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Türk sinemasında çok dillilik ve çeviri: İki Dil, Bir Bavul (2008) örneği

Year 2023, Issue: Ö13, 1522 - 1536, 23.10.2023


Sinemada çok dillilik ve çeviri temsilleri özellikle 1990’lardan itibaren dünyada farklı bağlamlarda daha görünür hale gelmiştir. Türk sinemasında da 2000’lerin ilk yıllarından bu yana kurmaca çevirmen temsillerinin yer aldığı çok dilli filmler çekilmeye başlanmıştır. Ancak Türk sinemasındaki bu örneklerin çeviribilimsel bir bakış açısıyla dil ve çeviri temsilleri üzerinden çalışılması noktasında literatürde bir eksiklik olduğu gözlemlenebilmektedir. Bu anlamda literatüre katkı sunmak amacıyla bu çalışmada Orhan Eskiköy ve Özgür Doğan’ın yönettiği 2008 yapımı İki Dil, Bir Bavul adlı filme odaklanılarak Türk sinemasında çok dillilik ve çeviri temsilinin biçimleri ve işlevleri incelenecektir. Bunu yaparken, sinemada çok dillilik ve anlatı-içi çevirisi konusundaki çalışmalardan yola çıkılarak seçilen filmin yakından okuması yapılacak ve filmdeki karakterlerin dilsel ve kültürlerarası iletişime olan yaklaşımları, farklı dili algılama biçimleri ve yeni bir dili öğrenmeye ve öğretmeye olan tutumları tespit edilecektir. Anlatı-içi çevirisinin işlevleri incelenirken Giuseppe de Bonis’in (2016, s. 43) “bir filmde iki dilli bir karakterin o meslek alanında profesyonel olmaksızın belli bir anda dilsel-kültürel aracı olma rolü üstlendiği” durumlar olarak tanımladığı profesyonel olmayan çeviri kavramından yararlanılacaktır. Bunu yaparken anlatı-içi tercümanların yaşı ve cinsiyeti gibi ayrıntılara da çeviri ihtiyacı duyulan bağlamdaki sosyal dinamikler açısından veri sunacağı için ayrıca değinilecektir. İncelemenin sonucunda filmdeki çok dillilik temsilinin dilsel çeşitlilik ve bunun sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan ihtiyaçlar konusunda seyircide farkındalık yaratma işlevi gördüğüne dikkat çekilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, seçilen filmdeki çeviri temsillerinin farklı dili konuşan öğretmen ve dilsel-kültürel aracıları arasında güvensizlik, önyargı ve iyi niyet suistimali gibi faktörler olmadığından iletişim zorluğu yaşayan taraflara yönelik empati duygusunu arttırarak filmin eğitici yönünü öne çıkardığı ileri sürülmektedir.


