Article to be Corrected Article Publication Information: Sofuoğlu Kabasoy N, Demiray A. The Effects of Nurses' Social Capital Status on Health Services. SABD. 2024;14(3):458-63. doi: 10.33631/sabd.1438097 Article URL: The authors have requested a correction for the article number 21 published in the September 2024 issue of Value in Health Sciences (Volume 14, Issue 3). It was observed that not all of the references in the References section in the published version were included in the authors' article. The references of the article are as follows: 1. Yıldız G, Yatkın A. Sağlık kurumlarında sosyal sermaye ve rekabet üstünlüğü bir sistematik derleme. Konya: Eğitim Yayınevi; 2022. 2. Hanifan LJ. The rural school community center. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 1916; 67(1): 130-38. 3. Arslan V, Gökçe SG, Emhan A. Sosyal sermaye ve işten ayrılma niyetinin analizi: sağlık sektöründe bir araştırma. Ekonomi ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi. 2016; 3(5): 1-16. 4. Hsu CP, Chang CW, Huang HC, Chiang CY. The relationships among social capital, organisational commitment and customer‐oriented prosocial behaviour of hospital nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2011; 20(9‐10): 1383-92. 5. Coleman, JS. Foundations of social theory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press; 1994. 6. Putnam RD, Leonardi R, Nanetti RY. Making democracy work: civic traditions in modern Italy. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 1993. 7. Leana III CR, Van Buren HJ. Organizational social capital and employment practices. Academy of Management Review. 1999; 24(3): 538-55. 8. Xu J, & Stark AT. A conceptual model of nurses’ workplace social capital: a theory synthesis. BMC Nursing. 2021; 20(1): 1-11. 9. Oksanen T, Suzuki E, Takao S, Vahtera J, Kivimäki M. Workplace social capital and health. In: Kawachi I, Takao S, Subramanian SV, editors. Global Perspectives on Social Capital and Health. New York: Springer; 2013. p. 23-63. 10. Kida R, Suzuki R, Fujitani K, Ichikawa K, Matsushita H. Interprofessional team collaboration as a mediator between workplace social capital and patient safety climate: a cross-sectional study. Quality Management in Healthcare. 2024; 33(1): 12-7. 11. Xu J, Kunaviktikul W, Akkadechanunt T, Nantsupawat A, Stark AT. A contemporary understanding of nurses’ workplace social capital: A response to the rapid changes in the nursing workforce. Journal of Nursing Management. 2020; 28(2): 247-58. 12. Nahapiet J, Ghoshal S. Social capital, intellectual capital, and the organizational advantage. Academy of Management Review. 1998; 23(2): 242-66. 13. Read EA, Laschinger HK. The influence of authentic leadership and empowerment on nurses’ relational social capital, mental health and job satisfaction over the first year of practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2015; 71(7): 1611-23. 14. Firouzbakht M, Tirgar A, Ebadi A, Nia HS, Oksanen T, Kouvonen A, et al. Psychometric properties of Persian version of the short-form workplace social capital questionnaire for female health workers. The International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2018; 9(4): 184. 15. Sheingold BH, Sheingold SH. Using a social capital framework to enhance measurement of the nursing work environment. Journal of Nursing Management. 2013; 21(5): 790-801. 16. Perzynski AT, Caron A, Margolius D, Sudano Jr JJ. Primary care practice workplace social capital: a potential secret sauce for improved staff well-being and patient experience. Journal of Patient Experience. 2019; 6(1): 72-80. 17. Shin JI, Lee E. The effect of social capital on job satisfaction and quality of care among hospital nurses in South Korea. Journal of Nursing Management. 2016; 24(7): 934-42. 18. Van Bogaert P, Van Heusden D, Timmermans O, Franck E. Nurse work engagement impacts job outcome and nurse-assessed quality of care: model testing with nurse practice environment and nurse work characteristics as predictors. Frontiers in Psychology. 2014; 5: 1261. 19. Chang HY, Chu TL, Liao YN, Chang YT, Teng CI. How do career barriers and supports impact nurse professional commitment and professional turnover intention?. Journal of Nursing Management. 2019; 27(2): 347-56. 20. Strömgren M, Eriksson A, Bergman D, Dellve L. (2016). Social capital among healthcare professionals: A prospective study of its importance for job satisfaction, work engagement and engagement in clinical improvements. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2016; 53: 116-125. 