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Parkinson Hastalığında Biliş ve Yaşam Kalitesi

Year 2024, , 604 - 616, 25.12.2024


Nörodejeneratif bir hastalık olan Parkinson hastalığının yavaş ve ilerleyici olması tanıda gecikmeler yaşanması ile ilişkili olabilmektedir. Genetik, psikiyatrik ve çevresel faktörler gibi farklı değişkenlerin dahil olduğu kompleks bir etiyolojiye sahiptir. Klinik bulgularında bradikinezi, tremor ve rijidite gibi motor semptomlarının yanı sıra depresyon ve bilişsel bozulmalar gibi non-motor semptomlar bildirilmiştir. Bilişsel bozukluklar ve yaşam kalitesinde düşüşlerin de seyredebileceği Parkinson hastalığı hakkında yapılan multidisipliner çalışmalar hastalığın moleküler ve radyolojik bulgularını raporlasa da bilişsel disfonksiyon ve depresyon gibi modaliteler bakımından tutarsız veriler sunulmuştur. Bu çalışmada, Parkinson hastalığının bilişsel ve psikiyatrik bağlamda bildirilen bulguların irdelenerek güncel perspektifin yaşam kalitesi bağlamında sunulması amaçlanmaktadır. İncelemeler doğrultusunda; hastalığın seyrine bağlı olarak görülebilen ve dikkat, bellek, görsel-uzamsal beceriler gibi farklı modalitelerde ortaya çıkan bilişsel bozuklukların hastaların yaşam kalitesini olumsuz yönde etkilediği raporlanmıştır. Depresyon veya depresyon benzeri semptomların ortaya çıkması, Parkinson hastalığı tanısı konan bireylerin genel yaşam kalitesini daha da düşürebilir.


