Research Article
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A Bibliometric Analysis on the Development and Trends of the Metaverse in Business

Year 2024, , 379 - 403, 31.12.2024


Metaverse is a digital environment that allows users to operate in a virtual world using avatars. Although the metaverse seems to be an established application in the gaming industry, it has an impact in many areas today. One of these areas is undoubtedly business. The importance of the metaverse in the field of business is increasing day by day. In this context, the aim of this study is to address the metaverse from a business perspective. For this purpose, 430 studies in the web of science database between 2008 and 2024 were analyzed using the Vosviewer software program. The existing literature was examined in the study and the visualization of the analysis results was provided using a bibliometric method. In this way, the trends, development and research topics of the metaverse topic in the field of business were determined. Within the scope of the analysis, the most influential authors, the countries that have done the most studies, the most cited studies, and a general perspective on the temporal evolution of the topic were provided from a business perspective. The findings of this study provide a detailed understanding of the metaverse research landscape in the field of business, revealing the main areas of focus, important contributions, and existing collaboration networks. It is thought that the results obtained may be valuable for researchers in the field of business.


  • Aharon, D. Y., Demir, E., & Siev, S. (2022). Real returns from unreal world? Market reaction to metaverse disclosures. Research in International Business and Finance, 63, 1-12.
  • Aiolfi, S., & Luceri, B. (2024). See you on the metaverse: A bibliometric expedition through the metaverse landscape. Technologıcal Forecasting and Soiıal Change, 207, 1-9.
  • Asiksoy, G. (2023). Empirical studies on the metaverse-based education: A systematic review. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, 13(3), 120-133.
  • Aung, N., Dhelim, S., Chen, L. M., Ning, H. S., Atzori, L., & Kechadi, T. (2024). Edge-Enabled metaverse: the convergence of metaverse and mobile edge computing. Tsınghua Science and Technology, 29(3), 795-805.
  • Bag, S., Rahman, M. S., Srivastava, G., & Shrivastav, S. K. (2023). Unveiling metaverse potential in supply chain management and overcoming implementation challenges: An empirical study. Benchmarkıng-An Internatıonal Journal,
  • Bai, Y. X., Zhang, B. F., & Xue, L. Y. (2023). DSGE on the metaverse. Finance Research Letters, 56, 1-6. Barrera, K. G., & Shah, D. (2023). Marketing in the metaverse: conceptual understanding, framework, and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 155, 1-19.
  • Boccia, F., & Covino, D. (2023). Knowledge and food sustainability: the metaverse as a new economic-environmental paradigm. Journal of The Knowledge Economy. DOI10.1007/s13132-023-01626-w.
  • Bourlakis, M., Papagiannidis, S., & Li, F. (2009). Retail spatial evolution: paving the way from traditional to metaverse retailing. Electronic Commerce Research, 9(1-2), 135-148.
  • Brito-Ochoa, M. P., Sacristán-Navarro, M. A., & Pelechano-Barahona, E. (2020). A bibliometric analysis of dynamic capacities in the field of family firms (2009-2019). European Journal of Family Business, 10(2), 69-81.
  • Buhalis, D., Leung, D., & Lin, M. C. (2023). Metaverse as a disruptive technology revolutionising tourism management and marketing. Tourism Management, 97, DOI10.1016/j.tourman.2023.104724.
  • Calandra, D., Oppioli, M., Sadraei, R., Jafari-Sadeghi, V., & Biancone, P. P. (2024). Metaverse meets digital entrepreneurship: A practitioner-based qualitative synthesis. International Journal of Entrepreneurıal Behavior & Research, 30 (2/3), 666-686.
  • Carrión, C. (2024). Research streams and open challenges in the metaverse. Journal of Supercomputıng, 80(2), 1598-1639.
  • Chen, X. L., Zou, D., Xie, H. R., & Wang, F. L. (2023). Metaverse in education: Contributors, cooperations, and research themes. Ieee Transactions on Learnıng Technologies, 16(6), 1111-1129.
  • Chinie, C., Oancea, M., & Todea, S. (2022). The adoption of the metaverse concepts in Romania. Management & Marketing, 17(3), 328-340.
  • Damar, S. ve Koksalmis, G. H. (2024). A bibliometric analysis of metaverse technologies in healthcare services. Service Business, 18(2), 223-254.
  • Demirel, E. (2022). Dinamik yetenekler yaklaşımının görsel haritalama tekniğine göre bibliyometrik analizi. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 18(1), 102-125.
  • Demirel, E. ve Yaralı, C. (2023). İmalat işletmelerinin dijitalleşme süreçleri üzerine nitel bir çalışma. Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 30(100. Yıl Özel Sayısı), 21-41.
  • Dogan, E., Chishti, M. Z., Zaman, U., & Binsaeed, R. H. (2024). Towards global sustainable development: the role of financial innovation and technological advancements. Global Business Review,
