1) Authors must write complete Title, Institution (University, Faculty, Department), City/COUNTRY, e-mail and ORCID information in the article.
2) Articles must contain “title”, “abstract” and “keywords” in Turkish and English (Russian if possible).
3) If the articles are in Russian, the titles and abstracts must be written in Turkish, Russian and English.
4) Article abstracts must consist of at least 250 words.
5) “Keywords” should include at least 5 words and phrases that show what the topic is about.
6) The sources used in the article should be given both in footnotes and in the bibliography.
7) Article font should be set to “Cambria”.
8) The text must be justified.
9) The article text should be "justified". The paragraph should be arranged as follows:
↳ Indent: left-right 0 cm, special “first line”, value 1 cm.
↳ Spacing: before-after 3 pt, line spacing “Multiple”, value “1.15”.
Paragraph entries should
not be left in the abstract. A 1 cm paragraph entry should be left in the text
11) Abstract should be 10 points, article text should be 10.5 points, footnotes should be 8 points, bibliography should be 10 points, ANNEX titles should be 8 points, Table headings should be 8 points, table content should be 8 points, Declaration should be 8 points.
12) If the quote does not exceed 5 paragraphs, it is given plainly within the paragraph within quotation marks. Quotations exceeding 5 lines should be in 9,5 point font size, with 1,5 cm paragraph indentation on both sides.
13) There should be a 6 pt space between the table and the previous and next paragraphs.
14) There should be no space between subheadings and the previous and next paragraphs. Numbering in subheadings should be written manually, not with “automatic number assignment”: 1)… a)… b)… ; 2)… a)… b)…
15) There should be no spaces in the text under the title.
↳ There should be no space between subheadings and the previous and next paragraphs.
↳ In subheadings specified with numbers, the first letters of the words should be capitalized.
↳ In their lettered subheadings, the first letter of the first word should start with a capital letter, and the others (except proper nouns) should start with a lowercase letter.
16) Numbers 1-9 should be written in words, numbers 10 and beyond should be written in numbers.
17) In the article text, footnotes should be given after the full stop in the sentence.
18) The word "see" used when giving detailed information in the footnote is "see" It should be given as:
19) In terms of spelling and punctuation, the Turkish Language Association spelling guide should be taken as basis.
20) References given in Cyrillic alphabet in the article should be converted to Latin alphabet.
21) When specifying page numbers in footnotes, “p.” It should not be stated as.
22) Bibliography classification:
>Archive Resources (Archive name, fund…)
>Review and Research Works
>Internet Resources
23) APPENDICES are listed at the end of the article as Annex 1: et seq. Additional titles are written in 8-point font at the top of the shared photo.
24) It should be edited according to the spelling rules of The Chicago Manual of Style 16. Edition.
* For Detailed Information & Footnote-Bibliography Examples, See: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/rusad/writing-rules
Single Author Book
First footnote: Akdes Nimet Kurat, Rusya Tarihi: Başlangıçtan 1917’ye kadar (Ankara: TTK, 2010), 14.
Second and subsequent footnote: Kurat, Rusya Tarihi, 15-17.
Bibliography: Kurat, Akdes Nimet. Rusya Tarihi: Başlangıçtan 1917’ye kadar. Ankara: TTK, 2010.
First footnote: Reed Browning, The
Wars of Austrian Succession (New York: St. Martin’ Griffin, 1995), 38.
Second and subsequent footnote: Browning, The Wars, 39.
Bibliography: Browning, Reed. The Wars of Austrian Succession. New York: St. Martin’ Griffin, 1995.
First footnote: G. A. Grebenshchikova, Rossiiskii flot pri Nikolae I (Sankt-Peterburg: Ostrov, 2014), 587–596.
Second and subsequent footnote: Grebenshchikova, Rossiiskii flot pri Nikolae I, 622–623.
Bibliography: Grebenshchikova, G. A. Rossiiskii flot pri Nikolae I. Sankt-Peterburg: İzd. Ostrov, 2014.
Book with Two Authors
First footnote: Bekir Topaloğlu & İlyas Celebi, Kelam Terimleri Sözlüğü (İstanbul: İSAM Yay., 2010), 57.
Second and subsequent footnote: Topaloğlu & Celebi, Kelam Terimleri Sözlüğü, 67-69.
