Embedding 21st Century Skills into a Pre-Service English Language Teacher Education Program for Sustainability
Year 2025,
Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 164 - 182
Hasan Bedir
Seyit Ahmet Çapan
Teacher education programs have a vital role in meeting needs of the global education community. Given the recent emphasis on education for sustainable development, several countries have attempted to reform their education policies and upgrade teacher education programs to promote sustainable education. Likewise, embedding critical and creative thinking, communication and collaboration skills (4Cs) into practicums has become an aim of professional development in pre-service teacher education programs for sustainability. With this regard, this study aimed at examining whether embedding 4Cs skills into teacher education programs through a systemic approach to professional development would help pre-service teachers to develop 4Cs skills and competencies associated with those required for education in the field of education for sustainable development (ESD). This study applied a mixed-methods case study that used critical interpretive research approaches to understand pre-service teachers’ experiences with the 4Cs and the connection between the 4Cs and ESD skills and competencies such as critical thinking. The results revealed that pre-service teachers developed the 4Cs as indicated by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (Partnership, 2019). We concluded that the 4Cs skills that were implemented and developed by pre-service teachers were strongly connected with the ESD skills and competencies for sustainability defined by UNESCO.
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- Venkatesh, V., Brown, S. A., and Bala, H. (2013). Bridging the qualitative-quantitative divide: Guidelines for conducting mixed methods research in information systems. MIS quarterly, Vol. 37 No. 1, pp.21-54.
- Zhang, Y., and Wildemuth, B. M. (2017). Qualitative analysis of content. In B. M. Wildemuth (Ed.), Applications of Social Research Methods to Applications to Question in Information and Library Science (2nd ed.), Brooks/Cole, Belmont, pp. 318-329.
Year 2025,
Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 164 - 182
Hasan Bedir
Seyit Ahmet Çapan
- Ananiadou, K. and M. Claro. (2009). 21st Century Skills and Competencies for New Millennium Learners in OECD Countries, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 41, OECD Publishing, Paris. http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/218525261154.
- Bell, D. J. V. (2016). Twenty First Century Education: Transformative Education for Sustainability and Responsible Citizenship. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, Vol. 18 No. 1, pp.48-56.
- Branden, K. V. (2015). Sustainable Education: Exploiting Students’ Energy for Learning as a Renewable Resource. Sustainability, Vol. 7 No.5, pp.5471-5487.
- Brundtland, G. (ed.). (1987). Our Common Future: The World Commission on Environment and Development, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- Darling-Hammond, L. (2008). Teacher learning that supports student learning. In B. Z. Presseisen, (Ed.), Teaching for intelligence (2nd ed.), Corwin Press, Thousand Oaks, pp.91-100.
- Down, L. (2010). Teaching and learning in, with and for community: towards a pedagogy for education for sustainable development. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, Vol. 27, pp.58–70.
- Dumont, H. and Istance, D. (2010). Analysing and designing learning environments for the 21st century. In H. Dumont, D. Istance, and F. Benavides (Ed.s), The Nature of Learning: Using Research to Inspire Practice, OECD, Paris, pp.19-32.
- Fullan, M. and Langworthy, M. (2014). A rich seam: How new pedagogies find deep learning, Pearson, London.
- Griffin, P., McGaw, B., and Care, E. (2012). Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century skills, Pearson, Dordrecht.
- Lambrechts, W., Mulà, I., Ceulemans, K., Molderez, I., and Gaeremynck, V. (2013). The integration of competencies for sustainable development in higher education: an analysis of bachelor programs in management. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 48, pp.65-73.
- Leicht, A., Heiss, J., and Byun, W.J. (eds). (2018). Issues and trends in education for sustainable development, UNESCO, Paris. Available at: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000261445 (accessed on 15 July 2019).
- Malik, R. S. (2018). Educational Challenges in 21st Century and Sustainable Development. Journal of Sustainable Development Education and Research, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp.9-2.
- Marilyn, B., Erstad, O., Herman, J., Raizen, S., Ripley, M., Miller-Ricci, M., and Rumble, M. (2012). Defining twenty-first century skills. In P. Griffin, B. McGaw, and E. Care (Ed.s), Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century skills, Springer, Dordrecht, pp.17-66.
- Mills, G. E. (2011). Action research: A guide for the teacher researcher (4th ed.). Pearson Education, Boston, MA.
- Mishra, P., Koehler, M. J., and Henriksen, D. (2011). The seven trans-disciplinary habits of mind: Extending the TPACK framework towards 21st century learning. Educational Technology, Vol. 51 No. 2, pp.22- 28.
- OECD. (2005). The definition and selection of key competencies. Available at: https://www.oecd.org/pisa/35070367.pdf (accessed on 24 June 2019).
- Partnership. (2019). P21 Framework for 21st Century Learning Definitions. Available at: http://www.p21.org/about-us/p21-framework/262 (accessed on 9 August 2019).
- Prettyman, S. S., Ward, C. L. Jauk, D., and Awad, G. (2012). 21st century learners: Voices of students in a one-to-one STEM environment. Journal of Applied Learning Technology, Vol. 2 No. 4, pp.6-15.
- Raskin, P. (2008). World lines: A framework for exploring global pathways. Ecological Economics, Vol. 65 No.3, pp. 461–470.
- Ravitz, J. (2009). Introduction: Summarizing findings and looking ahead to a new generation of PBL research. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp.3-11.
- Saavedra, A. R. and Opfer, V. D. (2012). Learning 21st-century skills requires 21st-century teaching. Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 94 No. 2, pp.8-13.
- Sterling, S. (2011). Transformative learning and sustainability: Sketching the conceptual ground. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Vol. 5, Available at: file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/Lathe_5_SSterlingFINAL.pdf (accessed on 23 October 2021).
- Tilbury, D. (2004). Environmental education for sustainability: A force for change in higher education. In P. B. Corcoran, and A. E. J. Wals, (Ed.s), Higher Education and the Challenge of Sustainability: Problematics, Promise, and Practice, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, pp.97-112.
- UNESCO. (2005). Guidelines and Recommendations for Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainability, UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development in Action, Technical Paper No. 2, Paris, UNESCO. Available at: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000143370 (accessed on June 25, 2019).
- (2012). Youth and Skills: Putting Education to Work. Education for All Global Monitoring Report. UNESCO, Paris. Available at: https://www.skillsforemployment.org/edmsp1/groups/skills/documents/skpcontent/mwdf/mdix/~edisp/fm11g_021828.pdf (accessed on 5 July 2019).
- (2014). Roadmap for implementing the global action programme on education for sustainable development. Available at: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002305/230514e.pdf (accessed on 14 June 2019).
- United Nations. (2019). Envision 2030: The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to transform our World. Available at: https://www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/envision2030.html (accessed on 16 June 2019).
- USTESD (United States Teacher Education for Sustainable Development Network). (2013). Reorienting teacher education to address sustainability: The U.S. context. Available at: www.kdp.org/initiatives/pdf/USTESD_WhitePaperOct13.pdf (accessed on 24 July 2019).
- Venkatesh, V., Brown, S. A., and Bala, H. (2013). Bridging the qualitative-quantitative divide: Guidelines for conducting mixed methods research in information systems. MIS quarterly, Vol. 37 No. 1, pp.21-54.
- Zhang, Y., and Wildemuth, B. M. (2017). Qualitative analysis of content. In B. M. Wildemuth (Ed.), Applications of Social Research Methods to Applications to Question in Information and Library Science (2nd ed.), Brooks/Cole, Belmont, pp. 318-329.