Article Evaluation Process

1. Articles sent to our journal are first examined by the secretary, and at the same time, the first version of the article is scanned through the iThenticate plagiarism program. After the secretary's review, if deemed necessary, it is sent to the spelling and language editors. During this process, editing may be requested from the author.

2. After the author completes the edits, the article is sent to the editor by the secretary.

3. During this process, the editor sends the article to at least 2 referees who are experts in their field and work at different universities for evaluation, or, when necessary, appoints field editors to carry out this process.

4. Referees are given 15 days to evaluate the article. This period may be extended by the editor. In case the process is disrupted, prolonged, or the referee opinions differ, a third referee is appointed to the article by the editor.

5. As a result of the referee evaluation of the article, the editor may request editing/correction from the author in line with the referee's opinions.

6. After making the necessary edits/corrections in line with the referee's opinions, the author must upload the final version of the article to the existing file in the "Article Files" section, as well as the annotated report file regarding the revision made in the "Article Files" > "Referee Answer File" option.  In the Revision Report he writes; He/she must state with a reasoned statement which edits/corrections he/she made in line with the referee's opinions and which referee suggestions he/she does not see the need to implement. It should be preferred to write these as items.

7. Articles subjected to minor revision are taken directly to the Journal Editorial Board for evaluation without being sent to the referees again, unless there is a referee request after revision and the Editorial Board does not deem it necessary.

8. Articles subjected to major revision are submitted to the same referees for evaluation after the revision.

9. During the article evaluation process, depending on the nature of the referee reports, the Journal may consult the opinions of other referees/referees upon the decision of the Editorial Board.

10. The final version of the article uploaded by the author to the system is scanned once again by the iThenticate plagiarism program. This final similarity report is uploaded to the system by the editor.

11. At the end of all these processes, the final version and revision report of the article uploaded by the author to the system are examined based on the referee recommendations, and then the Journal Editorial Board decides to accept/reject the article for publication. 

12. Articles accepted for publication may be subject to minor corrections (such as word-letter errors) within a 5 day period determined by Dergipark before or after publication.

NOTE: As stated on page 16 of the file titled "Editor's Handbook" belonging to Pippa SMART shared by TR Dizin; The journal accepts the evaluations of the referees in the role of "consultant" as "suggestions", not "decisions". However, it is mandatory to correct the errors stated in the referee evaluations. However, referee criticisms on the information and comments included in the article are examined and evaluated by the Editorial Board within the framework of the author's statements to the contrary, if any, on the subject. At this point, the Editorial Board finds the author or referee(s) right and makes its decision.

Evaluation periods in our journal's article acceptance process

1. The additional period to be given for all cases where the processing time has passed is 5 days.

2. Maximum time required to process a new article is 10 Days

3. Maximum time given to the secretary while in the Secretary step is 10 Days.

4. Maximum time required for the editor to accept the article (Check Completed Step) 10 Days.

5. Maximum time required for the editor to continue processing after taking over (In Editor Step) 10 Days.

6. Maximum time allowed to continue processing after the article is ready for decision (Ready for Decision Step) 7 Days.

7. Maximum time given for the editor to make a decision (Awaiting Decision Step) 7 Days.

8. Maximum time given to the editor for the publication process (Publication Process Step) 10 Days.

9. Maximum processing time for Spelling-Language, Statistics, Layout Editor and Proofreader is 15 Days.

10. Response time to the invitation sent to the author to take action is 7 days.

11. The time given to the author to take action is 15 days.

12. Response time to the invitation sent to the referee to make an evaluation is 7 days.

13. Evaluation period given to the referee is 15 days.

Last Update Time: 7/2/24, 12:38:34 AM

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