Research Article
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Akademik Veritabanlarından Yazar-Makale Bağlantı Tahmini

Year 2017, Volume: 20 Issue: 4, 787 - 800, 20.12.2017


Sosyal ağlar: bireylerin tutum ve davranışlarını, jest ve mimiklerini sanal ortamda sembolik eylemlerle sergiledikleri sosyal iletişim platformlarıdır. Hızla gelişmeleri ve kullanım oranının her geçen gün artması sosyal ağların popülaritesini artırmaktadır. İnsanlar birbirleri ile iletişim kurarlar ve fikir, düşünce, fotoğraf, video ve konum gibi bazı verileri buradan paylaşırlar. Bu veriler işlendiğinde kullanıcılar ile ilgili çok önemli bilgiler elde edilir. Bu bilgiler ışığında kullanıcılar ile ilgili önemli tahminler yapmak mümkün olur. Bir ağı analiz edebilmek için öncelikle ağın modeli, graf yapısının özellikleri, ölçütleri ve metrikler hesaplanmalıdır.

Bu çalışmada yazarların çalıştıkları konular arasındaki benzerlik hesaplaması yapılmaktadır. Uygulamada, rastgele seçilen yirmi yazar ile oluşturulan veri seti için komşuluk tabanlı modeller arasından uygun olan beş tanesi (Jaccard Index, Sorensen Index, Ortak Komşu, L. H. Newman Index ve Salton Index yöntemleri) uygulanmaktadır. Hesaplama sonuçlarının değerlendirilebilmesi için; aralarında bağlantı olduğu bilinen yazarlar arasındaki benzerlik hesaplaması sonuçları, referans değer olarak kullanılmaktadır. Elde edilen benzerlik değerlerinin referans değerleri ile kıyaslanması sonucu yeni bağlantılar oluşmaktadır. Oluşan bu bağlantılar yazarların birlikte yayın yapabileceğini ortaya koymaktadır.


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[5] Pengbin G., Weiwei W. and Bo Y., “Co-authorship network analysis in ımprovisation theory research”, International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, Sanya, China, 244-248, (2012). [6] Li L. and Xuezhu G., “Innovation performance of university co-authorship network”, International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, Sanya, China, 410-413, (2012). [7] Anastasios T., Sgouropoulou C., Papageorgiou E., Terraz O. and Miaoulis G., “Co-authorship networks in academic research communities: the role of network strength”, 16th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, Piraeus, Greece, 150-155, (2012). [8] Bidault F., and Hildebrand T., “The distribution of partnership returns: Evidence from co-authorships in economics journals”, Research Policy, 43(6): 1002-1013, (2014). 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[20] Müller B., Hagelstein A. and Gübitz T. “Life science ontologies in literature retrieval: A comparison of linked data sets for use on semantic search on a heterogeneous corpus”, In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Bologna, Italy, (2016). [21] Kushwah A. K. S., and Manjhvar A. K., “A review on link prediction in social network”, International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, 9(2): 43-50, (2016). [22] Sesli M. and Yegenoglu E. D., “Comparison of similarity coefficients used for cluster analysis based on RAPD markers in wild olives”, Genet Mol. Res. 9: 2248–2253, (2010). [23] Leicht E. A., Holme P. and Newman M. E., “Vertex similarity in networks”, Physical Review E, 73(2): 026120, (2006). [24] Adamic L. A. and Adar E., “Friends and neighbors on the web”, Social networks, 25(3): 211-230, (2003). [25] Barabási A. L. and Albert R., “Emergence of scaling in random networks”, Science, 286(5439): 509-512, (1999). [26] Zhou T., Lü L. and Zhang Y. C., “Predicting missing links via local information”, The European Physical Journal B, 71(4): 623-630, (2009). [27] Newman M., “Networks: an introduction”, Oxford University Press, (2010). [28] Arik G., Varan H. D., Yavuz B. B., Karabulut E., Kara O., Kilic M. K., ... and Halil M., “Validation of Katz index of independence in activities of daily living in Turkish older adults”, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 61(3): 344-350, (2015). [29] Fouss F., Pirotte A., Renders J. M., and Saerens M., “Random-walk computation of similarities between nodes of a graph with application to collaborative recommendation”, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 19(3): 355-369, (2007). [30] Guns R. ,“Predictive Characteristics of Co-authorship Networks: Comparing the Unweighted, Weighted, and Bipartite Cases”, Journal of Data and Information Science, 1(3): 59-78, (2016). [31] Lu J., Gong Z. and Lin X., “A novel and fast simrank algorithm”, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, (2016). [32] Liben-Nowell D. and Kleinberg J., “The link prediction problem for social networks”, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), NewYork: ACM Press, 556–559, (2003).
Year 2017, Volume: 20 Issue: 4, 787 - 800, 20.12.2017



