Research Article
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Hemşirelerde İş Stresi ile Mesleğe Bağlılık Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki

Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 97 - 106, 27.12.2024


Bu çalışma, hemşirelerin iş stresi ile mesleki bağlılık düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek amacıyla ve tanımlayıcı kesitsel olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma, Türkiye genelinde Mart-Eylül 2022 tarihleri arasında çevrimiçi anket yöntemiyle yürütülmüştür. Veriler gönüllü 392 hemşireden Tanıtıcı Özellikler Formu, Algılanan İş Stresi Ölçeği ve Hemşirelikte Mesleğe Bağlılık Ölçeği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde sayı, yüzde, ortalama ve standart sapma değerleri ile ANOVA testi, t-testi ve korelasyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Hemşirelerin Algılanan İş Stresi Ölçeği toplam puan ortalaması 1,71±0,57 ve Mesleğe Bağlılık Ölçeği toplam puan ortalaması 71,20±15,07 olarak belirlenmiştir. Hemşirelerin mesleki algı düzeylerini başlıca etkileyebilecek faktörlerin; yaş, cinsiyet, eğitim düzeyi ve mesleki deneyim olduğu saptanmıştır (p<,05). Hemşirelerin algıladıkları iş stresi düzeyi ile çaba gösterme istekliliği (r=0,103, p<0,05) alt boyutu arasında negatif, anlamlı ve düşük düzeyde bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Bulgular, iş stresinin uzun vadede mesleki bağlılık üzerinde olumsuz etkiler yaratabileceğini ortaya koymaktadır. İş stresiyle başa çıkmak ve bağlılığı artırmak için destekleyici yönetim yaklaşımları, çalışma koşullarının iyileştirilmesi ve psikososyal destek programlarının uygulanması önerilmektedir. Sağlık yöneticilerinin iş-yaşam dengesini gözeten stratejiler benimsemesi, hemşirelerin bağlılığını artırarak sağlık hizmetlerinin kalitesini yükseltebilir.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışma için etik kurul onayı, Nişantaşı Üniversitesi Etik Kurulu’ndan alınmıştır (Tarih:15.03.2022 ve Karar No:2022/12).

