Research Article
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Year 2015, Special Issue 2015 I, 0 - 0, 30.11.2015



  • Adelman, J. (2013), Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman
  • Archibugi, D. (2008), ‘The architecture of cosmopolitan democracy’ in The Global Commonwealth of Citizens: Towards Cosmopolitan Democracy. Princeton University Press and also Archibugi, D. 2010. ‘The architecture of cosmopolitan democracy’, In Brown, G.W. and Held, D.Eds. 2010, Cosmopolitan Reader, Cambridge. Polity Press
  • Ashby, W.R. (1956), An introduction to Cybernetics, Chapman and Hall, London.
  • Bausch, K. (2006), ‘Be your enemy: The Contributions of West Churchman to Doing Better Governance and International Relations’ in McIntyre-Mills, J. Rescuing the Enlightenment from Itself: Critical and Systemic Implications for Democracy, C. West Churchman
  • Christakis, A. and Bausch, K. (2006), How People Harness their Collective Wisdom and Power to Construct the Future in Co-laboratories of democracy, Information Age. Greenwich.
  • Christakis, A. and Flanagan, T. (2010), The talking point: A collaboration project of 21st Century Agoras. Information Age Publishing.
  • Churchman, C. West., (1971), The Design of Inquiring Systems. New York. Basic Books.
  • Churchman, C. West., (1979), The Systems Approach and its Enemies. New York. Basic Books.
  • Connolly, K with Goldenberg, S. (2015), G7 leaders agree to phase out fossil fuel use by end of century
  • Cruz, I. Stahel, A. Max-Neef, M. (2009), ‘Towards a systemic development approach: building on the human scale development paradigm’ Ecological Economics, Vol. 68, 2021-2030
  • De Waal, F. (2009), The Age of Empathy nature’s lessons for a kinder society. Harmony.
  • Etzioni, A. (2004), From Empire to Community: A New Approach to International Relations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Etzioni, A. (2012), ‘The domestic sources of global adhocracy’. Social Change Review 10, Issue 2, December 2012.
  • Flannery, T. (2012), ‘After the Future: Australia’s New Extinction Crisis’. Quarterly Essay Issue 48
  • Flannery, T. (2005), The weather makers. The history and future impact of climate change. Text Publishing, Melbourne.
  • Flannery, T. (2010), Here on earth. An argument for hope. Text Publishing. Melbourne
  • Flood, R. & Carson, E. (1993), Dealing with Complexity: An Introduction to the Theory and application of Systems Science, 2nd. ed., Plenum, London.
  • Hall, S and Du Gay, P. 1996. Cultural Identity. Sage. London
  • Hall, S. (1992), ‘Our mongrel selves’, New Statesman and Society. 19 June.
  • Hall, S. (1997), Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. London: SAGE Publications Ltd presentation
  • Haraway, D. (1992), ‘The promises of monsters: a regenerative politics for inappropriated others. ‘Cultural Studies’. In Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson, Paula A. Treichler, eds., Cultural Studies, (New York; Routledge, pp. 295-337.
  • Hirschman, A.O. (1970), Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States. Harvard University Press
  • Yiannis Laouris, Y. (2014), Claire Lobet-Maris, Sarah Oates, Ugo Pagallo, Judith Simon, May Thorseth, Peter-Paul Verbeek the Onlife project . In Laouris, Y 2014 - Reengineering Reinventing Digital Era Broadbent, S.,Dewandre, Charles Ess, Luciano Floridi, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Mireille Hildebrandt, European Commission.
  • Lincoln, Y, (2001), ‘ Engaging sympathies’ in Action Research Handbook Edited by Reason, P. and Bradbury, H. Sage. London.pp124-132
  • Lovelock, J. (2009), The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning: Enjoy It While You Can. Allen Lane.
  • Midgley, G. (2000), Systemic Intervention: Philosophy, Methodology, and Practice. Kluwer. New York.
  • McIntyre-Mills, J. (2006), Systemic Governance and Accountability: working and re-working the conceptual and spatial boundaries of international relations and governance. C.West Churchman Series, Vol. 3. Springer. London.
  • Max-Neef, M. (1991), Human Scale Development. Apex. London.
  • McIntyre-Mills, J. (2014), Systemic ethics and non-anthropocentric stewardship: Implications for transdisciplinarity and cosmopolitan politics. Springer, New York
  • McIntyre-Mills, J. (2014), Systemic Ethics’ Springer Encyclopedia of Food Ethics ISBN 978-94-007-0928-7
  • McIntyre-Mills, J with Devries, D and Binchai, N. (2014a) ‘Wall Street to Wellbeing: Joining up the dots through participatory democracy and governance to mitigate the causes and adapt to the effects of climate change.’ Springer, New York.
  • McIntyre-Mills, J. Mokwena Kedibone, G, Arko-Achemfuor, A. Mabunda, P, Njiro, E. (2014), b. ‘Participatory Approach to education: an Action learning approach at the University of South Africa’. Participatory Action Research vol. 1 (2) 106-132.
  • accessed 1/4/2015
  • Nussbaum, M. (2006), Frontiers of Justice, London. Harvard University Press.
  • Priestland, D. (2015), The University of Cape Town is right to remove its Cecil Rhodes statue
  • Rittel, H. and Webber, M. (1984), Planning problems are wicked problems Developments in Design Methodology. New York: Wiley.
  • Rockström, J., Steffen, W., Noone, K. (2009), ‘A safe operating space for humanity’ Nature 461: 472-475
  • Rose, D.B. (1996), Nourishing terrains : Australian aboriginal views of landscape and wilderness. Australian Heritage Commission ,Canberra, ACT , BCIN Number: 236409
  • Rose, D.B. (2005), ‘Dislocating the Frontier’ see
  • Rose, D.B. (2004), Reports form a wild country. University of New South Wales Press. Sydney.
  • Smith, D. (2015), Students' attack on Cecil Rhodes statue leads to soul searching in South Africa
  • Stiglitz, J. Sen, A. And Fitoussi, J.P. (2010), Mis-measuring our lives: why the GDP doesn’t add up. The New Press. New York,
  • Turok, N. (2012), The universe within Allen and Unwin. Based on the CBC Massy Lectures
  • Urry, J. (2007), Mobilities. Cambridge. Polity.
  • Urry, J. (2010), ‘Consuming the planet to excess’. Theory, Culture and Society. Vol. 27 191-212
  • Ulrich, W. (1983), Critical heuristics of social planning: a new approach to practical philosophy. Wiley. New York.
  • Van Gigch, J. (2003). Metadecisions: rehabilitating epistemology. Kluwer. Plenum.
  • Wadsworth, Y. (2010). Building in Research and Evaluation. Human Inquiry for Living Systems. Allen and Unwin. Sydney.