21. Briner M, Kessler O, Pfeiffer Y, Wehner T, Manser T. Assessing hospitals' clinical risk management: Development of a monitoring instrument. BMC Health Services Research. 2010; 10(1): 1-11. 22. Jafari M, Pourtaleb A, Khodayari‐Zarnaq R. The impact of social capital on clinical risk management in nursing: a survey in Iranian public educational hospitals. Nursing Open. 2018; 5(3): 285-91. 23. Ernstmann N, Ommen O, Driller E, Kowalski C, Neumann M, Bartholomeyczik S, et al. Social capital and risk management in nursing. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 2009; 24(4): 340-47. 24. Özgün, AH. Sosyal sermaye, entelektüel sermaye, inovasyon ve performans ilişkisi: Sağlık kurumları üzerine bir araştırma [Doktora tezi]. İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi; 2019. 25. Chang CW, Huang HC, Chiang CY, Hsu CP, Chang CC. Social capital and knowledge sharing: effects on patient safety. Journal of advanced nursing. 2012; 68(8): 1793-803. 26. Norikoshi K, Kobayashi T, Tabuchi K. A qualitative study on the attributes of nurses' workplace social capital in Japan. Journal of Nursing Management. 2018; 26(1): 74-81. 27. Shin JI, Lee E. The influence of social capital on nurse‐perceived evidence‐based practice implementation in South Korea. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 2017; 49(3): 267-76. 28. Middleton N, Andreou P, Karanikola M, Kouta C, Kolokotroni O, Papastavrou E. Investigation into the metric properties of the workplace social capital questionnaire and its association with self-rated health and psychological distress amongst Greek-Cypriot registered nurses: cross-sectional descriptive study. BMC Public Health. 2018; 18(1): 1061. 29. Oksanen T, Kouvonen A, Kivimäki M, Pentti J, Virtanen M, Linna A, et al. Social capital at work as a predictor of employee health: multilevel evidence from work units in Finland. Social Science & Medicine. 2008; 66(3): 637-49. 30. Pedersen LM, Laursen S, Buttenschon HN. Is mental health positively associated with workplace social capital among Danish hospital employees? A multilevel study. Mental Health & Prevention. 2023; 32: 200300. 31. Derinpınar KB, Etesaminia S. Sağlık kurumlarında sosyal sermayenin hizmet sunumu kalite etkisi üzerine bir sistematik derleme. Türkiye Sağlık Enstitüleri Başkanlığı Dergisi. 2022; 5(1): 1-14. 32. Read, EA. Workplace social capital in nursing: an evolutionary concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2014; 70(5): 997-1007. 33. Xu JM, Kunaviktikul W, Akkadechanunt T, Nantsupawat A, Turale S. Factors influencing workplace social capital among registered nurses in China. International Nursing Review. 2021; 68(3): 372-79. The above-mentioned references were replaced with the incorrectly written references in the article, and the necessary corrections were made, and it was published in its current form in Volume 15, Issue 1 of 2025. We sincerely apologize to the author of the article, Altuğ Çağatay, and to our valued readers for this situation that occurred inadvertently during the publication process. On behalf of the Editorial Board, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emel ÇALIŞKAN Publication Editor
Social capital refers to social relationships that are structured by interactions between individuals, such as relational networks, mutual trust, respect, common understanding, and social networks. In this context, nurses can create social capital by interacting with patients, other healthcare professionals, and the community. Workplace social capital refers to the social resources in the work environment that enable employees to be effective. Nurses’ social capital is an important factor in healthcare services. Nurses’ social capital status contributes to more effective, patient-centered, and sustainable healthcare services by providing better communication, support, and collaboration. Additionally, nurses with a social support network can cope with work stress more effectively, which contributes positively to overall healthcare services. The relatively new concept of workplace social capital, which is used to examine the psychological aspects of work environments, can increase nurses’ professional commitment, job satisfaction, evidence-based nursing practices, care quality, clinical risk management, and patient safety. Therefore, nurses’ social capital emphasizes the importance of healthcare services. In this article, nurses’ social capital and its impact on healthcare services are examined.
