Research Article
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The Influence of Teachers’ Attitude towards Performance Appraisal System on Their Job Performance as Mediated by Secondary School Teachers’ Motivation

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 5, 169 - 187, 12.09.2024


Research on teachers' performance appraisals is increasing because of a lack of understanding of the system, how it affected their motivation to work, and performance in the educational field. Thus, this study investigated the relationship between teachers' attitudes toward the performance appraisal system and their work performance, as mediated by teachers' motivation, in Ethiopia's Enbise Sar Midir district. The researcher employed a correlational research approach by collecting data from 265 teachers through questionnaires. Initially, the validity and reliability of scales were confirmed. The results showed a statistically moderate to high, favorable, and significant relationship between teachers' attitudes about appraisal systems, motivation, and work performance. This study found that if performance appraisals are conducted with transparency, equity, and a commitment to supporting teacher improvement, they increase teachers' job performance. That means, it is reasonable to expect that if teacher views toward the PA improve, so do their motivation to work and perform. Furthermore, teachers’ motivation to work partially mediates the relationship between teachers’ attitude towards performance appraisal system and work performance. This study found that many motivational strategies can be used to make instructors professionally satisfied and work well, and the state government can build appropriate PA systems. This research adds knowledge to the theory and literature on teachers' performance appraisal, motivation, and performance in the context of Ethiopian situation. This is expected to encourage further researchers and has the potential to make teachers more accessible to more students and schools, and so contribute to ensuring quality education (SDG 4).


  • Al-Kahtani, N.S. (2018). Perception of private telecom employees towards unfair HRM practices: an empirical investigation. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 5(4), 957-966.
  • Allen, M. (2017). Cross-Sectional design: The SAGE encyclopedia of communication research methods. London: SAGE Publications, Inc.
  • Ameen, A., & Baharom, M. N. (2019). The assessment of effect of performance appraisal on employee performance in Nigerian civil service. e-Bangi, 16(5), 1-17.
  • Anitha, J. (2014). Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance. International journal of productivity and performance management, 63 (3), 308-323.
  • Asiati, M. (2023). Evaluation of teachers’ job performance, appraisal and motivation in some selected secondary schools in Kampala, Uganda. IAA Journal of Education, 9(1), 11-16.
  • Ávalos, B. (2022). Teacher professionalism and performance appraisal: a critical discussion. In: Manzi, J., Sun, Y., García, M.R. (eds) teacher evaluation around the world: teacher education, learning innovation and accountability. Springer, Cham, pp.93-109.
  • Azeez, S. A. (2017). The impact of appraisal system, supervisor support and motivation on employee retention: A review of literature. International Journal of Commerce and Management Research, 3(7), 37–42. 3-7-16-952.pdf (
  • Berhanu, K. Z. (2024). The mediating role of teachers’ attitudes toward instructional supervision in the association between instructional supervisory practice and teachers’ job performance. Participatory Educational Research, 11(2), 212-229. 2.
  • Berhanu,K.Z (2023). Mediating role of job satisfaction on the relation between staff development and performance. Cogent Education, 10(1). https://doi.10.1080/2331186X.2023.2207408.
  • Berhanu,K.Z. & Sabanci,A. (2019).Factors influencing teachers' motivation and strategies taken to improve their motivation by principals: Ethiopia as a sample. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University. Journal of Education Faculty, 1(52),237-260. https://doi.10.21764 /maeuefd.559945.
  • Bernardi, A. (2019). The capability approach and organizational climate as tools to study occupational health and safety. Insights into Regional Development, 1(2), 155-169.
  • Borg, S. (2019). Contemporary perspectives on teacher appraisal: a working paper. Sharjah, UAE: Regional Center for Educational Planning-UNESCO
  • Boström, E. & Palm, T. (2020). Expectancy-value theory as an explanatory theory for the effect of professional development programmes in formative assessment on teacher practice. Teacher Development, 24(4), 539-558. https://doi.10.1080/13664530.2020.1782975
  • Cameron, E., & Green, M. (2019). Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers
  • Chahar, B. (2020). Performance appraisal systems and their impact on employee performance: the moderating role of employee motivation. Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ), 33(4), 17-32. 10.4018/IRMJ.2020100102.
