Research Article
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A comprehensive review of the machine translation post-editing

Year 2019, RumeliDE 2019.Ö6 - Bandırma Onyedi Eylül Üniversitesi Uluslararası Filoloji Çalışmaları Konferansı, 462 - 472, 21.11.2019


The recent years have witnessed the increasing
popularity of Machine Translation systems. In other words, the latest
developments seen in Machine Translation systems have aroused growing interest
both in the translation industry and translation academia. Thus, the hope for
Fully Automatic High-Quality Machine Translation System, which was lost with
the infamous ALPAC report, has cherished again. However, as experimented with
different studies, it was proven that Machine Translation systems do not yield
the expected high-quality translation products that are easily publishable
without any editing. As such, a new research area emerged to be called as
“Machine Translation Post-Editing”. According to its most common definition,
Post-Editing refers to a process in which post-editor edits, corrects or
modifies a text that is translated by Machine Translation System. This
highlights a significant difference between the work of a post-editor and a
translator. Furthermore, as stated in the relevant literature, the quality of
the final translation product depends on the quality of “raw machine
translation output” to a great extent. Thus, the parameters like controlled
language rules or pre-editing steps become prominent to have a high-quality
machine translation output. Moreover, Post-Editing has paved the way for new
paradigms in Translation Studies considering the role of translator and the
process involved.  However, all of these
considerations and concepts are given in the relevant literature not in an
integrated way but separately. Thus, this study aims to shed light on these
concepts with a comprehensive manner and investigate the place of Post-Editing
within the Turns of Translation studies with a descriptive method.


