Aksan, Y. (2004). Event structure, scale structure and the representation of selected accomplishment verbs in Turkish and Korean. S.O. Lee et.al. (Eds.) Inquiries into Korean Linguistics I. Seoul: Thaehaksa, 261-280.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1988). The acquisition of aspect and modality. The case of past reference in
Turkish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1997). Verb inflections in Turkish: A preliminary analysis in the early stage. In:
Wolfgan U. Dressler (ed.) Studies in Pre- and Proto Morphology, 127-139.
Al-Thubaiti, K. A. (2015). Chapter 7. L2 acquisition of English aspect by L1 Arabic speakers. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 185–214). https://doi.org/10.1075/z.196.07alt
Andersen, R. W. (1991). ‘Developmental sequence: The emergence of aspect marking in second
language acquisition.’ In Crosscurrents in Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theories,
(T. Huebner & C. A. Ferguson (eds). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Bardovi-Harlig, K. (2000). Tense and aspect in second language acquisition: Form, meaning, and
use. Oxford: Blackwell.
Borik, O. (2006). Aspect and reference time. (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 13). Oxford &
New York: Oxford University Press.
Comrie, B. (1976). Aspect. Cambridge, uk: Cambridge University Press.
Dekydtspotter, L., Sprouse, R. A., & Anderson, B. (1997). The interpretive interface in L2 acquisition:
the process–result distinction in English–French interlanguage grammars. Language Acquisition,
6, 297–332.
De Swart, H., & Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense and aspect in sentence and discourse. Reader, ESSLLI
summer school, Utrecht. http://folli.loria.fr/cds/1999/library/pdf/hhh.pdf
Domínguez, L., Tracy-Ventura, N., Arche, M. J., Mitchell, R. & Myles, F. (2013). The role of dynamic
contrasts in the L2 acquisition of Spanish past tense morphology. Bilingualism: Language and
Cognition, 16(3), 558-577. doi:10.1017/S1366728912000363
Epstein, S., Flynn, S., & Martohardjono, G. (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and
experimental issues in contemporary research. Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 19, 677-758.
Erguvanli, T. (2002). The Verb in Turkish. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [Linguistik
Aktuell/Lingvistics Today, 44].
Flynn, & Martohardjono, (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and experimental
issues in contemporary research. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19(04), 677 – 714.
Gabriele, A. (2005). The acquisition of* aspect in a second language: A bidirectional study of
learners of English and Japanese. City University of New York.
Gabriele, A. (2008). Mapping between Form and Meaning: A Case of Imperfect L2 Acquisition. 電子
情報通信学会技術研究報告. TL, 思考と言語, 108(184), 101-106.
Goksel, A., & Kerslake, C. (2005). Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. London & New York:
Güven, A. (2012). Toplumsal Dilbilimin Kapsam Alanı, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (13), 55-62.
Haznedar, B., Schwartz, B.D. (1997). Are there optional infinitives in child L2 acquisition? In E.
Hughes, M. Hughes, & A. Greenhill (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Boston University Conference on
Language Development, 21, 257–268. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Hawkins, R. & Chan C. (1997). The partial availability of Universal Grammar in second language
acquisition: the ‘failed functional features hypotheses. Second Language Research, 13,3, pp. 187–226.
Hawkins, R., Casillas, G., Hattori, H., Hawthorne, J., Husted, R., Lozano, C., … Yamada, K. (2008). The
semantic effects of verb raising and its consequences in second language grammars. In The role
of formal features in second language acquisition (pp. 328–351). New York: Taylor & Francis.
Hirakawa, M. (1999). L2 Acquisition of Japanese Unaccusative Verbs by Speakers of English and
Chinese. In The Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language, 89.
Juffs, A., & Harrington, M. (1995). Parsing Effects in Second Language Sentence Processing. Studies
in Second Language Acquisition, 17(04), 483–516. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S027226310001442X
Juffs, A. (1996). Learnability and the lexicon: theories and second language acquisition research.
Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
Kozlowska-Macgregor, M. (2002). The state of near-native grammar: A study of aspect in L2
Polish. Doctoral Dissertation. McGill Working Papers in Linguistics.
Kornfilt, J. (1997). Turkish. (Descriptive Grammars.) London: Routledge.
Krifka, M. (1989). Nominal reference, temporal constitution and quantification in event semantics.
In R. Bartsch, J. van Benthem & P. van Emde Boas (eds.), Semantics and contextual expressions,
pp. 75–115. Dordrecht: Foris.
Lardiere, D. (1998). Case and tense in the fossilised steady state. Second Language Research, 14/1,
Lardiere, D. (2000). Mapping features to forms in second language acquisition. In J. Archibald
(ed.), Second language acquisition and linguistic theory. Oxford: Blackwell.
Lardiere, D. (2005). On morphological competence. In L. Dekydtspotter, R. A. Sprouse, & A.
Liljestrand (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
Conference (GASLA 2004), pp. 178–192. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Press
Lenchuk, I. (2016) Aspect and case in interlanguage grammars: The case of English learners of
Russian. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). York University, Toronto, Ontario.
Lewis, G. L. (1967). Turkish Grammar. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Li, P., & Shirai, Y. (2000). The acquisition of lexical and grammatical aspect. Berlin: Mouton de
Liszka, S. A. (2015). Chapter 3. The L2 acquisition of the English Present Simple – Present
Progressive distinction. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 57–86).
Meisel, Jürgen M. (1997). The acquisition of the syntax of negation in French and German:
contrasting first and second language development. Second Language Research, 13(3), 227 –
Tsimpli, I. (2003). Features in L1 and L2 acquisition: Evidence from Greek clitics and determiners.
Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, 20, 87–128
Mikhaylova, A. (2018). Morphological Bottleneck: The Case of Russian Heritage Speakers. Journal
of Language Contact 11, 286-303.
Montrul, S. (1997). The L2 acquisition of dative experiencer subjects. Second Language Research,
13, 264–298.
Montrul, S., (1999). Causative errors with unaccusative verbs in Spanish as a second languageю.
In: Second Language Research, 15(2), 191-219.
Montrul, S., & Slabakova, R. (2002). Acquiring morphosyntactic and semantic properties of
aspectual tenses in L2 Spanish. In A.T. Perez-Lerouz & J. Liceras (eds.), The acquisition of Spanish
morphosyntax: the L1- L2 connection, 113-149. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Montrul, S. & Slabakova, R. (2003). Competence Similarities between Native and Near-Native
Speakers: An Investigation of the Preterit/Imperfect Contrast in Spanish. Studies in Second
Language Acquisition, 25, 351-398.
Nossalik, L. (2009). L2 Acquisition of Russian Aspect. Doctor Dissertation, McGill University.
Prévost, P,. & White, L. (2000). Missing surface inflection or impairment in second language
acquisition? Evidence from tense and agreement. Second Language Research, 16-2, 103-133.
Richardson, K. (2007). Case and aspect in Slavic. New York: Oxford University Press.
Rothstein, R. (2004). Class and Schools Using Social, Economic, and Educational Reform to Close
the Black–White Achievement Gap.
Salaberry, R. (2000). The development of past tense morphology in L2 Spanish. Amsterdam:
Schwatz, B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1994). Word order and nominative case in nonnative language
acquisition: a longitudinal study of (L1 Turkish) German interlanguage. Language Acquisition
Studies in Generative Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Schwartz , B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1996). L2 Cognitive States and the Full Transfer/Full Access Model.
Second Language Research 12, 40-72.
Slabakova, R. (2001). Telicity in the second language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova R., & Montrul, S. (2002). “On Viewpoint Aspect and Its L2 Acquisition: A UG Perspective”,
in. R. Salaberry and Y. Shirai (Eds.), Tense-Aspect Morphology in L2 Acquisition, pp. 363-398.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova, R. (2005). What is So Difficult about Telicity Marking in L2 Russian? Bilingualism:
Language and Cognition, 8, 63-77.
Slabakova, R. (2006). Is There a Critical Period for Semantics? Second Language Research 22.3,
Slabakova, R. (2008). Meaning in the Second Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Slabakova, R. (2013). What is easy and what is hard to acquire in a second language: A
generative perspective. Contemporary approaches to second language acquisition 9.5, 528.
Smith, C. S. (1991). The parameter of aspect. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Smith, N. & Tsimpli, Ianthi-Maria. (1995). The Mind Of a Savant: Language Learning and Modularity.
Oxford, UK and Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.
Sorace, A. (1995). Acquiring linking rules and argument structures in a second language. The
unaccusative/unergative distinction. In Eubank, L., L. Selinker, and M. S. Sharwood (eds.), The
Current State of Interlanguage. Amsterdam: BenjaminsItalian. Second Language Research, 9, 22-
Sorace, A. (2000). Gradients in auxiliary selection with intransitive verbs. Language, 76, 859-890.
Sorace, A. & Filiaci, F. (2006). Anaphora resolution in near-native speakers of Italian. Second
Language Research, 22, 339-368. http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/0267658306sr271oa
Sorace, A. (2011). Pinning down the concept of "interface" in bilingualism. Linguistic Approaches to
Bilingualism, 1-33.
Vendler, Z. (1957). Verbs and times‛. The philosophical review, 66, pp. 143-160.
Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense, aspect, and aspectual composition. In M. Dimitrova-Vulchanova & L.
Hellan (eds.), Topics in South Slavic syntax and semantics, pp. 125–162. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1989). Universal grammar and second language acquisition. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1990/1991). The verb-movement parameter in second language acquisition. Language
Acquisition, 1, 337-360.
White, L. (2000). Second Language Acquisition: From Initial to Final State. Second Language
Acquisition and Linguistic Theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Aksan, Y. (2004). Event structure, scale structure and the representation of selected accomplishment verbs in Turkish and Korean. S.O. Lee et.al. (Eds.) Inquiries into Korean Linguistics I. Seoul: Thaehaksa, 261-280.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1988). The acquisition of aspect and modality. The case of past reference in
Turkish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1997). Verb inflections in Turkish: A preliminary analysis in the early stage. In:
Wolfgan U. Dressler (ed.) Studies in Pre- and Proto Morphology, 127-139.
Al-Thubaiti, K. A. (2015). Chapter 7. L2 acquisition of English aspect by L1 Arabic speakers. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 185–214). https://doi.org/10.1075/z.196.07alt
Andersen, R. W. (1991). ‘Developmental sequence: The emergence of aspect marking in second
language acquisition.’ In Crosscurrents in Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theories,
(T. Huebner & C. A. Ferguson (eds). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Bardovi-Harlig, K. (2000). Tense and aspect in second language acquisition: Form, meaning, and
use. Oxford: Blackwell.
Borik, O. (2006). Aspect and reference time. (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 13). Oxford &
New York: Oxford University Press.
Comrie, B. (1976). Aspect. Cambridge, uk: Cambridge University Press.
Dekydtspotter, L., Sprouse, R. A., & Anderson, B. (1997). The interpretive interface in L2 acquisition:
the process–result distinction in English–French interlanguage grammars. Language Acquisition,
6, 297–332.
De Swart, H., & Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense and aspect in sentence and discourse. Reader, ESSLLI
summer school, Utrecht. http://folli.loria.fr/cds/1999/library/pdf/hhh.pdf
Domínguez, L., Tracy-Ventura, N., Arche, M. J., Mitchell, R. & Myles, F. (2013). The role of dynamic
contrasts in the L2 acquisition of Spanish past tense morphology. Bilingualism: Language and
Cognition, 16(3), 558-577. doi:10.1017/S1366728912000363
Epstein, S., Flynn, S., & Martohardjono, G. (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and
experimental issues in contemporary research. Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 19, 677-758.
Erguvanli, T. (2002). The Verb in Turkish. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [Linguistik
Aktuell/Lingvistics Today, 44].
Flynn, & Martohardjono, (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and experimental
issues in contemporary research. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19(04), 677 – 714.
Gabriele, A. (2005). The acquisition of* aspect in a second language: A bidirectional study of
learners of English and Japanese. City University of New York.
Gabriele, A. (2008). Mapping between Form and Meaning: A Case of Imperfect L2 Acquisition. 電子
情報通信学会技術研究報告. TL, 思考と言語, 108(184), 101-106.
Goksel, A., & Kerslake, C. (2005). Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. London & New York:
Güven, A. (2012). Toplumsal Dilbilimin Kapsam Alanı, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (13), 55-62.
Haznedar, B., Schwartz, B.D. (1997). Are there optional infinitives in child L2 acquisition? In E.