  • Chiekezie, O., Nzewi, N. & Orogbu, O. (2009). Management: A practical approach. Lagos: Adroit Global Concept Ltd.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. ( 2018). Research methods in education (8th ed.). Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches (3 ed.). New Delhi: SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd.
  • Davydenko, V.A., Kaźmierczyk, J., Romashkina, G.F., & Żelichowska, E. (2017). Diversity of employee incentives from the perspective of banks employees in Poland-empirical approach. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 5(1), 116-126.
  • Dessler, G. (2008). Management: Leading people and organization in 21st century. Harlow: Prentice hall.
  • Elliott, K. (2015). Teacher performance appraisal: More about performance or development?. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(9), 102-116.
  • Endale, B.D (2015). An assessment of teachers’ performance appraisal in secondary schools of Wolaita Zone, South Ethiopia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 23(2), 286-306. International Journals: Publishing Research Papers in all Fields (
  • Eric S. T. & John H. T. (2012). The effect of evaluation on teacher performance. The American Economic Review, 102 (7), 3628-3651.
  • Fernet, C., Senécal, C., Guay, F., Marsh, H., & Dowson, M. (2008). The work tasks motivation scale for teachers. Journal of Career Assessment, 16(2), 256-279.
  • Field, A. (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS (3rd Ed.). London: Sage publication
  • Girdwichai, L., Sriviboon, C. 2020. Employee motivation and performance: do the work environment and the training matter? Journal of Security and Sustainability, 9(January), 42-54.
  • Hanaysha, J. R., & Majid, M. (2018). Employee motivation and its role in improving the productivity and organizational commitment at higher education institutions. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business, 6(1), 17-28. https://doi.10.17687/JEB.0601.0
  • Hyder, M.R. & Farooq, M.S. (2022). Development and validation of teachers’ performance appraisal scale for public primary schools of Punjab. International Research Journal of Education and Innovation, 3(2), 2710-043.
  • Idemobi, E. I. (2010). Theory and practice of management. Enugu: Gostak Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd.
  • Igartua, J.-J., & Hayes, A. F. (2021). Mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: Concepts, computations, and some common confusions. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 24, E49. https://doi:10.1017/SJP.2021.46
  • Jacoby, S. M. (2018). The embedded corporation: Corporate governance and employment relations in Japan and the United States. Princeton University Press.
  • Jalloh, A., & Jalloh, A. (2016). The Effects of motivation on employee performance: A strategic human resource management approach. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 5(12), 81-86.
  • Larsson, J., Eriksson, P. E., & Pesämaa, O. (2018). The importance of hard project management and team motivation for construction project performance. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 11(2), 275-288.
  • Mohamud, S. A., Ibrahim, A. A., & Hussein, J. M. (2017). The effect of motivation on employee performance: case study in Hormuud company in Mogadishu Somalia. International Journal of Development Research, 7(11), 17009-17016
  • Muli, R. M. (2010). The impact of performance appraisal on secondary school teachers professional development in Kitui West, Kenya (Unpublished Master of Education Thesis). Kenyatta University, Kenya.
  • Mulugeta, K. (2018). Perception of employees towards performance appraisal in commercial bank of Ethiopia (Unpublished Master of Education Thesis). St. Mary’s University School of Graduate studies. Addis Ababa : Ethiopia
  • Mumo, W. S., Munguti, S., & Nzioki, S. (2024). Effect of teachers’ perception towards performance appraisal on its implementation in public secondary schools in Mbooni East Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Education, 4(2), 10-20.
  • Naing, L., Winn, T., & Rusli, B.N. (2006). Practical issues in calculating the sample size for prevalence studies. Medical Statistics. Archives of Orofacial Sciences, 1, 9-14.
  • Nelson, D. L., & Quick, J. C. (2008). Understanding organizational behavior. Mason, Australia.
  • Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric theory (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Ochiewo, J. K. (2016). The relationship between teachers’ attitude towards performance appraisal and their commitment to service in public secondary schools in Rachuonyo South Sub – County, Kenya (Unpublished Degree of Master of Business Administration Thesis). University of Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Ocho, L. O. (2012). Issues, challenges and prospects in Nigeria. Nigerian Academic of Education.
  • OECD. (2018). Effective teacher policies: Insights from PISA. Paris, France: PISA, OECD Publishing.
  • Okoth, A. A., & Florah, O. M. (2019). Influence of performance appraisal on motivation of public secondary school teachers in Gem-Sub County, Kenya. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 9(4), 39-49. https://doi.doi:10.30845/aijcr.v9n4p5
  • Owuonda,O.O., Odera, F. & Odhiambo,R. (2020). Teachers attitude towards teacher performance appraisal policy to public secondary school s’ academic achievement in Homa Bay County, Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research, 8(8),25-54.
  • Perla, L., Agrati, L. S., Vinci, V., & Soleti, P. (2023). Teacher appraisal system and professional learning. Insights from Italian school principals’ and teachers’ views on multiple sources of data and indicators. Professional Development in Education, 49(6), 1183–1196.
  • Pritchard, R. D. (1969). Equity theory: A review and critique. Organizational Behavior & Human Performance, 4(2), 176–211.
  • Rahman, S. A. (2006). Attitudes of Malaysian teaches towards a performance appraisal system. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36(12), 3031- 3042.
  • Saeed, S., & Shah, F. M. (2016). Impact of performance appraisal on employees motivation in Islamic Banking. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 5(7), 34-45. https://doi.10.12816/0019382
  • Sah, S., & Topno, I. (2019). Performance appraisal system and teacher effectiveness of secondary school teachers. International Journal of Engineering Development and Research, 7(3), 695-698.
  • Saharuddin, D. S., & Sulaiman, B. (2016). The effect of promotion and compensation toward working productivity through job satisfaction and working motivation of employees in the department of water and mineral resources energy North Aceh District. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 5(10), 33-40.
  • Schermelleh-Engel, K., Moosbrugger, H., & Müller, H. (2003). Evaluating the fit of structural equation models: Tests of significance and descriptive goodness of fit measures. Methods of Psychological Research Online, 8(2), 23–74.
  • Shaleh, A. (2019). The relation of work motivation, work discipline on teacher performance through teacher professional attitude. Journal of K6 Education and Management, 2(4), 323-330.
  • Singh, P., & Rana, S. (2015). Impact of performance appraisal on motivation, employee commitment and organizational effectiveness. Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 6(5), 342-354.
  • Sriviboon, C. & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2019). Influence of human resource practices on Thai pharmaceutical firm performance with moderating role of job involvement. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 10(2), 234-243.
  • Takiso, F. & Labiso, T.O. (2019). Practices and challenges of teachers` performance appraisal in primary schools of Wolaita zone. International Journal of Current Research, 11 (8), 6906-6924.
  • Tehseen, S., &Hadi, N. U. (2015). Factors influencing teachers’ performance and retention. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1), 233. https://doi.10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n1p2
  • Thurston, P.W. & McNall, L. (2010). Justice perceptions of performance appraisal practices. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25(3), 201-228.
  • Vanek, J. (2017). The economics of workers' management: a Yugoslav case study. UK: Routledge.
  • Vroom, A. H. (1964).Work and motivation. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Wamimbi, M.F. & Bisaso, S.M. (2021). Performance appraisal practices and teachers’ job performance in private universal secondary schools in Manafwa District, Uganda. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 4 (1), 46-63.
  • Wartenberg, G., Aldrup, K., Grund, S.,& Klusmann, U. (2023). Satisfied and high performing? a meta-analysis and systematic review of the correlates of teachers’ job satisfaction. Educ Psychol Rev 35 (114), 1-28.
