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Year 2010, Issue: 43, 11 - 49, 01.09.2010


Fikri mülkiyet haklarının lisanslanmasının reddi de dahil olmak üzere bütün alt kategorileriyle birlikte sözleşme yapılmasının reddi davaları rekabet hukukunun en tartışmalı alanlarından biridir. Bütün liberal ekonomik düşünce sistemleri sözleşme özgürlüğünü gerçek ve tüzel kişiler için en temel iktisadi özgürlüklerinden biri olarak gördükleri için zorunlu arz ya da lisanslama gerekliliği çok dikkatli bir değerlendirme gerektirir. da zorunlu lisanslamanın değerlendirmesi için gerekli kriterler bakımından zayıf bir ışık tutmaktadır


  • ANDERMAN, S. (2004), “Does the Microsoft Case Offer a New Paradigm for the ‘Exceptional Circumstances’ Test and Compulsory Copyright Licenses under EC Competition Law?”, The Competition Law Review, Vol. 1, 7-22.
  • ANDERMAN, S.D. (2007) , The Interface Between Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Policy, Cambridge University Press, UK.
  • ANDREANGELLI, A. (2009), “Interoperability as an ‘Essential Facility’ in the Microsoft Case- Encouraging Competition or Stifling Innovation?” European Law Review, 34(4), 584-611.
  • APPELDORN, J. (2005), “He Who Spareth His Rod, Hateth His Son? Microsoft, Super-Dominance and Article 82 EC”, ECLR, 26(12), 653-658.
  • CARLTON, D.W. (2001), “A General Analysis of Exclusionary Conduct and Refusal to Deal- Why Aspen and Kodak are Misguided?”, NBER Working Paper 8105,, Erişim Tarihi: 21.03.2010.
  • DEMİRÖZ, A. (2009) “Sözleşme Yapmayı Reddetme Bağlamında Hakim Durumdaki Teşebbüslere Getirilen Yükümlülüklerin Sınırları”
  • Rekabet Hukukunda Güncel Gelişmeler Sempozyumu- VII içinde s. 317-395.
  • DREXL, J. (2004), “Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law - IMS Health and Trinko - Antitrust Placebo for Consumers Instead of Sound Economics in Refusal-to-Deal Cases”, IIC, 2004, 7
  • EAGLES, I. ve L. LONGDIN (2008), “Microsoft’s Refusal to Disclose Interoperability Information and the Court of First Instance”
  • European Intellectual Property Review.
  • GERADIN, D. (2008), “Limiting the Scope of Article 82 of the EC Treaty: What can EU Learn from the US Supreme Court’s Judgement in Trinko in the Wake of Microsoft, IMS and Deutsche Telekom?”
  • Common Market Law Review, December 2005.
  • GERADIN, D. (2010), “Is the Guidance Paper on the Commisision’s Enforcement Priorities in Applying Article 102 TEFU to Abusive Exclusionary Conduct Useful?”, s. 5
  • Erişim Tarihi: 11.04.2010. GUTERMUTH, A. (2009), “Article 82 Guidance: A Closer Look at the Analytical Framework and the Papaer’s Likely Impact on European Enforcement Practice”, The Online Magazine for Global Competition Policy, February 2009, Release 1, s. 5.
  • look-at-the-analytical-framework-and-the-papers-likely-impact-on-european
  • enforcement-practice, Erişim Tarihi: 19.03.2010.
  • GÜRZUMAR, O. B. (2006), Zorunlu Unsur Doktrinine Dayalı Sözleşme Yapma Yükümlülüğü: Hâkim Durumun Rakiple Anlaşma Yapmaktan Kaçınmak Suretiyle Kötüye Kullanılması, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • HOVENKAMP, H., M.D. JANIS ve M.A. LEMLEY (2005), “Unilateral Refusals to License in the US”, Stanford Law School, John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics, Working Paper No: 303.