Hughes, M. Hughes, & A. Greenhill (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Boston University Conference on
Language Development, 21, 257–268. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Hawkins, R. & Chan C. (1997). The partial availability of Universal Grammar in second language
acquisition: the ‘failed functional features hypotheses. Second Language Research, 13,3, pp. 187–226.
Hawkins, R., Casillas, G., Hattori, H., Hawthorne, J., Husted, R., Lozano, C., … Yamada, K. (2008). The
semantic effects of verb raising and its consequences in second language grammars. In The role
of formal features in second language acquisition (pp. 328–351). New York: Taylor & Francis.
Hirakawa, M. (1999). L2 Acquisition of Japanese Unaccusative Verbs by Speakers of English and
Chinese. In The Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language, 89.
Juffs, A., & Harrington, M. (1995). Parsing Effects in Second Language Sentence Processing. Studies
in Second Language Acquisition, 17(04), 483–516. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S027226310001442X
Juffs, A. (1996). Learnability and the lexicon: theories and second language acquisition research.
Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
Kozlowska-Macgregor, M. (2002). The state of near-native grammar: A study of aspect in L2
Polish. Doctoral Dissertation. McGill Working Papers in Linguistics.
Kornfilt, J. (1997). Turkish. (Descriptive Grammars.) London: Routledge.
Krifka, M. (1989). Nominal reference, temporal constitution and quantification in event semantics.
In R. Bartsch, J. van Benthem & P. van Emde Boas (eds.), Semantics and contextual expressions,
pp. 75–115. Dordrecht: Foris.
Lardiere, D. (1998). Case and tense in the fossilised steady state. Second Language Research, 14/1,
Lardiere, D. (2000). Mapping features to forms in second language acquisition. In J. Archibald
(ed.), Second language acquisition and linguistic theory. Oxford: Blackwell.
Lardiere, D. (2005). On morphological competence. In L. Dekydtspotter, R. A. Sprouse, & A.
Liljestrand (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
Conference (GASLA 2004), pp. 178–192. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Press
Lenchuk, I. (2016) Aspect and case in interlanguage grammars: The case of English learners of
Russian. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). York University, Toronto, Ontario.
Lewis, G. L. (1967). Turkish Grammar. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Li, P., & Shirai, Y. (2000). The acquisition of lexical and grammatical aspect. Berlin: Mouton de
Liszka, S. A. (2015). Chapter 3. The L2 acquisition of the English Present Simple – Present
Progressive distinction. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 57–86).
Meisel, Jürgen M. (1997). The acquisition of the syntax of negation in French and German:
contrasting first and second language development. Second Language Research, 13(3), 227 –
Tsimpli, I. (2003). Features in L1 and L2 acquisition: Evidence from Greek clitics and determiners.
Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, 20, 87–128
Mikhaylova, A. (2018). Morphological Bottleneck: The Case of Russian Heritage Speakers. Journal
of Language Contact 11, 286-303.
Montrul, S. (1997). The L2 acquisition of dative experiencer subjects. Second Language Research,
13, 264–298.
Montrul, S., (1999). Causative errors with unaccusative verbs in Spanish as a second languageю.
In: Second Language Research, 15(2), 191-219.
Montrul, S., & Slabakova, R. (2002). Acquiring morphosyntactic and semantic properties of
aspectual tenses in L2 Spanish. In A.T. Perez-Lerouz & J. Liceras (eds.), The acquisition of Spanish
morphosyntax: the L1- L2 connection, 113-149. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Montrul, S. & Slabakova, R. (2003). Competence Similarities between Native and Near-Native
Speakers: An Investigation of the Preterit/Imperfect Contrast in Spanish. Studies in Second
Language Acquisition, 25, 351-398.
Nossalik, L. (2009). L2 Acquisition of Russian Aspect. Doctor Dissertation, McGill University.
Prévost, P,. & White, L. (2000). Missing surface inflection or impairment in second language
acquisition? Evidence from tense and agreement. Second Language Research, 16-2, 103-133.
Richardson, K. (2007). Case and aspect in Slavic. New York: Oxford University Press.
Rothstein, R. (2004). Class and Schools Using Social, Economic, and Educational Reform to Close
the Black–White Achievement Gap.
Salaberry, R. (2000). The development of past tense morphology in L2 Spanish. Amsterdam:
Schwatz, B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1994). Word order and nominative case in nonnative language
acquisition: a longitudinal study of (L1 Turkish) German interlanguage. Language Acquisition
Studies in Generative Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Schwartz , B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1996). L2 Cognitive States and the Full Transfer/Full Access Model.
Second Language Research 12, 40-72.
Slabakova, R. (2001). Telicity in the second language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova R., & Montrul, S. (2002). “On Viewpoint Aspect and Its L2 Acquisition: A UG Perspective”,
in. R. Salaberry and Y. Shirai (Eds.), Tense-Aspect Morphology in L2 Acquisition, pp. 363-398.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova, R. (2005). What is So Difficult about Telicity Marking in L2 Russian? Bilingualism:
Language and Cognition, 8, 63-77.
Slabakova, R. (2006). Is There a Critical Period for Semantics? Second Language Research 22.3,
Slabakova, R. (2008). Meaning in the Second Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Slabakova, R. (2013). What is easy and what is hard to acquire in a second language: A
generative perspective. Contemporary approaches to second language acquisition 9.5, 528.
Smith, C. S. (1991). The parameter of aspect. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Smith, N. & Tsimpli, Ianthi-Maria. (1995). The Mind Of a Savant: Language Learning and Modularity.
Oxford, UK and Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.
Sorace, A. (1995). Acquiring linking rules and argument structures in a second language. The
unaccusative/unergative distinction. In Eubank, L., L. Selinker, and M. S. Sharwood (eds.), The
Current State of Interlanguage. Amsterdam: BenjaminsItalian. Second Language Research, 9, 22-
Sorace, A. (2000). Gradients in auxiliary selection with intransitive verbs. Language, 76, 859-890.
Sorace, A. & Filiaci, F. (2006). Anaphora resolution in near-native speakers of Italian. Second
Language Research, 22, 339-368. http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/0267658306sr271oa
Sorace, A. (2011). Pinning down the concept of "interface" in bilingualism. Linguistic Approaches to
Bilingualism, 1-33.
Vendler, Z. (1957). Verbs and times‛. The philosophical review, 66, pp. 143-160.
Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense, aspect, and aspectual composition. In M. Dimitrova-Vulchanova & L.
Hellan (eds.), Topics in South Slavic syntax and semantics, pp. 125–162. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1989). Universal grammar and second language acquisition. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1990/1991). The verb-movement parameter in second language acquisition. Language
Acquisition, 1, 337-360.
White, L. (2000). Second Language Acquisition: From Initial to Final State. Second Language
Acquisition and Linguistic Theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Aksan, Y. (2004). Event structure, scale structure and the representation of selected accomplishment verbs in Turkish and Korean. S.O. Lee et.al. (Eds.) Inquiries into Korean Linguistics I. Seoul: Thaehaksa, 261-280.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1988). The acquisition of aspect and modality. The case of past reference in
Turkish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1997). Verb inflections in Turkish: A preliminary analysis in the early stage. In:
Wolfgan U. Dressler (ed.) Studies in Pre- and Proto Morphology, 127-139.
Al-Thubaiti, K. A. (2015). Chapter 7. L2 acquisition of English aspect by L1 Arabic speakers. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 185–214). https://doi.org/10.1075/z.196.07alt
Andersen, R. W. (1991). ‘Developmental sequence: The emergence of aspect marking in second
language acquisition.’ In Crosscurrents in Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theories,
(T. Huebner & C. A. Ferguson (eds). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Bardovi-Harlig, K. (2000). Tense and aspect in second language acquisition: Form, meaning, and
use. Oxford: Blackwell.
Borik, O. (2006). Aspect and reference time. (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 13). Oxford &
New York: Oxford University Press.
Comrie, B. (1976). Aspect. Cambridge, uk: Cambridge University Press.
Dekydtspotter, L., Sprouse, R. A., & Anderson, B. (1997). The interpretive interface in L2 acquisition:
the process–result distinction in English–French interlanguage grammars. Language Acquisition,
6, 297–332.
De Swart, H., & Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense and aspect in sentence and discourse. Reader, ESSLLI
summer school, Utrecht. http://folli.loria.fr/cds/1999/library/pdf/hhh.pdf
Domínguez, L., Tracy-Ventura, N., Arche, M. J., Mitchell, R. & Myles, F. (2013). The role of dynamic
contrasts in the L2 acquisition of Spanish past tense morphology. Bilingualism: Language and
Cognition, 16(3), 558-577. doi:10.1017/S1366728912000363
Epstein, S., Flynn, S., & Martohardjono, G. (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and
experimental issues in contemporary research. Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 19, 677-758.
Erguvanli, T. (2002). The Verb in Turkish. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [Linguistik
Aktuell/Lingvistics Today, 44].
Flynn, & Martohardjono, (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and experimental
issues in contemporary research. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19(04), 677 – 714.
Gabriele, A. (2005). The acquisition of* aspect in a second language: A bidirectional study of
learners of English and Japanese. City University of New York.
Gabriele, A. (2008). Mapping between Form and Meaning: A Case of Imperfect L2 Acquisition. 電子
情報通信学会技術研究報告. TL, 思考と言語, 108(184), 101-106.
Goksel, A., & Kerslake, C. (2005). Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. London & New York:
Güven, A. (2012). Toplumsal Dilbilimin Kapsam Alanı, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (13), 55-62.
Haznedar, B., Schwartz, B.D. (1997). Are there optional infinitives in child L2 acquisition? In E.
Hughes, M. Hughes, & A. Greenhill (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Boston University Conference on
Language Development, 21, 257–268. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Hawkins, R. & Chan C. (1997). The partial availability of Universal Grammar in second language
acquisition: the ‘failed functional features hypotheses. Second Language Research, 13,3, pp. 187–226.
Hawkins, R., Casillas, G., Hattori, H., Hawthorne, J., Husted, R., Lozano, C., … Yamada, K. (2008). The
semantic effects of verb raising and its consequences in second language grammars. In The role
of formal features in second language acquisition (pp. 328–351). New York: Taylor & Francis.
Hirakawa, M. (1999). L2 Acquisition of Japanese Unaccusative Verbs by Speakers of English and
Chinese. In The Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language, 89.
Juffs, A., & Harrington, M. (1995). Parsing Effects in Second Language Sentence Processing. Studies
in Second Language Acquisition, 17(04), 483–516. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S027226310001442X
Juffs, A. (1996). Learnability and the lexicon: theories and second language acquisition research.
Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
Kozlowska-Macgregor, M. (2002). The state of near-native grammar: A study of aspect in L2
Polish. Doctoral Dissertation. McGill Working Papers in Linguistics.
Kornfilt, J. (1997). Turkish. (Descriptive Grammars.) London: Routledge.
Krifka, M. (1989). Nominal reference, temporal constitution and quantification in event semantics.
In R. Bartsch, J. van Benthem & P. van Emde Boas (eds.), Semantics and contextual expressions,
pp. 75–115. Dordrecht: Foris.
Lardiere, D. (1998). Case and tense in the fossilised steady state. Second Language Research, 14/1,
Lardiere, D. (2000). Mapping features to forms in second language acquisition. In J. Archibald
(ed.), Second language acquisition and linguistic theory. Oxford: Blackwell.
Lardiere, D. (2005). On morphological competence. In L. Dekydtspotter, R. A. Sprouse, & A.
Liljestrand (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
Conference (GASLA 2004), pp. 178–192. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Press
Lenchuk, I. (2016) Aspect and case in interlanguage grammars: The case of English learners of
Russian. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). York University, Toronto, Ontario.
Lewis, G. L. (1967). Turkish Grammar. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Li, P., & Shirai, Y. (2000). The acquisition of lexical and grammatical aspect. Berlin: Mouton de
Liszka, S. A. (2015). Chapter 3. The L2 acquisition of the English Present Simple – Present
Progressive distinction. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 57–86).
Meisel, Jürgen M. (1997). The acquisition of the syntax of negation in French and German:
contrasting first and second language development. Second Language Research, 13(3), 227 –
Tsimpli, I. (2003). Features in L1 and L2 acquisition: Evidence from Greek clitics and determiners.
Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, 20, 87–128
Mikhaylova, A. (2018). Morphological Bottleneck: The Case of Russian Heritage Speakers. Journal
of Language Contact 11, 286-303.