  • Arslan, S. (2011). Cinema in Turkey: a new critical history. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Baker, M. & Pérez-González, L. (2011). Translation and Interpreting. J. Simpson (Ed.) içinde, The
  • Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics (ss. 39-52). London: Routledge, 2011.
  • Berger, V. & Komori, M. (2010). Introduction. V. Berger & M. Komori (Eds.) içinde, Polyglot cinema: migration and transcultural narration in France, Italy, Portugal and Spain (ss. 7-12). Berlin: LIT Verlag Münster.
  • Bleichenbacher, L. (2012). Linguicism in Hollywood movies? Representations of, and audience reactions to multilingualism in mainstream movie dialogues. Multilingua, 31(2-3), 155–176.
  • Chiaro, D. (2016). Mimesis, reality and fictitious intermediation. R. Antonini & C. Bucaria (Eds.) içinde, Non-professional interpreting and translation in the media (ss. 23-42). Bern: Peter Lang.
  • Cinquemani, A. M. (2006). Milton translating Petrarch: Paradise Lost VIII and the Secretum. C. G. d. Biase (Ed.) içinde, Travel and translation in the early modern period (Approaches to Translation Studies 26) (ss. 65–88). Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • Cronin, M. (2000). Across the Lines: Travel, Language, Translation. Cork: Cork University Press.
  • Cronin, M. (2003). Translation and globalization. London: Routledge.
  • Cronin, M. (2009). Translation goes to the movies. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Cumhuriyet. (2010). Bizim bir gönül yaramız var., [erişim 8 Mart 2016].
  • Danan, M. (1991). Dubbing as an expression of nationalism. Meta: Journal des traducteurs, 36(4), 606–614.
  • De Bonis, G. (2016). Mediating intercultural encounters on screen. The representation of non-professional interpreting in film. R. Antonini & C. Bucaria (Eds.) içinde, Non-professional interpreting and translation in the media (ss. 43-64). Bern: Peter Lang.
  • De Ridder, R. & O’Connell, E. (2018). Minority languages, language planning and audiovisual translation. L. Pérez-González (Ed.) içinde, The Routledge handbook of audiovisual translation (1st ed.) (ss. 401-4017). London: Routledge.
  • Díaz-Cintas, J. (2018). Film censorship in Franco's Spain: the transforming power of dubbing. Perspectives, 1-19.
  • Dorsay, A. (2003). Back from near oblivion, Turkish cinema gets a new lease on life. Film Comment, 39(6), 11-12.
  • Dönmez-Colin, G. (2014). The Routledge dictionary of Turkish cinema. London: Routledge.
  • Dwyer, T. (2005). Universally speaking: Lost in translation and polyglot cinema. Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies, 4, 295-310.
  • Eskiköy, O & Doğan, Ö. (Yönetmen). (2009). İki Dil, Bir Bavul [Film]. Bulut & Perişan Film.
  • Gökçe, Ö. (2009). (Cannot) remember: landscapes of loss in contemporary Turkish cinema. D. Bayrakdar (Ed.) içinde, Cinema and politics: Turkish cinema and the new Europe (ss. 268-280). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Grutman, R. (2009). Multilingualism. M. Baker & G. Saldanha (Eds.) içinde, Routledge encyclopaedia of translation studies (ss. 182-185). London and New York: Routledge.
  • Hale, W. (2003). Human rights, the European Union and the Turkish accession process. Turkish Studies, 4(1), 107–126.
  • İnce, B. (2012) Citizenship and identity in Turkey: from Atatürk’s republic to the present day. London and New York: I.B. Tauris.
  • Kaindl, K. (2014). Going fictional! Translators and interpreters in literature and film. K. Kaindl & K. Spitzl (Eds.) içinde, Transfiction: research into the realities of translation fiction (ss. 1-26). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing.
  • Kaindl, K. (2016). Fictional Representations of Translators and Interpreters. C. V. Angelelli & B. J. Baer (Eds.) içinde, Researching Translation and Interpreting (ss. 71-82). New York: Routledge.
  • King, G. (2014). The power of the treacherous interpreter: multilingualism in Jacques Audiard’s Un prophète. Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series-Themes in Translation Studies, 13, 78-92.
  • King, G. (2015). Code-switching as power strategy: multilingualism and the role of Arabic in Maïwenn’s Polisse (2011). Australian Journal of French Studies, 52(2), 162–173.
  • King, G. (2017). Decentring France: multilingualism and power in contemporary French cinema. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Köksal, Ö. (2016). Aesthetics of displacement: Turkey and its minorities on screen. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Lee, T. (2012). Translation and Language Power Relations in Heterolingual Anthologies of Literature.
  • Babel, 58(4), 443-456.
  • Mereu, C. (2012). Censorial interferences in the dubbing of foreign films in fascist Italy: 1927-1943. Meta: Journal des traducteurs, 572, 294–309.
  • Meylaerts, R. (2010). Multilingualism and translation. Y. Gambier & L. van Doorslaer (Eds.) içinde, Handbook of translation studies (ss. 227-230). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
  • O’Sullivan, C. (2011). Translating popular film. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • O’Sullivan, C. (2021). Multilingualism at the multiplex: a new audience for screen translation? Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series–Themes in Translation Studies, 6, 81-95.
  • Özbudun, E. (2007). Democratization reforms in Turkey, 1993–2004. Turkish Studies, 8(2), 179–196.
  • Robins, K. & Aksoy, A. (2002). Deep nation: the national question and Turkish cinema culture. M. Hjort & S. MacKenzie (Ed.) içinde, Cinema and nation (ss. 203-222). London and New York: Routledge.
  • Shohat, E. & Stam, R. (1985). The cinema after Babel: language, difference, power. Screen, 26(3-4), 35–58.
  • Suner, A. (2010). New Turkish cinema. New York: I.B. Tauris & Co.
  • Takeda, K. (2014). The interpreter as traitor: multilingualism in Guizi lai le (Devils on the doorstep). Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series-Themes in Translation Studies, 13, 93–111.
  • Wahl, C. (2008). “Du Deutscher, toi Français, you English: beautiful!” - The polyglot film as a genre. M. Christensen & N. Erdoǧan (Eds.) içinde, Shifting landscapes: film and media in European context (ss. 334-350). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Yau, W. (2014). Translation and film: dubbing, subtitling, adaptation and remaking. S. Bermann & C. Porter (Eds.) içinde, A companion to translation studies (ss. 492-503). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • Yeni Şafak. (2016). MEB öğretmenlere bu filmleri tavsiye etti., [erişim 8 Mart 2016].
Year 2023, Issue: Ö13, 1522 - 1536, 23.10.2023