Düzeltilecek Makale Makalenin Yayın Bilgileri: Sofuoğlu Kabasoy N, Demiray A. Hemşirelerin Sosyal Sermaye Durumlarının Sağlık Hizmetlerine Etkileri. SABD. 2024;14(3):458-63. doi: 10.33631/sabd.1438097 Makale URL'si: Yazarlar, Sağlık Bilimlerinde Değer / Value in Health Sciences'ın Eylül 2024 sayısında (Cilt 14, Sayı 3) yayınlanan 21 numaralı makale için bir düzeltme talebinde bulunmuştur. Yayınlanmış versiyonda Kaynaklar bölümündeki referansların tamamının yazarların makalesinde yer almadığı görülmüştür. Makalenin referansları aşağıdaki gibidir: 1. Yıldız G, Yatkın A. Sağlık kurumlarında sosyal sermaye ve rekabet üstünlüğü bir sistematik derleme. Konya: Eğitim Yayınevi; 2022. 2. Hanifan LJ. The rural school community center. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 1916; 67(1): 130-38. 3. Arslan V, Gökçe SG, Emhan A. Sosyal sermaye ve işten ayrılma niyetinin analizi: sağlık sektöründe bir araştırma. Ekonomi ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi. 2016; 3(5): 1-16. 4. Hsu CP, Chang CW, Huang HC, Chiang CY. The relationships among social capital, organisational commitment and customer‐oriented prosocial behaviour of hospital nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2011; 20(9‐10): 1383-92. 5. Coleman, JS. Foundations of social theory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press; 1994. 6. Putnam RD, Leonardi R, Nanetti RY. Making democracy work: civic traditions in modern Italy. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 1993. 7. Leana III CR, Van Buren HJ. Organizational social capital and employment practices. Academy of Management Review. 1999; 24(3): 538-55. 8. Xu J, & Stark AT. A conceptual model of nurses’ workplace social capital: a theory synthesis. BMC Nursing. 2021; 20(1): 1-11. 9. Oksanen T, Suzuki E, Takao S, Vahtera J, Kivimäki M. Workplace social capital and health. In: Kawachi I, Takao S, Subramanian SV, editors. Global Perspectives on Social Capital and Health. New York: Springer; 2013. p. 23-63. 10. Kida R, Suzuki R, Fujitani K, Ichikawa K, Matsushita H. Interprofessional team collaboration as a mediator between workplace social capital and patient safety climate: a cross-sectional study. Quality Management in Healthcare. 2024; 33(1): 12-7. 11. Xu J, Kunaviktikul W, Akkadechanunt T, Nantsupawat A, Stark AT. A contemporary understanding of nurses’ workplace social capital: A response to the rapid changes in the nursing workforce. Journal of Nursing Management. 2020; 28(2): 247-58. 12. Nahapiet J, Ghoshal S. Social capital, intellectual capital, and the organizational advantage. Academy of Management Review. 1998; 23(2): 242-66. 13. Read EA, Laschinger HK. The influence of authentic leadership and empowerment on nurses’ relational social capital, mental health and job satisfaction over the first year of practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2015; 71(7): 1611-23. 14. Firouzbakht M, Tirgar A, Ebadi A, Nia HS, Oksanen T, Kouvonen A, et al. Psychometric properties of Persian version of the short-form workplace social capital questionnaire for female health workers. The International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2018; 9(4): 184. 15. Sheingold BH, Sheingold SH. Using a social capital framework to enhance measurement of the nursing work environment. Journal of Nursing Management. 2013; 21(5): 790-801. 16. Perzynski AT, Caron A, Margolius D, Sudano Jr JJ. Primary care practice workplace social capital: a potential secret sauce for improved staff well-being and patient experience. Journal of Patient Experience. 2019; 6(1): 72-80. 17. Shin JI, Lee E. The effect of social capital on job satisfaction and quality of care among hospital nurses in South Korea. Journal of Nursing Management. 2016; 24(7): 934-42. 18. Van Bogaert P, Van Heusden D, Timmermans O, Franck E. Nurse work engagement impacts job outcome and nurse-assessed quality of care: model testing with nurse practice environment and nurse work characteristics as predictors. Frontiers in Psychology. 2014; 5: 1261. 19. Chang HY, Chu TL, Liao YN, Chang YT, Teng CI. How do career barriers and supports impact nurse professional commitment and professional turnover intention?. Journal of Nursing Management. 2019; 27(2): 347-56. 20. Strömgren M, Eriksson A, Bergman D, Dellve L. (2016). Social capital among healthcare professionals: A prospective study of its importance for job satisfaction, work engagement and engagement in clinical improvements. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2016; 53: 116-125. 21. Briner M, Kessler O, Pfeiffer Y, Wehner T, Manser T. Assessing hospitals' clinical risk management: Development of a monitoring instrument. BMC Health Services Research. 