Montrul, S. (1997). The L2 acquisition of dative experiencer subjects. Second Language Research,
13, 264–298.
Montrul, S., (1999). Causative errors with unaccusative verbs in Spanish as a second languageю.
In: Second Language Research, 15(2), 191-219.
Montrul, S., & Slabakova, R. (2002). Acquiring morphosyntactic and semantic properties of
aspectual tenses in L2 Spanish. In A.T. Perez-Lerouz & J. Liceras (eds.), The acquisition of Spanish
morphosyntax: the L1- L2 connection, 113-149. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Montrul, S. & Slabakova, R. (2003). Competence Similarities between Native and Near-Native
Speakers: An Investigation of the Preterit/Imperfect Contrast in Spanish. Studies in Second
Language Acquisition, 25, 351-398.
Nossalik, L. (2009). L2 Acquisition of Russian Aspect. Doctor Dissertation, McGill University.
Prévost, P,. & White, L. (2000). Missing surface inflection or impairment in second language
acquisition? Evidence from tense and agreement. Second Language Research, 16-2, 103-133.
Richardson, K. (2007). Case and aspect in Slavic. New York: Oxford University Press.
Rothstein, R. (2004). Class and Schools Using Social, Economic, and Educational Reform to Close
the Black–White Achievement Gap.
Salaberry, R. (2000). The development of past tense morphology in L2 Spanish. Amsterdam:
Schwatz, B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1994). Word order and nominative case in nonnative language
acquisition: a longitudinal study of (L1 Turkish) German interlanguage. Language Acquisition
Studies in Generative Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Schwartz , B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1996). L2 Cognitive States and the Full Transfer/Full Access Model.
Second Language Research 12, 40-72.
Slabakova, R. (2001). Telicity in the second language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova R., & Montrul, S. (2002). “On Viewpoint Aspect and Its L2 Acquisition: A UG Perspective”,
in. R. Salaberry and Y. Shirai (Eds.), Tense-Aspect Morphology in L2 Acquisition, pp. 363-398.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova, R. (2005). What is So Difficult about Telicity Marking in L2 Russian? Bilingualism:
Language and Cognition, 8, 63-77.
Slabakova, R. (2006). Is There a Critical Period for Semantics? Second Language Research 22.3,
Slabakova, R. (2008). Meaning in the Second Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Slabakova, R. (2013). What is easy and what is hard to acquire in a second language: A
generative perspective. Contemporary approaches to second language acquisition 9.5, 528.
Smith, C. S. (1991). The parameter of aspect. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Smith, N. & Tsimpli, Ianthi-Maria. (1995). The Mind Of a Savant: Language Learning and Modularity.
Oxford, UK and Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.
Sorace, A. (1995). Acquiring linking rules and argument structures in a second language. The
unaccusative/unergative distinction. In Eubank, L., L. Selinker, and M. S. Sharwood (eds.), The
Current State of Interlanguage. Amsterdam: BenjaminsItalian. Second Language Research, 9, 22-
Sorace, A. (2000). Gradients in auxiliary selection with intransitive verbs. Language, 76, 859-890.
Sorace, A. & Filiaci, F. (2006). Anaphora resolution in near-native speakers of Italian. Second
Language Research, 22, 339-368. http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/0267658306sr271oa
Sorace, A. (2011). Pinning down the concept of "interface" in bilingualism. Linguistic Approaches to
Bilingualism, 1-33.
Vendler, Z. (1957). Verbs and times‛. The philosophical review, 66, pp. 143-160.
Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense, aspect, and aspectual composition. In M. Dimitrova-Vulchanova & L.
Hellan (eds.), Topics in South Slavic syntax and semantics, pp. 125–162. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1989). Universal grammar and second language acquisition. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1990/1991). The verb-movement parameter in second language acquisition. Language
Acquisition, 1, 337-360.
White, L. (2000). Second Language Acquisition: From Initial to Final State. Second Language
Acquisition and Linguistic Theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Ana dil Türkçe konuşanların ikinci dil Rusçada görünüş bilgisini edinimi
Bu çalışma, Türkçeyi ileri yaşta ikinci dil (D2) olarak öğrenenler tarafından Rusçada sözcüksel görünüşü açıkça belirten işlevsel morfolojinin edinimini incelemektedir. Rusça ve Türkçe, hem dilbilgisel hem de sözcüksel görünüşü belirtme biçimleri açısından farklıdır. Rusçada hem dilbilgisel hem de sözcüksel (erekli) görünüşler, açık fiil morfolojisi ile belirtilir. Öte yandan Türkçede fiillerin dilbilgisel görünüşü, zaman ve/veya kipi de ifade eden çekim biçimbirimleriyle (Kornfilt, 1997); sözcüksel görünüş (ereklilik) ise dinamik fiillerle birlikte kullanılan nicelendirilmiş ad argümanları ile belirtilir. Ereklilik ve bağımlılık anlam özelliklerine sahip bir Anlamsal Gerektirim görevi (SET) ve miktara bağlı olan ve olmayan dahili argüman temaları içeren tamamlanmış ve tamamlanmamış formlu cümleleri kapsayan bir Doğruluk Değeri Yargısı (TVJ) görevinden oluşan bu çalışma, 16 D1 Türkçe/D2 Rusça konuşanı ile 16 D1 Rusça konuşanına uygulanmıştır. SET görevinin sonuçları, D2 Rusça konuşanlarının tamamlanmamış cümlelerden ziyade, tamamlanmış cümlelere en mantıksal gerektirmeyi seçmekte D1 Rusça konuşanları kadar başarılı olmadıklarını göstermiştir. İki grup arasındaki farklılıklar istatiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur. TVJ görevinin sonuçları da D2 Rusça konuşanlarının tamamlanmış ve tamamlanmamış cümleleri doğru resimlerle eşleştirmede D1 Rusça konuşanlarından daha az başarılı olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bu bulgular, ileri yaşta D2 konuşanlarının işlevsel morfolojinin, özellikle de görünüş morfolojisi ve onun ereklilik özelliğinin ediniminde zorlandığı iddiasını desteklemektedir.
Aksan, Y. (2004). Event structure, scale structure and the representation of selected accomplishment verbs in Turkish and Korean. S.O. Lee et.al. (Eds.) Inquiries into Korean Linguistics I. Seoul: Thaehaksa, 261-280.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1988). The acquisition of aspect and modality. The case of past reference in
Turkish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1997). Verb inflections in Turkish: A preliminary analysis in the early stage. In:
Wolfgan U. Dressler (ed.) Studies in Pre- and Proto Morphology, 127-139.
Al-Thubaiti, K. A. (2015). Chapter 7. L2 acquisition of English aspect by L1 Arabic speakers. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 185–214). https://doi.org/10.1075/z.196.07alt
Andersen, R. W. (1991). ‘Developmental sequence: The emergence of aspect marking in second
language acquisition.’ In Crosscurrents in Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theories,
(T. Huebner & C. A. Ferguson (eds). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Bardovi-Harlig, K. (2000). Tense and aspect in second language acquisition: Form, meaning, and
use. Oxford: Blackwell.
Borik, O. (2006). Aspect and reference time. (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 13). Oxford &
New York: Oxford University Press.
Comrie, B. (1976). Aspect. Cambridge, uk: Cambridge University Press.
Dekydtspotter, L., Sprouse, R. A., & Anderson, B. (1997). The interpretive interface in L2 acquisition:
the process–result distinction in English–French interlanguage grammars. Language Acquisition,
6, 297–332.
De Swart, H., & Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense and aspect in sentence and discourse. Reader, ESSLLI
summer school, Utrecht. http://folli.loria.fr/cds/1999/library/pdf/hhh.pdf
Domínguez, L., Tracy-Ventura, N., Arche, M. J., Mitchell, R. & Myles, F. (2013). The role of dynamic
contrasts in the L2 acquisition of Spanish past tense morphology. Bilingualism: Language and
Cognition, 16(3), 558-577. doi:10.1017/S1366728912000363
Epstein, S., Flynn, S., & Martohardjono, G. (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and
experimental issues in contemporary research. Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 19, 677-758.
Erguvanli, T. (2002). The Verb in Turkish. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [Linguistik
Aktuell/Lingvistics Today, 44].
Flynn, & Martohardjono, (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and experimental
issues in contemporary research. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19(04), 677 – 714.
Gabriele, A. (2005). The acquisition of* aspect in a second language: A bidirectional study of
learners of English and Japanese. City University of New York.
Gabriele, A. (2008). Mapping between Form and Meaning: A Case of Imperfect L2 Acquisition. 電子
情報通信学会技術研究報告. TL, 思考と言語, 108(184), 101-106.
Goksel, A., & Kerslake, C. (2005). Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. London & New York:
Güven, A. (2012). Toplumsal Dilbilimin Kapsam Alanı, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (13), 55-62.
Haznedar, B., Schwartz, B.D. (1997). Are there optional infinitives in child L2 acquisition? In E.
Hughes, M. Hughes, & A. Greenhill (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Boston University Conference on
Language Development, 21, 257–268. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Hawkins, R. & Chan C. (1997). The partial availability of Universal Grammar in second language
acquisition: the ‘failed functional features hypotheses. Second Language Research, 13,3, pp. 187–226.
Hawkins, R., Casillas, G., Hattori, H., Hawthorne, J., Husted, R., Lozano, C., … Yamada, K. (2008). The
semantic effects of verb raising and its consequences in second language grammars. In The role
of formal features in second language acquisition (pp. 328–351). New York: Taylor & Francis.
Hirakawa, M. (1999). L2 Acquisition of Japanese Unaccusative Verbs by Speakers of English and
Chinese. In The Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language, 89.
Juffs, A., & Harrington, M. (1995). Parsing Effects in Second Language Sentence Processing. Studies
in Second Language Acquisition, 17(04), 483–516. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S027226310001442X
Juffs, A. (1996). Learnability and the lexicon: theories and second language acquisition research.
Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
Kozlowska-Macgregor, M. (2002). The state of near-native grammar: A study of aspect in L2
Polish. Doctoral Dissertation. McGill Working Papers in Linguistics.
Kornfilt, J. (1997). Turkish. (Descriptive Grammars.) London: Routledge.
Krifka, M. (1989). Nominal reference, temporal constitution and quantification in event semantics.
In R. Bartsch, J. van Benthem & P. van Emde Boas (eds.), Semantics and contextual expressions,
pp. 75–115. Dordrecht: Foris.
Lardiere, D. (1998). Case and tense in the fossilised steady state. Second Language Research, 14/1,
Lardiere, D. (2000). Mapping features to forms in second language acquisition. In J. Archibald
(ed.), Second language acquisition and linguistic theory. Oxford: Blackwell.
Lardiere, D. (2005). On morphological competence. In L. Dekydtspotter, R. A. Sprouse, & A.
Liljestrand (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
Conference (GASLA 2004), pp. 178–192. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Press
Lenchuk, I. (2016) Aspect and case in interlanguage grammars: The case of English learners of
Russian. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). York University, Toronto, Ontario.
Lewis, G. L. (1967). Turkish Grammar. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Li, P., & Shirai, Y. (2000). The acquisition of lexical and grammatical aspect. Berlin: Mouton de
Liszka, S. A. (2015). Chapter 3. The L2 acquisition of the English Present Simple – Present
Progressive distinction. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 57–86).
Meisel, Jürgen M. (1997). The acquisition of the syntax of negation in French and German:
contrasting first and second language development. Second Language Research, 13(3), 227 –
Tsimpli, I. (2003). Features in L1 and L2 acquisition: Evidence from Greek clitics and determiners.
Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, 20, 87–128
Mikhaylova, A. (2018). Morphological Bottleneck: The Case of Russian Heritage Speakers. Journal
of Language Contact 11, 286-303.
Montrul, S. (1997). The L2 acquisition of dative experiencer subjects. Second Language Research,
13, 264–298.
Montrul, S., (1999). Causative errors with unaccusative verbs in Spanish as a second languageю.
In: Second Language Research, 15(2), 191-219.
Montrul, S., & Slabakova, R. (2002). Acquiring morphosyntactic and semantic properties of
aspectual tenses in L2 Spanish. In A.T. Perez-Lerouz & J. Liceras (eds.), The acquisition of Spanish
morphosyntax: the L1- L2 connection, 113-149. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Montrul, S. & Slabakova, R. (2003). Competence Similarities between Native and Near-Native
Speakers: An Investigation of the Preterit/Imperfect Contrast in Spanish. Studies in Second
Language Acquisition, 25, 351-398.
