implementation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 11(1), 33–49.
  • Hayden, H. E., & Chiu, M. M. (2015). Reflective teaching via a problem exploration-teaching adaptations-resolution cycle: A mixed methods study of pre-service teachers’ reflective notes. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 9(2), 133-153. doi:10.1177/1558689813509027.
  • Incikabi, L., Tuna, A., & Biber, A. C. (2013). An analysis of mathematics teacher candidates' critical thinking dispositions and their logical thinking skills. Journal of International Education Research, 9(3), 257–267.
  • Inoue, N., & Buczynski, S. (2011). You asked open-ended questions, now what? Understanding the nature of stumbling blocks in teaching inquiry lessons. The Mathematics Educator, 20(2), 10–23.
  • Jones, K. A. (2003). Making the case for the case method in graduate social work education. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 23(1/2), 183-200.
  • Kandemir, M. A. (2015). The investigatıon of preservice mathematics and primary education teachers’ reflective thinking levels according to some variables. Education Sciences, 10(4), 253-275.
  • Kandemir, M.A. (2017). Investigation of critical thinking tendency levels of classroom and elementary mathematics teacher candidates in terms of some variables. Turkish Studies, 12(6), 453-474.
  • Kember, D., McKay, J., Sinclair, K., & Frances, Y. W. (2008). A four-category scheme for coding and assessing the lev¬el of reflection in written work. Assessment Evaluation in Higher Education, 33(4), 369-379.
  • Khan, M. I. (2014). Reflection in initial teacher education: Case for a comprehensive framework. FWU Journal of Social Sciences, 8(2), 8-15.
  • Kızılkaya, G., & Aşkar, P. (2009). The development of a Reflective Thinking Skill Scale towards Problem Solving. Education and Science, 34(154), 82-92.
  • King, P. M., Wood, P. K., & Mines, R. A. (1990).Critical thinking among college and graduate students. Review of Higher Education, 13, 167–186.
  • Kökdemir, D. (2003). Decision making and problem solving under uncertainty. (Unpublished doctoral thesis). Ankara University, Ankara.
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There are 101 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Fatma Erdoğan 0000-0002-4498-8634

Publication Date February 19, 2020
Acceptance Date February 19, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Erdoğan, F. (2020). The relationship between prospective middle school mathematics teachers’ critical thinking skills and reflective thinking skills. Participatory Educational Research, 7(1), 220-241.

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