  • Erişim Tarihi: 12.04.2010 HOVENKAMP, H., M.D. JANIS ve M. A. LEMLEY (2005), IP and Antitrust, An Analysis of Antitrust Principles Applied to Intellectual Property Law, Apsen Publishers, USA.
  • HUMPE, C. ve C. RITTER (2005), “Refusal to Deal”, (GCLC Research Papers on Article 82 EC- July 2005 içinde), Temmuz 2005
  • s%20on%20Article%2082%20EC.pdf
  • JONES, A. ve B. SUFFRIN (2008), EC Competition Law, Third Edition, Oxford University Press, USA.
  • KJØLBYE, L. (2009), “Article 82 EC as a Remedy to Patent System Imperfections: Fighting Fire with Fire?”, World Competition, Volume 32, Issue 2. KORAH, V. (2005), The Interface Between Intellectual Property Rights and Competition in Developed Countries, SCRIPT-ed, Volume 2 Issue 4
  • Erişim Tarihi: 16.03.2010. LEVEQUE, F. (2005), “Innovation, Leveraging and Essential Facilities: Interoperability Licensing in the EU Microsoft Case”, World Competition, Vol. 28, 71-91.
  • MONTI, G. (2010), “Article 82 EC: What Future for the Effect-Based Approach?”, Journal of Competition Law and Practice, No: 1(1)
  • MULLER, U. (2008), “The Rise and Fall of Essential Facility Doctrine”, European Competition Law Review, 29(5), 310-329.
  • NAGY, C.I. (2007), “Refusal to Deal and the Doctrine of Essential Facilities in US and EC Competition Law: A Comparative Perspective and a Proposal for a Workable Analytical Framework”, European Law Review, 32(5), 664-685.
  • O’DONOGHUE, R. ve A. J. PADILLA (2006), The Law and Economics of Article 82 EC, First Edition, Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK.
  • PETIT, N. (2009), From Formalism to Effects: The Commision’s Guidance on Article 82 EC,, Erişim Tarihi: 23.03.2010. RITTER, C. (2005), “Refusal to Deal and ‘Essential Facilities’: Does Intellectual Property Require Special Deference Compared to Tangible Property?”, World Competition 28(3).
  • SCHMIDT, C. ve W. KERBER (2008), “Microsoft, Refusal to License Intellectual property Rights, and the Incentives Balance Test of the EU Commission”,
  • Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2010. SCHWEITZER, H. (2007), “Controlling the Unilateral Exercise of Intellectual Property Rights: A Multitude of Approaches but No Way Ahead? The Transatlantic Search for a New Approach”, EUI Working Papers, 2007/31.
  • Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2010. SHAPIRO, C. (2001), “Navigating the Patent Thicket: Cross Licences, Patent Pools and Standart Setting”, A. B. JAFFE (der.) Innovation Policy and Economy I içinde.
  • Erişim Tarihi: 14.03.2010. SHELANSKI, H.A. (2009), “Unilateral Refusals To Deal in Intellectual and Other Property”, Antitrust Law Journal 2009, Volume 76, Issue:2, 369-395.
  • SUBIOTTO, R. ve R. O’DONOGHUE (2003), “Defining the Scope of the Dominant Firms to Deal with Existing Customers Under Article 82 EC”, European Competition Law Review, 24(12), 683-694.
  • TREACY, P. (1998), “Essential Facilities- Is the Tide Turning?”, European Competition Law Review, 8, 501-505.
  • VESTERDORF, B. (2010), “Article 82 EC: Where Do We Stand After the Microsoft Judgement.”,
  • Erişim Tarihi: 13.04.2010. WHISH, R. (2009), Competition Law, Sixth Edition, Oxford University Press, USA.


