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Global Measures Analysis on Causes and Effects of Traffic Accidents

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 140 - 151, 30.12.2024


Preventing and reducing traffic accidents is a major public safety issue. In general, while the road safety situation in many developed and developing countries, including China, is generally improving, some countries are facing a deteriorating situation. In the case of India: replacing intersections with traffic lights wherever possible and strictly enforcing helmet wearing by female two-wheelers (both drivers and passengers); establishing separate lanes for cyclists along major roads and ensuring that cyclists use them compulsorily; educating the public; addressing the issue at a war-like level; especially the media playing a more active role in this area; road encroachment by grocers and street vendors should definitely be addressed; severe penalties for unauthorized parking; removal of stray animals from the roads; etc. Preventing accidents can be achieved not through punitive measures but through effective preventive measures. There are countries that have been successful in combating this huge problem: in France, a dramatic increase in law enforcement forces between 2001 and 2004 reduced traffic deaths by about 32%. In Finland, the intensification of speed enforcement reduced the number of fatal accidents by 13%. In fact, many developed countries have adopted safety policies with success, such as Sweden, Japan, and the United Kingdom. Sweden adopted 'vision zero' in 1997, the Netherlands adopted 'sustainable road safety' in 1991, and the United Kingdom adopted 'tomorrow's road safety for all' in 2000.


  • Al-Masaeid, H. "Traffic accidents in Jordan" Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 3.4 (2009) 331-343.
  • Andreescu, Mircea-Paul, and David B. Frost. "Weather and traffic accidents in Montreal, Canada" Climate research 9.3 (1998) 225-230.
  • Bedrettin Murat, “Hukuki ve Cezai Sorumluluk Açısından Trafik Kazaları ve Trafik Kazalarının Tespitinde Yeni Bir Model Önerisi” Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010.
  • Berberoğlu Yenipınar, Filiz. Trafik Kazaları ve Tazminat Davaları, Seçkin Yayınevi
  • Chand, Arun, S. Jayesh, and A. B. Bhasi. "Road traffic accidents: An overview of data sources, Depaire, Benoît, Geert Wets, and Koen Vanhoof. "Traffic accident segmentation by means of latent class clustering" Accident Analysis & Prevention 40.4 (2008)1257-1266.
  • Fujii, Yahei, and Reijiro Shiobara. "The analysis of traffic accidents" The Journal of Navigation 24.4 (1971) 534-543. Gopalakrishnan, S. "A public health perspective of road traffic accidents" Journal of family medicine and primary care 1.2 (2012) 144-150.
  • Hı́jar, Martha, et al. "Risk factors in highway traffic accidents: a case control study" Accident Analysis & Prevention 32.5 (2000) 703-709.
  • Jusuf, Annisa, Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, and Arya Prihutama. "Macro Data Analysis of Traffic Accidents in Indonesia." Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 49.1 (2017).
  • Kafes, Veli “Ceza Hukukunda Mağdurun Zararının Giderilmesi” AÜHFD, 60 (1) 2011 (83-156).
  • Mayou, Richard, Bridget Bryant, and Robert Duthie. "Psychiatric consequences of road traffic accidents." British Medical Journal 307.6905 (1993) 647-651.
  • Moosavi, Sobhan, et al. "A countrywide traffic accident dataset" arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.05409 (2019).
  • Shanks, Niall J., M. Ansari, and D. Ai-Kalai. "Road traffic accidents in Saudi Arabia" Public health 108.1 (1994) 27-34.
  • Sharma, B. R., et al. "Road-traffic accidents-a demographic and topographic analysis" Medicine, Science and the Law 41.3 (2001) 266-274.
  • Singh, Sanjay Kumar. "Road traffic accidents in India: issues and challenges" Transportation research procedia 25 (2017) 4708-4719.
  • Teran-Santos, J., et al. "The association between sleep apnea and the risk of traffic accidents" New England Journal of Medicine 340.11 (1999) 847-851.
  • Vasconcellos, Eduardo Alcântara. "Urban development and traffic accidents in Brazil" Accident Analysis & Prevention 31.4 (1999) 319-328.
  • Xie, Zhixiao, and Jun Yan. "Kernel density estimation of traffic accidents in a network space." Computers, environment and urban systems 32.5 (2008) 396-406.
  • Yau, Kelvin KW, Hing-Po Lo, and Sherrice HH Fung. "Multiple-vehicle traffic accidents in Hong Kong" Accident Analysis & Prevention 38.6 (2006) 1157-1161.
  • Zhang, Guangnan, Kelvin KW Yau, and Guanghan Chen. "Risk factors associated with traffic violations and accident severity in China" Accident Analysis & Prevention 59 (2013) 18-25.
  • Zhang, Zhenhua, et al. "A deep learning approach for detecting traffic accidents from social media data" Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 86 (2018)580-596.
  • (yayım tarihi :16 mayıs 2024 saat : 10:00 sayı: 53479, ET 26.07.2024)
  • (ET 26. 07. 2024)
  • (ET 26. 07. 2024)