  • [1] Lü L., and Zhou T., “Physica A: statistical mechanics and its applications”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 390(6): 1150-1170, (2011). [2] Tuğal İ., “Sosyal Ağlarda Hastalık İlaç Bağlantı Tahmini”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Fırat Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Elazığ, (2013). [3] Huang T. H. and Huang M. L., “Analysis and visualization of co-authorship networks for understanding academic collaboration and knowledge domain of ındividual researchers”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation (CGIV'06), Sydney, Australia, (2006). [4] Sun Y., Barber R., Gupta M., Aggarwal C. C. And Han J., “Co-author relationship prediction in heterogeneous bibliographic networks”, International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 121-128, (2011). [5] Pengbin G., Weiwei W. and Bo Y., “Co-authorship network analysis in ımprovisation theory research”, International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, Sanya, China, 244-248, (2012). [6] Li L. and Xuezhu G., “Innovation performance of university co-authorship network”, International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, Sanya, China, 410-413, (2012). [7] Anastasios T., Sgouropoulou C., Papageorgiou E., Terraz O. and Miaoulis G., “Co-authorship networks in academic research communities: the role of network strength”, 16th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, Piraeus, Greece, 150-155, (2012). [8] Bidault F., and Hildebrand T., “The distribution of partnership returns: Evidence from co-authorships in economics journals”, Research Policy, 43(6): 1002-1013, (2014). [9] Türker İ. and Çavuşoğlu A., “Detailing the co-authorship networks in degree coupling, edge weight and academic age perspective”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 91: 386-392, (2016). [10] Bruno B., “Economics of co-authorship”, Economic Analysis and Policy, 44(2): 212-220, (2014). [11] De Stefano D., Fuccella V., Vitale M. P. and Zaccarin S., “The use of different data sources in the analysis of co-authorship networks and scientific performance”, Social Networks, 35(3): 370-381, (2013). [12] Ortega J. L., “Influence of co-authorship networks in the research impact: Ego network analyses from Microsoft Academic Search”, Journal of Informetrics, 8(3): 728-737, (2014). [13] Koseoglu M. A., “Growth and structure of authorship and co-authorship network in the strategic management realm: evidence from the strategic management journal”, BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 19(3): 153-170, (2016). [14] Sharma D. and Sharma U., “Link prediction algorithm for co-authorship networks using neural networks”, IEEE ICRITO, (2014). [15] Newman M. E. J., “Scientific collaboration networks”, İ.Network Construction And Fundamental Results. Physical Review E, 64: 016131, (2001). [16] Barabási A. L., “From networks to human behavior”, In Proceedings of Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 435, (2009). [17] Wang C., Satuluri V. and Parthasarathy S., “Local probabilistic models for link prediction”, In Proceedings of 7th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 322–331, (2007). [18] Xiang E. W., “A survey on link prediction models for social network data”, PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, (2008). [19] Newman M., E., J., “Clustering and preferential attachment in growing networks”, Phys. Rev. E, 64(2): (2001). [20] Müller B., Hagelstein A. and Gübitz T. “Life science ontologies in literature retrieval: A comparison of linked data sets for use on semantic search on a heterogeneous corpus”, In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Bologna, Italy, (2016). [21] Kushwah A. K. S., and Manjhvar A. K., “A review on link prediction in social network”, International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, 9(2): 43-50, (2016). [22] Sesli M. and Yegenoglu E. D., “Comparison of similarity coefficients used for cluster analysis based on RAPD markers in wild olives”, Genet Mol. Res. 9: 2248–2253, (2010). [23] Leicht E. A., Holme P. and Newman M. E., “Vertex similarity in networks”, Physical Review E, 73(2): 026120, (2006). [24] Adamic L. A. and Adar E., “Friends and neighbors on the web”, Social networks, 25(3): 211-230, (2003). [25] Barabási A. L. and Albert R., “Emergence of scaling in random networks”, Science, 286(5439): 509-512, (1999). [26] Zhou T., Lü L. and Zhang Y. C., “Predicting missing links via local information”, The European Physical Journal B, 71(4): 623-630, (2009). [27] Newman M., “Networks: an introduction”, Oxford University Press, (2010). [28] Arik G., Varan H. D., Yavuz B. B., Karabulut E., Kara O., Kilic M. K., ... and Halil M., “Validation of Katz index of independence in activities of daily living in Turkish older adults”, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 61(3): 344-350, (2015). [29] Fouss F., Pirotte A., Renders J. M., and Saerens M., “Random-walk computation of similarities between nodes of a graph with application to collaborative recommendation”, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 19(3): 355-369, (2007). [30] Guns R. ,“Predictive Characteristics of Co-authorship Networks: Comparing the Unweighted, Weighted, and Bipartite Cases”, Journal of Data and Information Science, 1(3): 59-78, (2016). [31] Lu J., Gong Z. and Lin X., “A novel and fast simrank algorithm”, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, (2016). [32] Liben-Nowell D. and Kleinberg J., “The link prediction problem for social networks”, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), NewYork: ACM Press, 556–559, (2003).
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Research Article