Bibliography: Topaloğlu, Bekir & İlyas Çelebi. Kelam Terimleri Sözlüğü. İstanbul: İSAM Yayınları, 2010.
First footnote: G. Reşidova & D. Komilov, Şarof Raşidov: Inson–Davr Közgusida va Davr–Inson Taqdirida (Taşkent: Tasvir, 2017), 275.
Second and subsequent footnote: Reşidova & Komilov, Şarof Raşidov, 218.
Bibliography: Reşidova, Gulnara & Komilov, Doniyor. Şarof Raşidov: Inson Davr Közgusida va Davr Inson Taqdirida. Taşkent: Tasvir, 2017.
First footnote: Ömer Lutfi Barkan & Ekrem Hakkı Ayverdi, İstanbul Vakıfları Tahrir Defteri 953 Tarihli (İstanbul: İstanbul Fetih Cemiyeti, 1973), 520.
Second and subsequent footnote: Barkan & Ayverdi, İstanbul Vakıfları Tahrir Defteri, 159.
Bibliography: Barkan, Ömer Lütfi & Ekrem Hakkı Ayverdi. İstanbul Vakıfları Tahrir Defteri 953 Tarihli. İstanbul: İstanbul Fetih Cemiyeti, 1973.
Book with Three Authors
First footnote: Gerald R. Ledlow, Karl Manrodt & David Schott, Health Care Supply Chain Management: Elements, Operations, and Strategies (Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2017), 68.
Second and subsequent footnote: Ledlow, Manrodt & Schott, Health Care Supply Chain, 83.
Bibliography: Ledlow, Gerald R., Karl Manrodt & David Schott. Health Care Supply Chain Management: Elements, Operations, and Strategies. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2017.
Books with Four or More Authors
First footnote: Nevill Forbes, et al., The Balkans: A History of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Rumania, Turkey (New York: 1970), 70.
Second and subsequent footnote: Forbes, et al., The Balkans, 65.
Bibliography: Forbes, Nevill, Arnold J. Toynbee, D. Mitrany, D. G. Hogart. The Balkans: A History of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Rumania, Turkey. New York: 1970.
Translated Works
First footnote: Mihail Hudyakov, Kazan Hanlığı Tarihi, çev. Ayaz İshaki( Ankara: TTK, 2009), 135-138
Second and subsequent footnote: Hudyakov, Kazan Hanlığı Tarihi, 137.
Bibliography: Hudyakov, Mihail. Kazan Hanlığı Tarihi. Çev. Ayaz İshaki. Ankara: TTK, 2009.
Book Chapter and Other Sections
First footnote: John D. Kelly, et al, “Seeing Red: Mao Fetishism, Pax Americana, and the Moral Economy of War,” in Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency, ed. John D. Kelly, et al. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010), 77.
Second and subsequent footnote: Kelly, “Seeing Red,” 81–82.
Bibliography: Kelly, John D. “Seeing Red: Mao Fetishism, Pax Americana, and the Moral Economy of War.” In Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency, edited by John D. Kelly, Beatrice Jauregui, Sean T. Mitchell, and Jeremy Walton, 67–83. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010.
First footnote: Rudolph Ulrich, “Maturidiliğin Ortaya Çıkışı,” çev. Ali Dere. İmam Maturidi ve Maturidilik içinde, ed. Sönmez Kutlu (Ankara: Kitabiyat Yay., 2003), 297.
Second and subsequent footnote: Ulrich, “Maturidiliğin Ortaya Çıkışı,” 298-99
Bibliography: Ulrich, Rudolph. “Maturidiliğin Ortaya Çıkışı." Çev. Ali Dere. İmam Maturidi ve Maturidilik içinde, ed. Sönmez Kutlu, 295–304. Ankara: Kitabiyat Yayınları, 2003.
First footnote: Selda Kılıç, “İstiklal Harbi'nde Sovyetler Birliğinden Gelen Yardımlar,” DTCF Dergisi 56/1 (2016): 58.
Second and subsequent footnote: Kılıç, “İstiklal Harbi'nde Sovyetler Birliğinden Gelen Yardımlar,” 125.
Bibliography: Kılıç, Selda. “İstiklal Harbi'nde Sovyetler Birliğinden Gelen Yardımlar.” DTCF Dergisi 56/1 (2016): 124-143.