  • Yilma (2007). Practices of teachers’ performance appraisal the case of SNNPRS (unpublished master’s thesis). Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
  • Zhang, X.-F., & Ng, H.-M. (2017). An effective model of teacher appraisal. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 45(2), 196-218. https://doi: 10.1177/1741143215597234
  • Zhenjing G, Chupradit S, Ku KY, Nassani AA & Haffar M (2022). Impact of employees’ workplace environment on employees’ performance: A multi-mediation model. Front. Public Health, 10(2022), 1-10. https://doi:10.3389/fpubh.2022.890400.
Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 5, 169 - 187, 12.09.2024



  • Al-Kahtani, N.S. (2018). Perception of private telecom employees towards unfair HRM practices: an empirical investigation. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 5(4), 957-966.
  • Allen, M. (2017). Cross-Sectional design: The SAGE encyclopedia of communication research methods. London: SAGE Publications, Inc.
  • Ameen, A., & Baharom, M. N. (2019). The assessment of effect of performance appraisal on employee performance in Nigerian civil service. e-Bangi, 16(5), 1-17.
  • Anitha, J. (2014). Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance. International journal of productivity and performance management, 63 (3), 308-323.
  • Asiati, M. (2023). Evaluation of teachers’ job performance, appraisal and motivation in some selected secondary schools in Kampala, Uganda. IAA Journal of Education, 9(1), 11-16.
  • Ávalos, B. (2022). Teacher professionalism and performance appraisal: a critical discussion. In: Manzi, J., Sun, Y., García, M.R. (eds) teacher evaluation around the world: teacher education, learning innovation and accountability. Springer, Cham, pp.93-109.
  • Azeez, S. A. (2017). The impact of appraisal system, supervisor support and motivation on employee retention: A review of literature. International Journal of Commerce and Management Research, 3(7), 37–42. 3-7-16-952.pdf (
  • Berhanu, K. Z. (2024). The mediating role of teachers’ attitudes toward instructional supervision in the association between instructional supervisory practice and teachers’ job performance. Participatory Educational Research, 11(2), 212-229. 2.
  • Berhanu,K.Z (2023). Mediating role of job satisfaction on the relation between staff development and performance. Cogent Education, 10(1). https://doi.10.1080/2331186X.2023.2207408.
  • Berhanu,K.Z. & Sabanci,A. (2019).Factors influencing teachers' motivation and strategies taken to improve their motivation by principals: Ethiopia as a sample. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University. Journal of Education Faculty, 1(52),237-260. https://doi.10.21764 /maeuefd.559945.
  • Bernardi, A. (2019). The capability approach and organizational climate as tools to study occupational health and safety. Insights into Regional Development, 1(2), 155-169.
  • Borg, S. (2019). Contemporary perspectives on teacher appraisal: a working paper. Sharjah, UAE: Regional Center for Educational Planning-UNESCO
  • Boström, E. & Palm, T. (2020). Expectancy-value theory as an explanatory theory for the effect of professional development programmes in formative assessment on teacher practice. Teacher Development, 24(4), 539-558. https://doi.10.1080/13664530.2020.1782975
  • Cameron, E., & Green, M. (2019). Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers
  • Chahar, B. (2020). Performance appraisal systems and their impact on employee performance: the moderating role of employee motivation. Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ), 33(4), 17-32. 10.4018/IRMJ.2020100102.
  • Chiekezie, O., Nzewi, N. & Orogbu, O. (2009). Management: A practical approach. Lagos: Adroit Global Concept Ltd.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. ( 2018). Research methods in education (8th ed.). Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches (3 ed.). New Delhi: SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd.
  • Davydenko, V.A., Kaźmierczyk, J., Romashkina, G.F., & Żelichowska, E. (2017). Diversity of employee incentives from the perspective of banks employees in Poland-empirical approach. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 5(1), 116-126.
  • Dessler, G. (2008). Management: Leading people and organization in 21st century. Harlow: Prentice hall.
  • Elliott, K. (2015). Teacher performance appraisal: More about performance or development?. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(9), 102-116.