Participatory Public Education: A cosmopolitan approach to social and environmental justice

Year 2015, Special Issue 2015 I, 0 - 0, 30.11.2015


This special edition
includes papers from colleagues and graduate students on the area of shared
concern spanning the rights of the voiceless and the marginalised and the
responsibility of educators and public policy researchers to enhance the
capability of decision makers to hear their voices and to work with them to
co-create a better world.


My starting
point is to think about the ‘taken for granted’. As a social anthropologist and
sociologist I have drawn inspiration from people with whom I have learned
whilst undertaking fieldwork in a range of cultural contexts. As time passed
and I was confronted by more and more social, economic and environmental issues
I was increasingly inspired by West Churchman’s Design of Inquiring Systems
Approach ‘to unfolding values’ and ‘sweeping in’ social, economic and
environmental considerations.
The body of work inspired by this
approach and aspects of social cybernetics (Bausch, Christakis, Flood, Haraway,
Jackson, Romm, Stafford Beer, Van Gigch, Ulrich, and Midgley) are also helpful
in formulating more systemic research on living systems and our place in the
bundle of life. Most importantly the organic praxis and focus on living systems
by Shiva, Deborah Bird Rose, Max Neef, Yiannis Laouris, Turok and Wadsworth is
increasingly relevant to my current work on ecological footprints and social