Nossalik, L. (2009). L2 Acquisition of Russian Aspect. Doctor Dissertation, McGill University.
Prévost, P,. & White, L. (2000). Missing surface inflection or impairment in second language
acquisition? Evidence from tense and agreement. Second Language Research, 16-2, 103-133.
Richardson, K. (2007). Case and aspect in Slavic. New York: Oxford University Press.
Rothstein, R. (2004). Class and Schools Using Social, Economic, and Educational Reform to Close
the Black–White Achievement Gap.
Salaberry, R. (2000). The development of past tense morphology in L2 Spanish. Amsterdam:
Schwatz, B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1994). Word order and nominative case in nonnative language
acquisition: a longitudinal study of (L1 Turkish) German interlanguage. Language Acquisition
Studies in Generative Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Schwartz , B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1996). L2 Cognitive States and the Full Transfer/Full Access Model.
Second Language Research 12, 40-72.
Slabakova, R. (2001). Telicity in the second language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova R., & Montrul, S. (2002). “On Viewpoint Aspect and Its L2 Acquisition: A UG Perspective”,
in. R. Salaberry and Y. Shirai (Eds.), Tense-Aspect Morphology in L2 Acquisition, pp. 363-398.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova, R. (2005). What is So Difficult about Telicity Marking in L2 Russian? Bilingualism:
Language and Cognition, 8, 63-77.
Slabakova, R. (2006). Is There a Critical Period for Semantics? Second Language Research 22.3,
Slabakova, R. (2008). Meaning in the Second Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Slabakova, R. (2013). What is easy and what is hard to acquire in a second language: A
generative perspective. Contemporary approaches to second language acquisition 9.5, 528.
Smith, C. S. (1991). The parameter of aspect. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Smith, N. & Tsimpli, Ianthi-Maria. (1995). The Mind Of a Savant: Language Learning and Modularity.
Oxford, UK and Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.
Sorace, A. (1995). Acquiring linking rules and argument structures in a second language. The
unaccusative/unergative distinction. In Eubank, L., L. Selinker, and M. S. Sharwood (eds.), The
Current State of Interlanguage. Amsterdam: BenjaminsItalian. Second Language Research, 9, 22-
Sorace, A. (2000). Gradients in auxiliary selection with intransitive verbs. Language, 76, 859-890.
Sorace, A. & Filiaci, F. (2006). Anaphora resolution in near-native speakers of Italian. Second
Language Research, 22, 339-368. http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/0267658306sr271oa
Sorace, A. (2011). Pinning down the concept of "interface" in bilingualism. Linguistic Approaches to
Bilingualism, 1-33.
Vendler, Z. (1957). Verbs and times‛. The philosophical review, 66, pp. 143-160.
Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense, aspect, and aspectual composition. In M. Dimitrova-Vulchanova & L.
Hellan (eds.), Topics in South Slavic syntax and semantics, pp. 125–162. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1989). Universal grammar and second language acquisition. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1990/1991). The verb-movement parameter in second language acquisition. Language
Acquisition, 1, 337-360.
White, L. (2000). Second Language Acquisition: From Initial to Final State. Second Language
Acquisition and Linguistic Theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
L2 acquisition of Russian aspect by L1 Turkish speakers
This study examines the acquisition of functional morphology which overtly marks lexical aspect in Russian by adult second language (L2) learners of Turkish. Russian and Turkish are different in the ways they mark both grammatical and lexical aspects. In Russian, both grammatical and lexical (telic) aspects are marked by overt verbal morphology. In Turkish, however, while the grammatical aspect of verbs is marked by inflectional morphemes, which also express tense and/or mood (Kornfilt, 1997), lexical aspect (telicity) is marked by quantized nominal arguments combined with dynamic verbs. We tested 16 L1 Turkish/L2 Russian learners and 16 L1 Russian speakers on a Semantic Entailment (SE) task with telicity and boundedness semantic features and a Truth-Value Judgment (TVJ) task involving sentences with perfective and imperfective forms including quantity and non-quantity internal argument themes. The results of the SE task indicated that L2 Russian speakers were not as successful as L1 Russian speakers in choosing the most logical entailment to perfective sentences rather than imperceptive sentences. The differences between the two groups were statistically significant. The results of the TVJ task also indicated that L2 Russian speakers were less successful than L1 Russian speakers in matching perfective and imperfective sentences with correct pictures. These findings support the claim that adult L2 speakers have difficulty with the acquisition of functional morphology, in particular aspectual morphology and its telicity feature.
Aksan, Y. (2004). Event structure, scale structure and the representation of selected accomplishment verbs in Turkish and Korean. S.O. Lee et.al. (Eds.) Inquiries into Korean Linguistics I. Seoul: Thaehaksa, 261-280.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1988). The acquisition of aspect and modality. The case of past reference in
Turkish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1997). Verb inflections in Turkish: A preliminary analysis in the early stage. In:
Wolfgan U. Dressler (ed.) Studies in Pre- and Proto Morphology, 127-139.
Al-Thubaiti, K. A. (2015). Chapter 7. L2 acquisition of English aspect by L1 Arabic speakers. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 185–214). https://doi.org/10.1075/z.196.07alt
Andersen, R. W. (1991). ‘Developmental sequence: The emergence of aspect marking in second
language acquisition.’ In Crosscurrents in Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theories,
(T. Huebner & C. A. Ferguson (eds). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Bardovi-Harlig, K. (2000). Tense and aspect in second language acquisition: Form, meaning, and
use. Oxford: Blackwell.
Borik, O. (2006). Aspect and reference time. (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 13). Oxford &
New York: Oxford University Press.
Comrie, B. (1976). Aspect. Cambridge, uk: Cambridge University Press.
Dekydtspotter, L., Sprouse, R. A., & Anderson, B. (1997). The interpretive interface in L2 acquisition:
the process–result distinction in English–French interlanguage grammars. Language Acquisition,
6, 297–332.
De Swart, H., & Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense and aspect in sentence and discourse. Reader, ESSLLI
summer school, Utrecht. http://folli.loria.fr/cds/1999/library/pdf/hhh.pdf
Domínguez, L., Tracy-Ventura, N., Arche, M. J., Mitchell, R. & Myles, F. (2013). The role of dynamic
contrasts in the L2 acquisition of Spanish past tense morphology. Bilingualism: Language and
Cognition, 16(3), 558-577. doi:10.1017/S1366728912000363
Epstein, S., Flynn, S., & Martohardjono, G. (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and
experimental issues in contemporary research. Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 19, 677-758.
Erguvanli, T. (2002). The Verb in Turkish. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [Linguistik
Aktuell/Lingvistics Today, 44].
Flynn, & Martohardjono, (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and experimental
issues in contemporary research. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19(04), 677 – 714.
Gabriele, A. (2005). The acquisition of* aspect in a second language: A bidirectional study of
learners of English and Japanese. City University of New York.
Gabriele, A. (2008). Mapping between Form and Meaning: A Case of Imperfect L2 Acquisition. 電子
情報通信学会技術研究報告. TL, 思考と言語, 108(184), 101-106.
Goksel, A., & Kerslake, C. (2005). Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. London & New York:
Güven, A. (2012). Toplumsal Dilbilimin Kapsam Alanı, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (13), 55-62.
Haznedar, B., Schwartz, B.D. (1997). Are there optional infinitives in child L2 acquisition? In E.
Hughes, M. Hughes, & A. Greenhill (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Boston University Conference on
Language Development, 21, 257–268. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Hawkins, R. & Chan C. (1997). The partial availability of Universal Grammar in second language
acquisition: the ‘failed functional features hypotheses. Second Language Research, 13,3, pp. 187–226.
Hawkins, R., Casillas, G., Hattori, H., Hawthorne, J., Husted, R., Lozano, C., … Yamada, K. (2008). The
semantic effects of verb raising and its consequences in second language grammars. In The role
of formal features in second language acquisition (pp. 328–351). New York: Taylor & Francis.
Hirakawa, M. (1999). L2 Acquisition of Japanese Unaccusative Verbs by Speakers of English and
Chinese. In The Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language, 89.
Juffs, A., & Harrington, M. (1995). Parsing Effects in Second Language Sentence Processing. Studies
in Second Language Acquisition, 17(04), 483–516. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S027226310001442X
Juffs, A. (1996). Learnability and the lexicon: theories and second language acquisition research.
Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
Kozlowska-Macgregor, M. (2002). The state of near-native grammar: A study of aspect in L2
Polish. Doctoral Dissertation. McGill Working Papers in Linguistics.
Kornfilt, J. (1997). Turkish. (Descriptive Grammars.) London: Routledge.
Krifka, M. (1989). Nominal reference, temporal constitution and quantification in event semantics.
In R. Bartsch, J. van Benthem & P. van Emde Boas (eds.), Semantics and contextual expressions,
pp. 75–115. Dordrecht: Foris.
Lardiere, D. (1998). Case and tense in the fossilised steady state. Second Language Research, 14/1,
Lardiere, D. (2000). Mapping features to forms in second language acquisition. In J. Archibald
(ed.), Second language acquisition and linguistic theory. Oxford: Blackwell.
Lardiere, D. (2005). On morphological competence. In L. Dekydtspotter, R. A. Sprouse, & A.
Liljestrand (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
Conference (GASLA 2004), pp. 178–192. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Press
Lenchuk, I. (2016) Aspect and case in interlanguage grammars: The case of English learners of
Russian. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). York University, Toronto, Ontario.
Lewis, G. L. (1967). Turkish Grammar. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Li, P., & Shirai, Y. (2000). The acquisition of lexical and grammatical aspect. Berlin: Mouton de
Liszka, S. A. (2015). Chapter 3. The L2 acquisition of the English Present Simple – Present
Progressive distinction. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 57–86).
Meisel, Jürgen M. (1997). The acquisition of the syntax of negation in French and German:
contrasting first and second language development. Second Language Research, 13(3), 227 –
Tsimpli, I. (2003). Features in L1 and L2 acquisition: Evidence from Greek clitics and determiners.
Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, 20, 87–128
Mikhaylova, A. (2018). Morphological Bottleneck: The Case of Russian Heritage Speakers. Journal
of Language Contact 11, 286-303.
Montrul, S. (1997). The L2 acquisition of dative experiencer subjects. Second Language Research,
13, 264–298.
Montrul, S., (1999). Causative errors with unaccusative verbs in Spanish as a second languageю.
In: Second Language Research, 15(2), 191-219.
Montrul, S., & Slabakova, R. (2002). Acquiring morphosyntactic and semantic properties of
aspectual tenses in L2 Spanish. In A.T. Perez-Lerouz & J. Liceras (eds.), The acquisition of Spanish
morphosyntax: the L1- L2 connection, 113-149. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Montrul, S. & Slabakova, R. (2003). Competence Similarities between Native and Near-Native
Speakers: An Investigation of the Preterit/Imperfect Contrast in Spanish. Studies in Second
Language Acquisition, 25, 351-398.
Nossalik, L. (2009). L2 Acquisition of Russian Aspect. Doctor Dissertation, McGill University.
Prévost, P,. & White, L. (2000). Missing surface inflection or impairment in second language
acquisition? Evidence from tense and agreement. Second Language Research, 16-2, 103-133.
Richardson, K. (2007). Case and aspect in Slavic. New York: Oxford University Press.
Rothstein, R. (2004). Class and Schools Using Social, Economic, and Educational Reform to Close
the Black–White Achievement Gap.
Salaberry, R. (2000). The development of past tense morphology in L2 Spanish. Amsterdam:
Schwatz, B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1994). Word order and nominative case in nonnative language
acquisition: a longitudinal study of (L1 Turkish) German interlanguage. Language Acquisition
Studies in Generative Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Schwartz , B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1996). L2 Cognitive States and the Full Transfer/Full Access Model.
Second Language Research 12, 40-72.
Slabakova, R. (2001). Telicity in the second language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova R., & Montrul, S. (2002). “On Viewpoint Aspect and Its L2 Acquisition: A UG Perspective”,
in. R. Salaberry and Y. Shirai (Eds.), Tense-Aspect Morphology in L2 Acquisition, pp. 363-398.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova, R. (2005). What is So Difficult about Telicity Marking in L2 Russian? Bilingualism:
Language and Cognition, 8, 63-77.
Slabakova, R. (2006). Is There a Critical Period for Semantics? Second Language Research 22.3,
Slabakova, R. (2008). Meaning in the Second Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Slabakova, R. (2013). What is easy and what is hard to acquire in a second language: A
generative perspective. Contemporary approaches to second language acquisition 9.5, 528.
