Research Article
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Year 2017, Issue: 75, 15 - 21, 01.05.2017


Nowadays, sustainability is to make use of the resources that are most needed, valuing the conscious use of natural resources and protecting environmental qualities, without dangering the future generations' own needs. Sustainable companies have created changes in the world by considering their social interests as part of their environmental responsibility. Companies need to reorganize their products and services in order to understand the risks and opportunities that create sustainability. Companies that can make the best of this arrangement can keep their assets. Sustainability ensures the longevity of the companies and give them advantages over their competitors. Opportunities for sustainability are discussed in this study


  • Hithcock D. The Business Guide to Sustainability, Practical Strategies and Tools for Organisations / D. Hithcock, M. Willard. Second Edition, 2009.
  • Hoverstadt, P. Organizational Viability as a Factor in Sustainable Development of Technology / P. Hoverstadt, D. Bowling // International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development. – 2005. – Vol.4, No.2. – Pp.131-146.
  • Jeswiet, J. Design for the Environment / Ed: Myer Kutz. Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing, Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons, 2007. – Pp. 29-44.
  • Najdeska, K. A. Planning of Sustainable tourism development / K. A. Najdeska, G. Rakicevik // Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. – 2012. – No.44. – Pp. 210-220.
  • Onions, C. T. (Ed). The Shorter Oxfort English Dictionary. – Oxford: Clarendan pres., 1964.
  • Soubbotina, T. P. Beyond Economic Growth: An Introduction to Sustainable Development. Second Edition. – Washingtion: The World Bank, 2004.
  • Wilson, M. Corporate Sustainability; What Is IT And Where Does It Come From? // Ivey Busines Journal. – 2003. – March/April.
  • UNIDO (2008). Türkiye’de Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Değerlendirme Raporu.
  • Anon (2012). Retrieved from uretim-sustainable-production/
  • Benefits of Becoming a Sustainable Busines (2016).
  • Borsa Istanbul (2014). Retrieved from
  • Borsa Gündem (2017).
  • CleanTechnica (2012).
  • Deloitte Yatırımcı İlişkileri El Kitabı (2008).
  • Sürdürülebilir Üretim (2017). Retrieved from uretim
  • Sürdürülebilir Üretim Göstergeleri (2017),


Year 2017, Issue: 75, 15 - 21, 01.05.2017


Сегодня быть устойчивой компания может в том случае, если способна использовать
ресурсы, в которых она нуждается наилучшим образом, не ставя под угрозу потребности
будущих поколений, осознанно использовать природные ресурсы, сохраняя качество
окружающей среды. Устойчивые фирмы преобразуют мир в интересах общества, беря на
себя экологическую ответственность, порой идут на риск, реорганизуя свое производство
или услуги. Проявляя гибкость, компании смогут выжить. Устойчивость позволяет
компаниям быть долгожителями и выделяться среди конкурентов. В статье рассматриваются
возможности, предоставляемые устойчивостью.


  • Hithcock D. The Business Guide to Sustainability, Practical Strategies and Tools for Organisations / D. Hithcock, M. Willard. Second Edition, 2009.
  • Hoverstadt, P. Organizational Viability as a Factor in Sustainable Development of Technology / P. Hoverstadt, D. Bowling // International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development. – 2005. – Vol.4, No.2. – Pp.131-146.
  • Jeswiet, J. Design for the Environment / Ed: Myer Kutz. Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing, Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons, 2007. – Pp. 29-44.
  • Najdeska, K. A. Planning of Sustainable tourism development / K. A. Najdeska, G. Rakicevik // Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. – 2012. – No.44. – Pp. 210-220.
  • Onions, C. T. (Ed). The Shorter Oxfort English Dictionary. – Oxford: Clarendan pres., 1964.
  • Soubbotina, T. P. Beyond Economic Growth: An Introduction to Sustainable Development. Second Edition. – Washingtion: The World Bank, 2004.
  • Wilson, M. Corporate Sustainability; What Is IT And Where Does It Come From? // Ivey Busines Journal. – 2003. – March/April.
  • UNIDO (2008). Türkiye’de Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Değerlendirme Raporu.
  • Anon (2012). Retrieved from uretim-sustainable-production/
  • Benefits of Becoming a Sustainable Busines (2016).
  • Borsa Istanbul (2014). Retrieved from
  • Borsa Gündem (2017).
  • CleanTechnica (2012).
  • Deloitte Yatırımcı İlişkileri El Kitabı (2008).
  • Sürdürülebilir Üretim (2017). Retrieved from uretim
  • Sürdürülebilir Üretim Göstergeleri (2017),


Year 2017, Issue: 75, 15 - 21, 01.05.2017


Günümüzde sürdürülebilirlik, doğal kaynakların bilinçli kullanımına değer veren ve çevresel kaliteye korumayı taç yapan, gelecek nesillerin kendi ihtiyaçlarını tehlikeye sokmadan ihtiyaç olan kaynakları en iyi şekilde kullanmayı sağlamaktır. Sürdürülebilir şirketler toplumsal çıkarları göz önünde tutarak, çevresel sorumluluğuda kendilerinin bir parçası gibi görerek dünya da değişimler yaratmışlardır. Şirketler, sürdürülebilirliğin yarattıgı risk ve fırsatları anlayabilmek için ürün ve hizmetlerini yeniden düzenlemeleri gerekir. Bu düzenlemeyi en iyi yapabilen şirketler varlıklarını devam ettirebilirler. Sürdürülebilirlik, şirketleri uzun ömürlü olmayı ve rakipleri karşısında farklı olmayı sağlar. Bu çalışmada sürdürülebilirliğin sağladığı fırsatlar tartışılmıştır.


  • Hithcock D. The Business Guide to Sustainability, Practical Strategies and Tools for Organisations / D. Hithcock, M. Willard. Second Edition, 2009.
  • Hoverstadt, P. Organizational Viability as a Factor in Sustainable Development of Technology / P. Hoverstadt, D. Bowling // International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development. – 2005. – Vol.4, No.2. – Pp.131-146.
  • Jeswiet, J. Design for the Environment / Ed: Myer Kutz. Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing, Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons, 2007. – Pp. 29-44.
  • Najdeska, K. A. Planning of Sustainable tourism development / K. A. Najdeska, G. Rakicevik // Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. – 2012. – No.44. – Pp. 210-220.
  • Onions, C. T. (Ed). The Shorter Oxfort English Dictionary. – Oxford: Clarendan pres., 1964.
  • Soubbotina, T. P. Beyond Economic Growth: An Introduction to Sustainable Development. Second Edition. – Washingtion: The World Bank, 2004.
  • Wilson, M. Corporate Sustainability; What Is IT And Where Does It Come From? // Ivey Busines Journal. – 2003. – March/April.
  • UNIDO (2008). Türkiye’de Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Değerlendirme Raporu.
  • Anon (2012). Retrieved from uretim-sustainable-production/
  • Benefits of Becoming a Sustainable Busines (2016).
  • Borsa Istanbul (2014). Retrieved from
  • Borsa Gündem (2017).
  • CleanTechnica (2012).
  • Deloitte Yatırımcı İlişkileri El Kitabı (2008).
  • Sürdürülebilir Üretim (2017). Retrieved from uretim
  • Sürdürülebilir Üretim Göstergeleri (2017),
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Other ID JA96TF88VY
Journal Section Research Article

Nevin Aydın

Publication Date May 1, 2017
Submission Date May 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Issue: 75


APA Aydın, N. (2017). SÜRDÜRÜLEBİLİR ŞİRKET OLMANIN FAYDALARI. Reforma, 3(75), 15-21.