First footnote: G. K. Kaliyeva, “Vliyaniye osobennostey upravleniya çinovniçestva v litse Volostnıh ypraviteley i Aulnıh starşin na ih sotsialnıy statü,” Vestnik Karagandinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta 3/59 (2010): 18.
Second and subsequent footnote: Kaliyeva, “Vliyaniye osobennostey upravleniya çinovniçestva v litse Volostnıh ypraviteley i Aulnıh starşin na ih sotsialnıy statü,” 20.
Bibliography: Kaliyeva, G. K. “Vliyaniye osobennostey upravleniya çinovniçestva v litse Volostnıh ypraviteley i Aulnıh starşin na ih sotsialnıy statü.” Vestnik Karagandinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta 3/59 (2010): 18-24.
Archive Document
First footnote: BOA, HR. SFR.1, 36/58.
Second and subsequent footnote: BOA, HR. SFR.1, 36/58.
Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA)
BOA, Hariciye Nezareti Petersburg Sefareti 1, (HR.SFR.1), 36/58.
First footnote: GARF, F. 97, Op. 1a, D. 2, L. 3-4.
Second and subsequent footnote: GARF, F. 97, Op. 1a, D. 2, L. 5.
Gosudarsvennıy Arhiv Rossiykoy Federatsii (GARF)
GARF, F. 97, Op. 1a, D. 2.
First footnote: Hatice Kerimov, “Türkistan’da İdari Sistemin Oluşumu ve Gelişim Süreci (1865-1897),” (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2019), 3.
Second and subsequent footnote: Kerimov, “Türkistan’da İdari Sistemin Oluşumu ve Gelişim Süreci (1865-1897),” 5.
Bibliography: Kerimov, Hatice “Türkistan Genel Valiliği’nde İdari Sistemin Oluşumu ve Gelişim Süreci (1865-1897).” Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2019.
First footnote: D. V. Vasilyev, “Stanovleniye i razvitiye sistemı upravleniya Turkestanskogo kraya 1865-1886 gg.,” (Dissertatsiya, Moskovskiy gosudarstvennıy universitet, Moskva, 1999), 96.
Second and subsequent footnote: Vasilyev, “Stanovleniye i razvitiye sistemı upravleniya Turkestanskogo kraya 1865-1886 gg.,” 95.
Bibliography: Vasilyev, D. V. “Stanovleniye i razvitiye sistemı upravleniya Turkestanskogo kraya 1865-1886 gg.” Dissertatsiya, Moskovskiy gosudarstvennıy universitet, Moskva, 1999.
First footnote: Ömer Faruk Akun, “Ali Mustafa Efendi”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, C. 2 (Ankara: TDV Yay., 1989), 416.
Second and subsequent footnote: Akun, “Ali Mustafa Efendi”, 416.
Bibliography: Akun, Ömer Faruk. “Ali Mustafa Efendi”. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi. C. 2: 416-417. Ankara: TDV Yayınları, 1989.
Web page
First footnote: Vladimir Gimpelson, “The labor market in Russia, 2000–2017,” IZA World of Labor 466 (2019), 2, erişim 10.10.2020, https://wol.iza.org/uploads/articles/501/pdfs/the-labor-market-inrussia.pdf?v=1
Second and subsequent footnote: “The labor market in Russia, 2000–2017.”
Bibliography: Gimpelson, Vladimir. “The labor market in Russia, 2000–2017.” IZA World of Labor 466 (2019). 2. Erişim 10.10.2020. https://wol.iza.org/uploads/articles/501/pdfs/the-labor-market-inrussia.pdf?v=1
First footnote: “İstoriya İzdaniya Gazet v Tatarstan,” TATARICA, erişim 06.10.2020, https://tatarica.org/ru/razdely/sredstva-massovoj-informacii/periodicheskie-izdaniya/istoriyaizdaniya-gazet-v-tatarstane
Second and subsequent footnote: “İstoriya İzdaniya Gazet v Tatarstan.”
Bibliography: “İstoriya İzdaniya Gazet v Tatarstan.” TATARICA. Erişim 06.10.2020. https://tatarica.org/ru/razdely/sredstva-massovojinformacii/periodicheskie-izdaniya/istoriya-izdaniya-gazet-v-tatarstane
Rusya Araştırmaları Dergisi (RUSAD) | rusad.tr@gmail.com |