Supporting Institution

Finansal destek alınmamıştır


Çalışmaya gönüllü olarak katılarak destek veren hemşirelere teşekkür ederiz


  • World Health Organization (WHO). Nursing and midwifery, 2022. Erişim:12.04.2024
  • International Council of Nurses (ICN). Nurses: a force for change: care effective, cost effective, Geneva, Switzerland, 2015. Erişim:12.04.2024
  • Labrague LJ, De Los Santos JAA. Fear of COVID-19, psychological distress, work satisfaction and turnover intention among frontline nurses. J Nurs Manag. 2021; 29(3): 395–403.
  • Khamisa N, Oldenburg B, Peltzer K, Ilic D. Work-related stress, burnout, job satisfaction, and general health of nurses. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015; 12(1): 652-66.
  • Chen MC, Fang SH, Fang L. The effects of aromatherapy in relieving symptoms related to job stress among nurses. Int J Nurs Pract. 2015; 21(1): 87–93.
  • Lee SY, Lee JS, Kim SY, Lee JY. The effect of job stress and job satisfaction on professional self-concept in nurses. J of Digital Convergence. 2017; 15(9): 273-81.
  • Esen M. İş stresi, mesleki tükenmişlik ve örgütsel bağlılık ilişkisi: Sağlık çalışanları üzerine bir araştırma. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi. 2019; 15(1): 1–13.
  • Lazarus RS. Stress and emotion: New Synthesis. New York: Springer Publishing, 1999, 10-20.
  • Göçenli MZ, Erdal Y. Hemşirelerde iş stresi ve iş stresinin çalışma performansına etkileri: Sinop Atatürk Devlet Hastanesi Örneği. Business and Management Studies: An International Journal. 2018; 6(3): 497-515.
  • Acea-López L, et al. Burnout and job satisfaction among nurses in three Spanish regions. J Nurs Manag. 2021; 29(7): 2208–15.
  • Afulanı PA, Nutor JJ, Agbadı P, et al. Job satisfaction among healthcare workers in Ghana and Kenya during the COVID-19 pandemic: Role of perceived preparedness, stress, and burnout. PLOS Global Public Health. 2021; 1: e0000022.
  • Al Barmawi, M. A., Subih, M., Salameh, O., et al. Coping strategies as moderating factors to stress among nurses in Jordan. International Journal of Nursing Practice. 2019; f25(1): e12743.
  • Chen WQ, Siu OL, Lu JF, Cooper CL, Phillips DR. Work stress and depression: The direct and moderating effects of in formal social support and copping. Stress and Health, 2009; 25: 431–43.
  • Çetinkaya A, Özmen D, Temel AB. The study of reliability and validity of Nursing Professional Commitment Scale objectives (Turkish). E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty. 2015; 8(2): 54–60.
  • Çetinkaya Kutun F, Yıldırım A, Yılmaz S. Determination of nursing services management efficiency in hospitals (Turkish). Journal of EKEV Academy, 2019; 23(80):151–172.
  • Chang YP, Lee DC, Chang SC, Lee YH, Wang HH. Influence of work excitement and workplace violence on professional commitment and turnover intention among hospital nurses. J Clin Nurs. (2019a): 28(11-12), 2171–80.
  • Chang HY, Lee IC, Chu TL, Liu YC, Liao YN, Teng CI. The role of professional commitment in improving nurses’ professional capabilities and reducing their intention to leave: two wave surveys. J Adv Nurs. (2019b); 75(9): 1889–1901.
  • Lu KY, Chiou SL, Chang YY. A study of the professional commitment changes from nursing students to registered nurses. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2000; 16(1): 39–46.
  • García-Moyano L, et al. A concept analysis of professional commitment in nursing. Nursing Ethics. 2019; 26(3): 778–97.
  • Teng CI, Daı YT, Shyu YI, Wong MK, Chu TL, Tsai YH. Professional commitment, patient safety, and patient-perceived care quality. J Nurs Scholarsh. 2009; 41: 301-9.
  • Labrague LJ, De Los Santos JAA. Fear of COVID-19, psychological distress, work satisfaction and turnover intention among frontline nurses. J Nurs Manag. 2021; 29(3): 395–403.
  • Aktürk Z, Acemoğlu H. Sağlık Çalışanları İçin Araştırma Ve Pratik İstatistik. 2. Baskı. Anadolu Matbaası, İstanbul. 2011, 45-50.
  • Alpar R. Spor, sağlık ve eğitim bilimlerinden örneklerle uygulamalı istatistik ve geçerlik güvenirlik, 6. Baskı. Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara. 2020, 46-52.
  • Baltaş Z, Atakuman Y, Duman Y. Standardization of the perceived stress scale: Perceived stress in middle managers. Stress and Anxiety Research Society. 19 the International Conference. Boğaziçi University. 1998.
  • Hair JF, Black WC, Babin BJ, Anderson RE, Tatham RL. Multivariate Data Analysis: Pearson Education Limited. 2013, 34.
  • Camci GB, Kavuran E. Hemşirelerin iş stresi ve tükenmişlik düzeyleri ile meslek ve yaşam doyumu düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2021; 24(2): 274- 83.
  • Onan N, Işıl Ö, Barlas GÜ. The effect of a new coping intervention on stress and burnout in Turkish oncology nurses. Journal of Marmara University Institute of Health Sciences. 2013; 3(3): 121-30.
  • McVicar, A. Workplace stress in nursing: a literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2003; 44(6):633-42.
  • Karaca, A., & Arslan, H. The effect of nurse education on job stress: A systematic review and metaanalysis. Nursing Education Today. 2019; 79: 34-41.
  • Al-Hamdan Z, Dalky H, Al-Ramadneh, J. Nurses’ professional commitment and its effect on patient safety. Global Journal of Health Science. 2018; 10(1): 111–9.
  • Can S. The relationship between the individualized care perceptions of nurses and their professional commitment: results from a descriptive correlational study in Turkey. Nurse Educ Pract. 2021; 55; 103181.
  • Pekeren M, Basdas Ö. Professional commitment and work life quality levels of nurses. Ordu University Journal of Nursing Studies. 2022; 5(1): 32–40.
  • Duran S, et al. Factors affecting nurses’ professional commitment during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study. J Nurs Manag. 2021; 29(7): 1906–15.
  • Tuna R, Sahin S. The effect of attitude towards work on professional commitment. Nursing Ethics. 2021;28(7–8): 1359–74.
  • Tarhan M, Dogan P, Kürklü A. Nurse-physician collaboration, intention to leave job, and professional commitment among new graduate nurses. Nursing Forum, 2022; 57(2): 252–9.
  • Parnikh H, Torabizadeh C, Najafi Kalyani M, Soltanian M. A study of the relationship between professional communication and professional commitment in operating room nurses. Nurs Res Pract. 2022; 1.
  • Rahman HA, Jarrar M, Don MS. Nurse level of education, quality of care and patient safety in the medical and surgical wards in Malaysian private hospitals: a cross-sectional study. Global Journal of Health Science. 2015; 7(6): 331–7.
  • Barouch Gilbert R, Adesope OO, Schroeder NL. Efficacy beliefs, job satisfaction, stress and their influence on the occupational commitment of English-medium content teachers in the Dominican Republic. Educational Psychology. 2014; 34:876-99.
  • Jepson E, Forrest S. Individual contributory factors in teacher stress: the role of achievement striving and occupational commitment. Br J Educ Psychol. 2006; 76:183-97.
  • Klassen RM, Chiu MM. The occupational commitment and intention to quit of practicing and preservice teachers: Influence of self-efficacy, job stress, and teaching context. Contemp Educ Psychol. 2011;36:114-29.
  • Klassen R, Wilson E, Siu AF, et al. Preservice teachers’ job stress, self-efficacy, and occupational commitment in four countries. European Journal of Psychology of Education. 2013;28:1289-1309.