  • Dorostkar, E., & Najarsadeghi, M. (2023). Sustainability and urban climate: How metaverse can influence urban planning? Envıronment and Plannıng B-Urban Analytıcs and City Science, 50(7), 1711-1717.
  • Durmuş, İ. (2024). Yönetimde metaverse araştırmaları: bibliyometrik bir analiz. Bilişim Sistemleri ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(1), 01-12.
  • Dwivedi, Y. K., Hughes, L., Baabdullah, A. v.d. (2022). Metaverse beyond the hype: Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy. International Journal of Information Management, 66, 1-55.
  • Ferrigno, G., Di Paola, N., Oguntegbe, K. F., & Kraus, S. (2023). Value creation in the metaverse age: A thematic analysis of press releases. Internatıonal Journal of Entrepreneurıal Behavıor & Research, 29(11), 337-363.
  • Gadalla, E; Keeling, K., & Abosag, I. (2013). Metaverse-retail service quality: A future framework for retail service quality in the 3D internet. Journal of Marketıng Management, 29(13-14), 1493-1517.
  • Gleim, M., McCullough, H., Ferrell, O. C., & Gabler, C. (2024). Metaverse: Shifting the reality of services. Journal of Services Marketing, 38 (1), 13-27.
  • Gupta, B. B., Gaurav, A., Albeshri, A. A., & Alsalman, D. (2023). New paradigms of sustainable entrepreneurship in metaverse: A micro-level perspective. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 19(3), 1449-1465.
  • Gupta, M. (2023). Metaverse applications in the real world. (Erişim Tarihi: 16.11. 2024).
  • Gursoy, D., Malodia, S., & Dhir, A. (2022). The metaverse in the hospitality and tourism industry: An overview of current trends and future research directions. Journal Of Hospıtalıty Marketing & Management, 31(5), 527-534.
  • Hassouneh, D., & Brengman, M. (2015). Retailing in social virtual worlds: developing a typology of virtual store atmospherics. Journal of Electronıc Commerce Research, 16(3), 218-241.
  • Hussain, S. (2023). Metaverse for education - virtual or real?. Frontiers in Education, 8, 1-4. DOI: I10.3389/feduc.2023.1177429.
  • Joy, A., Zhu, Y., Peña, C., & Brouard, M. (2022). Digital future of luxury brands: Metaverse, digital fashion, and non-fungible tokens. Strategic Change-Briefings in Entrepreneurıal Finance, 31(3), 337-343.
  • Kozinets, R. V. (2023). Immersive netnography: a novel method for service experience research in virtual reality, augmented reality and metaverse contexts. Journal of Service Management, 34 (1), 100-125.
  • Kraus, S., Breier, M., Lim, W. M., Dabić, M., Kumar, S., Kancah D., Mukherjee, D., Corvello V., Piñeiro-Chousa, J., Liguori, E., Palacios-Marqués, D., Schiavone F., Ferraris A., Fernandez, C., & Ferreira, J. J. (2022) Literature reviews as independent studies: Guidelines for academic practice. RMS, 16, 2577–2595.
  • Kshetri, N. (2023). Metaverse technologies in product management, branding and communications: virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, non-fungible tokens and brain-computer interface. Central European Management Journal, 31(4), 511-521.
  • Kumar, A., & Shankar, A. (2024). Building a sustainable future with enterprise metaverse in a data-driven era: A technology-organization-environment (TOE) perspective. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 81,
  • Kumar, S., Sureka, R., Lucey, B. M., Dowling, M., Vigne, S., & Lim, W. M. (2024). MetaMoney: Exploring the intersection of financial systems and virtual worlds. Research in International Business and Finance, 68, 1-12.
  • Lacity, M. C., Kuai, L., & Mullins, J. K. (2022). How many public corporations recognise "token economy" technologies as materially significant? evidence from 10-k reports. Journal of The British Blockchain Association, 5 (2), DOI10.31585/jbba-5-2-(3)2022.
  • Lee, C. T., Ho, T. Y., & Xie, H. H. (2023) Building brand engagement in metaverse commerce: The role of branded non-fungible toekns (BNFTs). Electronıc Commerce Research And Applıcatıons, 58,
  • Luchaninov, I. (2024). How businesses get into the metaverse opportunities how businesses get into the metaverse: discovering true opportunities. (Erişim Tarihi: 16.11.2024).
  • Marabelli, M., & Lirio, P. (2024). AI and the metaverse in the workplace: DEI opportunities and challenges. Personnel Revıew.
  • Matthews, J. (2024). Metaverse market growth & practical applications for business success. (Erişim Tarihi: 16.11.2024).
  • Mehta, M., Pancholi, G., & Saxena, A. (2023). Metaverse changing realm of the business world: a bibliometric snapshot. Journal of Management Development, 42(5), 373-387.
  • Mitchell, A. (2024). Metaverse adoption for the teaching and learning of project management: An exploratory study of student use. IJISPM-International Journal Of Informatıon Systems and Project Management, 12(1), 76-92.
  • Mogaji, E., Dwivedi, Y. K., & Raman, R. (2024). Fashion marketing in the metaverse. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 15(1), 115-130.
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İşletme Alanında Metaverse’ün Gelişimi ve Eğilimleri Üzerine Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz

Year 2024, , 379 - 403, 31.12.2024


Metaverse, kullanıcıların avatarlar kullanarak sanal dünyada faaliyette bulunmasını sağlayan dijital ortamlardır. Metaverse oyun endüstrisinde yerleşmiş bir uygulama gibi gözükse de bugün birçok alanda etkisi bulunmaktadır. Bu alanlardan birisi de hiç şüphesiz işletmedir. Metaverse’ün işletme alanındaki önemi gün geçtikçe artış göstermektedir. Bu kapsamda bu çalışmanın amacı işletme perspektifinden metaverse’i ele almaktadır. Bu amaçla 2008-2024 yılları arasında web of science veri tabanında 430 çalışma Vosviewer yazılım programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada mevcut literatür incelenmiş ve bibliyometrik bir yöntem kullanılarak analiz sonuçlarının görselleştirilmesi sağlanmıştır. Bu sayede işletme alanında metaverse konusunun eğilimleri, gelişimi ve araştırma konuları tespit edilmiştir. Yine analiz kapsamında işletme perspektifinden metaverse konusunda en etkili yazar, en çok çalışma yapan ülke, en çok atıf alan çalışmalar ve konunun zamansal evrimine genel bir bakış açısı sağlanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın bulguları, işletme alanındaki metaverse araştırma manzarasının ayrıntılı bir anlayışını sunarak, odaklanılan temel alanları, önemli katkıları ve mevcut iş birliği ağlarını ortaya koymaktadır. Elde edilen sonuçların işletme alanındaki araştırmacılar için değerli olabileceği düşünülmektedir.


