Research Article
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Year 2015, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 32 - 42, 01.10.2015



  • Abraham, M. & Renner, C. (1986). The Sequence of Learning Cycle Activities in High School Chemistry. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 23(2), 121-143.
  • Al khawaldeh, S.A. (2013). Prediction/discussion-based learning cycle versus conceptual change text: comparative effects on students’ understanding of genetics. Research in Science & Technological Education, 31(2),168-183
  • Ateş, S. (2005a). The Effectiveness of the Learning Cycle Method on Teaching DC Circuits to Prospective Female and Male Science Teachers. Research in Science & Technological Education, 23(2), 213–227.
  • Ateş, S. (2005b). The Effects of Learning Cycle on College Students’ Understandings of Different Aspects in Resistive DC Circuits. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 9(4), 1-20.
  • Ayas, A. (1995). Fen Bilimlerinde Yeni Program Geliştirme Ve Uygulama Teknikleri: İki Çağdaş Yaklaşımın Değerlendirilmesi [Development of New Curricula and Application Techniques in Science: Evaulation of Two Modern Approaches]. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 11, 149-155.
  • Ayvacı, H. Ş. (2010) Okul Öncesi Dönem Çocuklarının Bilimsel Süreç Becerilerini Kullanma Yeterliliklerini Geliştirmeye Yönelik Pilot Bir Çalışma [A Pilot Survey to Improve the Use of Scientific Process Skills of Kindergarten Children], Necatibey Faculty of Education, Electronic Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 4(2), 1-24.
  • Barnett, W.S. (2003). Better Teachers, Better Preschools: Student Achievement Linked to Teacher Qualifications. National Institute for Early Education Research, Preschool Policy Matters, Issue 2, 1-12
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2012). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri [Scientific Research Methods], Pegem Publishing, Ankara.
  • Cavallo, A.M.L. & Marek, E. (2003). Eliciting Students’ Understandings of Chemical Reactions Using Two Forms of Essay Questions during a Learning Cycle. International Journal of Science Education, 25(5), 583-603.
  • Coolahan, K., Fantuzzo, J., Mendez, J., & McDermott, P. (2000). Preschool peer interactions and readiness to learn: Relationships between classroom peer play and learning behaviors and conduct. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92(3), 458-465.
  • Demiriz, S. ve Ulutaş, İ. (2001). Okul Öncesi Eğitim Kurumlarındaki Fen ve Doğa Etkinlikleri İle İlgili Uygulamaların Belirlenmesi [Determination of Science and Nature activities and Related Practises in Preschool Education Institutions], IV. Congress of Science Education, Proceeding Book, 89-90.
  • Dogru-Atay, P & Tekkaya, C (2008). Promoting Students' Learning in Genetics with the Learning Cycle. The Journal of Experimental Education, 76(3), 259-280
  • Gürdal, A., Çağlar, A., Şahin, F., Ökçün, F. & Macaroğlu, E. (1993). Okulöncesi Dönemle İlgili Fen Faaliyetlerine Örnekler [Sample Of Science Activities Relating Preschool Term], 9. Symposium of Ya-Pa Preschool Education and Publishing, Ankara: 164.
  • Hanuscin, D.L. & Lee, M.H. (2008). Using the Learning Cycle as a Model for Teaching the Learning Cycle to Preservice Elementary Teachers. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 20(2), 51-66.
  • Köseoğlu, F. & Tümay, H. (2010). Temel Kimya Laboratuvarlarında Öğrenme Döngüsü Yönteminin Öğrencilerin Kavramsal Değişim, Tutum ve Algılarına Etkisi [The Effects of Learning Cycle Method in General Chemistry Laboratory on Students’ Conceptual Change, Attitude and Perception]. Ahi Evran University Journal of Kırşehir Education Faculty, 11(1), 279-295.