Smith, C. S. (1991). The parameter of aspect. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Smith, N. & Tsimpli, Ianthi-Maria. (1995). The Mind Of a Savant: Language Learning and Modularity.
Oxford, UK and Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.
Sorace, A. (1995). Acquiring linking rules and argument structures in a second language. The
unaccusative/unergative distinction. In Eubank, L., L. Selinker, and M. S. Sharwood (eds.), The
Current State of Interlanguage. Amsterdam: BenjaminsItalian. Second Language Research, 9, 22-
Sorace, A. (2000). Gradients in auxiliary selection with intransitive verbs. Language, 76, 859-890.
Sorace, A. & Filiaci, F. (2006). Anaphora resolution in near-native speakers of Italian. Second
Language Research, 22, 339-368. http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/0267658306sr271oa
Sorace, A. (2011). Pinning down the concept of "interface" in bilingualism. Linguistic Approaches to
Bilingualism, 1-33.
Vendler, Z. (1957). Verbs and times‛. The philosophical review, 66, pp. 143-160.
Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense, aspect, and aspectual composition. In M. Dimitrova-Vulchanova & L.
Hellan (eds.), Topics in South Slavic syntax and semantics, pp. 125–162. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1989). Universal grammar and second language acquisition. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1990/1991). The verb-movement parameter in second language acquisition. Language
Acquisition, 1, 337-360.
White, L. (2000). Second Language Acquisition: From Initial to Final State. Second Language
Acquisition and Linguistic Theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Aksan, Y. (2004). Event structure, scale structure and the representation of selected accomplishment verbs in Turkish and Korean. S.O. Lee et.al. (Eds.) Inquiries into Korean Linguistics I. Seoul: Thaehaksa, 261-280.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1988). The acquisition of aspect and modality. The case of past reference in
Turkish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1997). Verb inflections in Turkish: A preliminary analysis in the early stage. In:
Wolfgan U. Dressler (ed.) Studies in Pre- and Proto Morphology, 127-139.
Al-Thubaiti, K. A. (2015). Chapter 7. L2 acquisition of English aspect by L1 Arabic speakers. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 185–214). https://doi.org/10.1075/z.196.07alt
Andersen, R. W. (1991). ‘Developmental sequence: The emergence of aspect marking in second
language acquisition.’ In Crosscurrents in Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theories,
(T. Huebner & C. A. Ferguson (eds). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Bardovi-Harlig, K. (2000). Tense and aspect in second language acquisition: Form, meaning, and
use. Oxford: Blackwell.
Borik, O. (2006). Aspect and reference time. (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 13). Oxford &
New York: Oxford University Press.
Comrie, B. (1976). Aspect. Cambridge, uk: Cambridge University Press.
Dekydtspotter, L., Sprouse, R. A., & Anderson, B. (1997). The interpretive interface in L2 acquisition:
the process–result distinction in English–French interlanguage grammars. Language Acquisition,
6, 297–332.
De Swart, H., & Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense and aspect in sentence and discourse. Reader, ESSLLI
summer school, Utrecht. http://folli.loria.fr/cds/1999/library/pdf/hhh.pdf
Domínguez, L., Tracy-Ventura, N., Arche, M. J., Mitchell, R. & Myles, F. (2013). The role of dynamic
contrasts in the L2 acquisition of Spanish past tense morphology. Bilingualism: Language and
Cognition, 16(3), 558-577. doi:10.1017/S1366728912000363
Epstein, S., Flynn, S., & Martohardjono, G. (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and
experimental issues in contemporary research. Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 19, 677-758.
Erguvanli, T. (2002). The Verb in Turkish. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [Linguistik
Aktuell/Lingvistics Today, 44].
Flynn, & Martohardjono, (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and experimental
issues in contemporary research. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19(04), 677 – 714.
Gabriele, A. (2005). The acquisition of* aspect in a second language: A bidirectional study of
learners of English and Japanese. City University of New York.
Gabriele, A. (2008). Mapping between Form and Meaning: A Case of Imperfect L2 Acquisition. 電子
情報通信学会技術研究報告. TL, 思考と言語, 108(184), 101-106.
Goksel, A., & Kerslake, C. (2005). Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. London & New York:
Güven, A. (2012). Toplumsal Dilbilimin Kapsam Alanı, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (13), 55-62.
Haznedar, B., Schwartz, B.D. (1997). Are there optional infinitives in child L2 acquisition? In E.
Hughes, M. Hughes, & A. Greenhill (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Boston University Conference on
Language Development, 21, 257–268. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Hawkins, R. & Chan C. (1997). The partial availability of Universal Grammar in second language
acquisition: the ‘failed functional features hypotheses. Second Language Research, 13,3, pp. 187–226.
Hawkins, R., Casillas, G., Hattori, H., Hawthorne, J., Husted, R., Lozano, C., … Yamada, K. (2008). The
semantic effects of verb raising and its consequences in second language grammars. In The role
of formal features in second language acquisition (pp. 328–351). New York: Taylor & Francis.
Hirakawa, M. (1999). L2 Acquisition of Japanese Unaccusative Verbs by Speakers of English and
Chinese. In The Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language, 89.
Juffs, A., & Harrington, M. (1995). Parsing Effects in Second Language Sentence Processing. Studies
in Second Language Acquisition, 17(04), 483–516. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S027226310001442X
Juffs, A. (1996). Learnability and the lexicon: theories and second language acquisition research.
Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
Kozlowska-Macgregor, M. (2002). The state of near-native grammar: A study of aspect in L2
Polish. Doctoral Dissertation. McGill Working Papers in Linguistics.
Kornfilt, J. (1997). Turkish. (Descriptive Grammars.) London: Routledge.
Krifka, M. (1989). Nominal reference, temporal constitution and quantification in event semantics.
In R. Bartsch, J. van Benthem & P. van Emde Boas (eds.), Semantics and contextual expressions,
pp. 75–115. Dordrecht: Foris.
Lardiere, D. (1998). Case and tense in the fossilised steady state. Second Language Research, 14/1,
Lardiere, D. (2000). Mapping features to forms in second language acquisition. In J. Archibald
(ed.), Second language acquisition and linguistic theory. Oxford: Blackwell.
Lardiere, D. (2005). On morphological competence. In L. Dekydtspotter, R. A. Sprouse, & A.
Liljestrand (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
Conference (GASLA 2004), pp. 178–192. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Press
Lenchuk, I. (2016) Aspect and case in interlanguage grammars: The case of English learners of
Russian. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). York University, Toronto, Ontario.
Lewis, G. L. (1967). Turkish Grammar. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Li, P., & Shirai, Y. (2000). The acquisition of lexical and grammatical aspect. Berlin: Mouton de
Liszka, S. A. (2015). Chapter 3. The L2 acquisition of the English Present Simple – Present
Progressive distinction. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 57–86).
Meisel, Jürgen M. (1997). The acquisition of the syntax of negation in French and German:
contrasting first and second language development. Second Language Research, 13(3), 227 –
Tsimpli, I. (2003). Features in L1 and L2 acquisition: Evidence from Greek clitics and determiners.
Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, 20, 87–128
Mikhaylova, A. (2018). Morphological Bottleneck: The Case of Russian Heritage Speakers. Journal
of Language Contact 11, 286-303.
Montrul, S. (1997). The L2 acquisition of dative experiencer subjects. Second Language Research,
13, 264–298.
Montrul, S., (1999). Causative errors with unaccusative verbs in Spanish as a second languageю.
In: Second Language Research, 15(2), 191-219.
Montrul, S., & Slabakova, R. (2002). Acquiring morphosyntactic and semantic properties of
aspectual tenses in L2 Spanish. In A.T. Perez-Lerouz & J. Liceras (eds.), The acquisition of Spanish
morphosyntax: the L1- L2 connection, 113-149. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Montrul, S. & Slabakova, R. (2003). Competence Similarities between Native and Near-Native
Speakers: An Investigation of the Preterit/Imperfect Contrast in Spanish. Studies in Second
Language Acquisition, 25, 351-398.
Nossalik, L. (2009). L2 Acquisition of Russian Aspect. Doctor Dissertation, McGill University.
Prévost, P,. & White, L. (2000). Missing surface inflection or impairment in second language
acquisition? Evidence from tense and agreement. Second Language Research, 16-2, 103-133.
Richardson, K. (2007). Case and aspect in Slavic. New York: Oxford University Press.
Rothstein, R. (2004). Class and Schools Using Social, Economic, and Educational Reform to Close
the Black–White Achievement Gap.
Salaberry, R. (2000). The development of past tense morphology in L2 Spanish. Amsterdam:
Schwatz, B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1994). Word order and nominative case in nonnative language
acquisition: a longitudinal study of (L1 Turkish) German interlanguage. Language Acquisition
Studies in Generative Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Schwartz , B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1996). L2 Cognitive States and the Full Transfer/Full Access Model.
Second Language Research 12, 40-72.
Slabakova, R. (2001). Telicity in the second language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova R., & Montrul, S. (2002). “On Viewpoint Aspect and Its L2 Acquisition: A UG Perspective”,
in. R. Salaberry and Y. Shirai (Eds.), Tense-Aspect Morphology in L2 Acquisition, pp. 363-398.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova, R. (2005). What is So Difficult about Telicity Marking in L2 Russian? Bilingualism:
Language and Cognition, 8, 63-77.
Slabakova, R. (2006). Is There a Critical Period for Semantics? Second Language Research 22.3,
Slabakova, R. (2008). Meaning in the Second Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Slabakova, R. (2013). What is easy and what is hard to acquire in a second language: A
generative perspective. Contemporary approaches to second language acquisition 9.5, 528.
Smith, C. S. (1991). The parameter of aspect. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Smith, N. & Tsimpli, Ianthi-Maria. (1995). The Mind Of a Savant: Language Learning and Modularity.
Oxford, UK and Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.
Sorace, A. (1995). Acquiring linking rules and argument structures in a second language. The
unaccusative/unergative distinction. In Eubank, L., L. Selinker, and M. S. Sharwood (eds.), The
Current State of Interlanguage. Amsterdam: BenjaminsItalian. Second Language Research, 9, 22-
Sorace, A. (2000). Gradients in auxiliary selection with intransitive verbs. Language, 76, 859-890.
Sorace, A. & Filiaci, F. (2006). Anaphora resolution in near-native speakers of Italian. Second
Language Research, 22, 339-368. http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/0267658306sr271oa
Sorace, A. (2011). Pinning down the concept of "interface" in bilingualism. Linguistic Approaches to
Bilingualism, 1-33.
Vendler, Z. (1957). Verbs and times‛. The philosophical review, 66, pp. 143-160.
Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense, aspect, and aspectual composition. In M. Dimitrova-Vulchanova & L.
Hellan (eds.), Topics in South Slavic syntax and semantics, pp. 125–162. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1989). Universal grammar and second language acquisition. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1990/1991). The verb-movement parameter in second language acquisition. Language
Acquisition, 1, 337-360.
White, L. (2000). Second Language Acquisition: From Initial to Final State. Second Language
Acquisition and Linguistic Theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Aksan, Y. (2004). Event structure, scale structure and the representation of selected accomplishment verbs in Turkish and Korean. S.O. Lee et.al. (Eds.) Inquiries into Korean Linguistics I. Seoul: Thaehaksa, 261-280.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1988). The acquisition of aspect and modality. The case of past reference in
Turkish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1997). Verb inflections in Turkish: A preliminary analysis in the early stage. In:
Wolfgan U. Dressler (ed.) Studies in Pre- and Proto Morphology, 127-139.
Al-Thubaiti, K. A. (2015). Chapter 7. L2 acquisition of English aspect by L1 Arabic speakers. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 185–214). https://doi.org/10.1075/z.196.07alt
Andersen, R. W. (1991). ‘Developmental sequence: The emergence of aspect marking in second
language acquisition.’ In Crosscurrents in Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theories,
(T. Huebner & C. A. Ferguson (eds). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Bardovi-Harlig, K. (2000). Tense and aspect in second language acquisition: Form, meaning, and
use. Oxford: Blackwell.
Borik, O. (2006). Aspect and reference time. (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 13). Oxford &
New York: Oxford University Press.
Comrie, B. (1976). Aspect. Cambridge, uk: Cambridge University Press.
Dekydtspotter, L., Sprouse, R. A., & Anderson, B. (1997). The interpretive interface in L2 acquisition:
the process–result distinction in English–French interlanguage grammars. Language Acquisition,
6, 297–332.