Year 2010, Issue: 43, 11 - 49, 01.09.2010


Refusal to deal cases -with all its sub-divisions including refusal to license intellectual property right cases- are one the most controversial subjects of competition law. Since every liberal economic thought accepts that the right to contract is one of the very basic economic liberties of legal and natural persons, an obligation for compulsory supply or licensing needs careful assesment


  • ANDERMAN, S. (2004), “Does the Microsoft Case Offer a New Paradigm for the ‘Exceptional Circumstances’ Test and Compulsory Copyright Licenses under EC Competition Law?”, The Competition Law Review, Vol. 1, 7-22.
  • ANDERMAN, S.D. (2007) , The Interface Between Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Policy, Cambridge University Press, UK.
  • ANDREANGELLI, A. (2009), “Interoperability as an ‘Essential Facility’ in the Microsoft Case- Encouraging Competition or Stifling Innovation?” European Law Review, 34(4), 584-611.
  • APPELDORN, J. (2005), “He Who Spareth His Rod, Hateth His Son? Microsoft, Super-Dominance and Article 82 EC”, ECLR, 26(12), 653-658.
  • CARLTON, D.W. (2001), “A General Analysis of Exclusionary Conduct and Refusal to Deal- Why Aspen and Kodak are Misguided?”, NBER Working Paper 8105,, Erişim Tarihi: 21.03.2010.
  • DEMİRÖZ, A. (2009) “Sözleşme Yapmayı Reddetme Bağlamında Hakim Durumdaki Teşebbüslere Getirilen Yükümlülüklerin Sınırları”
  • Rekabet Hukukunda Güncel Gelişmeler Sempozyumu- VII içinde s. 317-395.
  • DREXL, J. (2004), “Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law - IMS Health and Trinko - Antitrust Placebo for Consumers Instead of Sound Economics in Refusal-to-Deal Cases”, IIC, 2004, 7
  • EAGLES, I. ve L. LONGDIN (2008), “Microsoft’s Refusal to Disclose Interoperability Information and the Court of First Instance”
  • European Intellectual Property Review.
  • GERADIN, D. (2008), “Limiting the Scope of Article 82 of the EC Treaty: What can EU Learn from the US Supreme Court’s Judgement in Trinko in the Wake of Microsoft, IMS and Deutsche Telekom?”
  • Common Market Law Review, December 2005.
  • GERADIN, D. (2010), “Is the Guidance Paper on the Commisision’s Enforcement Priorities in Applying Article 102 TEFU to Abusive Exclusionary Conduct Useful?”, s. 5
  • Erişim Tarihi: 11.04.2010. GUTERMUTH, A. (2009), “Article 82 Guidance: A Closer Look at the Analytical Framework and the Papaer’s Likely Impact on European Enforcement Practice”, The Online Magazine for Global Competition Policy, February 2009, Release 1, s. 5.
  • look-at-the-analytical-framework-and-the-papers-likely-impact-on-european
  • enforcement-practice, Erişim Tarihi: 19.03.2010.
  • GÜRZUMAR, O. B. (2006), Zorunlu Unsur Doktrinine Dayalı Sözleşme Yapma Yükümlülüğü: Hâkim Durumun Rakiple Anlaşma Yapmaktan Kaçınmak Suretiyle Kötüye Kullanılması, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • HOVENKAMP, H., M.D. JANIS ve M.A. LEMLEY (2005), “Unilateral Refusals to License in the US”, Stanford Law School, John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics, Working Paper No: 303.
  • Erişim Tarihi: 12.04.2010 HOVENKAMP, H., M.D. JANIS ve M. A. LEMLEY (2005), IP and Antitrust, An Analysis of Antitrust Principles Applied to Intellectual Property Law, Apsen Publishers, USA.
  • HUMPE, C. ve C. RITTER (2005), “Refusal to Deal”, (GCLC Research Papers on Article 82 EC- July 2005 içinde), Temmuz 2005
  • s%20on%20Article%2082%20EC.pdf
  • JONES, A. ve B. SUFFRIN (2008), EC Competition Law, Third Edition, Oxford University Press, USA.
  • KJØLBYE, L. (2009), “Article 82 EC as a Remedy to Patent System Imperfections: Fighting Fire with Fire?”, World Competition, Volume 32, Issue 2. KORAH, V. (2005), The Interface Between Intellectual Property Rights and Competition in Developed Countries, SCRIPT-ed, Volume 2 Issue 4
  • Erişim Tarihi: 16.03.2010. LEVEQUE, F. (2005), “Innovation, Leveraging and Essential Facilities: Interoperability Licensing in the EU Microsoft Case”, World Competition, Vol. 28, 71-91.
  • MONTI, G. (2010), “Article 82 EC: What Future for the Effect-Based Approach?”, Journal of Competition Law and Practice, No: 1(1)
  • MULLER, U. (2008), “The Rise and Fall of Essential Facility Doctrine”, European Competition Law Review, 29(5), 310-329.
  • NAGY, C.I. (2007), “Refusal to Deal and the Doctrine of Essential Facilities in US and EC Competition Law: A Comparative Perspective and a Proposal for a Workable Analytical Framework”, European Law Review, 32(5), 664-685.
  • O’DONOGHUE, R. ve A. J. PADILLA (2006), The Law and Economics of Article 82 EC, First Edition, Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK.
  • PETIT, N. (2009), From Formalism to Effects: The Commision’s Guidance on Article 82 EC,, Erişim Tarihi: 23.03.2010. RITTER, C. (2005), “Refusal to Deal and ‘Essential Facilities’: Does Intellectual Property Require Special Deference Compared to Tangible Property?”, World Competition 28(3).
  • SCHMIDT, C. ve W. KERBER (2008), “Microsoft, Refusal to License Intellectual property Rights, and the Incentives Balance Test of the EU Commission”,
  • Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2010. SCHWEITZER, H. (2007), “Controlling the Unilateral Exercise of Intellectual Property Rights: A Multitude of Approaches but No Way Ahead? The Transatlantic Search for a New Approach”, EUI Working Papers, 2007/31.
  • Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2010. SHAPIRO, C. (2001), “Navigating the Patent Thicket: Cross Licences, Patent Pools and Standart Setting”, A. B. JAFFE (der.) Innovation Policy and Economy I içinde.
  • Erişim Tarihi: 14.03.2010. SHELANSKI, H.A. (2009), “Unilateral Refusals To Deal in Intellectual and Other Property”, Antitrust Law Journal 2009, Volume 76, Issue:2, 369-395.
  • SUBIOTTO, R. ve R. O’DONOGHUE (2003), “Defining the Scope of the Dominant Firms to Deal with Existing Customers Under Article 82 EC”, European Competition Law Review, 24(12), 683-694.
  • TREACY, P. (1998), “Essential Facilities- Is the Tide Turning?”, European Competition Law Review, 8, 501-505.
  • VESTERDORF, B. (2010), “Article 82 EC: Where Do We Stand After the Microsoft Judgement.”,
  • Erişim Tarihi: 13.04.2010. WHISH, R. (2009), Competition Law, Sixth Edition, Oxford University Press, USA.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ali Arıöz This is me

Özgür Can Özbek This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Issue: 43
