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İngilizce öğrenen Türk mimarlık bölümü öğrencileri için özel amaçlı İngilizce ihtiyaç analizi

Year 2020, , 443 - 456, 21.03.2020


İhtiyaç analizi, öğrenim gereksinimlerinin ne olduğunu bulmak için öğrencilerle bir tür uygulama yapmayı gerektirir. Öğrencinin ihtiyaç duyduğu gereksinimleri anlamak, yararlı ders planlamasını da teşvik eder. İhtiyaç analizi öğrencilerin ihtiyaçlarını nasıl algıladıklarını irdeleyen bir uygulamadır. İhtiyaç analizi aynı zamanda öğrenen özerkliğini ve farkındalığını yapılandırma aşamasıdır. Veri sağlamanın yanı sıra, ihtiyaç analizi öğrenenlerin farkındalıklarını ve ilgili derse karşı sorumluluk yüklenmelerini sağlar. Fenomenoloji, beyan etmek yada açığa çıkarmak anlamlarını taşıyan fenomen kavramını taşımaktadır. Aynı zamanda fenomenoloji İnsanların bir fenomeni anlama şekillerini yorumlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Fenomenolojik bir araştırma tasarımına dayanan bu çalışmada İngilizce ihtiyaçlarını değerlendirmek amacıyla Türkiye'de yeni kurulan bir devlet üniversitesinde özel amaçlı İngilizce öğrenen 53 mimarlık öğrencisi ve iki mimarlık fakülte üyesi araştırılmıştır. Açık uçlu sorulara sahip anketten elde edilen bulgular, öğrencilerin İngilizce okuma, yazma, konuşma ve dinleme becerilerindeki ihtiyaçlarını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu çalışma, mimarlık bölümünde İngilizce öğrenenlerin özellikle üretim ve konuşma becerileri ile ilgili ciddi sorunlar yaşadıklarını göstermiştir. Bu nedenle, özel amaçlı İngilizce eğitimini daha kaliteli hale getirmek için dil bölümleri ve diğer bölümler işbirliği yapmalıdır.