Yücel Bürhan This is me

Resul Daş This is me

Publication Date December 20, 2017
Submission Date December 20, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 20 Issue: 4


APA Bürhan, Y., & Daş, R. (2017). Akademik Veritabanlarından Yazar-Makale Bağlantı Tahmini. Politeknik Dergisi, 20(4), 787-800.
AMA Bürhan Y, Daş R. Akademik Veritabanlarından Yazar-Makale Bağlantı Tahmini. Politeknik Dergisi. December 2017;20(4):787-800. doi:10.2339/politeknik.368989
Chicago Bürhan, Yücel, and Resul Daş. “Akademik Veritabanlarından Yazar-Makale Bağlantı Tahmini”. Politeknik Dergisi 20, no. 4 (December 2017): 787-800.
EndNote Bürhan Y, Daş R (December 1, 2017) Akademik Veritabanlarından Yazar-Makale Bağlantı Tahmini. Politeknik Dergisi 20 4 787–800.
IEEE Y. Bürhan and R. Daş, “Akademik Veritabanlarından Yazar-Makale Bağlantı Tahmini”, Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 787–800, 2017, doi: 10.2339/politeknik.368989.
ISNAD Bürhan, Yücel - Daş, Resul. “Akademik Veritabanlarından Yazar-Makale Bağlantı Tahmini”. Politeknik Dergisi 20/4 (December 2017), 787-800.
JAMA Bürhan Y, Daş R. Akademik Veritabanlarından Yazar-Makale Bağlantı Tahmini. Politeknik Dergisi. 2017;20:787–800.
MLA Bürhan, Yücel and Resul Daş. “Akademik Veritabanlarından Yazar-Makale Bağlantı Tahmini”. Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 20, no. 4, 2017, pp. 787-00, doi:10.2339/politeknik.368989.
Vancouver Bürhan Y, Daş R. Akademik Veritabanlarından Yazar-Makale Bağlantı Tahmini. Politeknik Dergisi. 2017;20(4):787-800.