  • Arslan, S. (2011). Cinema in Turkey: a new critical history. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Baker, M. & Pérez-González, L. (2011). Translation and Interpreting. J. Simpson (Ed.) içinde, The
  • Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics (ss. 39-52). London: Routledge, 2011.
  • Berger, V. & Komori, M. (2010). Introduction. V. Berger & M. Komori (Eds.) içinde, Polyglot cinema: migration and transcultural narration in France, Italy, Portugal and Spain (ss. 7-12). Berlin: LIT Verlag Münster.
  • Bleichenbacher, L. (2012). Linguicism in Hollywood movies? Representations of, and audience reactions to multilingualism in mainstream movie dialogues. Multilingua, 31(2-3), 155–176.
  • Chiaro, D. (2016). Mimesis, reality and fictitious intermediation. R. Antonini & C. Bucaria (Eds.) içinde, Non-professional interpreting and translation in the media (ss. 23-42). Bern: Peter Lang.
  • Cinquemani, A. M. (2006). Milton translating Petrarch: Paradise Lost VIII and the Secretum. C. G. d. Biase (Ed.) içinde, Travel and translation in the early modern period (Approaches to Translation Studies 26) (ss. 65–88). Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • Cronin, M. (2000). Across the Lines: Travel, Language, Translation. Cork: Cork University Press.
  • Cronin, M. (2003). Translation and globalization. London: Routledge.
  • Cronin, M. (2009). Translation goes to the movies. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Cumhuriyet. (2010). Bizim bir gönül yaramız var., [erişim 8 Mart 2016].
  • Danan, M. (1991). Dubbing as an expression of nationalism. Meta: Journal des traducteurs, 36(4), 606–614.
  • De Bonis, G. (2016). Mediating intercultural encounters on screen. The representation of non-professional interpreting in film. R. Antonini & C. Bucaria (Eds.) içinde, Non-professional interpreting and translation in the media (ss. 43-64). Bern: Peter Lang.
  • De Ridder, R. & O’Connell, E. (2018). Minority languages, language planning and audiovisual translation. L. Pérez-González (Ed.) içinde, The Routledge handbook of audiovisual translation (1st ed.) (ss. 401-4017). London: Routledge.
  • Díaz-Cintas, J. (2018). Film censorship in Franco's Spain: the transforming power of dubbing. Perspectives, 1-19.
  • Dorsay, A. (2003). Back from near oblivion, Turkish cinema gets a new lease on life. Film Comment, 39(6), 11-12.
  • Dönmez-Colin, G. (2014). The Routledge dictionary of Turkish cinema. London: Routledge.
  • Dwyer, T. (2005). Universally speaking: Lost in translation and polyglot cinema. Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies, 4, 295-310.
  • Eskiköy, O & Doğan, Ö. (Yönetmen). (2009). İki Dil, Bir Bavul [Film]. Bulut & Perişan Film.
  • Gökçe, Ö. (2009). (Cannot) remember: landscapes of loss in contemporary Turkish cinema. D. Bayrakdar (Ed.) içinde, Cinema and politics: Turkish cinema and the new Europe (ss. 268-280). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Grutman, R. (2009). Multilingualism. M. Baker & G. Saldanha (Eds.) içinde, Routledge encyclopaedia of translation studies (ss. 182-185). London and New York: Routledge.
  • Hale, W. (2003). Human rights, the European Union and the Turkish accession process. Turkish Studies, 4(1), 107–126.
  • İnce, B. (2012) Citizenship and identity in Turkey: from Atatürk’s republic to the present day. London and New York: I.B. Tauris.