  • Al Hosni, S. (2014). Speaking difficulties encountered by young EFL learners. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL), 2(6), 22-30.
  • Aliakbari, M., & Boghayeri, M. (2014). A needs analysis approach to ESP design in Iranian context. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 98, 175-181.
  • Anthony, L. (1997). Defining English for specific purposes and the role of the ESP practitioner. Center for language research. Annual review, 115-120.
  • Avcı, F., Kırbaşlar, F. G., & Şeşen, B. A. (2019). Instructional curriculum based on cooperative learning related to the structure of matter and its properties: Learning achievement, motivation and attitude. South African Journal of Education, 39(3).
  • Aydoğan, H. (2017). Türk Öğrenciler Arasında Karşılaşılan İngilizce Kelime Bilgisi ve Dilbilgisi Zorlukları: Bir Türk Devlet Üniversitesinde Yapılan Vaka Çalışması. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi.
  • Basson, P., & Mestry, R. (2019). Collaboration between school management teams and governing bodies in effectively managing public primary school finances. South African Journal of Education, 39(2).
  • Belcher, D. (2006). English for specific purposes: Teaching to perceived needs and imagined futures in worlds of work, study, and everyday life. TESOL Quarterly, 40, 133–156.
  • Benesch, S. (2001). Critical English for academic purposes: Theory, politics, and practice. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Bhatia, V. (1993). Analysing genre: Language use in professional settings. New York: Longman.
  • Brown, J. D. (2009). 16 Foreign and Second Language Needs Analysis. The handbook of language teaching, 269.
  • Carrell, P. L. (1987). ESP in Applied Linguistics: Refining Research Agenda Implications and Future Directions of Research on Second Language Reading. English for Specific Purposes, 6(3), 233-244.
  • Cesur, K., & Ertaş, A. (2013). Who is more responsible? Preparatory class students’ perceptions of responsibility. ELT Research Journal, 2(2), 70-81.
  • Chambers, F. (1980). A re-evaluation of needs analysis in ESP. The ESP Journal, 1(1), 25-33.
  • Chen, T. Y., & Chang, G. B. (2004). The relationship between foreign language anxiety and learning difficulties. Foreign Language Annals, 37(2), 279-289.
  • Coffey, B. (1984). ESP–English for specific purposes. Language teaching, 17(1), 2-16.
  • Day, J., & Krzanowski, M. (2010). English for specific purposes: an introduction. Cambridge University Press.
  • Dovey, T. (2006). What purposes, specifically? Re-thinking purposes and specificity in the context of the ‘new vocationalism’. English for Specific Purposes, 25(4), 387–402.
  • Dudley-Evans, T. (2000). Genre analysis: A key to a theory of ESP?. Ibérica, Revista de la Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos, (2), 3-11.
  • Edquist, C. (2011). Design of innovation policy through diagnostic analysis: identification of systemic problems (or failures). Industrial and corporate change, 20(6), 1725-1753.
  • Engin, A. O. (2006). Yabanci Dil (İngilizce) Öğretiminde Öğrenci Başarısını Etkileyen Değişkenler. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(2), 287-310.
  • Feak, C. B. (2013). ESP and Speaking. The handbook of English for specific purposes, 35.
  • Gardner, R. C., Day, J. B., & Maclntyre, P. D. (1992). Integrative motivation, induced anxiety, and language learning in a controlled environment. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 14(2), 197-214.
  • Gökdemir, C. V. (2005). Üniversitelerimizde Verilen Yabanci Dil Öğretimindeki Başarı Durumumuz. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(2), 251-264.
  • Hughes , T. , Nakajima , K. , Ha , L. , Vasu , A. , Moreno , P. , and LeBeau , M. (2010) Building transcribed speech corpora quickly and cheaply for many languages . Paper presented at the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 26 - 30 Sept., Makuhari, Chiba, Japan.
  • Huhta, M., Vogt, K., Johnson, E., & Tulkki, H. (2013). Needs analysis for language course design: A holistic approach to ESP. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hossain, J. (2013). ESP needs analysis for engineering students: A learner centered approach. Presidency University, 2(2), 16-26.
  • Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A. (1984). How communicative is ESP?. ELT journal, 38(2), 108-113.
  • Molle, D., & Prior, P. (2008). Multimodal genre systems in EAP writing pedagogy: Reflecting on a needs analysis. Tesol Quarterly, 42(4), 541-566.
  • Masoumpanah, Z., & Tahririan, M. H. (2013). Target situation needs analysis of hotel receptionists. English for Specific Purposes World, 40(14), 1-19.
