Trakya University Journal of Roma Language and Culture Research Institute accepts articles on Roma with a scientific perspective and reveal the subject in an analytical and original way are included. Our journal aims to be a source of information for all researchers interested in the field by providing free and open access. It aims to increase the visibility and accessibility of the qualified information produced in the field on an international perspective through scientific publishing and to contribute to the world of science in this context.
Journal of Roma Language and Culture Research Institute is an international peerreviewed journal that includes original studies on Roma in the field of social sciences. Journal of Roma Language and Culture Research Institute accepts submissions both in Turkish and English. Journal is published once a year, in June. The articles sent to the Journal of Roma Language and Culture Research Institute are examined in terms of compliance with the writing principles of the journal before the publication is established. The articles that are deemed appropriate to be evaluated are sent to at least two separate referees by keeping the author names confidential. The opinions defended in the articles published in the journal do not related to the Journal of Roma Language and Culture Research Institute in any circumstances. The responsibility of the published articles and articles belongs to the author.