  • Abeysuriya R, Walker Z (2015) Dementia with lewy bodies. Br J Neurosci Nurs, 11:146-149.
  • Alreni AS, Harrop D, Gumber A, McLean S (2017) Measures of upper limb function for people with neck pain: A systematic review of measurement and practical properties. Musculoskel Sci Pract, 29:155-163.
  • Amara AW, Memon AA (2018) Effects of exercise on non-motor symptoms in parkinson's disease. Clin Ther, 40:8-15
  • Armstrong MJ, Okun MS (2020) Diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson disease: a review. JAMA, 323:548-560.
  • Armstrong RA (2017) Visual dysfunction in Parkinson’s. Int Rev Neurobiol, 134:921-946.
  • Åström DO, Simonsen J, Raket LL, Sgarbi S, Hellsten J, Hagell P et al. (2022) High risk of developing dementia in Parkinson’s disease: A Swedish registry-based study. Sci Rep, 12:16759.
  • Baggio H, Segura B, Sala-Llonch R, Marti M, Valldeoriola F, Compta Y et al. (2015) Cognitive impairment and resting-state network connectivity in Parkinson’s disease. Hum Brain Mapp, 36:199-212.
  • Balestrino R, Martinez-Martin P (2017) Reprint of “Neuropsychiatric symptoms, behavioural disorders, and quality of life in Parkinson's disease”. J Neurol Sci, 374:3-8.
  • Balestrino R, Schapira AH (2020) Parkinson disease. Eur J Neurol, 27:27-42.
  • Biundo R, Fiorenzato E, Antonini A (2017a) Non-motor symptoms and natural history of Parkinson's disease: Evidence from cognitive dysfunction and role of noninvasive interventions. Int Rev Neurobiol, 133:389-415.
  • Biundo R, Weis L, Fiorenzato E, Antonini A (2017b) Cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease: is it feasible? Arch Clin Neuropsychol, 32:840-860.
  • Bonifati V, Rohe C, Breedveld G, Fabrizio E, Mari M, Tassorelli C et al. (2005) Early-onset parkinsonism associated with PINK1 mutations: Frequency, genotypes, and phenotypes. Neurology, 65:87-95.
  • Braak H, Rub U, Gai WP, Del Tredici K (2003) Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease: possible routes by which vulnerable neuronal types may be subject to neuroinvasion by an unknown pathogen. J Neural Transm 110:517-36.
  • Bronnick K, Alves G, Aarsland D, Tysnes O, Larsen J (2011) Verbal memory in drug-naive, newly diagnosed Parkinson's disease. the retrieval deficit hypothesis revisited. Neuropsychology, 25:114-124.
  • Buetow S, Giddings LS, Williams L, Nayar S (2008) Perceived unmet needs for health care among Parkinson's Society of New Zealand members with Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord, 14:495-500.
  • Campbell AM, Glover J, Chiang VL, Gerrard J, Yu JB (2015) Gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgical thalamotomy for intractable tremor: A systematic review of the literature. Radiother Oncol, 114:296-301.
  • Cerri S, Mus L, Blandini F (2019) Parkinson’s disease in women and men: what’s the difference? J Parkinsons Dis, 9:501-515
  • Chandran P, Pal PK (2013) Quality of life and its determinants in essential tremor. Parkinsonism Relat Disord, 19:62-65.
  • Chu Y, Tai C, Lin C, Wu, R (2021) Updates on the genetics of Parkinson’s disease: clinical implications and future treatment. Acta Neurol, 30:83-93.
  • Cong S, Xiang C, Zhang S, Zhang T, Wang H, Cong S (2022) Prevalence and clinical aspects of depression in Parkinson’s disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 129 studies. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 141:104749.
  • Çekok FK, Kahraman T, Genç A, Duran G, Çolakoğlu BD, Yerlikaya D et al. (2023) Association between executive and physical functions in people with Parkinson’s disease. Somatosens Mot Res, doi: 10.1080/08990220.2023.2186393..
  • Çolakoğlu B (2014) Parkinson hastalığında yaşam kalitesi ve ölçümü. Turk Noroloji Dergisi, 20:38-41.
  • Çorakcı Z, Hanoğlu L (2021) Parkinson hastalarında kognitif ve duyu işlemleme süreçlerinin incelenmesi. Türkiye Klinikleri Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 6:467-475.
  • Dalle E, Mabandla O (2018) Early life stress, depression and Parkinson's disease: A new approach. Mol Brain, 11:18.
  • De Freitas PR, Lemos AE, Santos MP, Michaelsen SM, Corrêa CL, Swarowsky A (2017) "Test D'évaluation Des Membres Supérieurs Des Personnes Âgées" (TEMPA) to assess upper limb activity in Parkinson's disease. J Hand Ther, 30:320-327.
  • den Brok M, van Dalen J, van Gool A, van Charante E, de Bie, Richard B (2015) Apathy in Parkinson’s disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mov Disord, 30:759-769.
  • Delli PS, Franciotti R, Taylor JP, Thomas A, Tartaro A, Onofrj M et al. (2015) Thalamic involvement in fluctuating cognition in dementia with lewy bodies: Magnetic resonance evidences. Cereb Cortex, 25:3682-3689.
  • Dereli EE, Yaliman A (2010) Comparison of the effects of a physiotherapistsupervised exercise programme and a self-supervised exercise programme on quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease. Clin Rehabil, 24:352-62.
  • Doğan A, Yaşar S, Kayhan S, Kırmızıgöz Ş, Kaplan A (2018) Bağırsak-beyin aksı. Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi, 28:377-379
  • Doi D, Magotani H, Kikuchi T, Ikeda M, Hiramatsu S, Yoshida K et al. (2020) Pre-clinical study of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived dopaminergic progenitor cells for Parkinson’s disease. Nat Commun, 11:3369.
  • Donaghy PC, McKeith IG (2014) The clinical characteristics of dementia with lewy bodies and a consideration of prodromal diagnosis. Alzheimers Res Ther, 6:46.
  • Egan SJ, Laidlaw K, Starkstein S (2015) Cognitive behavior therapy for depression and anxiety in Parkinson's disease. J Parkinsons Dis, 5:443-451
  • Ehgoetz Martens KA, Lewis SJ (2017) Pathology of behavior in PD: What is known and what is not? J Neurol Sci, 374:9-16.
  • Erskine D, Thomas AJ, Attems J, Taylor JP, McKeith IG, Morris CM et al. (2017) Specific patterns of neuronal loss in the pulvinar nucleus in dementia with lewy bodies. Mov Disord, 32:414-422.
  • Floriano EN, Alves JF, Almeida IA, de Souza RB, de Christofoletti G, Santos SM (2015) Dual task performance: A comparison between healthy elderly individuals and those with Parkinson’s disease. Fisioterapia Em Movimento, 28:251-258.
  • Fox SH, Katzenschlager R, Lim SY, Barton B, de Bie RMA, Seppi K et al. (2018) International Parkinson and movement disorder society evidence-based medicine review: Update on treatments for the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Mov Dis, 33:1248-1266.
  • Friz NE, Cheek F, Nichols-Larsen, DS (2016) Motor cognitive dual-task training in neurologic disorders: A systematic review. J Neurol Phys Ther, 39:142-153.
  • Jellinger KA (2018) Dementia with lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease dementia: current concepts and controversies. J Neural Transm, 125:615-650.
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Cognition and Quality of Life in Parkinson's Disease