Trafik Kazalarının Neden ve Etkileri Üzerine Küresel Önlemler Analizi

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 140 - 151, 30.12.2024


Trafik kazalarını önlemek ve azaltmak önemli bir kamu güvenliği sorunudur. Genel olarak, Çin dahil olmak üzere birçok gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkede yol güvenliği durumu genel olarak iyileşirken, bazı ülkeler kötüleşen bir durumla karşı karşıyadır. Hindistan örneğinde; mümkün olan her yerde kavşakların trafik ışıklarıyla değiştirilmesi ve iki tekerlekli araçların kadın kullanıcılarının (hem sürücüler hem de yolcular) kask takmasının kesinlikle uygulanması, ana yollar boyunca bisikletliler için ayrı yollar yapılması ve bisikletlilerin bunları zorunlu olarak kullanması sağlanması, kamuoyunun eğitilmesi, konunun savaş düzeyinde önemle ele alınması, özellikle medyanın bu alanda daha aktif bir rol oynaması, bakkalların ve seyyar satıcıların yollara tecavüzü kesinlikle ele alınmalı, yetkisiz yerlere park etme ağır şekilde cezalandırılması, sahipsiz hayvanların yollardan uzaklaştırılması vb. ile kazaların önlenmesi sonuçlara dair ceza tedbirleri ile değil, etkili önleme tedbirleri ile sağlanabilir. Bu çok büyük sorun ile mücadelede başarılı ülkeler bulunmaktadır: Fransa'da, 2001-2004 döneminde kolluk kuvvetlerinde yaşanan çarpıcı artış, trafik ölümlerini yaklaşık %32 oranında azalttı. Finlandiya'da hız denetiminin yoğunlaştırılması, ölümcül kazaların sayısını %13 oranında azalttı. Aslında, birçok gelişmiş ülke İsveç, Japonya, Birleşik Krallık gibi güvenlik politikaları benimsemiş ve başarılı sonuçlar elde etmiştir. İsveç, 1997'de 'vizyon sıfır' benimsemiş, Hollanda 1991'de 'sürdürülebilir yol güvenliği' ilkesini benimsemiştir. İngiltere de 2000'de 'herkes için yarının yol güvenliği' benimsenmiştir.


  • Al-Masaeid, H. "Traffic accidents in Jordan" Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering 3.4 (2009) 331-343.
  • Andreescu, Mircea-Paul, and David B. Frost. "Weather and traffic accidents in Montreal, Canada" Climate research 9.3 (1998) 225-230.
  • Bedrettin Murat, “Hukuki ve Cezai Sorumluluk Açısından Trafik Kazaları ve Trafik Kazalarının Tespitinde Yeni Bir Model Önerisi” Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010.
  • Berberoğlu Yenipınar, Filiz. Trafik Kazaları ve Tazminat Davaları, Seçkin Yayınevi
  • Chand, Arun, S. Jayesh, and A. B. Bhasi. "Road traffic accidents: An overview of data sources, Depaire, Benoît, Geert Wets, and Koen Vanhoof. "Traffic accident segmentation by means of latent class clustering" Accident Analysis & Prevention 40.4 (2008)1257-1266.
  • Fujii, Yahei, and Reijiro Shiobara. "The analysis of traffic accidents" The Journal of Navigation 24.4 (1971) 534-543. Gopalakrishnan, S. "A public health perspective of road traffic accidents" Journal of family medicine and primary care 1.2 (2012) 144-150.
  • Hı́jar, Martha, et al. "Risk factors in highway traffic accidents: a case control study" Accident Analysis & Prevention 32.5 (2000) 703-709.
  • Jusuf, Annisa, Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, and Arya Prihutama. "Macro Data Analysis of Traffic Accidents in Indonesia." Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 49.1 (2017).
  • Kafes, Veli “Ceza Hukukunda Mağdurun Zararının Giderilmesi” AÜHFD, 60 (1) 2011 (83-156).
  • Mayou, Richard, Bridget Bryant, and Robert Duthie. "Psychiatric consequences of road traffic accidents." British Medical Journal 307.6905 (1993) 647-651.
  • Moosavi, Sobhan, et al. "A countrywide traffic accident dataset" arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.05409 (2019).
  • Shanks, Niall J., M. Ansari, and D. Ai-Kalai. "Road traffic accidents in Saudi Arabia" Public health 108.1 (1994) 27-34.
  • Sharma, B. R., et al. "Road-traffic accidents-a demographic and topographic analysis" Medicine, Science and the Law 41.3 (2001) 266-274.
  • Singh, Sanjay Kumar. "Road traffic accidents in India: issues and challenges" Transportation research procedia 25 (2017) 4708-4719.
  • Teran-Santos, J., et al. "The association between sleep apnea and the risk of traffic accidents" New England Journal of Medicine 340.11 (1999) 847-851.
  • Vasconcellos, Eduardo Alcântara. "Urban development and traffic accidents in Brazil" Accident Analysis & Prevention 31.4 (1999) 319-328.
  • Xie, Zhixiao, and Jun Yan. "Kernel density estimation of traffic accidents in a network space." Computers, environment and urban systems 32.5 (2008) 396-406.
  • Yau, Kelvin KW, Hing-Po Lo, and Sherrice HH Fung. "Multiple-vehicle traffic accidents in Hong Kong" Accident Analysis & Prevention 38.6 (2006) 1157-1161.
  • Zhang, Guangnan, Kelvin KW Yau, and Guanghan Chen. "Risk factors associated with traffic violations and accident severity in China" Accident Analysis & Prevention 59 (2013) 18-25.
  • Zhang, Zhenhua, et al. "A deep learning approach for detecting traffic accidents from social media data" Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 86 (2018)580-596.
  • (yayım tarihi :16 mayıs 2024 saat : 10:00 sayı: 53479, ET 26.07.2024)
  • (ET 26. 07. 2024)
  • (ET 26. 07. 2024)
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Urban Policy
Journal Section Research Article

Filiz Yenipınar 0000-0003-3409-7763

Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date August 1, 2024
Acceptance Date September 18, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


ISNAD Yenipınar, Filiz. “Trafik Kazalarının Neden Ve Etkileri Üzerine Küresel Önlemler Analizi”. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 11/2 (December 2024), 140-151.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Journal of Social Sciences © 2015 is licensed with Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NonDerivative 4.0 (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0)