  • Lawson, A.E. (1996). Introducing Mendelian Genetics Through a Learning Cycle. The American Biology Teacher, 58, 38–42.
  • Lawson, A.E. (2001). Using the Learning Cycle to Teach Biology Concepts and Reasoning Patterns. Journal of Biological Education, 35:4, 165-169
  • Lawson, A.E., Abraham, M. R. & Renner, J. W. (1989). A Theory of Instruction: Using the Learning Cycle to Teach Science Concepts and Thinking Skills, NARST Monograph 1, Columbus, OH: National Association of Research in Science Teaching, 69-76.
  • Maier S. J. & Marek E. A. (2006). The Learning Cycle: A Reintroduction. The Physics Teacher, 44(2), 109-113.
  • Marek, E. (2008). Why the Learning Cycle? Journal of Elementary Science Education, 20(3), 63-69.
  • Marek, E. A., & Cavallo, A. M. (1995). Passkeys to learning science in the elementary schools: The Data and Language of Science. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 7(1), 1-15.
  • Marek, E.A. & Cavallo, A. M. L. (1997). The Learning Cycle: Elementary School Science and Beyond. Revised Edition, Heinemann, Portsmounth, NH, USA.
  • Marek, E. A., Laubach, T. A., & Pedersen, J. (2003). Preservice elementary school teachers’ understandings of theory based science education. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 14(3), 147-159.
  • Marek, E., Eubanks, C. & Gallaher, T. (1990). Teachers’ Understanding and the Use of the Learning Cycle. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27(9), 821-834.
  • McComas, W. F., III. (1992). The Nature of Exemplary Practice in Secondary School Science Laboratory Instruction: A Case Study Approach (Doctoral dissertation, University of Iowa, 1991). Dissertation Abstracts International, 52(12), 4284A.
  • Nuhoğlu, H. & Yalçin, N. (2006). Fizik Laboratuvarı Çalışmalarında “Öğrenme Halkası Modelinin” Öğrenci Başarısına Etkisi The effect of Learning Cycle Models on students’ academic succeed in Physics Lab. Activities). Journal of Turkish Science Education, 3(2), 50-65.
  • Ören F. Ş. & Tezcan R. (2008). İlköğretim 7. Sınıf Fen Bilgisi Dersinde Öğrenme Halkası Yaklaşımının, Öğrencilerin Başarı ve Mantıksal Düşünme Yetenekleri Üzerine Etkisi [The Effectiveness of The Learning Cycle Approach on Learners’ Achievement and Logical Thinking Ability in Seventh Grade Science Classes of Elementary School], Uludag University Faculty of Education Journal, XXI (2), 427-446.
  • Parker, V. (2000). Effects of a science intervention program on middle-grade student achievement and attitudes. School Science & Mathematics, 100 (5), 236-243.
  • Patterson, J. & Merwin, J. (2002). Teaching Planet Classification Using the Learning Cycle. The Science Teacher, 69 (5), 22-26.
  • Renner, J.W., Abraham, M.R. & Birnie, H.H. (1988). The Necessity of Each Phase of the Learning Cycle in Teaching High School Physics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 25, 39-58.
  • Soylu, H. (2004). Fen Öğretimde Yeni Yaklaşımlar [New Approaches in Science Teaching] (1. Ed.), Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
  • Settlage, J. (2000). Understanding the Learning Cycle: Influences on Abilities to Embrace the Approach by Preservice Elementary School Teachers. Science Teacher Education, 84, 43-50.
  • Türkmen, H. (2006). How Science Should Be Taught by Using Learning Cycle Approach in Elementary Schools. Elementary Education Online, 5(2), 1-15.
  • Vernadakis, N., Avgerinos, A., Tsitskari, E. & Zachopoulou, E. (2005). The Use of Computer Assisted Instruction in Preschool Education: Making Teaching Meaningful. Early Childhood Education Journal, 33(2), 99-104.
  • Yaşar, Ş. (1993). Okul Öncesi Eğitim Öğrencilerinde Fene yönelik Duyuşsal Özellikler [Affective Characteristics for Science in Preschool Students], 9. Symposium of Ya-Pa Preschool Education and Publishing, Ankara: 140-142

