Research Article
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Year 2015, Special Issue 2015 I, 101 - 131, 30.11.2015



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Multicultural Education: Challenges and Opportunities for Participatory Education Research: From Clash of civilisations to Co-creation and Co-determination

Year 2015, Special Issue 2015 I, 101 - 131, 30.11.2015


paper addresses ways for multicultural education to respond to current social,
cultural, political, economic and environmental challenges in  increasingly urbanized areas where the
divides between rich and poor are widening. Public education needs to address
human capacity and capabilities to live sustainably, because current and future
generations face the prospect of ‘food deserts’ and increasingly impoverished
communities in cities without adequate resources to maintain a decent quality
of life.  Participatory research needs to
facilitate the engagement of policy makers and young people to address food,
energy and water security by balancing individual and collective needs in rural
and urban areas.
Educators and policy researchers need to work
together with many stakeholders who can contribute diverse ways of knowing to
inform discipline based knowledge and better policy decisions. It will require
enabling everyone to feel that they are represented, respected and heard within accountable learning
communities, supported by a community of practice. Public Participatory
Education in a globalised world needs to build the capacity of people to become
leaders in their own right who strive not merely for basic needs but also for
social and environmental justice by voicing their concerns strategically at the
local and regional level.


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There are 246 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Janet Mcıntyre-mills

Publication Date November 30, 2015
Acceptance Date June 23, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Special Issue 2015 I


APA Mcıntyre-mills, J. (2015). Multicultural Education: Challenges and Opportunities for Participatory Education Research: From Clash of civilisations to Co-creation and Co-determination. Participatory Educational Research, 2(4), 101-131.

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