Year 2024, , 604 - 616, 25.12.2024


Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disease known for its progressive prognosis which may be associated with delay in diagnosis. Its etiology can be composed of different modalities involving genetic, psychiatric, and social factors. Findings and observations from clinical settings, motor symptoms such as bradykinesia, tremor, and rigidity have been reported. In addition, non-motor symptoms, such as depression and cognitive dysfunctions have been demonstrated. Moreover, decrease in quality of life has been reported in people with Parkinson’s disease diagnosis. Although multidisciplinary studies on Parkinson's disease indicated general the molecular and radiological findings of the disease, inconsistent data are reported in terms of modalities such as cognitive functioning, depression, and quality of life. The present study aims to present the current perspective in the context of quality of life by examining the findings reported in the cognitive and psychiatric context of Parkinson's disease. According to the findings of this study, cognitive impairments that can be identified based on the course of the disease, manifesting in various forms such as attention, memory, and visual-spatial skills, negatively impact the quality of life for patients. The emergence of depression or depression-like symptoms can further decrease the overall quality of life for individuals diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.


  • Abeysuriya R, Walker Z (2015) Dementia with lewy bodies. Br J Neurosci Nurs, 11:146-149.
  • Alreni AS, Harrop D, Gumber A, McLean S (2017) Measures of upper limb function for people with neck pain: A systematic review of measurement and practical properties. Musculoskel Sci Pract, 29:155-163.
  • Amara AW, Memon AA (2018) Effects of exercise on non-motor symptoms in parkinson's disease. Clin Ther, 40:8-15
  • Armstrong MJ, Okun MS (2020) Diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson disease: a review. JAMA, 323:548-560.
  • Armstrong RA (2017) Visual dysfunction in Parkinson’s. Int Rev Neurobiol, 134:921-946.
  • Åström DO, Simonsen J, Raket LL, Sgarbi S, Hellsten J, Hagell P et al. (2022) High risk of developing dementia in Parkinson’s disease: A Swedish registry-based study. Sci Rep, 12:16759.
  • Baggio H, Segura B, Sala-Llonch R, Marti M, Valldeoriola F, Compta Y et al. (2015) Cognitive impairment and resting-state network connectivity in Parkinson’s disease. Hum Brain Mapp, 36:199-212.
  • Balestrino R, Martinez-Martin P (2017) Reprint of “Neuropsychiatric symptoms, behavioural disorders, and quality of life in Parkinson's disease”. J Neurol Sci, 374:3-8.
  • Balestrino R, Schapira AH (2020) Parkinson disease. Eur J Neurol, 27:27-42.
  • Biundo R, Fiorenzato E, Antonini A (2017a) Non-motor symptoms and natural history of Parkinson's disease: Evidence from cognitive dysfunction and role of noninvasive interventions. Int Rev Neurobiol, 133:389-415.
  • Biundo R, Weis L, Fiorenzato E, Antonini A (2017b) Cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease: is it feasible? Arch Clin Neuropsychol, 32:840-860.
  • Bonifati V, Rohe C, Breedveld G, Fabrizio E, Mari M, Tassorelli C et al. (2005) Early-onset parkinsonism associated with PINK1 mutations: Frequency, genotypes, and phenotypes. Neurology, 65:87-95.
  • Braak H, Rub U, Gai WP, Del Tredici K (2003) Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease: possible routes by which vulnerable neuronal types may be subject to neuroinvasion by an unknown pathogen. J Neural Transm 110:517-36.
  • Bronnick K, Alves G, Aarsland D, Tysnes O, Larsen J (2011) Verbal memory in drug-naive, newly diagnosed Parkinson's disease. the retrieval deficit hypothesis revisited. Neuropsychology, 25:114-124.
  • Buetow S, Giddings LS, Williams L, Nayar S (2008) Perceived unmet needs for health care among Parkinson's Society of New Zealand members with Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord, 14:495-500.
  • Campbell AM, Glover J, Chiang VL, Gerrard J, Yu JB (2015) Gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgical thalamotomy for intractable tremor: A systematic review of the literature. Radiother Oncol, 114:296-301.
  • Cerri S, Mus L, Blandini F (2019) Parkinson’s disease in women and men: what’s the difference? J Parkinsons Dis, 9:501-515