  • Aharon, D. Y., Demir, E., & Siev, S. (2022). Real returns from unreal world? Market reaction to metaverse disclosures. Research in International Business and Finance, 63, 1-12.
  • Aiolfi, S., & Luceri, B. (2024). See you on the metaverse: A bibliometric expedition through the metaverse landscape. Technologıcal Forecasting and Soiıal Change, 207, 1-9.
  • Asiksoy, G. (2023). Empirical studies on the metaverse-based education: A systematic review. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, 13(3), 120-133.
  • Aung, N., Dhelim, S., Chen, L. M., Ning, H. S., Atzori, L., & Kechadi, T. (2024). Edge-Enabled metaverse: the convergence of metaverse and mobile edge computing. Tsınghua Science and Technology, 29(3), 795-805.
  • Bag, S., Rahman, M. S., Srivastava, G., & Shrivastav, S. K. (2023). Unveiling metaverse potential in supply chain management and overcoming implementation challenges: An empirical study. Benchmarkıng-An Internatıonal Journal,
  • Bai, Y. X., Zhang, B. F., & Xue, L. Y. (2023). DSGE on the metaverse. Finance Research Letters, 56, 1-6. Barrera, K. G., & Shah, D. (2023). Marketing in the metaverse: conceptual understanding, framework, and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 155, 1-19.
  • Boccia, F., & Covino, D. (2023). Knowledge and food sustainability: the metaverse as a new economic-environmental paradigm. Journal of The Knowledge Economy. DOI10.1007/s13132-023-01626-w.
  • Bourlakis, M., Papagiannidis, S., & Li, F. (2009). Retail spatial evolution: paving the way from traditional to metaverse retailing. Electronic Commerce Research, 9(1-2), 135-148.
  • Brito-Ochoa, M. P., Sacristán-Navarro, M. A., & Pelechano-Barahona, E. (2020). A bibliometric analysis of dynamic capacities in the field of family firms (2009-2019). European Journal of Family Business, 10(2), 69-81.
  • Buhalis, D., Leung, D., & Lin, M. C. (2023). Metaverse as a disruptive technology revolutionising tourism management and marketing. Tourism Management, 97, DOI10.1016/j.tourman.2023.104724.
  • Calandra, D., Oppioli, M., Sadraei, R., Jafari-Sadeghi, V., & Biancone, P. P. (2024). Metaverse meets digital entrepreneurship: A practitioner-based qualitative synthesis. International Journal of Entrepreneurıal Behavior & Research, 30 (2/3), 666-686.
  • Carrión, C. (2024). Research streams and open challenges in the metaverse. Journal of Supercomputıng, 80(2), 1598-1639.
  • Chen, X. L., Zou, D., Xie, H. R., & Wang, F. L. (2023). Metaverse in education: Contributors, cooperations, and research themes. Ieee Transactions on Learnıng Technologies, 16(6), 1111-1129.
  • Chinie, C., Oancea, M., & Todea, S. (2022). The adoption of the metaverse concepts in Romania. Management & Marketing, 17(3), 328-340.
  • Damar, S. ve Koksalmis, G. H. (2024). A bibliometric analysis of metaverse technologies in healthcare services. Service Business, 18(2), 223-254.
  • Demirel, E. (2022). Dinamik yetenekler yaklaşımının görsel haritalama tekniğine göre bibliyometrik analizi. Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi, 18(1), 102-125.
  • Demirel, E. ve Yaralı, C. (2023). İmalat işletmelerinin dijitalleşme süreçleri üzerine nitel bir çalışma. Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 30(100. Yıl Özel Sayısı), 21-41.
  • Dogan, E., Chishti, M. Z., Zaman, U., & Binsaeed, R. H. (2024). Towards global sustainable development: the role of financial innovation and technological advancements. Global Business Review,
  • Dorostkar, E., & Najarsadeghi, M. (2023). Sustainability and urban climate: How metaverse can influence urban planning? Envıronment and Plannıng B-Urban Analytıcs and City Science, 50(7), 1711-1717.
  • Durmuş, İ. (2024). Yönetimde metaverse araştırmaları: bibliyometrik bir analiz. Bilişim Sistemleri ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(1), 01-12.
  • Dwivedi, Y. K., Hughes, L., Baabdullah, A. v.d. (2022). Metaverse beyond the hype: Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges, opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and policy. International Journal of Information Management, 66, 1-55.
  • Ferrigno, G., Di Paola, N., Oguntegbe, K. F., & Kraus, S. (2023). Value creation in the metaverse age: A thematic analysis of press releases. Internatıonal Journal of Entrepreneurıal Behavıor & Research, 29(11), 337-363.
  • Gadalla, E; Keeling, K., & Abosag, I. (2013). Metaverse-retail service quality: A future framework for retail service quality in the 3D internet. Journal of Marketıng Management, 29(13-14), 1493-1517.