Effects of Learning Cycle Model in Preschool Kids Learning of the Growth of Plant

Year 2015, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 32 - 42, 01.10.2015


There has been a movement nationally over decades to integrate technology and modern learning models into our school curriculums. One of the modern teaching models is Learning Cycle, a totally different way of teaching science which comes from students’ experiences, rather than through other learning methods relying on the textbook, which is generally being used in Turkey. Every student should acquire the basic knowledge, skills, behaviors, and habits and be prepared for the next education level parallel to his/her interests and skills. Thus starting preschool to high school students should be taught with modern teaching models because, in the information and technology age, children should be raised curious, thinker, researcher and problem solver. The purpose of study is to examine how effective learning cycle model in pre-school students learning on growth of plant and their opinions about the lesson. In this study, convenience sampling was used. 25 preschool school students aging 6 years selected from rural area in İzmir. Single-grouped experimental designed has been used in the study. Data have been collected by using qualitative research method and data collection process took four weeks. Gathered data have been turned to points (mark, score) and evaluated by frequency analysis. According to the results, students have reached the science concept, germination. Most of the students had fun and learned, and also felt like scientist.


  • Abraham, M. & Renner, C. (1986). The Sequence of Learning Cycle Activities in High School Chemistry. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 23(2), 121-143.
  • Al khawaldeh, S.A. (2013). Prediction/discussion-based learning cycle versus conceptual change text: comparative effects on students’ understanding of genetics. Research in Science & Technological Education, 31(2),168-183
  • Ateş, S. (2005a). The Effectiveness of the Learning Cycle Method on Teaching DC Circuits to Prospective Female and Male Science Teachers. Research in Science & Technological Education, 23(2), 213–227.
  • Ateş, S. (2005b). The Effects of Learning Cycle on College Students’ Understandings of Different Aspects in Resistive DC Circuits. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 9(4), 1-20.
  • Ayas, A. (1995). Fen Bilimlerinde Yeni Program Geliştirme Ve Uygulama Teknikleri: İki Çağdaş Yaklaşımın Değerlendirilmesi [Development of New Curricula and Application Techniques in Science: Evaulation of Two Modern Approaches]. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 11, 149-155.
  • Ayvacı, H. Ş. (2010) Okul Öncesi Dönem Çocuklarının Bilimsel Süreç Becerilerini Kullanma Yeterliliklerini Geliştirmeye Yönelik Pilot Bir Çalışma [A Pilot Survey to Improve the Use of Scientific Process Skills of Kindergarten Children], Necatibey Faculty of Education, Electronic Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 4(2), 1-24.
  • Barnett, W.S. (2003). Better Teachers, Better Preschools: Student Achievement Linked to Teacher Qualifications. National Institute for Early Education Research, Preschool Policy Matters, Issue 2, 1-12
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2012). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri [Scientific Research Methods], Pegem Publishing, Ankara.
  • Cavallo, A.M.L. & Marek, E. (2003). Eliciting Students’ Understandings of Chemical Reactions Using Two Forms of Essay Questions during a Learning Cycle. International Journal of Science Education, 25(5), 583-603.
  • Coolahan, K., Fantuzzo, J., Mendez, J., & McDermott, P. (2000). Preschool peer interactions and readiness to learn: Relationships between classroom peer play and learning behaviors and conduct. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92(3), 458-465.
  • Demiriz, S. ve Ulutaş, İ. (2001). Okul Öncesi Eğitim Kurumlarındaki Fen ve Doğa Etkinlikleri İle İlgili Uygulamaların Belirlenmesi [Determination of Science and Nature activities and Related Practises in Preschool Education Institutions], IV. Congress of Science Education, Proceeding Book, 89-90.
  • Dogru-Atay, P & Tekkaya, C (2008). Promoting Students' Learning in Genetics with the Learning Cycle. The Journal of Experimental Education, 76(3), 259-280
  • Gürdal, A., Çağlar, A., Şahin, F., Ökçün, F. & Macaroğlu, E. (1993). Okulöncesi Dönemle İlgili Fen Faaliyetlerine Örnekler [Sample Of Science Activities Relating Preschool Term], 9. Symposium of Ya-Pa Preschool Education and Publishing, Ankara: 164.