  • Kaindl, K. (2014). Going fictional! Translators and interpreters in literature and film. K. Kaindl & K. Spitzl (Eds.) içinde, Transfiction: research into the realities of translation fiction (ss. 1-26). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing.
  • Kaindl, K. (2016). Fictional Representations of Translators and Interpreters. C. V. Angelelli & B. J. Baer (Eds.) içinde, Researching Translation and Interpreting (ss. 71-82). New York: Routledge.
  • King, G. (2014). The power of the treacherous interpreter: multilingualism in Jacques Audiard’s Un prophète. Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series-Themes in Translation Studies, 13, 78-92.
  • King, G. (2015). Code-switching as power strategy: multilingualism and the role of Arabic in Maïwenn’s Polisse (2011). Australian Journal of French Studies, 52(2), 162–173.
  • King, G. (2017). Decentring France: multilingualism and power in contemporary French cinema. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Köksal, Ö. (2016). Aesthetics of displacement: Turkey and its minorities on screen. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Lee, T. (2012). Translation and Language Power Relations in Heterolingual Anthologies of Literature.
  • Babel, 58(4), 443-456.
  • Mereu, C. (2012). Censorial interferences in the dubbing of foreign films in fascist Italy: 1927-1943. Meta: Journal des traducteurs, 572, 294–309.
  • Meylaerts, R. (2010). Multilingualism and translation. Y. Gambier & L. van Doorslaer (Eds.) içinde, Handbook of translation studies (ss. 227-230). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing.
  • O’Sullivan, C. (2011). Translating popular film. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • O’Sullivan, C. (2021). Multilingualism at the multiplex: a new audience for screen translation? Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series–Themes in Translation Studies, 6, 81-95.
  • Özbudun, E. (2007). Democratization reforms in Turkey, 1993–2004. Turkish Studies, 8(2), 179–196.
  • Robins, K. & Aksoy, A. (2002). Deep nation: the national question and Turkish cinema culture. M. Hjort & S. MacKenzie (Ed.) içinde, Cinema and nation (ss. 203-222). London and New York: Routledge.
  • Shohat, E. & Stam, R. (1985). The cinema after Babel: language, difference, power. Screen, 26(3-4), 35–58.
  • Suner, A. (2010). New Turkish cinema. New York: I.B. Tauris & Co.
  • Takeda, K. (2014). The interpreter as traitor: multilingualism in Guizi lai le (Devils on the doorstep). Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series-Themes in Translation Studies, 13, 93–111.
  • Wahl, C. (2008). “Du Deutscher, toi Français, you English: beautiful!” - The polyglot film as a genre. M. Christensen & N. Erdoǧan (Eds.) içinde, Shifting landscapes: film and media in European context (ss. 334-350). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Yau, W. (2014). Translation and film: dubbing, subtitling, adaptation and remaking. S. Bermann & C. Porter (Eds.) içinde, A companion to translation studies (ss. 492-503). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • Yeni Şafak. (2016). MEB öğretmenlere bu filmleri tavsiye etti., [erişim 8 Mart 2016].
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Translation and Interpretation Studies
Journal Section Translation and interpreting

Aysun Kıran 0000-0003-1551-3776

Publication Date October 23, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: Ö13


APA Kıran, A. (2023). Türk sinemasında çok dillilik ve çeviri: İki Dil, Bir Bavul (2008) örneği. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(Ö13), 1522-1536.