  • Chandran P, Pal PK (2013) Quality of life and its determinants in essential tremor. Parkinsonism Relat Disord, 19:62-65.
  • Chu Y, Tai C, Lin C, Wu, R (2021) Updates on the genetics of Parkinson’s disease: clinical implications and future treatment. Acta Neurol, 30:83-93.
  • Cong S, Xiang C, Zhang S, Zhang T, Wang H, Cong S (2022) Prevalence and clinical aspects of depression in Parkinson’s disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 129 studies. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 141:104749.
  • Çekok FK, Kahraman T, Genç A, Duran G, Çolakoğlu BD, Yerlikaya D et al. (2023) Association between executive and physical functions in people with Parkinson’s disease. Somatosens Mot Res, doi: 10.1080/08990220.2023.2186393..
  • Çolakoğlu B (2014) Parkinson hastalığında yaşam kalitesi ve ölçümü. Turk Noroloji Dergisi, 20:38-41.
  • Çorakcı Z, Hanoğlu L (2021) Parkinson hastalarında kognitif ve duyu işlemleme süreçlerinin incelenmesi. Türkiye Klinikleri Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 6:467-475.
  • Dalle E, Mabandla O (2018) Early life stress, depression and Parkinson's disease: A new approach. Mol Brain, 11:18.
  • De Freitas PR, Lemos AE, Santos MP, Michaelsen SM, Corrêa CL, Swarowsky A (2017) "Test D'évaluation Des Membres Supérieurs Des Personnes Âgées" (TEMPA) to assess upper limb activity in Parkinson's disease. J Hand Ther, 30:320-327.
  • den Brok M, van Dalen J, van Gool A, van Charante E, de Bie, Richard B (2015) Apathy in Parkinson’s disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mov Disord, 30:759-769.
  • Delli PS, Franciotti R, Taylor JP, Thomas A, Tartaro A, Onofrj M et al. (2015) Thalamic involvement in fluctuating cognition in dementia with lewy bodies: Magnetic resonance evidences. Cereb Cortex, 25:3682-3689.
  • Dereli EE, Yaliman A (2010) Comparison of the effects of a physiotherapistsupervised exercise programme and a self-supervised exercise programme on quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease. Clin Rehabil, 24:352-62.
  • Doğan A, Yaşar S, Kayhan S, Kırmızıgöz Ş, Kaplan A (2018) Bağırsak-beyin aksı. Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi, 28:377-379
  • Doi D, Magotani H, Kikuchi T, Ikeda M, Hiramatsu S, Yoshida K et al. (2020) Pre-clinical study of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived dopaminergic progenitor cells for Parkinson’s disease. Nat Commun, 11:3369.
  • Donaghy PC, McKeith IG (2014) The clinical characteristics of dementia with lewy bodies and a consideration of prodromal diagnosis. Alzheimers Res Ther, 6:46.
  • Egan SJ, Laidlaw K, Starkstein S (2015) Cognitive behavior therapy for depression and anxiety in Parkinson's disease. J Parkinsons Dis, 5:443-451
  • Ehgoetz Martens KA, Lewis SJ (2017) Pathology of behavior in PD: What is known and what is not? J Neurol Sci, 374:9-16.
  • Erskine D, Thomas AJ, Attems J, Taylor JP, McKeith IG, Morris CM et al. (2017) Specific patterns of neuronal loss in the pulvinar nucleus in dementia with lewy bodies. Mov Disord, 32:414-422.
  • Floriano EN, Alves JF, Almeida IA, de Souza RB, de Christofoletti G, Santos SM (2015) Dual task performance: A comparison between healthy elderly individuals and those with Parkinson’s disease. Fisioterapia Em Movimento, 28:251-258.
  • Fox SH, Katzenschlager R, Lim SY, Barton B, de Bie RMA, Seppi K et al. (2018) International Parkinson and movement disorder society evidence-based medicine review: Update on treatments for the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Mov Dis, 33:1248-1266.
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There are 99 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Cognition, Clinical Neuropsychology
Journal Section Review

Öznur Kalaba 0009-0009-3363-4900

Özlem Merve Cansever Güzeloğlu 0000-0001-9050-9115

Publication Date December 25, 2024
Submission Date October 11, 2023
Acceptance Date January 21, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


AMA Kalaba Ö, Cansever Güzeloğlu ÖM. Cognition and Quality of Life in Parkinson’s Disease. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. December 2024;16(4):604-616. doi:10.18863/pgy.1374234

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