Research Article
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Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.

Does Context Matter? Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use in Second and Foreign Language Contexts

Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023


Vocabulary is of great importance in language learning. Using Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) surely promotes vocabulary learning. The aim of the present study is to examine the role of language learning context (EFL and ESL) in Turkish graduate learners’ VLS use. A descriptive research design was employed in the study. The participants were recruited from two contexts, namely; ESL and EFL. The ESL participants were 49 Turkish graduate (masters or doctorate) learners in various departments at 21 universities in the UK while the EFL participants were 79 graduate students attending all-English departments at 27 Turkish universities. Study data were collected via ‘Vocabulary Learning Strategies Questionnaire’. Descriptive statistics, t test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) were utilized in the data analyses. Research results revealed a significant difference between ESL (the UK) and EFL (Turkey) learners’ VLS use in favour of EFL learners. However, gender and academic major were not found to have any significant effect on learners’ VLS use. Moreover, Discovery-Determination strategies were the most frequently used VLS group while Consolidation-Social strategies were the least frequently used category in both groups. VLS instruction should be considered in both contexts. Also, further research into the reasons why VLS use differs in the ESL and EFL contexts is suggested.


  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
  • Kayad, F. (1999). Language learning strategies: A Malaysian perspective. RELC Journal, 39(1), 221-240.
  • Kaylani, C. (1996). The influence of gender and motivation on EFL learning strategy use in Jordan. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 75-88). Honolulu: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center, University of Hawaii.
  • Kojic‐Sabo, I., & Lightbown, P. M. (1999). Students’ approaches to vocabulary learning and their relationship to success. The Modern Language Journal, 83(2), 176-192.
  • Komol, T., & Sripetpun, W. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduate students and its relationship to their vocabulary knowledge. The 3rd International Conference on Humanities and Social Science, 1-18. Retrieved from
  • Liao, Y. F. (2004). A survey study of Taiwan EFL freshmen vocabulary learning strategies. Journal of National Pin-Tung Normal College, 21(1), 271-288. Retrieved from
  • Linh, P. M. (2022). An investigation into English vocabulary learning strategies used by English major freshmen at a school of Thai Nguyen University. TNU Journal of Science and Technology, 227(04), 84-90.
  • Meshkat, M., & Khanjani, A. (2014). Effects of academic fields on students’ language learning strategy use: A case of Iranian university students. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 6(3), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Mingsakoon, P. (2002). A comparative study of vocabulary learning strategies between Mattayom Suksa six students in science and arts programs at Hunkhapittakom School, Chainat Province (Unpublished master’s thesis). Mahidol University, Thailand.
  • Mochizuki, A. (1999). Language learning strategies used by Japanese university students. RELC Journal, 30(2), 101-113.
  • Muminova, G. (2022). An investigation into vocabulary learning strategies of Korean and Uzbek learners of English. Frontline Social Sciences and History Journal, 2(2), 39-46.
  • Muniandy, J., & Shuib, M. (2016). Learning styles, language learning strategies and fields of study among ESL learners. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 12(1), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Nia, R. A., Roohani, A., & Hashemian, M. (2022). Exploring implicit and explicit lexical strategies in L2 learners’ incidental vocabulary learning while reading. Applied Research on English Language, 1(1). https://
  • Okyar, H. (2021). Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Turkish EFL Learners: A Focus on Gender. Journal of English Teaching, 7(1), 43-54.
  • Oxford, R. L. (1996). Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives. (Ed.) University of Hawaii Press.
  • Peacock, M., & Ho, B. (2003). Student language learning strategies across eight disciplines. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(2), 179-200.
  • Rao, Z., & Liu, F. (2011). Effect of academic major on students' use of language learning strategies: A diary study in a Chinese context. Language Learning Journal, 39(1), 43-55.
  • Rivers, W. M. (1983). Communicating naturally in a second language: Theory and practice in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.
  • Rong, M. (1999). Language learning strategies of a sample of tertiary-level students in the P. R. China. Guidelines, 21(1), 1-11.
  • Rubin, J., & Thompson, I. (1994). How to be a more successful language learner. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Rubin, J., Chamot, A. U., Harris, V., & Anderson, N. (2007). Intervening in the use of strategies. In A. D. Cohen & E. Macaro (Eds.), Language learner strategies: 30 years of research and practice (pp. 29-45). Oxford University Press.
  • Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In Schmitt, N. & McCarthy, M. (Eds), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 199-228). Cambridge University Press.
  • Simkus, J. (2022). Cluster Sampling: Definition, Method and Examples. Simply Psychology, January 3.
  • Sokmen, A. (1997). Current trends in teaching second language vocabulary. In Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.), Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (pp. 237-257). Cambridge University Press.
  • Sung, K. Y. (2011). Factors influencing Chinese language learners' strategy use. International Journal of Multilingualism, 8(2), 117-134.
  • Şener, S. (2003). The relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary level of Turkish EFL students (Unpublished master’s thesis). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Social Sciences, Çanakkale, Turkey.
  • Tercanlioglu, L. (2004). Exploring gender effect on adult foreign language learning strategies. Issues in Educational Research, 14(2), 181-193. Retrieved from
  • Tsai, C. C., & Chang, I. C. (2009). An examination of EFL vocabulary learning strategies of students at the University of Technology of Taiwan. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 5(2), 32-38.
  • Wharton, G. (2000). Language learning strategy use of bilingual foreign language learners in Singapore. Language Learning, 50(2), 203-243.
  • Zhang, B. (2009). FL Vocabulary learning of undergraduate English majors in western China: Perspective, strategy use and vocabulary size. English Language Teaching, 2(3), 178-185.
Year 2023, Issue: 32, 1446 - 1459, 21.02.2023