De Swart, H., & Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense and aspect in sentence and discourse. Reader, ESSLLI
summer school, Utrecht. http://folli.loria.fr/cds/1999/library/pdf/hhh.pdf
Domínguez, L., Tracy-Ventura, N., Arche, M. J., Mitchell, R. & Myles, F. (2013). The role of dynamic
contrasts in the L2 acquisition of Spanish past tense morphology. Bilingualism: Language and
Cognition, 16(3), 558-577. doi:10.1017/S1366728912000363
Epstein, S., Flynn, S., & Martohardjono, G. (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and
experimental issues in contemporary research. Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 19, 677-758.
Erguvanli, T. (2002). The Verb in Turkish. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [Linguistik
Aktuell/Lingvistics Today, 44].
Flynn, & Martohardjono, (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and experimental
issues in contemporary research. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19(04), 677 – 714.
Gabriele, A. (2005). The acquisition of* aspect in a second language: A bidirectional study of
learners of English and Japanese. City University of New York.
Gabriele, A. (2008). Mapping between Form and Meaning: A Case of Imperfect L2 Acquisition. 電子
情報通信学会技術研究報告. TL, 思考と言語, 108(184), 101-106.
Goksel, A., & Kerslake, C. (2005). Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. London & New York:
Güven, A. (2012). Toplumsal Dilbilimin Kapsam Alanı, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (13), 55-62.
Haznedar, B., Schwartz, B.D. (1997). Are there optional infinitives in child L2 acquisition? In E.
Hughes, M. Hughes, & A. Greenhill (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Boston University Conference on
Language Development, 21, 257–268. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Hawkins, R. & Chan C. (1997). The partial availability of Universal Grammar in second language
acquisition: the ‘failed functional features hypotheses. Second Language Research, 13,3, pp. 187–226.
Hawkins, R., Casillas, G., Hattori, H., Hawthorne, J., Husted, R., Lozano, C., … Yamada, K. (2008). The
semantic effects of verb raising and its consequences in second language grammars. In The role
of formal features in second language acquisition (pp. 328–351). New York: Taylor & Francis.
Hirakawa, M. (1999). L2 Acquisition of Japanese Unaccusative Verbs by Speakers of English and
Chinese. In The Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language, 89.
Juffs, A., & Harrington, M. (1995). Parsing Effects in Second Language Sentence Processing. Studies
in Second Language Acquisition, 17(04), 483–516. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S027226310001442X
Juffs, A. (1996). Learnability and the lexicon: theories and second language acquisition research.
Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
Kozlowska-Macgregor, M. (2002). The state of near-native grammar: A study of aspect in L2
Polish. Doctoral Dissertation. McGill Working Papers in Linguistics.
Kornfilt, J. (1997). Turkish. (Descriptive Grammars.) London: Routledge.
Krifka, M. (1989). Nominal reference, temporal constitution and quantification in event semantics.
In R. Bartsch, J. van Benthem & P. van Emde Boas (eds.), Semantics and contextual expressions,
pp. 75–115. Dordrecht: Foris.
Lardiere, D. (1998). Case and tense in the fossilised steady state. Second Language Research, 14/1,
Lardiere, D. (2000). Mapping features to forms in second language acquisition. In J. Archibald
(ed.), Second language acquisition and linguistic theory. Oxford: Blackwell.
Lardiere, D. (2005). On morphological competence. In L. Dekydtspotter, R. A. Sprouse, & A.
Liljestrand (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
Conference (GASLA 2004), pp. 178–192. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Press
Lenchuk, I. (2016) Aspect and case in interlanguage grammars: The case of English learners of
Russian. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). York University, Toronto, Ontario.
Lewis, G. L. (1967). Turkish Grammar. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Li, P., & Shirai, Y. (2000). The acquisition of lexical and grammatical aspect. Berlin: Mouton de
Liszka, S. A. (2015). Chapter 3. The L2 acquisition of the English Present Simple – Present
Progressive distinction. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 57–86).
Meisel, Jürgen M. (1997). The acquisition of the syntax of negation in French and German:
contrasting first and second language development. Second Language Research, 13(3), 227 –
Tsimpli, I. (2003). Features in L1 and L2 acquisition: Evidence from Greek clitics and determiners.
Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, 20, 87–128
Mikhaylova, A. (2018). Morphological Bottleneck: The Case of Russian Heritage Speakers. Journal
of Language Contact 11, 286-303.
Montrul, S. (1997). The L2 acquisition of dative experiencer subjects. Second Language Research,
13, 264–298.
Montrul, S., (1999). Causative errors with unaccusative verbs in Spanish as a second languageю.
In: Second Language Research, 15(2), 191-219.
Montrul, S., & Slabakova, R. (2002). Acquiring morphosyntactic and semantic properties of
aspectual tenses in L2 Spanish. In A.T. Perez-Lerouz & J. Liceras (eds.), The acquisition of Spanish
morphosyntax: the L1- L2 connection, 113-149. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Montrul, S. & Slabakova, R. (2003). Competence Similarities between Native and Near-Native
Speakers: An Investigation of the Preterit/Imperfect Contrast in Spanish. Studies in Second
Language Acquisition, 25, 351-398.
Nossalik, L. (2009). L2 Acquisition of Russian Aspect. Doctor Dissertation, McGill University.
Prévost, P,. & White, L. (2000). Missing surface inflection or impairment in second language
acquisition? Evidence from tense and agreement. Second Language Research, 16-2, 103-133.
Richardson, K. (2007). Case and aspect in Slavic. New York: Oxford University Press.
Rothstein, R. (2004). Class and Schools Using Social, Economic, and Educational Reform to Close
the Black–White Achievement Gap.
Salaberry, R. (2000). The development of past tense morphology in L2 Spanish. Amsterdam:
Schwatz, B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1994). Word order and nominative case in nonnative language
acquisition: a longitudinal study of (L1 Turkish) German interlanguage. Language Acquisition
Studies in Generative Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Schwartz , B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1996). L2 Cognitive States and the Full Transfer/Full Access Model.
Second Language Research 12, 40-72.
Slabakova, R. (2001). Telicity in the second language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova R., & Montrul, S. (2002). “On Viewpoint Aspect and Its L2 Acquisition: A UG Perspective”,
in. R. Salaberry and Y. Shirai (Eds.), Tense-Aspect Morphology in L2 Acquisition, pp. 363-398.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova, R. (2005). What is So Difficult about Telicity Marking in L2 Russian? Bilingualism:
Language and Cognition, 8, 63-77.
Slabakova, R. (2006). Is There a Critical Period for Semantics? Second Language Research 22.3,
Slabakova, R. (2008). Meaning in the Second Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Slabakova, R. (2013). What is easy and what is hard to acquire in a second language: A
generative perspective. Contemporary approaches to second language acquisition 9.5, 528.
Smith, C. S. (1991). The parameter of aspect. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Smith, N. & Tsimpli, Ianthi-Maria. (1995). The Mind Of a Savant: Language Learning and Modularity.
Oxford, UK and Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.
Sorace, A. (1995). Acquiring linking rules and argument structures in a second language. The
unaccusative/unergative distinction. In Eubank, L., L. Selinker, and M. S. Sharwood (eds.), The
Current State of Interlanguage. Amsterdam: BenjaminsItalian. Second Language Research, 9, 22-
Sorace, A. (2000). Gradients in auxiliary selection with intransitive verbs. Language, 76, 859-890.
Sorace, A. & Filiaci, F. (2006). Anaphora resolution in near-native speakers of Italian. Second
Language Research, 22, 339-368. http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/0267658306sr271oa
Sorace, A. (2011). Pinning down the concept of "interface" in bilingualism. Linguistic Approaches to
Bilingualism, 1-33.
Vendler, Z. (1957). Verbs and times‛. The philosophical review, 66, pp. 143-160.
Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense, aspect, and aspectual composition. In M. Dimitrova-Vulchanova & L.
Hellan (eds.), Topics in South Slavic syntax and semantics, pp. 125–162. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1989). Universal grammar and second language acquisition. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1990/1991). The verb-movement parameter in second language acquisition. Language
Acquisition, 1, 337-360.
White, L. (2000). Second Language Acquisition: From Initial to Final State. Second Language
Acquisition and Linguistic Theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Aksan, Y. (2004). Event structure, scale structure and the representation of selected accomplishment verbs in Turkish and Korean. S.O. Lee et.al. (Eds.) Inquiries into Korean Linguistics I. Seoul: Thaehaksa, 261-280.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1988). The acquisition of aspect and modality. The case of past reference in
Turkish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1997). Verb inflections in Turkish: A preliminary analysis in the early stage. In:
Wolfgan U. Dressler (ed.) Studies in Pre- and Proto Morphology, 127-139.
Al-Thubaiti, K. A. (2015). Chapter 7. L2 acquisition of English aspect by L1 Arabic speakers. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 185–214). https://doi.org/10.1075/z.196.07alt
Andersen, R. W. (1991). ‘Developmental sequence: The emergence of aspect marking in second
language acquisition.’ In Crosscurrents in Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theories,
(T. Huebner & C. A. Ferguson (eds). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Bardovi-Harlig, K. (2000). Tense and aspect in second language acquisition: Form, meaning, and
use. Oxford: Blackwell.
Borik, O. (2006). Aspect and reference time. (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 13). Oxford &
New York: Oxford University Press.
Comrie, B. (1976). Aspect. Cambridge, uk: Cambridge University Press.
Dekydtspotter, L., Sprouse, R. A., & Anderson, B. (1997). The interpretive interface in L2 acquisition:
the process–result distinction in English–French interlanguage grammars. Language Acquisition,
6, 297–332.
De Swart, H., & Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense and aspect in sentence and discourse. Reader, ESSLLI
summer school, Utrecht. http://folli.loria.fr/cds/1999/library/pdf/hhh.pdf
Domínguez, L., Tracy-Ventura, N., Arche, M. J., Mitchell, R. & Myles, F. (2013). The role of dynamic
contrasts in the L2 acquisition of Spanish past tense morphology. Bilingualism: Language and
Cognition, 16(3), 558-577. doi:10.1017/S1366728912000363
Epstein, S., Flynn, S., & Martohardjono, G. (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and
experimental issues in contemporary research. Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 19, 677-758.
Erguvanli, T. (2002). The Verb in Turkish. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [Linguistik
Aktuell/Lingvistics Today, 44].
Flynn, & Martohardjono, (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and experimental
issues in contemporary research. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19(04), 677 – 714.
Gabriele, A. (2005). The acquisition of* aspect in a second language: A bidirectional study of
learners of English and Japanese. City University of New York.
Gabriele, A. (2008). Mapping between Form and Meaning: A Case of Imperfect L2 Acquisition. 電子
情報通信学会技術研究報告. TL, 思考と言語, 108(184), 101-106.
Goksel, A., & Kerslake, C. (2005). Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. London & New York:
Güven, A. (2012). Toplumsal Dilbilimin Kapsam Alanı, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (13), 55-62.
Haznedar, B., Schwartz, B.D. (1997). Are there optional infinitives in child L2 acquisition? In E.
Hughes, M. Hughes, & A. Greenhill (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Boston University Conference on
Language Development, 21, 257–268. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Hawkins, R. & Chan C. (1997). The partial availability of Universal Grammar in second language
acquisition: the ‘failed functional features hypotheses. Second Language Research, 13,3, pp. 187–226.
Hawkins, R., Casillas, G., Hattori, H., Hawthorne, J., Husted, R., Lozano, C., … Yamada, K. (2008). The
semantic effects of verb raising and its consequences in second language grammars. In The role
of formal features in second language acquisition (pp. 328–351). New York: Taylor & Francis.
Hirakawa, M. (1999). L2 Acquisition of Japanese Unaccusative Verbs by Speakers of English and
Chinese. In The Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language, 89.
Juffs, A., & Harrington, M. (1995). Parsing Effects in Second Language Sentence Processing. Studies
in Second Language Acquisition, 17(04), 483–516. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S027226310001442X
Juffs, A. (1996). Learnability and the lexicon: theories and second language acquisition research.
Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
Kozlowska-Macgregor, M. (2002). The state of near-native grammar: A study of aspect in L2
Polish. Doctoral Dissertation. McGill Working Papers in Linguistics.
Kornfilt, J. (1997). Turkish. (Descriptive Grammars.) London: Routledge.
Krifka, M. (1989). Nominal reference, temporal constitution and quantification in event semantics.