  • Adelman, J. (2013), Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman
  • Archibugi, D. (2008), ‘The architecture of cosmopolitan democracy’ in The Global Commonwealth of Citizens: Towards Cosmopolitan Democracy. Princeton University Press and also Archibugi, D. 2010. ‘The architecture of cosmopolitan democracy’, In Brown, G.W. and Held, D.Eds. 2010, Cosmopolitan Reader, Cambridge. Polity Press
  • Ashby, W.R. (1956), An introduction to Cybernetics, Chapman and Hall, London.
  • Bausch, K. (2006), ‘Be your enemy: The Contributions of West Churchman to Doing Better Governance and International Relations’ in McIntyre-Mills, J. Rescuing the Enlightenment from Itself: Critical and Systemic Implications for Democracy, C. West Churchman
  • Christakis, A. and Bausch, K. (2006), How People Harness their Collective Wisdom and Power to Construct the Future in Co-laboratories of democracy, Information Age. Greenwich.
  • Christakis, A. and Flanagan, T. (2010), The talking point: A collaboration project of 21st Century Agoras. Information Age Publishing.
  • Churchman, C. West., (1971), The Design of Inquiring Systems. New York. Basic Books.
  • Churchman, C. West., (1979), The Systems Approach and its Enemies. New York. Basic Books.
  • Connolly, K with Goldenberg, S. (2015), G7 leaders agree to phase out fossil fuel use by end of century
  • Cruz, I. Stahel, A. Max-Neef, M. (2009), ‘Towards a systemic development approach: building on the human scale development paradigm’ Ecological Economics, Vol. 68, 2021-2030
  • De Waal, F. (2009), The Age of Empathy nature’s lessons for a kinder society. Harmony.
  • Etzioni, A. (2004), From Empire to Community: A New Approach to International Relations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Etzioni, A. (2012), ‘The domestic sources of global adhocracy’. Social Change Review 10, Issue 2, December 2012.
  • Flannery, T. (2012), ‘After the Future: Australia’s New Extinction Crisis’. Quarterly Essay Issue 48
  • Flannery, T. (2005), The weather makers. The history and future impact of climate change. Text Publishing, Melbourne.
  • Flannery, T. (2010), Here on earth. An argument for hope. Text Publishing. Melbourne
  • Flood, R. & Carson, E. (1993), Dealing with Complexity: An Introduction to the Theory and application of Systems Science, 2nd. ed., Plenum, London.
  • Hall, S and Du Gay, P. 1996. Cultural Identity. Sage. London
  • Hall, S. (1992), ‘Our mongrel selves’, New Statesman and Society. 19 June.
  • Hall, S. (1997), Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. London: SAGE Publications Ltd presentation
  • Haraway, D. (1992), ‘The promises of monsters: a regenerative politics for inappropriated others. ‘Cultural Studies’. In Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson, Paula A. Treichler, eds., Cultural Studies, (New York; Routledge, pp. 295-337.
  • Hirschman, A.O. (1970), Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States. Harvard University Press
  • Yiannis Laouris, Y. (2014), Claire Lobet-Maris, Sarah Oates, Ugo Pagallo, Judith Simon, May Thorseth, Peter-Paul Verbeek the Onlife project . In Laouris, Y 2014 - Reengineering Reinventing Digital Era Broadbent, S.,Dewandre, Charles Ess, Luciano Floridi, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Mireille Hildebrandt, European Commission.
  • Lincoln, Y, (2001), ‘ Engaging sympathies’ in Action Research Handbook Edited by Reason, P. and Bradbury, H. Sage. London.pp124-132
  • Lovelock, J. (2009), The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning: Enjoy It While You Can. Allen Lane.
  • Midgley, G. (2000), Systemic Intervention: Philosophy, Methodology, and Practice. Kluwer. New York.
  • McIntyre-Mills, J. (2006), Systemic Governance and Accountability: working and re-working the conceptual and spatial boundaries of international relations and governance. C.West Churchman Series, Vol. 3. Springer. London.
  • Max-Neef, M. (1991), Human Scale Development. Apex. London.
  • McIntyre-Mills, J. (2014), Systemic ethics and non-anthropocentric stewardship: Implications for transdisciplinarity and cosmopolitan politics. Springer, New York
  • McIntyre-Mills, J. (2014), Systemic Ethics’ Springer Encyclopedia of Food Ethics ISBN 978-94-007-0928-7
  • McIntyre-Mills, J with Devries, D and Binchai, N. (2014a) ‘Wall Street to Wellbeing: Joining up the dots through participatory democracy and governance to mitigate the causes and adapt to the effects of climate change.’ Springer, New York.
  • McIntyre-Mills, J. Mokwena Kedibone, G, Arko-Achemfuor, A. Mabunda, P, Njiro, E. (2014), b. ‘Participatory Approach to education: an Action learning approach at the University of South Africa’. Participatory Action Research vol. 1 (2) 106-132.
  • accessed 1/4/2015
  • Nussbaum, M. (2006), Frontiers of Justice, London. Harvard University Press.
  • Priestland, D. (2015), The University of Cape Town is right to remove its Cecil Rhodes statue
  • Rittel, H. and Webber, M. (1984), Planning problems are wicked problems Developments in Design Methodology. New York: Wiley.
  • Rockström, J., Steffen, W., Noone, K. (2009), ‘A safe operating space for humanity’ Nature 461: 472-475
  • Rose, D.B. (1996), Nourishing terrains : Australian aboriginal views of landscape and wilderness. Australian Heritage Commission ,Canberra, ACT , BCIN Number: 236409
  • Rose, D.B. (2005), ‘Dislocating the Frontier’ see
  • Rose, D.B. (2004), Reports form a wild country. University of New South Wales Press. Sydney.
  • Smith, D. (2015), Students' attack on Cecil Rhodes statue leads to soul searching in South Africa
  • Stiglitz, J. Sen, A. And Fitoussi, J.P. (2010), Mis-measuring our lives: why the GDP doesn’t add up. The New Press. New York,
  • Turok, N. (2012), The universe within Allen and Unwin. Based on the CBC Massy Lectures
  • Urry, J. (2007), Mobilities. Cambridge. Polity.
  • Urry, J. (2010), ‘Consuming the planet to excess’. Theory, Culture and Society. Vol. 27 191-212
  • Ulrich, W. (1983), Critical heuristics of social planning: a new approach to practical philosophy. Wiley. New York.
  • Van Gigch, J. (2003). Metadecisions: rehabilitating epistemology. Kluwer. Plenum.
  • Wadsworth, Y. (2010). Building in Research and Evaluation. Human Inquiry for Living Systems. Allen and Unwin. Sydney.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Janet Mcıntyre-mills This is me

Publication Date November 30, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Special Issue 2015 I


APA Mcıntyre-mills, J. (2015). Participatory Public Education: A cosmopolitan approach to social and environmental justice. Participatory Educational Research, 2(4).