  • Gleim, M., McCullough, H., Ferrell, O. C., & Gabler, C. (2024). Metaverse: Shifting the reality of services. Journal of Services Marketing, 38 (1), 13-27.
  • Gupta, B. B., Gaurav, A., Albeshri, A. A., & Alsalman, D. (2023). New paradigms of sustainable entrepreneurship in metaverse: A micro-level perspective. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 19(3), 1449-1465.
  • Gupta, M. (2023). Metaverse applications in the real world. (Erişim Tarihi: 16.11. 2024).
  • Gursoy, D., Malodia, S., & Dhir, A. (2022). The metaverse in the hospitality and tourism industry: An overview of current trends and future research directions. Journal Of Hospıtalıty Marketing & Management, 31(5), 527-534.
  • Hassouneh, D., & Brengman, M. (2015). Retailing in social virtual worlds: developing a typology of virtual store atmospherics. Journal of Electronıc Commerce Research, 16(3), 218-241.
  • Hussain, S. (2023). Metaverse for education - virtual or real?. Frontiers in Education, 8, 1-4. DOI: I10.3389/feduc.2023.1177429.
  • Joy, A., Zhu, Y., Peña, C., & Brouard, M. (2022). Digital future of luxury brands: Metaverse, digital fashion, and non-fungible tokens. Strategic Change-Briefings in Entrepreneurıal Finance, 31(3), 337-343.
  • Kozinets, R. V. (2023). Immersive netnography: a novel method for service experience research in virtual reality, augmented reality and metaverse contexts. Journal of Service Management, 34 (1), 100-125.
  • Kraus, S., Breier, M., Lim, W. M., Dabić, M., Kumar, S., Kancah D., Mukherjee, D., Corvello V., Piñeiro-Chousa, J., Liguori, E., Palacios-Marqués, D., Schiavone F., Ferraris A., Fernandez, C., & Ferreira, J. J. (2022) Literature reviews as independent studies: Guidelines for academic practice. RMS, 16, 2577–2595.
  • Kshetri, N. (2023). Metaverse technologies in product management, branding and communications: virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, non-fungible tokens and brain-computer interface. Central European Management Journal, 31(4), 511-521.
  • Kumar, A., & Shankar, A. (2024). Building a sustainable future with enterprise metaverse in a data-driven era: A technology-organization-environment (TOE) perspective. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 81,
  • Kumar, S., Sureka, R., Lucey, B. M., Dowling, M., Vigne, S., & Lim, W. M. (2024). MetaMoney: Exploring the intersection of financial systems and virtual worlds. Research in International Business and Finance, 68, 1-12.
  • Lacity, M. C., Kuai, L., & Mullins, J. K. (2022). How many public corporations recognise "token economy" technologies as materially significant? evidence from 10-k reports. Journal of The British Blockchain Association, 5 (2), DOI10.31585/jbba-5-2-(3)2022.
  • Lee, C. T., Ho, T. Y., & Xie, H. H. (2023) Building brand engagement in metaverse commerce: The role of branded non-fungible toekns (BNFTs). Electronıc Commerce Research And Applıcatıons, 58,
  • Luchaninov, I. (2024). How businesses get into the metaverse opportunities how businesses get into the metaverse: discovering true opportunities. (Erişim Tarihi: 16.11.2024).
  • Marabelli, M., & Lirio, P. (2024). AI and the metaverse in the workplace: DEI opportunities and challenges. Personnel Revıew.
  • Matthews, J. (2024). Metaverse market growth & practical applications for business success. (Erişim Tarihi: 16.11.2024).
  • Mehta, M., Pancholi, G., & Saxena, A. (2023). Metaverse changing realm of the business world: a bibliometric snapshot. Journal of Management Development, 42(5), 373-387.
  • Mitchell, A. (2024). Metaverse adoption for the teaching and learning of project management: An exploratory study of student use. IJISPM-International Journal Of Informatıon Systems and Project Management, 12(1), 76-92.
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There are 75 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Organizasyon, Strategy
Journal Section Research Articles

Ebru Demirel 0000-0001-5073-0683

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date September 30, 2024
Acceptance Date November 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Demirel, E. (2024). İşletme Alanında Metaverse’ün Gelişimi ve Eğilimleri Üzerine Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz. Pamukkale Üniversitesi İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 11(2), 379-403.

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