In R. Bartsch, J. van Benthem & P. van Emde Boas (eds.), Semantics and contextual expressions,
pp. 75–115. Dordrecht: Foris.
Lardiere, D. (1998). Case and tense in the fossilised steady state. Second Language Research, 14/1,
Lardiere, D. (2000). Mapping features to forms in second language acquisition. In J. Archibald
(ed.), Second language acquisition and linguistic theory. Oxford: Blackwell.
Lardiere, D. (2005). On morphological competence. In L. Dekydtspotter, R. A. Sprouse, & A.
Liljestrand (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
Conference (GASLA 2004), pp. 178–192. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Press
Lenchuk, I. (2016) Aspect and case in interlanguage grammars: The case of English learners of
Russian. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). York University, Toronto, Ontario.
Lewis, G. L. (1967). Turkish Grammar. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Li, P., & Shirai, Y. (2000). The acquisition of lexical and grammatical aspect. Berlin: Mouton de
Liszka, S. A. (2015). Chapter 3. The L2 acquisition of the English Present Simple – Present
Progressive distinction. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 57–86).
Meisel, Jürgen M. (1997). The acquisition of the syntax of negation in French and German:
contrasting first and second language development. Second Language Research, 13(3), 227 –
Tsimpli, I. (2003). Features in L1 and L2 acquisition: Evidence from Greek clitics and determiners.
Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, 20, 87–128
Mikhaylova, A. (2018). Morphological Bottleneck: The Case of Russian Heritage Speakers. Journal
of Language Contact 11, 286-303.
Montrul, S. (1997). The L2 acquisition of dative experiencer subjects. Second Language Research,
13, 264–298.
Montrul, S., (1999). Causative errors with unaccusative verbs in Spanish as a second languageю.
In: Second Language Research, 15(2), 191-219.
Montrul, S., & Slabakova, R. (2002). Acquiring morphosyntactic and semantic properties of
aspectual tenses in L2 Spanish. In A.T. Perez-Lerouz & J. Liceras (eds.), The acquisition of Spanish
morphosyntax: the L1- L2 connection, 113-149. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Montrul, S. & Slabakova, R. (2003). Competence Similarities between Native and Near-Native
Speakers: An Investigation of the Preterit/Imperfect Contrast in Spanish. Studies in Second
Language Acquisition, 25, 351-398.
Nossalik, L. (2009). L2 Acquisition of Russian Aspect. Doctor Dissertation, McGill University.
Prévost, P,. & White, L. (2000). Missing surface inflection or impairment in second language
acquisition? Evidence from tense and agreement. Second Language Research, 16-2, 103-133.
Richardson, K. (2007). Case and aspect in Slavic. New York: Oxford University Press.
Rothstein, R. (2004). Class and Schools Using Social, Economic, and Educational Reform to Close
the Black–White Achievement Gap.
Salaberry, R. (2000). The development of past tense morphology in L2 Spanish. Amsterdam:
Schwatz, B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1994). Word order and nominative case in nonnative language
acquisition: a longitudinal study of (L1 Turkish) German interlanguage. Language Acquisition
Studies in Generative Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Schwartz , B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1996). L2 Cognitive States and the Full Transfer/Full Access Model.
Second Language Research 12, 40-72.
Slabakova, R. (2001). Telicity in the second language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova R., & Montrul, S. (2002). “On Viewpoint Aspect and Its L2 Acquisition: A UG Perspective”,
in. R. Salaberry and Y. Shirai (Eds.), Tense-Aspect Morphology in L2 Acquisition, pp. 363-398.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova, R. (2005). What is So Difficult about Telicity Marking in L2 Russian? Bilingualism:
Language and Cognition, 8, 63-77.
Slabakova, R. (2006). Is There a Critical Period for Semantics? Second Language Research 22.3,
Slabakova, R. (2008). Meaning in the Second Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Slabakova, R. (2013). What is easy and what is hard to acquire in a second language: A
generative perspective. Contemporary approaches to second language acquisition 9.5, 528.
Smith, C. S. (1991). The parameter of aspect. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Smith, N. & Tsimpli, Ianthi-Maria. (1995). The Mind Of a Savant: Language Learning and Modularity.
Oxford, UK and Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.
Sorace, A. (1995). Acquiring linking rules and argument structures in a second language. The
unaccusative/unergative distinction. In Eubank, L., L. Selinker, and M. S. Sharwood (eds.), The
Current State of Interlanguage. Amsterdam: BenjaminsItalian. Second Language Research, 9, 22-
Sorace, A. (2000). Gradients in auxiliary selection with intransitive verbs. Language, 76, 859-890.
Sorace, A. & Filiaci, F. (2006). Anaphora resolution in near-native speakers of Italian. Second
Language Research, 22, 339-368. http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/0267658306sr271oa
Sorace, A. (2011). Pinning down the concept of "interface" in bilingualism. Linguistic Approaches to
Bilingualism, 1-33.
Vendler, Z. (1957). Verbs and times‛. The philosophical review, 66, pp. 143-160.
Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense, aspect, and aspectual composition. In M. Dimitrova-Vulchanova & L.
Hellan (eds.), Topics in South Slavic syntax and semantics, pp. 125–162. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1989). Universal grammar and second language acquisition. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1990/1991). The verb-movement parameter in second language acquisition. Language
Acquisition, 1, 337-360.
White, L. (2000). Second Language Acquisition: From Initial to Final State. Second Language
Acquisition and Linguistic Theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Aksan, Y. (2004). Event structure, scale structure and the representation of selected accomplishment verbs in Turkish and Korean. S.O. Lee et.al. (Eds.) Inquiries into Korean Linguistics I. Seoul: Thaehaksa, 261-280.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1988). The acquisition of aspect and modality. The case of past reference in
Turkish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1997). Verb inflections in Turkish: A preliminary analysis in the early stage. In:
Wolfgan U. Dressler (ed.) Studies in Pre- and Proto Morphology, 127-139.
Al-Thubaiti, K. A. (2015). Chapter 7. L2 acquisition of English aspect by L1 Arabic speakers. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 185–214). https://doi.org/10.1075/z.196.07alt
Andersen, R. W. (1991). ‘Developmental sequence: The emergence of aspect marking in second
language acquisition.’ In Crosscurrents in Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theories,
(T. Huebner & C. A. Ferguson (eds). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Bardovi-Harlig, K. (2000). Tense and aspect in second language acquisition: Form, meaning, and
use. Oxford: Blackwell.
Borik, O. (2006). Aspect and reference time. (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 13). Oxford &
New York: Oxford University Press.
Comrie, B. (1976). Aspect. Cambridge, uk: Cambridge University Press.
Dekydtspotter, L., Sprouse, R. A., & Anderson, B. (1997). The interpretive interface in L2 acquisition:
the process–result distinction in English–French interlanguage grammars. Language Acquisition,
6, 297–332.
De Swart, H., & Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense and aspect in sentence and discourse. Reader, ESSLLI
summer school, Utrecht. http://folli.loria.fr/cds/1999/library/pdf/hhh.pdf
Domínguez, L., Tracy-Ventura, N., Arche, M. J., Mitchell, R. & Myles, F. (2013). The role of dynamic
contrasts in the L2 acquisition of Spanish past tense morphology. Bilingualism: Language and
Cognition, 16(3), 558-577. doi:10.1017/S1366728912000363
Epstein, S., Flynn, S., & Martohardjono, G. (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and
experimental issues in contemporary research. Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 19, 677-758.
Erguvanli, T. (2002). The Verb in Turkish. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [Linguistik
Aktuell/Lingvistics Today, 44].
Flynn, & Martohardjono, (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and experimental
issues in contemporary research. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19(04), 677 – 714.
Gabriele, A. (2005). The acquisition of* aspect in a second language: A bidirectional study of
learners of English and Japanese. City University of New York.
Gabriele, A. (2008). Mapping between Form and Meaning: A Case of Imperfect L2 Acquisition. 電子
情報通信学会技術研究報告. TL, 思考と言語, 108(184), 101-106.
Goksel, A., & Kerslake, C. (2005). Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. London & New York:
Güven, A. (2012). Toplumsal Dilbilimin Kapsam Alanı, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (13), 55-62.
Haznedar, B., Schwartz, B.D. (1997). Are there optional infinitives in child L2 acquisition? In E.
Hughes, M. Hughes, & A. Greenhill (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Boston University Conference on
Language Development, 21, 257–268. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Hawkins, R. & Chan C. (1997). The partial availability of Universal Grammar in second language
acquisition: the ‘failed functional features hypotheses. Second Language Research, 13,3, pp. 187–226.
Hawkins, R., Casillas, G., Hattori, H., Hawthorne, J., Husted, R., Lozano, C., … Yamada, K. (2008). The
semantic effects of verb raising and its consequences in second language grammars. In The role
of formal features in second language acquisition (pp. 328–351). New York: Taylor & Francis.
Hirakawa, M. (1999). L2 Acquisition of Japanese Unaccusative Verbs by Speakers of English and
Chinese. In The Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language, 89.
Juffs, A., & Harrington, M. (1995). Parsing Effects in Second Language Sentence Processing. Studies
in Second Language Acquisition, 17(04), 483–516. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S027226310001442X
Juffs, A. (1996). Learnability and the lexicon: theories and second language acquisition research.
Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
Kozlowska-Macgregor, M. (2002). The state of near-native grammar: A study of aspect in L2
Polish. Doctoral Dissertation. McGill Working Papers in Linguistics.
Kornfilt, J. (1997). Turkish. (Descriptive Grammars.) London: Routledge.
Krifka, M. (1989). Nominal reference, temporal constitution and quantification in event semantics.
In R. Bartsch, J. van Benthem & P. van Emde Boas (eds.), Semantics and contextual expressions,
pp. 75–115. Dordrecht: Foris.
Lardiere, D. (1998). Case and tense in the fossilised steady state. Second Language Research, 14/1,
Lardiere, D. (2000). Mapping features to forms in second language acquisition. In J. Archibald
(ed.), Second language acquisition and linguistic theory. Oxford: Blackwell.
Lardiere, D. (2005). On morphological competence. In L. Dekydtspotter, R. A. Sprouse, & A.
Liljestrand (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
Conference (GASLA 2004), pp. 178–192. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Press
Lenchuk, I. (2016) Aspect and case in interlanguage grammars: The case of English learners of
Russian. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). York University, Toronto, Ontario.
Lewis, G. L. (1967). Turkish Grammar. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Li, P., & Shirai, Y. (2000). The acquisition of lexical and grammatical aspect. Berlin: Mouton de
Liszka, S. A. (2015). Chapter 3. The L2 acquisition of the English Present Simple – Present
Progressive distinction. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 57–86).
Meisel, Jürgen M. (1997). The acquisition of the syntax of negation in French and German:
contrasting first and second language development. Second Language Research, 13(3), 227 –
Tsimpli, I. (2003). Features in L1 and L2 acquisition: Evidence from Greek clitics and determiners.
Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, 20, 87–128
Mikhaylova, A. (2018). Morphological Bottleneck: The Case of Russian Heritage Speakers. Journal
of Language Contact 11, 286-303.
Montrul, S. (1997). The L2 acquisition of dative experiencer subjects. Second Language Research,
13, 264–298.
Montrul, S., (1999). Causative errors with unaccusative verbs in Spanish as a second languageю.
In: Second Language Research, 15(2), 191-219.
Montrul, S., & Slabakova, R. (2002). Acquiring morphosyntactic and semantic properties of
aspectual tenses in L2 Spanish. In A.T. Perez-Lerouz & J. Liceras (eds.), The acquisition of Spanish
morphosyntax: the L1- L2 connection, 113-149. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Montrul, S. & Slabakova, R. (2003). Competence Similarities between Native and Near-Native
Speakers: An Investigation of the Preterit/Imperfect Contrast in Spanish. Studies in Second
Language Acquisition, 25, 351-398.
Nossalik, L. (2009). L2 Acquisition of Russian Aspect. Doctor Dissertation, McGill University.
Prévost, P,. & White, L. (2000). Missing surface inflection or impairment in second language
acquisition? Evidence from tense and agreement. Second Language Research, 16-2, 103-133.
Richardson, K. (2007). Case and aspect in Slavic. New York: Oxford University Press.
Rothstein, R. (2004). Class and Schools Using Social, Economic, and Educational Reform to Close
the Black–White Achievement Gap.
Salaberry, R. (2000). The development of past tense morphology in L2 Spanish. Amsterdam:
Schwatz, B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1994). Word order and nominative case in nonnative language
acquisition: a longitudinal study of (L1 Turkish) German interlanguage. Language Acquisition
Studies in Generative Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Schwartz , B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1996). L2 Cognitive States and the Full Transfer/Full Access Model.
