Journal of Islamic Studies
- The articles submitted for the consideration of publication in The Journal of Rumeli Islamic Studies must be scientific and original and written according to the commonly accepted academic standards. They should also contribute to the area concerned. Articles published elsewhere in any form, partial or whole, will receive no consideration at all. If a paper is submitted to a conference but not published, the conference name, place and date has to be stated as a footnote.
- The articles are scanned in plagiarism screening programs and the studies which take positive report are published.
- Authors are required to sign “Ethical Declaration”.
- Book reviews and symposium analyzies are accepted if they are written by the authors who have graduate degree.
- The article can only be published if the two referees agree in their decision on its publication.
- If the referee(s) requested corrections before publication, the article is sent to the author for correction, the corrected manuscript is published upon the decision of editorial board.
- If one referee approves and the other disapproves, the editorial board may send it to a third referee for the final decision.
If the referee wants to see the corrected article again, it is sent back to him.
- Manuscripts must be submitted to the editor via e-mail (translations with their original texts, pictures, drawings and tables) containing the text in Microsoft Word (2007-2016).
- The article (including appendix of pictures, drawings, maps etc.) should not be longer than thirty (30) pages (Times New Roman 12, interspaces 1,5, margins 2,5).
- Turkish abstracts for English and non-Turkish articles, English abstracts for Turkish articles, should be submitted English in 150 words. Turkish and English keywords 7 (seven pieces) also should be submitted.
- Footnotes, should Times New Roman 10, interspaces 1, justified and spelled.
- Footnotes and bibliography should be prepared based on “İsnad Atıf Sistemi.”
- The title of the articles should be given in Turkish and English. Subtitles shouldn’t be numbered automatically; it should be typed manually.
- All articles should have an abstract composed of 150 words maximum and English translation of the abstract should be submitted for the Turkish articles. Turkish and English abstracts should be submitted for foreign language articles.
- There should be Keywords consisting of five both in Turkish and English.
- Original title of a translated article and its bibliographic information should be stated with a footnote attached to the main title.
- Editor has got the right to do minor changes in terms of spelling etc. Spelling book of the Turkish Language Council should be the main reference for spelling and punctuation unless there are special situations of the article.
- Author should be consistent in using diacritical letters and words with transcripts.
- If the dates of death are to be included, they should be as follows: (d. 425/1033).
- Each article should include a “bibliography” at the end.
Abstracts of articles are also published in the web site of the journal: and accessible by the international academic community.