  • Mohammadi, V., & Mousavi, N. (2013). Analyzing needs analysis in ESP: A (re) modeling. International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, 4(5), 1014-1020.
  • Northcott, J., & Brown, G. (2006). Legal translator training: partnership between teachers of English for legal purposes and legal specialists. English for Specific Purposes, 25. 385-375.
  • Ordem, E. (2017a). Developing Critical-Thinking Dispositions in a Listening/Speaking Class. English Language Teaching, 10(1), 50-55.
  • Ordem, E. (2017b). Emergence of complex sentences in second language acquisition. Electronic Turkish Studies, 12(6).
  • Ordem, E. (2019). Use of English prepositions in L2 oral production. International Journal of Educational Spectrum, 1(2), 88-93.
  • Oroujlou, N., & Vahedi, M. (2011). Motivation, attitude, and language learning. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 29, 994-1000.
  • Paltridge, B., & Starfield, S. (Eds.). (2013). The handbook of English for specific purposes (Vol. 592). West-Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Peters, P., & Fernández, T. (2013). The lexical needs of ESP students in a professional field. English for Specific Purposes, 32(4), 236-247.
  • Rahman, M. (2015). English for Specific Purposes (ESP): A Holistic Review. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 3(1), 24-31.
  • Ranta, L., & Meckelborg, A. (2013). How much exposure to English do international graduate students really get? Measuring language use in a naturalistic setting. Canadian Modern Language Review, 69(1), 1-33.
  • Richardson, J. T. (1999). The concepts and methods of phenomenographic research. Review of educational research, 69(1), 53-82.
  • Sanmugam, S. T., Shah, P. S. A., & Behrang, P. (2013). Target situation needs analysis: Exploring the linguistic needs of polytechnic engineering students across three majors. English for Specific Purposes World, 14(39), 1-9.
  • Setiyadi, A. B., Mahpul, M., & Wicaksono, B. A. (2019). Exploring motivational orientations of English as foreign language (EFL) learners: A case study in Indonesia. South African Journal of Education, 39(1).
  • Sherkatolabbasi, M., & Mahdavi-Zafarghandi, A. (2012). Evaluation of ESP Teachers in Different Contexts of Iranian Universities. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 1(2), 198-205.
  • Shumin, K. (2002). Factors to consider: Developing adult EFL students’ speaking abilities. Methodology in language teaching: An anthology of current practice, 12, 204-211.
  • Songhori, M. H. (2008). Introduction to needs analysis. English for specific purposes world, 4(20), 1-25.
  • Strevens, P. (1977). Special purpose language learning: A perspective. Language Teaching and Linguistics Abstracts, 10, 145-1.
  • Swales, J. (1992). Language for specific purposes. International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Oxford: Oxford U. P. 2, 300.
  • Swales, J. (1980). ESP: The textbook problem. The ESP Journal, 1(1), 11-23.
  • Takahashi, S. (2001). The role of input enhancement in developing pragmatic competence. Pragmatics in language teaching, 171-199.
  • Tashevska, S. (2018). Some lesson planning problems for new teachers of English. Rebuilding the tower of babel: global language in the 21st century 11, 424.
  • Tsou, W. (2009). Needs-based curriculum development: A case study of NCKU’s ESP program. Taiwan International ESP Journal, 1(1), 77-95.
  • Ullmann, R. (1982). A broadened curriculum frame–work for second languages. ELT journal, 36(4), 255-262.
  • Uys, M., Van Der Walt, J., Van Den Berg, R., & Botha, S. (2007). English medium of instruction: A situation analysis. South African Journal of Education, 27(1), 69-82.
  • Watson-Gegeo, K. A. (1988). Teachers of English to speakers of other languages, Inc.(TESOL). Ethnography in ESL: Defining the Essentials TESOL Quarterly, 22(4), 575-592.
  • Weiss, M. P., Pellegrino, A., Regan, K., & Mann, L. (2015). Beyond the blind date: Collaborative course development and co-teaching by teacher educators. Teacher Education and Special Education, 38(2), 88-104.
  • West, R. (1994). Needs analysis in language teaching. Language teaching, 27(1), 1-19.
  • West, R. (1997). Needs analysis: State of the art. Teacher education for LSP, 68-79.
  • Wette, R. (2018). English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP). The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, 1-7.
  • Yaman, İ. (2018). Türkiye’de İngilizce Öğrenmek: Zorluklar ve Fırsatlar. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (11), 161-175.
  • Yazan, B. (2016). Early Career EFL Teachers’ Instructional Challenges/Kariyerlerinin Başındaki İngilizce Öğretmenlerinin Karşılaştıkları Öğretim Zorlukları. Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama, 12(1), 194-220.