  • Allen, J. (2003). Post-Editing. Içinde H. Somers (Ed.), Computers and Translation (ss. 297-319). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Almeida, G. de. (2013). Translating the post-editor: An investigation of post-editing changes and correlations with professional experience across two Romance languages (Ph.D. Thesis). Dublin City University, Dublin. Austermühl, F. (2013). Future (and not-so-future) trends in the teaching of translation technology. Revista Tradumàtica: tecnologies de la traducció, (11), 326-337. Balkul, H. İ., & Toptan, D. Ö. (2019). The Evaluation of Workflow on Virtual Translation Platforms within the Framework of Translational Action Theory: The Case of Website. International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching, 7(2), 222-235. Bellos, D. (2011). Is That a Fish in Your Ear? Translation and the Meaning of Everything. New York: Farrar. Chan, S. (2004). A dictionary of translation technology. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. Chan, S. (2015). The development of translation technology. Içinde S. Chan (Ed.), The Routledge encyclopedia of translation technology (ss. 3-32). New York: Routledge. Dewi, H. D. (2015). Comparing two translation assessment models: Correlating student revisions and perspectives (Ph.D. Thesis). Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Doherty, S. (2012). Investigating the Effects of Controlled Language on the Reading and Comprehension of Machine Translated Texts: A Mixed-Methods Approach (Ph.D. Thesis). Dublin City University, Dublin. Fiederer, R., & O’Brien, S. (2009). Quality and Machine Translation: A realistic objective? The Journal of Specialised Translation, 11(1), 52-74. Forcado, M. L. (2010). Machine Translation Today. Içinde Y. Gambier & L. Van Doorslaer (Ed.), Handbook of translation studies. Vol. 1. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Gordin, M. D. (2016). The Dostoevsky machine in Georgetown: Scientific translation in the Cold War. Annals of Science., 208-223. Guerberof, A. (2008). Productivity and quality in the post-editing of outputs from translation memories and machine translation (Ph.D. Thesis). Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona. Hutchins, J. (1995). Machine Translation: A Brief History. Içinde E. F. K. Koerner & R. E. Asher (Ed.), Concise History of the Language Sciences: From the Sumerians to the Cognitivists (ss. 431-445). Geliş tarihi gönderen Hutchins, J. (2001). Machine translation and human translation: In competition or in complementation. International Journal of Translation, 13(1-2), 5-20. Hutchins, J. (2003). Commercial Systems The State of the Art. Içinde H. Somers (Ed.), Computers and Translation (ss. 161-175). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Hutchins, J., & Somers, H. L. (1992). An introduction to machine translation. Manchester: Academic Press. Kovačević, M. (2014). Post-editing of machine translation output with and without source text. Hieronymus, 1(1), 82-104. Läubli, S., Fishel, M., Massey, G., Ehrensberger, M., & Volk, M. (2013). Assessing post-editing efficiency in a realistic translation environment. Proceedings of MT Summit XIV Workshop on Post-Editing Technology and Practice, 83-91. Nice. Loffler-Laurian, A.-M. (1986). Post-édition rapide et post-édition conventionelle: L Deux modalités d\’ une activité spécifique. Multilingual Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 5(2), 81–88. Loffler-Laurian, A.-M. (1996). La traduction automatique. Paris: Presses universitaires du Septentrion. Mellinger, C. D. (2017). Translators and machine translation: Knowledge and skills gaps in translator pedagogy. Interpreter and Translator Trainer. Mossop, B. (2014). Revising and editing for translators. London: Routledge. Munday, J. (2008). Introducing Translation Studies. London; New York: Routledge. Munteanu, D. (2016, Ağustos). Machine Translation goes Neural. MultiLingual. Geliş tarihi gönderen file:///C:/Users/asa/Downloads/SDLwhitePaper161webVersion_tcm73-107239.pdf Nyberg, E., Mitamura, T., & Olaf Huijsen, W. (2003). Controlled language for authoring and translation. Içinde H. Somers (Ed.), Computers and Translation (ss. 245-283). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. O’Brien, S. (2006). Machine-translatability and post-editing effort: An empirical study using translog and choice network analysis (Ph.D. Thesis). Dublin City University, Dublin. O’Brien, S. (2012). Translation as human-computer interaction. Translation Spaces, 1(1), 101-122. O’Thomas, M. (2017). Humanum ex machine: Translation in the post-global, posthuman world. Target 29(2), 284-300. Pugh, J. (1992). The story so far: An evaluation of machine translation in the world today. Içinde J. Newton (Ed.), Computers in translation: A practical appraisal. London: Routledge. Pym, A. (2011). What technology does to translating. The International Journal for Translation & Interpreting Research, 3(1), 1-9. Quah, C. K. (2006). Translation and technology. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Qun, L., & Xiaojun, Z. (2015). Machine Translation General. Içinde S. Chan (Ed.), The Routledge encyclopedia of translation technology. London. Reichert, C. (2016, Eylül 28). Google announces Neural Machine Translation to improve Google Translate. Geliş tarihi 19 Kasım 2018, gönderen Rico, C, & Torrejon, E. (2004). Controlled Translation as a New Translation Scenario—Training the Future User. Translating and the Commputer, (26), 4. Rico, Celia, & Torrejón, E. (2012). Skills and Profile of the New Role of the Translator as MT Post-editor. Revista Tradumàtica: tecnologies de la traducció, (10), 166-178. Steurs, F. (2014). Man vs. Machine (Translation): MT as a Tool for Translators. From Classroom to Workplace. Program adı: 14th Annual Portsmouth Translation Conference, Portsmouth. Şahin, M. (2013). Çeviri ve Teknoloji. İzmir: İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi Yayınları. Şahin, M. (2015). Çevirmen Adaylarının Gözünden İngilizce-Türkçe Bilgisayar Çevirisi ve Bilgisayar Destekli Çeviri: Google Deneyi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 21, 43-60. Temizöz, Ö. (2014). Postediting machine translation output and its revision: Subject-matter expert experts versus professional translators (Ph.D Thesis). Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona. Vashee, K. (2013). Understanding the economics of machine translation. Translation Spaces, 2(1), 125-149. Witczak, O. (2016). Incorporating post-editing into a computer-assisted translation course. A study of student attitudes. Journal of Translator Education and Translation Studies, 1(1), 33-55.

Makine çevirisi sonrası düzeltme işlemine (post-editing) yönelik kapsamlı bir inceleme

Year 2019, RumeliDE 2019.Ö6 - Bandırma Onyedi Eylül Üniversitesi Uluslararası Filoloji Çalışmaları Konferansı, 462 - 472, 21.11.2019