  • Hanuscin, D.L. & Lee, M.H. (2008). Using the Learning Cycle as a Model for Teaching the Learning Cycle to Preservice Elementary Teachers. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 20(2), 51-66.
  • Köseoğlu, F. & Tümay, H. (2010). Temel Kimya Laboratuvarlarında Öğrenme Döngüsü Yönteminin Öğrencilerin Kavramsal Değişim, Tutum ve Algılarına Etkisi [The Effects of Learning Cycle Method in General Chemistry Laboratory on Students’ Conceptual Change, Attitude and Perception]. Ahi Evran University Journal of Kırşehir Education Faculty, 11(1), 279-295.
  • Lawson, A.E. (1996). Introducing Mendelian Genetics Through a Learning Cycle. The American Biology Teacher, 58, 38–42.
  • Lawson, A.E. (2001). Using the Learning Cycle to Teach Biology Concepts and Reasoning Patterns. Journal of Biological Education, 35:4, 165-169
  • Lawson, A.E., Abraham, M. R. & Renner, J. W. (1989). A Theory of Instruction: Using the Learning Cycle to Teach Science Concepts and Thinking Skills, NARST Monograph 1, Columbus, OH: National Association of Research in Science Teaching, 69-76.
  • Maier S. J. & Marek E. A. (2006). The Learning Cycle: A Reintroduction. The Physics Teacher, 44(2), 109-113.
  • Marek, E. (2008). Why the Learning Cycle? Journal of Elementary Science Education, 20(3), 63-69.
  • Marek, E. A., & Cavallo, A. M. (1995). Passkeys to learning science in the elementary schools: The Data and Language of Science. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 7(1), 1-15.
  • Marek, E.A. & Cavallo, A. M. L. (1997). The Learning Cycle: Elementary School Science and Beyond. Revised Edition, Heinemann, Portsmounth, NH, USA.
  • Marek, E. A., Laubach, T. A., & Pedersen, J. (2003). Preservice elementary school teachers’ understandings of theory based science education. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 14(3), 147-159.
  • Marek, E., Eubanks, C. & Gallaher, T. (1990). Teachers’ Understanding and the Use of the Learning Cycle. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27(9), 821-834.
  • McComas, W. F., III. (1992). The Nature of Exemplary Practice in Secondary School Science Laboratory Instruction: A Case Study Approach (Doctoral dissertation, University of Iowa, 1991). Dissertation Abstracts International, 52(12), 4284A.
  • Nuhoğlu, H. & Yalçin, N. (2006). Fizik Laboratuvarı Çalışmalarında “Öğrenme Halkası Modelinin” Öğrenci Başarısına Etkisi The effect of Learning Cycle Models on students’ academic succeed in Physics Lab. Activities). Journal of Turkish Science Education, 3(2), 50-65.
  • Ören F. Ş. & Tezcan R. (2008). İlköğretim 7. Sınıf Fen Bilgisi Dersinde Öğrenme Halkası Yaklaşımının, Öğrencilerin Başarı ve Mantıksal Düşünme Yetenekleri Üzerine Etkisi [The Effectiveness of The Learning Cycle Approach on Learners’ Achievement and Logical Thinking Ability in Seventh Grade Science Classes of Elementary School], Uludag University Faculty of Education Journal, XXI (2), 427-446.
  • Parker, V. (2000). Effects of a science intervention program on middle-grade student achievement and attitudes. School Science & Mathematics, 100 (5), 236-243.
  • Patterson, J. & Merwin, J. (2002). Teaching Planet Classification Using the Learning Cycle. The Science Teacher, 69 (5), 22-26.
  • Renner, J.W., Abraham, M.R. & Birnie, H.H. (1988). The Necessity of Each Phase of the Learning Cycle in Teaching High School Physics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 25, 39-58.
  • Soylu, H. (2004). Fen Öğretimde Yeni Yaklaşımlar [New Approaches in Science Teaching] (1. Ed.), Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
  • Settlage, J. (2000). Understanding the Learning Cycle: Influences on Abilities to Embrace the Approach by Preservice Elementary School Teachers. Science Teacher Education, 84, 43-50.
  • Türkmen, H. (2006). How Science Should Be Taught by Using Learning Cycle Approach in Elementary Schools. Elementary Education Online, 5(2), 1-15.
  • Vernadakis, N., Avgerinos, A., Tsitskari, E. & Zachopoulou, E. (2005). The Use of Computer Assisted Instruction in Preschool Education: Making Teaching Meaningful. Early Childhood Education Journal, 33(2), 99-104.
  • Yaşar, Ş. (1993). Okul Öncesi Eğitim Öğrencilerinde Fene yönelik Duyuşsal Özellikler [Affective Characteristics for Science in Preschool Students], 9. Symposium of Ya-Pa Preschool Education and Publishing, Ankara: 140-142
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Hakan Türkmen

Damla Dilara Topkaç This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2015
Acceptance Date October 19, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 2 Issue: 3


APA Türkmen, H., & Topkaç, D. D. (2015). Effects of Learning Cycle Model in Preschool Kids Learning of the Growth of Plant. Participatory Educational Research, 2(3), 32-42.