ESP needs analysis of Turkish learners of English in architecture

Year 2020, , 443 - 456, 21.03.2020


Needs analysis requires carrying out specific practices to figure out what students’ learning needs are. Understanding what learners need promotes auspicious course planning. Needs analysis− a practice in which learners are asked how they perceive their needs− is a step of structuring learner autonomy and awareness. Besides supplying data, needs analysis can embolden learners to think over their learning and impose them responsibility for related course. Phenomenology bears the concept of phenomenon that refers to bringing to light. It aims at interpreting the diverse ways people understand a phenomenon. Based on a phenomenological research design, 53 ESP (English for Specific Purposes) architecture students and two architecture faculty members at a newly founded state university in Turkey were surveyed in order to assess their ESP needs. The findings from the questionnaire with open ended questions unearthed the ESP needs of the informants in reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. This study showed that the adult learners of English in architecture department experienced serious problems in particularly production skills− speaking and writing. Thus, language departments and other departments should cooperate so as to make the education of ESP more quality because the participants in the study stated that they needed more quality ESP education.


  • Al Hosni, S. (2014). Speaking difficulties encountered by young EFL learners. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL), 2(6), 22-30.
  • Aliakbari, M., & Boghayeri, M. (2014). A needs analysis approach to ESP design in Iranian context. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 98, 175-181.
  • Anthony, L. (1997). Defining English for specific purposes and the role of the ESP practitioner. Center for language research. Annual review, 115-120.
  • Avcı, F., Kırbaşlar, F. G., & Şeşen, B. A. (2019). Instructional curriculum based on cooperative learning related to the structure of matter and its properties: Learning achievement, motivation and attitude. South African Journal of Education, 39(3).
  • Aydoğan, H. (2017). Türk Öğrenciler Arasında Karşılaşılan İngilizce Kelime Bilgisi ve Dilbilgisi Zorlukları: Bir Türk Devlet Üniversitesinde Yapılan Vaka Çalışması. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi.
  • Basson, P., & Mestry, R. (2019). Collaboration between school management teams and governing bodies in effectively managing public primary school finances. South African Journal of Education, 39(2).
  • Belcher, D. (2006). English for specific purposes: Teaching to perceived needs and imagined futures in worlds of work, study, and everyday life. TESOL Quarterly, 40, 133–156.
  • Benesch, S. (2001). Critical English for academic purposes: Theory, politics, and practice. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Bhatia, V. (1993). Analysing genre: Language use in professional settings. New York: Longman.
  • Brown, J. D. (2009). 16 Foreign and Second Language Needs Analysis. The handbook of language teaching, 269.
  • Carrell, P. L. (1987). ESP in Applied Linguistics: Refining Research Agenda Implications and Future Directions of Research on Second Language Reading. English for Specific Purposes, 6(3), 233-244.
  • Cesur, K., & Ertaş, A. (2013). Who is more responsible? Preparatory class students’ perceptions of responsibility. ELT Research Journal, 2(2), 70-81.
  • Chambers, F. (1980). A re-evaluation of needs analysis in ESP. The ESP Journal, 1(1), 25-33.
  • Chen, T. Y., & Chang, G. B. (2004). The relationship between foreign language anxiety and learning difficulties. Foreign Language Annals, 37(2), 279-289.
  • Coffey, B. (1984). ESP–English for specific purposes. Language teaching, 17(1), 2-16.
  • Day, J., & Krzanowski, M. (2010). English for specific purposes: an introduction. Cambridge University Press.
  • Dovey, T. (2006). What purposes, specifically? Re-thinking purposes and specificity in the context of the ‘new vocationalism’. English for Specific Purposes, 25(4), 387–402.
  • Dudley-Evans, T. (2000). Genre analysis: A key to a theory of ESP?. Ibérica, Revista de la Asociación Europea de Lenguas para Fines Específicos, (2), 3-11.
  • Edquist, C. (2011). Design of innovation policy through diagnostic analysis: identification of systemic problems (or failures). Industrial and corporate change, 20(6), 1725-1753.
  • Engin, A. O. (2006). Yabanci Dil (İngilizce) Öğretiminde Öğrenci Başarısını Etkileyen Değişkenler. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(2), 287-310.
  • Feak, C. B. (2013). ESP and Speaking. The handbook of English for specific purposes, 35.
  • Gardner, R. C., Day, J. B., & Maclntyre, P. D. (1992). Integrative motivation, induced anxiety, and language learning in a controlled environment. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 14(2), 197-214.
  • Gökdemir, C. V. (2005). Üniversitelerimizde Verilen Yabanci Dil Öğretimindeki Başarı Durumumuz. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(2), 251-264.
  • Hughes , T. , Nakajima , K. , Ha , L. , Vasu , A. , Moreno , P. , and LeBeau , M. (2010) Building transcribed speech corpora quickly and cheaply for many languages . Paper presented at the 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 26 - 30 Sept., Makuhari, Chiba, Japan.
  • Huhta, M., Vogt, K., Johnson, E., & Tulkki, H. (2013). Needs analysis for language course design: A holistic approach to ESP. Cambridge University Press.
  • Hossain, J. (2013). ESP needs analysis for engineering students: A learner centered approach. Presidency University, 2(2), 16-26.
  • Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A. (1984). How communicative is ESP?. ELT journal, 38(2), 108-113.
  • Molle, D., & Prior, P. (2008). Multimodal genre systems in EAP writing pedagogy: Reflecting on a needs analysis. Tesol Quarterly, 42(4), 541-566.
  • Masoumpanah, Z., & Tahririan, M. H. (2013). Target situation needs analysis of hotel receptionists. English for Specific Purposes World, 40(14), 1-19.
  • Mohammadi, V., & Mousavi, N. (2013). Analyzing needs analysis in ESP: A (re) modeling. International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, 4(5), 1014-1020.
  • Northcott, J., & Brown, G. (2006). Legal translator training: partnership between teachers of English for legal purposes and legal specialists. English for Specific Purposes, 25. 385-375.
  • Ordem, E. (2017a). Developing Critical-Thinking Dispositions in a Listening/Speaking Class. English Language Teaching, 10(1), 50-55.
  • Ordem, E. (2017b). Emergence of complex sentences in second language acquisition. Electronic Turkish Studies, 12(6).
  • Ordem, E. (2019). Use of English prepositions in L2 oral production. International Journal of Educational Spectrum, 1(2), 88-93.
  • Oroujlou, N., & Vahedi, M. (2011). Motivation, attitude, and language learning. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 29, 994-1000.
  • Paltridge, B., & Starfield, S. (Eds.). (2013). The handbook of English for specific purposes (Vol. 592). West-Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Peters, P., & Fernández, T. (2013). The lexical needs of ESP students in a professional field. English for Specific Purposes, 32(4), 236-247.
  • Rahman, M. (2015). English for Specific Purposes (ESP): A Holistic Review. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 3(1), 24-31.
  • Ranta, L., & Meckelborg, A. (2013). How much exposure to English do international graduate students really get? Measuring language use in a naturalistic setting. Canadian Modern Language Review, 69(1), 1-33.
  • Richardson, J. T. (1999). The concepts and methods of phenomenographic research. Review of educational research, 69(1), 53-82.
  • Sanmugam, S. T., Shah, P. S. A., & Behrang, P. (2013). Target situation needs analysis: Exploring the linguistic needs of polytechnic engineering students across three majors. English for Specific Purposes World, 14(39), 1-9.
  • Setiyadi, A. B., Mahpul, M., & Wicaksono, B. A. (2019). Exploring motivational orientations of English as foreign language (EFL) learners: A case study in Indonesia. South African Journal of Education, 39(1).
  • Sherkatolabbasi, M., & Mahdavi-Zafarghandi, A. (2012). Evaluation of ESP Teachers in Different Contexts of Iranian Universities. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 1(2), 198-205.
  • Shumin, K. (2002). Factors to consider: Developing adult EFL students’ speaking abilities. Methodology in language teaching: An anthology of current practice, 12, 204-211.
  • Songhori, M. H. (2008). Introduction to needs analysis. English for specific purposes world, 4(20), 1-25.
  • Strevens, P. (1977). Special purpose language learning: A perspective. Language Teaching and Linguistics Abstracts, 10, 145-1.
  • Swales, J. (1992). Language for specific purposes. International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Oxford: Oxford U. P. 2, 300.
  • Swales, J. (1980). ESP: The textbook problem. The ESP Journal, 1(1), 11-23.
  • Takahashi, S. (2001). The role of input enhancement in developing pragmatic competence. Pragmatics in language teaching, 171-199.
  • Tashevska, S. (2018). Some lesson planning problems for new teachers of English. Rebuilding the tower of babel: global language in the 21st century 11, 424.
  • Tsou, W. (2009). Needs-based curriculum development: A case study of NCKU’s ESP program. Taiwan International ESP Journal, 1(1), 77-95.
  • Ullmann, R. (1982). A broadened curriculum frame–work for second languages. ELT journal, 36(4), 255-262.
  • Uys, M., Van Der Walt, J., Van Den Berg, R., & Botha, S. (2007). English medium of instruction: A situation analysis. South African Journal of Education, 27(1), 69-82.
  • Watson-Gegeo, K. A. (1988). Teachers of English to speakers of other languages, Inc.(TESOL). Ethnography in ESL: Defining the Essentials TESOL Quarterly, 22(4), 575-592.
  • Weiss, M. P., Pellegrino, A., Regan, K., & Mann, L. (2015). Beyond the blind date: Collaborative course development and co-teaching by teacher educators. Teacher Education and Special Education, 38(2), 88-104.
  • West, R. (1994). Needs analysis in language teaching. Language teaching, 27(1), 1-19.
  • West, R. (1997). Needs analysis: State of the art. Teacher education for LSP, 68-79.
  • Wette, R. (2018). English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP). The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, 1-7.
  • Yaman, İ. (2018). Türkiye’de İngilizce Öğrenmek: Zorluklar ve Fırsatlar. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (11), 161-175.
  • Yazan, B. (2016). Early Career EFL Teachers’ Instructional Challenges/Kariyerlerinin Başındaki İngilizce Öğretmenlerinin Karşılaştıkları Öğretim Zorlukları. Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama, 12(1), 194-220.
There are 60 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Creative Arts and Writing
Journal Section Turkish language, culture and literature

Ömer Gökhan Ulum This is me 0000-0001-7685-6356

Publication Date March 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Ulum, Ö. G. (2020). ESP needs analysis of Turkish learners of English in architecture. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(18), 443-456.