2010; 10(1): 1-11. 22. Jafari M, Pourtaleb A, Khodayari‐Zarnaq R. The impact of social capital on clinical risk management in nursing: a survey in Iranian public educational hospitals. Nursing Open. 2018; 5(3): 285-91. 23. Ernstmann N, Ommen O, Driller E, Kowalski C, Neumann M, Bartholomeyczik S, et al. Social capital and risk management in nursing. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 2009; 24(4): 340-47. 24. Özgün, AH. Sosyal sermaye, entelektüel sermaye, inovasyon ve performans ilişkisi: Sağlık kurumları üzerine bir araştırma [Doktora tezi]. İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi; 2019. 25. Chang CW, Huang HC, Chiang CY, Hsu CP, Chang CC. Social capital and knowledge sharing: effects on patient safety. Journal of advanced nursing. 2012; 68(8): 1793-803. 26. Norikoshi K, Kobayashi T, Tabuchi K. A qualitative study on the attributes of nurses' workplace social capital in Japan. Journal of Nursing Management. 2018; 26(1): 74-81. 27. Shin JI, Lee E. The influence of social capital on nurse‐perceived evidence‐based practice implementation in South Korea. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 2017; 49(3): 267-76. 28. Middleton N, Andreou P, Karanikola M, Kouta C, Kolokotroni O, Papastavrou E. Investigation into the metric properties of the workplace social capital questionnaire and its association with self-rated health and psychological distress amongst Greek-Cypriot registered nurses: cross-sectional descriptive study. BMC Public Health. 2018; 18(1): 1061. 29. Oksanen T, Kouvonen A, Kivimäki M, Pentti J, Virtanen M, Linna A, et al. Social capital at work as a predictor of employee health: multilevel evidence from work units in Finland. Social Science & Medicine. 2008; 66(3): 637-49. 30. Pedersen LM, Laursen S, Buttenschon HN. Is mental health positively associated with workplace social capital among Danish hospital employees? A multilevel study. Mental Health & Prevention. 2023; 32: 200300. 31. Derinpınar KB, Etesaminia S. Sağlık kurumlarında sosyal sermayenin hizmet sunumu kalite etkisi üzerine bir sistematik derleme. Türkiye Sağlık Enstitüleri Başkanlığı Dergisi. 2022; 5(1): 1-14. 32. Read, EA. Workplace social capital in nursing: an evolutionary concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2014; 70(5): 997-1007. 33. Xu JM, Kunaviktikul W, Akkadechanunt T, Nantsupawat A, Turale S. Factors influencing workplace social capital among registered nurses in China. International Nursing Review. 2021; 68(3): 372-79. Yukarıda belirtilen referanslar makaledeki yanlış yazılmış olan referanslarla değiştirilerek gerekli düzeltmeler yapılmış ve mevcut haliyle 2025 yılı Cilt 15, Sayı 1'de yayınlanmıştır. Yayın sürecinde istemeden meydana gelen bu durum için makalenin yazarları Nesibe Sofuoğlu Kabasoy, Ayşe Demiray ve değerli okuyucularımızdan içtenlikle özür dileriz. Editör Kurulu adına, Doç. Dr. Emel ÇALIŞKAN Yayın Editörü
Sosyal sermaye, bireyler arasındaki etkileşimlerle yapılandırılan; ilişkisel ağ, karşılıklı güven, saygı, ortak anlayış ve sosyal ağlar gibi sosyal ilişkileri ifade eder. Hemşireler, bu bağlamda hastalarla, diğer sağlık profesyonelleriyle ve toplumla etkileşimde bulunarak sosyal sermaye oluşturabilirler. İş yeri sosyal sermayesi, çalışanların iş yerinde etkin olabilmeleri için var olan kaynaklardan yararlanmalarına imkan sağlayan, çalışma ortamındaki sosyal kaynakları ifade eder. Hemşirelerin sosyal sermayesi, sağlık hizmetlerinde önemli bir faktördür. Hemşirelerin sosyal sermaye durumları, daha iyi iletişim, destek ve iş birliği sağlayarak sağlık hizmetlerinin daha etkili, hasta odaklı ve sürdürülebilir olmasına katkı sağlar. Ayrıca, sosyal destek ağına sahip hemşireler, iş stresiyle başa çıkmada daha etkili olabilir, bu da genel sağlık hizmetlerine olumlu bir katkı sağlar. Çalışma ortamlarının psikolojik yönlerini incelemek için kullanılan nispeten yeni bir kavram olan iş yeri sosyal sermayesi, hemşirelerin mesleki bağlılığı ile iş tatminini, kanıta dayalı hemşirelik uygulamalarını, bakım kalitesini, klinik risk yönetimini ve hasta güvenliğini olumlu yönde arttırabilir. Bu nedenle, hemşirelerin sosyal sermayesi, sağlık hizmetlerindeki önemini vurgulamaktadır. Bu makalede, hemşirelerin sosyal sermayesi ve sağlık hizmetlerine etkisi incelenmiştir.
Bu çalışmanın hazırlanma sürecinde bilimsel ve etik ilkelere uyulmuş ve yararlanılan tüm çalışmalar kaynakçada belirtilmiştir.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Nursing (Other) |
Journal Section | The Article To Be Corrected |
Authors | |
Publication Date | January 3, 2025 |
Published in Issue | Year 2025 Volume: 15 Issue: 1 |