Makine Çevirisine yönelik son yıllarda artan bir
talep görülmektedir. Diğer bir ifadeyle makine çevirisi sistemlerindeki güncel
gelişmeler hem çeviri piyasasında hem de çeviriye ilişkin akademik çevrelerde
ilgi uyandırmıştır. Böylece, bir zamanlar ALPAC raporuyla kesintiye uğrayan
“Tam Otomatik Yüksek Kalitede Makine Çevirisine” yönelik umutlar tekrar
canlanmıştır. Ancak farklı birçok deneysel çalışmada ortaya konduğu üzere
makine çevirisi sistemleri henüz, herhangi bir düzeltme gerektirmeden kolayca yayımlanabilir
çeviri ürünleri ortaya koyacak durumda değildir. Bu şartlar altında “Makine
Çevirisi Sonrası Düzeltme İşlemi” (Post-Editing) isimli yeni bir araştırma
alanı ortaya çıkmıştır. Literatürdeki en yaygın tanıma göre post-editing,
makine çevirisi tarafından çevrilen bir metnin düzeltilmesi veya değiştirilmesi
anlamına gelmektedir. Bu tanım normal bir çevirmen ile Makine Çevirisi Sonrası
Düzeltme İşlemini (post-editing) gerçekleştiren çevirmen arasındaki ayrıma
dikkat çekmektedir. Ayrıca, ilgili alanyazında belirtildiği üzere, nihai çeviri
ürününün kalitesi büyük ölçüde makine çevirisinden çıkan ham çeviriye bağlıdır.
Bu yüzden kontrollü dil kuralları veya ön-düzeltme adımları gibi parametreler
makine çevirisinden çıkan ham çevirinin yüksek kalitede olmasını sağlayan
etkenler olarak ön plana çıkmıştır. Ayrıca, çevirmenin rolü ve dahil olduğu
süreç dikkate alındığında Makine Çevirisi Sonrası Düzeltme İşlemi,
Çeviribilimde yeni paradigma değişimlerinin yolunu açmıştır. Ancak, tüm bu
hususlar ve kavramlar ilgili alanyazında birbirinden bağımsız olarak
açıklanmaktadır. Bu yüzden bu çalışma betimleyici bir metotla bu kavramları
kapsamlı olarak ele almayı, birbirleriyle ilişkilendirmeyi ve Makine Çevirisi
Sonrası Düzeltme İşleminin yerini Çeviribilimdeki dönemler açısından incelemeyi