  • Endale, B.D (2015). An assessment of teachers’ performance appraisal in secondary schools of Wolaita Zone, South Ethiopia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 23(2), 286-306. International Journals: Publishing Research Papers in all Fields (
  • Eric S. T. & John H. T. (2012). The effect of evaluation on teacher performance. The American Economic Review, 102 (7), 3628-3651.
  • Fernet, C., Senécal, C., Guay, F., Marsh, H., & Dowson, M. (2008). The work tasks motivation scale for teachers. Journal of Career Assessment, 16(2), 256-279.
  • Field, A. (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS (3rd Ed.). London: Sage publication
  • Girdwichai, L., Sriviboon, C. 2020. Employee motivation and performance: do the work environment and the training matter? Journal of Security and Sustainability, 9(January), 42-54.
  • Hanaysha, J. R., & Majid, M. (2018). Employee motivation and its role in improving the productivity and organizational commitment at higher education institutions. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business, 6(1), 17-28. https://doi.10.17687/JEB.0601.0
  • Hyder, M.R. & Farooq, M.S. (2022). Development and validation of teachers’ performance appraisal scale for public primary schools of Punjab. International Research Journal of Education and Innovation, 3(2), 2710-043.
  • Idemobi, E. I. (2010). Theory and practice of management. Enugu: Gostak Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd.
  • Igartua, J.-J., & Hayes, A. F. (2021). Mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: Concepts, computations, and some common confusions. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 24, E49. https://doi:10.1017/SJP.2021.46
  • Jacoby, S. M. (2018). The embedded corporation: Corporate governance and employment relations in Japan and the United States. Princeton University Press.
  • Jalloh, A., & Jalloh, A. (2016). The Effects of motivation on employee performance: A strategic human resource management approach. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 5(12), 81-86.
  • Larsson, J., Eriksson, P. E., & Pesämaa, O. (2018). The importance of hard project management and team motivation for construction project performance. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 11(2), 275-288.
  • Mohamud, S. A., Ibrahim, A. A., & Hussein, J. M. (2017). The effect of motivation on employee performance: case study in Hormuud company in Mogadishu Somalia. International Journal of Development Research, 7(11), 17009-17016
  • Muli, R. M. (2010). The impact of performance appraisal on secondary school teachers professional development in Kitui West, Kenya (Unpublished Master of Education Thesis). Kenyatta University, Kenya.
  • Mulugeta, K. (2018). Perception of employees towards performance appraisal in commercial bank of Ethiopia (Unpublished Master of Education Thesis). St. Mary’s University School of Graduate studies. Addis Ababa : Ethiopia
  • Mumo, W. S., Munguti, S., & Nzioki, S. (2024). Effect of teachers’ perception towards performance appraisal on its implementation in public secondary schools in Mbooni East Sub-County, Kenya. Journal of Education, 4(2), 10-20.
  • Naing, L., Winn, T., & Rusli, B.N. (2006). Practical issues in calculating the sample size for prevalence studies. Medical Statistics. Archives of Orofacial Sciences, 1, 9-14.
  • Nelson, D. L., & Quick, J. C. (2008). Understanding organizational behavior. Mason, Australia.
  • Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric theory (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Ochiewo, J. K. (2016). The relationship between teachers’ attitude towards performance appraisal and their commitment to service in public secondary schools in Rachuonyo South Sub – County, Kenya (Unpublished Degree of Master of Business Administration Thesis). University of Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Ocho, L. O. (2012). Issues, challenges and prospects in Nigeria. Nigerian Academic of Education.
  • OECD. (2018). Effective teacher policies: Insights from PISA. Paris, France: PISA, OECD Publishing.
  • Okoth, A. A., & Florah, O. M. (2019). Influence of performance appraisal on motivation of public secondary school teachers in Gem-Sub County, Kenya. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 9(4), 39-49. https://doi.doi:10.30845/aijcr.v9n4p5
  • Owuonda,O.O., Odera, F. & Odhiambo,R. (2020). Teachers attitude towards teacher performance appraisal policy to public secondary school s’ academic achievement in Homa Bay County, Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research, 8(8),25-54.
