Research Article
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Platoncu söylemde kadın bedeni politikası: Bir feminist okuması

Year 2019, , 362 - 367, 21.11.2019


Platon’un Devlet’
adlı eseri, felsefe tarihinin en
önemli başyapıtlarından biri olarak görülmektedir. Devlet, “Politika” adı altında genelden; “İnsan” olarak daha özele
doğru çok çeşitli konuları içinde barındırmaktadır. Devlet’i çığır açan eser yapan önemli nokta ise çeşitli Platoncu
düşüncelerden biri olan ‘politikada kadın bedeninin yer almasının’ tanıtılıp,
aktarılmasıdır. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışmada, kadın bedeni politikası ile ilgili
olan Platoncu görüşler teorik çerçevede incelenmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Angela
Carter’ın, ‘kadının yerini’ otoriter bir şekilde belirleyen ve ‘kadının beden
politikalarına’ dikte eden ataerkil düşünce sistemini yıkan, kendine özgün
görüşleri ele alınmaktadır. Böylece, salt hayal ürünü olan ve kadınlara
ideolojik açıdan zarar veren Platonik düşüncelerin Carter tarafından nasıl
meydan okunduğu ve yok sayıldığının incelenmesi bu çalışmanın amaçları


  • Aristotle. (1981). The Politics, trans. T. A. Sinclair, London: Penguin Books. Bordo, S. (1993). Unbearable Weight, Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body, London: University of California Press. Canto, M. & Goldhammer A. (1985). “The Politics of Women’s Reflections on Plato,” Poetics Today, vol. 6, no. 1/2, The Female Body in Western Semiotic Perspectives, pp.275-289. Duke University Press, Web, Accessed: 31 October 2014. Carter, A. (1998). “Notes from the Front Line,” Shaking a Leg: Collected Writings, introd. Joan Smith, London: Penguin Books. pp.26-30. Carter, A. (2011). Heroes and Villains, introd. Robert Coover, London: Penguin Modern Classics. Cavallaro, D. (2011). The World of Angela Carter: A Critical Investigation, North Carolina: McFarland & Company Inc., Publishers. Plato. (1974). The Republic, trans. Desmond Lee, Second ed. London: Penguin Books. Rousseau, J.J. (2012). The Body Politic, trans. Quintin Hoare, UK: Penguin Classics. Yeandle. H. (2017). Angel Carter and Western Philosophy, London: Palgrave Macmillan.

The female body politics in Platonic discourse: A feminist reading

Year 2019, , 362 - 367, 21.11.2019


Plato’s The Republic is considered to be amongst
seminal works throughout the history of philosophy. It consists of variety of
subjects ranging from politics in general to human beings in particular. What
makes The Republic groundbreaking is
the fact that a variety of Platonic thoughts, one of which is about ‘the
presence of the female body in politics,’ is introduced and represented in the
book. On this regard, this study explores Platonic thoughts related to the female
body politics within the scope of theoretical analyses. It is scrutinised that
Angela Carter’s authentic views challenge and subvert patriarchal ideology
whose  norms authoritatively determine
‘the presence of women’ and dictate ‘the politics of their bodies.’ Therefore,
it is within the purpose of this study to explore how Platonic thoughts that
are mere-fantasy which harms women ideologically are challenged and disregarded
by Carter. 


  • Aristotle. (1981). The Politics, trans. T. A. Sinclair, London: Penguin Books. Bordo, S. (1993). Unbearable Weight, Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body, London: University of California Press. Canto, M. & Goldhammer A. (1985). “The Politics of Women’s Reflections on Plato,” Poetics Today, vol. 6, no. 1/2, The Female Body in Western Semiotic Perspectives, pp.275-289. Duke University Press, Web, Accessed: 31 October 2014. Carter, A. (1998). “Notes from the Front Line,” Shaking a Leg: Collected Writings, introd. Joan Smith, London: Penguin Books. pp.26-30. Carter, A. (2011). Heroes and Villains, introd. Robert Coover, London: Penguin Modern Classics. Cavallaro, D. (2011). The World of Angela Carter: A Critical Investigation, North Carolina: McFarland & Company Inc., Publishers. Plato. (1974). The Republic, trans. Desmond Lee, Second ed. London: Penguin Books. Rousseau, J.J. (2012). The Body Politic, trans. Quintin Hoare, UK: Penguin Classics. Yeandle. H. (2017). Angel Carter and Western Philosophy, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Creative Arts and Writing
Journal Section Turkish language, culture and literature

Çelik Ekmekçi 0000-0002-7123-2621

Publication Date November 21, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Ekmekçi, Ç. (2019). The female body politics in Platonic discourse: A feminist reading. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi362-367.