  • Allen, J. (2003). Post-Editing. Içinde H. Somers (Ed.), Computers and Translation (ss. 297-319). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Almeida, G. de. (2013). Translating the post-editor: An investigation of post-editing changes and correlations with professional experience across two Romance languages (Ph.D. Thesis). Dublin City University, Dublin. Austermühl, F. (2013). Future (and not-so-future) trends in the teaching of translation technology. Revista Tradumàtica: tecnologies de la traducció, (11), 326-337. Balkul, H. İ., & Toptan, D. Ö. (2019). The Evaluation of Workflow on Virtual Translation Platforms within the Framework of Translational Action Theory: The Case of Website. International Journal of Languages’ Education and Teaching, 7(2), 222-235. Bellos, D. (2011). Is That a Fish in Your Ear? Translation and the Meaning of Everything. New York: Farrar. Chan, S. (2004). A dictionary of translation technology. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. Chan, S. (2015). The development of translation technology. Içinde S. Chan (Ed.), The Routledge encyclopedia of translation technology (ss. 3-32). New York: Routledge. Dewi, H. D. (2015). Comparing two translation assessment models: Correlating student revisions and perspectives (Ph.D. Thesis). Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Doherty, S. (2012). Investigating the Effects of Controlled Language on the Reading and Comprehension of Machine Translated Texts: A Mixed-Methods Approach (Ph.D. Thesis). Dublin City University, Dublin. Fiederer, R., & O’Brien, S. (2009). Quality and Machine Translation: A realistic objective? The Journal of Specialised Translation, 11(1), 52-74. Forcado, M. L. (2010). Machine Translation Today. Içinde Y. Gambier & L. Van Doorslaer (Ed.), Handbook of translation studies. Vol. 1. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Gordin, M. D. (2016). The Dostoevsky machine in Georgetown: Scientific translation in the Cold War. Annals of Science., 208-223. Guerberof, A. (2008). Productivity and quality in the post-editing of outputs from translation memories and machine translation (Ph.D. Thesis). Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona. Hutchins, J. (1995). Machine Translation: A Brief History. Içinde E. F. K. Koerner & R. E. Asher (Ed.), Concise History of the Language Sciences: From the Sumerians to the Cognitivists (ss. 431-445). Geliş tarihi gönderen Hutchins, J. (2001). Machine translation and human translation: In competition or in complementation. International Journal of Translation, 13(1-2), 5-20. Hutchins, J. (2003). Commercial Systems The State of the Art. Içinde H. Somers (Ed.), Computers and Translation (ss. 161-175). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Hutchins, J., & Somers, H. L. (1992). An introduction to machine translation. Manchester: Academic Press. Kovačević, M. (2014). Post-editing of machine translation output with and without source text. Hieronymus, 1(1), 82-104. Läubli, S., Fishel, M., Massey, G., Ehrensberger, M., & Volk, M. (2013). Assessing post-editing efficiency in a realistic translation environment. Proceedings of MT Summit XIV Workshop on Post-Editing Technology and Practice, 83-91. Nice. Loffler-Laurian, A.-M. (1986). Post-édition rapide et post-édition conventionelle: L Deux modalités d\’ une activité spécifique. Multilingual Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 5(2), 81–88. Loffler-Laurian, A.-M. (1996). La traduction automatique. Paris: Presses universitaires du Septentrion. Mellinger, C. D. (2017). Translators and machine translation: Knowledge and skills gaps in translator pedagogy. Interpreter and Translator Trainer. Mossop, B. (2014). Revising and editing for translators. London: Routledge. Munday, J. (2008). Introducing Translation Studies. London; New York: Routledge. Munteanu, D. (2016, Ağustos). Machine Translation goes Neural. MultiLingual. Geliş tarihi gönderen file:///C:/Users/asa/Downloads/SDLwhitePaper161webVersion_tcm73-107239.pdf Nyberg, E., Mitamura, T., & Olaf Huijsen, W. (2003). Controlled language for authoring and translation. Içinde H. Somers (Ed.), Computers and Translation (ss. 245-283). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. O’Brien, S. (2006). Machine-translatability and post-editing effort: An empirical study using translog and choice network analysis (Ph.D. Thesis). Dublin City University, Dublin. O’Brien, S. (2012). Translation as human-computer interaction. Translation Spaces, 1(1), 101-122. O’Thomas, M. (2017). Humanum ex machine: Translation in the post-global, posthuman world. Target 29(2), 284-300. Pugh, J. (1992). The story so far: An evaluation of machine translation in the world today. Içinde J. Newton (Ed.), Computers in translation: A practical appraisal. London: Routledge. Pym, A. (2011). What technology does to translating. The International Journal for Translation & Interpreting Research, 3(1), 1-9. Quah, C. K. (2006). Translation and technology. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Qun, L., & Xiaojun, Z. (2015). Machine Translation General. Içinde S. Chan (Ed.), The Routledge encyclopedia of translation technology. London. Reichert, C. (2016, Eylül 28). Google announces Neural Machine Translation to improve Google Translate. Geliş tarihi 19 Kasım 2018, gönderen Rico, C, & Torrejon, E. (2004). Controlled Translation as a New Translation Scenario—Training the Future User. Translating and the Commputer, (26), 4. Rico, Celia, & Torrejón, E. (2012). Skills and Profile of the New Role of the Translator as MT Post-editor. Revista Tradumàtica: tecnologies de la traducció, (10), 166-178. Steurs, F. (2014). Man vs. Machine (Translation): MT as a Tool for Translators. From Classroom to Workplace. Program adı: 14th Annual Portsmouth Translation Conference, Portsmouth. Şahin, M. (2013). Çeviri ve Teknoloji. İzmir: İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi Yayınları. Şahin, M. (2015). Çevirmen Adaylarının Gözünden İngilizce-Türkçe Bilgisayar Çevirisi ve Bilgisayar Destekli Çeviri: Google Deneyi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Çeviribilim ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 21, 43-60. Temizöz, Ö. (2014). Postediting machine translation output and its revision: Subject-matter expert experts versus professional translators (Ph.D Thesis). Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona. Vashee, K. (2013). Understanding the economics of machine translation. Translation Spaces, 2(1), 125-149. Witczak, O. (2016). Incorporating post-editing into a computer-assisted translation course. A study of student attitudes. Journal of Translator Education and Translation Studies, 1(1), 33-55.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Turkish language, culture and literature

Caner Çetiner This is me 0000-0003-0414-8451

Publication Date November 21, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 RumeliDE 2019.Ö6 - Bandırma Onyedi Eylül Üniversitesi Uluslararası Filoloji Çalışmaları Konferansı


APA Çetiner, C. (2019). Makine çevirisi sonrası düzeltme işlemine (post-editing) yönelik kapsamlı bir inceleme. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi462-472.