  • Abu Shmais, W. (2003). Language learning strategy use in Palestine. TESL-EJ, 7(2), 20-33. Retrieved from
  • Ahour, T., & Abdi, M. (2015). The relationship between EFL learners’ multiple intelligences and vocabulary learning strategies use with a focus on gender. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 5(4), 800-809.
  • Amiran, S. M. R., & Heshmatifar, Z. (2013). A survey on vocabulary learning strategies: A case of Iranian EFL university students. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 4(3), 636-641.
  • Baskın, S., İşcan, A., Karagöz, B., & Birol, G. (2017). The Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Teaching Turkish as a Second Language. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(9), 126-134.
  • Bellezza, F. S. (1981). Mnemonic devices: classification, characteristics, and criteria. Review of Educational Research, 51(2), 247–275.
  • Bernardo, A. S., & Gonzales, T. H. (2009). Vocabulary learning strategies of Filipino college students across five disciplines. TESOL Journal, 1(1), 17-27. Retrieved from
  • Boonkongsaen, N., & Intaraprasert, C. (2014). Use of English vocabulary learning strategies by Thai tertiary-level students in relation to fields of study and language-learning experiences. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 59-70.
  • Büyüköztürk, S., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, O. E., Karadeniz, S., & Demirel, F. (2010). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri (Scientific research methods) (Sixth Edition). Pegem Academy.
  • Catalan, R. M. J. (2003). Sex differences in L2 vocabulary learning strategies. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 13(1), 54-77.
  • Chamot, A. U. (2007). Accelerating academic achievement of English language learners: A synthesis of five evaluations of the CALLA Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), The International Handbook of English Language Learning (Part I: 317-331). Springer Publications.
  • Chiang, H. (2004). The relationship between field senility/ field independence and the use of vocabulary learning strategies of EFL university students in Taiwan (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Texas.
  • Dreyer, C., & Oxford, R. (1996). Learning strategies and other predictors of ESL proficiency among Afrikaans-speakers in South Africa. In R. L. Oxford (Ed.), Language learning strategies around the world: Cross-cultural perspectives (p. 17-18). University of Hawaii Press.
  • Ehrman, M., & Oxford, R. (1989). Effects of sex differences, career choice, and psychological type on adults' language learning strategies. Modern Language Journal, 73(1), 1-13.
  • Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29(2), 261-297.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2002). Gender, academic major, and vocabulary learning strategies of Chinese EFL learners. RELC Journal, 33(1), 35-54.
  • Gu, P. Y. (2003). Vocabulary learning in a second language: Person, task, context and strategies. Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from
  • Hismanoglu, M., & Turan, Y. Z. (2019). A study on vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish EFL students. Journal of Mother Tongue Education, 7(4), 857-875.
  • Kafipour, R., Yazdi, M., Soori, A., & Shokrpour, N. (2011). Vocabulary levels and vocabulary learning strategies of Iranian undergraduate students. CS Canada Studies in Literature and Language, 3(3), 64-71.
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There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section World languages, cultures and litertures

Vesile Gül Yılmaz This is me 0000-0002-6576-4648

Berna Çöker This is me 0000-0001-7089-8061

Publication Date February 21, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 32


APA Gül Yılmaz, V., & Çöker, B. (2023). Does Context Matter? Vocabulary Learning Strategy Use in Second and Foreign Language Contexts. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(32), 1446-1459.