  • Perla, L., Agrati, L. S., Vinci, V., & Soleti, P. (2023). Teacher appraisal system and professional learning. Insights from Italian school principals’ and teachers’ views on multiple sources of data and indicators. Professional Development in Education, 49(6), 1183–1196.
  • Pritchard, R. D. (1969). Equity theory: A review and critique. Organizational Behavior & Human Performance, 4(2), 176–211.
  • Rahman, S. A. (2006). Attitudes of Malaysian teaches towards a performance appraisal system. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36(12), 3031- 3042.
  • Saeed, S., & Shah, F. M. (2016). Impact of performance appraisal on employees motivation in Islamic Banking. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 5(7), 34-45. https://doi.10.12816/0019382
  • Sah, S., & Topno, I. (2019). Performance appraisal system and teacher effectiveness of secondary school teachers. International Journal of Engineering Development and Research, 7(3), 695-698.
  • Saharuddin, D. S., & Sulaiman, B. (2016). The effect of promotion and compensation toward working productivity through job satisfaction and working motivation of employees in the department of water and mineral resources energy North Aceh District. International Journal of Business and Management Invention, 5(10), 33-40.
  • Schermelleh-Engel, K., Moosbrugger, H., & Müller, H. (2003). Evaluating the fit of structural equation models: Tests of significance and descriptive goodness of fit measures. Methods of Psychological Research Online, 8(2), 23–74.
  • Shaleh, A. (2019). The relation of work motivation, work discipline on teacher performance through teacher professional attitude. Journal of K6 Education and Management, 2(4), 323-330.
  • Singh, P., & Rana, S. (2015). Impact of performance appraisal on motivation, employee commitment and organizational effectiveness. Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 6(5), 342-354.
  • Sriviboon, C. & Jermsittiparsert, K. (2019). Influence of human resource practices on Thai pharmaceutical firm performance with moderating role of job involvement. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 10(2), 234-243.
  • Takiso, F. & Labiso, T.O. (2019). Practices and challenges of teachers` performance appraisal in primary schools of Wolaita zone. International Journal of Current Research, 11 (8), 6906-6924.
  • Tehseen, S., &Hadi, N. U. (2015). Factors influencing teachers’ performance and retention. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1), 233. https://doi.10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n1p2
  • Thurston, P.W. & McNall, L. (2010). Justice perceptions of performance appraisal practices. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25(3), 201-228.
  • Vanek, J. (2017). The economics of workers' management: a Yugoslav case study. UK: Routledge.
  • Vroom, A. H. (1964).Work and motivation. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Wamimbi, M.F. & Bisaso, S.M. (2021). Performance appraisal practices and teachers’ job performance in private universal secondary schools in Manafwa District, Uganda. Interdisciplinary Journal of Education, 4 (1), 46-63.
  • Wartenberg, G., Aldrup, K., Grund, S.,& Klusmann, U. (2023). Satisfied and high performing? a meta-analysis and systematic review of the correlates of teachers’ job satisfaction. Educ Psychol Rev 35 (114), 1-28.
  • Yilma (2007). Practices of teachers’ performance appraisal the case of SNNPRS (unpublished master’s thesis). Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
  • Zhang, X.-F., & Ng, H.-M. (2017). An effective model of teacher appraisal. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 45(2), 196-218. https://doi: 10.1177/1741143215597234
  • Zhenjing G, Chupradit S, Ku KY, Nassani AA & Haffar M (2022). Impact of employees’ workplace environment on employees’ performance: A multi-mediation model. Front. Public Health, 10(2022), 1-10. https://doi:10.3389/fpubh.2022.890400.
There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Supervision in Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Kelemu Zelalem Berhanu 0000-0001-5397-8780

Early Pub Date September 11, 2024
Publication Date September 12, 2024
Submission Date May 17, 2024
Acceptance Date August 16, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 11 Issue: 5


APA Berhanu, K. Z. (2024). The Influence of Teachers’ Attitude towards Performance Appraisal System on Their Job Performance as Mediated by Secondary School Teachers’ Motivation. Participatory Educational Research, 11(5), 169-187.