Second Language Research 12, 40-72.
Slabakova, R. (2001). Telicity in the second language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova R., & Montrul, S. (2002). “On Viewpoint Aspect and Its L2 Acquisition: A UG Perspective”,
in. R. Salaberry and Y. Shirai (Eds.), Tense-Aspect Morphology in L2 Acquisition, pp. 363-398.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova, R. (2005). What is So Difficult about Telicity Marking in L2 Russian? Bilingualism:
Language and Cognition, 8, 63-77.
Slabakova, R. (2006). Is There a Critical Period for Semantics? Second Language Research 22.3,
Slabakova, R. (2008). Meaning in the Second Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Slabakova, R. (2013). What is easy and what is hard to acquire in a second language: A
generative perspective. Contemporary approaches to second language acquisition 9.5, 528.
Smith, C. S. (1991). The parameter of aspect. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Smith, N. & Tsimpli, Ianthi-Maria. (1995). The Mind Of a Savant: Language Learning and Modularity.
Oxford, UK and Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.
Sorace, A. (1995). Acquiring linking rules and argument structures in a second language. The
unaccusative/unergative distinction. In Eubank, L., L. Selinker, and M. S. Sharwood (eds.), The
Current State of Interlanguage. Amsterdam: BenjaminsItalian. Second Language Research, 9, 22-
Sorace, A. (2000). Gradients in auxiliary selection with intransitive verbs. Language, 76, 859-890.
Sorace, A. & Filiaci, F. (2006). Anaphora resolution in near-native speakers of Italian. Second
Language Research, 22, 339-368. http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/0267658306sr271oa
Sorace, A. (2011). Pinning down the concept of "interface" in bilingualism. Linguistic Approaches to
Bilingualism, 1-33.
Vendler, Z. (1957). Verbs and times‛. The philosophical review, 66, pp. 143-160.
Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense, aspect, and aspectual composition. In M. Dimitrova-Vulchanova & L.
Hellan (eds.), Topics in South Slavic syntax and semantics, pp. 125–162. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1989). Universal grammar and second language acquisition. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1990/1991). The verb-movement parameter in second language acquisition. Language
Acquisition, 1, 337-360.
White, L. (2000). Second Language Acquisition: From Initial to Final State. Second Language
Acquisition and Linguistic Theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Aksan, Y. (2004). Event structure, scale structure and the representation of selected accomplishment verbs in Turkish and Korean. S.O. Lee et.al. (Eds.) Inquiries into Korean Linguistics I. Seoul: Thaehaksa, 261-280.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1988). The acquisition of aspect and modality. The case of past reference in
Turkish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ayhan Aksu-Koç (1997). Verb inflections in Turkish: A preliminary analysis in the early stage. In:
Wolfgan U. Dressler (ed.) Studies in Pre- and Proto Morphology, 127-139.
Al-Thubaiti, K. A. (2015). Chapter 7. L2 acquisition of English aspect by L1 Arabic speakers. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 185–214). https://doi.org/10.1075/z.196.07alt
Andersen, R. W. (1991). ‘Developmental sequence: The emergence of aspect marking in second
language acquisition.’ In Crosscurrents in Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theories,
(T. Huebner & C. A. Ferguson (eds). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
Bardovi-Harlig, K. (2000). Tense and aspect in second language acquisition: Form, meaning, and
use. Oxford: Blackwell.
Borik, O. (2006). Aspect and reference time. (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics 13). Oxford &
New York: Oxford University Press.
Comrie, B. (1976). Aspect. Cambridge, uk: Cambridge University Press.
Dekydtspotter, L., Sprouse, R. A., & Anderson, B. (1997). The interpretive interface in L2 acquisition:
the process–result distinction in English–French interlanguage grammars. Language Acquisition,
6, 297–332.
De Swart, H., & Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense and aspect in sentence and discourse. Reader, ESSLLI
summer school, Utrecht. http://folli.loria.fr/cds/1999/library/pdf/hhh.pdf
Domínguez, L., Tracy-Ventura, N., Arche, M. J., Mitchell, R. & Myles, F. (2013). The role of dynamic
contrasts in the L2 acquisition of Spanish past tense morphology. Bilingualism: Language and
Cognition, 16(3), 558-577. doi:10.1017/S1366728912000363
Epstein, S., Flynn, S., & Martohardjono, G. (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and
experimental issues in contemporary research. Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 19, 677-758.
Erguvanli, T. (2002). The Verb in Turkish. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [Linguistik
Aktuell/Lingvistics Today, 44].
Flynn, & Martohardjono, (1996). Second language acquisition: Theoretical and experimental
issues in contemporary research. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19(04), 677 – 714.
Gabriele, A. (2005). The acquisition of* aspect in a second language: A bidirectional study of
learners of English and Japanese. City University of New York.
Gabriele, A. (2008). Mapping between Form and Meaning: A Case of Imperfect L2 Acquisition. 電子
情報通信学会技術研究報告. TL, 思考と言語, 108(184), 101-106.
Goksel, A., & Kerslake, C. (2005). Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. London & New York:
Güven, A. (2012). Toplumsal Dilbilimin Kapsam Alanı, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (13), 55-62.
Haznedar, B., Schwartz, B.D. (1997). Are there optional infinitives in child L2 acquisition? In E.
Hughes, M. Hughes, & A. Greenhill (Eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Boston University Conference on
Language Development, 21, 257–268. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Hawkins, R. & Chan C. (1997). The partial availability of Universal Grammar in second language
acquisition: the ‘failed functional features hypotheses. Second Language Research, 13,3, pp. 187–226.
Hawkins, R., Casillas, G., Hattori, H., Hawthorne, J., Husted, R., Lozano, C., … Yamada, K. (2008). The
semantic effects of verb raising and its consequences in second language grammars. In The role
of formal features in second language acquisition (pp. 328–351). New York: Taylor & Francis.
Hirakawa, M. (1999). L2 Acquisition of Japanese Unaccusative Verbs by Speakers of English and
Chinese. In The Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language, 89.
Juffs, A., & Harrington, M. (1995). Parsing Effects in Second Language Sentence Processing. Studies
in Second Language Acquisition, 17(04), 483–516. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S027226310001442X
Juffs, A. (1996). Learnability and the lexicon: theories and second language acquisition research.
Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
Kozlowska-Macgregor, M. (2002). The state of near-native grammar: A study of aspect in L2
Polish. Doctoral Dissertation. McGill Working Papers in Linguistics.
Kornfilt, J. (1997). Turkish. (Descriptive Grammars.) London: Routledge.
Krifka, M. (1989). Nominal reference, temporal constitution and quantification in event semantics.
In R. Bartsch, J. van Benthem & P. van Emde Boas (eds.), Semantics and contextual expressions,
pp. 75–115. Dordrecht: Foris.
Lardiere, D. (1998). Case and tense in the fossilised steady state. Second Language Research, 14/1,
Lardiere, D. (2000). Mapping features to forms in second language acquisition. In J. Archibald
(ed.), Second language acquisition and linguistic theory. Oxford: Blackwell.
Lardiere, D. (2005). On morphological competence. In L. Dekydtspotter, R. A. Sprouse, & A.
Liljestrand (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
Conference (GASLA 2004), pp. 178–192. Somerville MA: Cascadilla Press
Lenchuk, I. (2016) Aspect and case in interlanguage grammars: The case of English learners of
Russian. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). York University, Toronto, Ontario.
Lewis, G. L. (1967). Turkish Grammar. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Li, P., & Shirai, Y. (2000). The acquisition of lexical and grammatical aspect. Berlin: Mouton de
Liszka, S. A. (2015). Chapter 3. The L2 acquisition of the English Present Simple – Present
Progressive distinction. In The Acquisition of the Present (pp. 57–86).
Meisel, Jürgen M. (1997). The acquisition of the syntax of negation in French and German:
contrasting first and second language development. Second Language Research, 13(3), 227 –
Tsimpli, I. (2003). Features in L1 and L2 acquisition: Evidence from Greek clitics and determiners.
Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère, 20, 87–128
Mikhaylova, A. (2018). Morphological Bottleneck: The Case of Russian Heritage Speakers. Journal
of Language Contact 11, 286-303.
Montrul, S. (1997). The L2 acquisition of dative experiencer subjects. Second Language Research,
13, 264–298.
Montrul, S., (1999). Causative errors with unaccusative verbs in Spanish as a second languageю.
In: Second Language Research, 15(2), 191-219.
Montrul, S., & Slabakova, R. (2002). Acquiring morphosyntactic and semantic properties of
aspectual tenses in L2 Spanish. In A.T. Perez-Lerouz & J. Liceras (eds.), The acquisition of Spanish
morphosyntax: the L1- L2 connection, 113-149. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
Montrul, S. & Slabakova, R. (2003). Competence Similarities between Native and Near-Native
Speakers: An Investigation of the Preterit/Imperfect Contrast in Spanish. Studies in Second
Language Acquisition, 25, 351-398.
Nossalik, L. (2009). L2 Acquisition of Russian Aspect. Doctor Dissertation, McGill University.
Prévost, P,. & White, L. (2000). Missing surface inflection or impairment in second language
acquisition? Evidence from tense and agreement. Second Language Research, 16-2, 103-133.
Richardson, K. (2007). Case and aspect in Slavic. New York: Oxford University Press.
Rothstein, R. (2004). Class and Schools Using Social, Economic, and Educational Reform to Close
the Black–White Achievement Gap.
Salaberry, R. (2000). The development of past tense morphology in L2 Spanish. Amsterdam:
Schwatz, B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1994). Word order and nominative case in nonnative language
acquisition: a longitudinal study of (L1 Turkish) German interlanguage. Language Acquisition
Studies in Generative Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Schwartz , B. D., & Sprouse, R. A. (1996). L2 Cognitive States and the Full Transfer/Full Access Model.
Second Language Research 12, 40-72.
Slabakova, R. (2001). Telicity in the second language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova R., & Montrul, S. (2002). “On Viewpoint Aspect and Its L2 Acquisition: A UG Perspective”,
in. R. Salaberry and Y. Shirai (Eds.), Tense-Aspect Morphology in L2 Acquisition, pp. 363-398.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Slabakova, R. (2005). What is So Difficult about Telicity Marking in L2 Russian? Bilingualism:
Language and Cognition, 8, 63-77.
Slabakova, R. (2006). Is There a Critical Period for Semantics? Second Language Research 22.3,
Slabakova, R. (2008). Meaning in the Second Language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Slabakova, R. (2013). What is easy and what is hard to acquire in a second language: A
generative perspective. Contemporary approaches to second language acquisition 9.5, 528.
Smith, C. S. (1991). The parameter of aspect. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Smith, N. & Tsimpli, Ianthi-Maria. (1995). The Mind Of a Savant: Language Learning and Modularity.
Oxford, UK and Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.
Sorace, A. (1995). Acquiring linking rules and argument structures in a second language. The
unaccusative/unergative distinction. In Eubank, L., L. Selinker, and M. S. Sharwood (eds.), The
Current State of Interlanguage. Amsterdam: BenjaminsItalian. Second Language Research, 9, 22-
Sorace, A. (2000). Gradients in auxiliary selection with intransitive verbs. Language, 76, 859-890.
Sorace, A. & Filiaci, F. (2006). Anaphora resolution in near-native speakers of Italian. Second
Language Research, 22, 339-368. http://dx.doi.org/10.1191/0267658306sr271oa
Sorace, A. (2011). Pinning down the concept of "interface" in bilingualism. Linguistic Approaches to
Bilingualism, 1-33.
Vendler, Z. (1957). Verbs and times‛. The philosophical review, 66, pp. 143-160.
Verkuyl, H. (1999). Tense, aspect, and aspectual composition. In M. Dimitrova-Vulchanova & L.
Hellan (eds.), Topics in South Slavic syntax and semantics, pp. 125–162. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1989). Universal grammar and second language acquisition. Amsterdam: John
White, L. (1990/1991). The verb-movement parameter in second language acquisition. Language
Acquisition, 1, 337-360.
White, L. (2000). Second Language Acquisition: From Initial to Final State. Second Language
Acquisition and Linguistic Theory. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Shkurenko, A., & Cele, F. (2022). L2 acquisition of Russian aspect by L1 Turkish speakers. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(31), 1561-1604. https://doi.org/10.29000/rumelide.1222381