The Relationship Between Work Stress and Professional Commitment Levels in Nurses

Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 97 - 106, 27.12.2024


This study was conducted as a descriptive cross-sectional study to examine the relationship between nurses' job stress and their level of professional commitment. The research was carried out between March and September 2022 across Turkey through an online survey method. Data were collected from 392 volunteer nurses using a Demographic Characteristics Form, the Perceived Job Stress Scale, and the Professional Commitment to Nursing Scale. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation values, along with ANOVA, t-test, and correlation analysis. The mean score for the Perceived Job Stress Scale was 1.71±0.57, and the mean score for the Professional Commitment to Nursing Scale was 71.20±15.07. Factors that primarily affect the nurses' professional perception levels included age, gender, educational level, and professional experience (p<0.05). A negative, significant, and low-level correlation was found between the nurses' perceived job stress level and the willingness to make an effort (r=0.103, p<0.05). The findings suggest that job stress could have adverse effects on professional commitment in the long term. To cope with job stress and increase commitment, supportive management approaches, improvements in working conditions, and the implementation of psychosocial support programs are recommended. Health administrators adopting strategies that consider worklife balance can enhance nurses' commitment and improve the quality of healthcare services.


  • World Health Organization (WHO). Nursing and midwifery, 2022. Erişim:12.04.2024
  • International Council of Nurses (ICN). Nurses: a force for change: care effective, cost effective, Geneva, Switzerland, 2015. Erişim:12.04.2024
  • Labrague LJ, De Los Santos JAA. Fear of COVID-19, psychological distress, work satisfaction and turnover intention among frontline nurses. J Nurs Manag. 2021; 29(3): 395–403.
  • Khamisa N, Oldenburg B, Peltzer K, Ilic D. Work-related stress, burnout, job satisfaction, and general health of nurses. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2015; 12(1): 652-66.
  • Chen MC, Fang SH, Fang L. The effects of aromatherapy in relieving symptoms related to job stress among nurses. Int J Nurs Pract. 2015; 21(1): 87–93.
  • Lee SY, Lee JS, Kim SY, Lee JY. The effect of job stress and job satisfaction on professional self-concept in nurses. J of Digital Convergence. 2017; 15(9): 273-81.
  • Esen M. İş stresi, mesleki tükenmişlik ve örgütsel bağlılık ilişkisi: Sağlık çalışanları üzerine bir araştırma. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi. 2019; 15(1): 1–13.
  • Lazarus RS. Stress and emotion: New Synthesis. New York: Springer Publishing, 1999, 10-20.
  • Göçenli MZ, Erdal Y. Hemşirelerde iş stresi ve iş stresinin çalışma performansına etkileri: Sinop Atatürk Devlet Hastanesi Örneği. Business and Management Studies: An International Journal. 2018; 6(3): 497-515.
  • Acea-López L, et al. Burnout and job satisfaction among nurses in three Spanish regions. J Nurs Manag. 2021; 29(7): 2208–15.
  • Afulanı PA, Nutor JJ, Agbadı P, et al. Job satisfaction among healthcare workers in Ghana and Kenya during the COVID-19 pandemic: Role of perceived preparedness, stress, and burnout. PLOS Global Public Health. 2021; 1: e0000022.
  • Al Barmawi, M. A., Subih, M., Salameh, O., et al. Coping strategies as moderating factors to stress among nurses in Jordan. International Journal of Nursing Practice. 2019; f25(1): e12743.
  • Chen WQ, Siu OL, Lu JF, Cooper CL, Phillips DR. Work stress and depression: The direct and moderating effects of in formal social support and copping. Stress and Health, 2009; 25: 431–43.
  • Çetinkaya A, Özmen D, Temel AB. The study of reliability and validity of Nursing Professional Commitment Scale objectives (Turkish). E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty. 2015; 8(2): 54–60.
  • Çetinkaya Kutun F, Yıldırım A, Yılmaz S. Determination of nursing services management efficiency in hospitals (Turkish). Journal of EKEV Academy, 2019; 23(80):151–172.
  • Chang YP, Lee DC, Chang SC, Lee YH, Wang HH. Influence of work excitement and workplace violence on professional commitment and turnover intention among hospital nurses. J Clin Nurs. (2019a): 28(11-12), 2171–80.
  • Chang HY, Lee IC, Chu TL, Liu YC, Liao YN, Teng CI. The role of professional commitment in improving nurses’ professional capabilities and reducing their intention to leave: two wave surveys. J Adv Nurs. (2019b); 75(9): 1889–1901.
  • Lu KY, Chiou SL, Chang YY. A study of the professional commitment changes from nursing students to registered nurses. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2000; 16(1): 39–46.
  • García-Moyano L, et al. A concept analysis of professional commitment in nursing. Nursing Ethics. 2019; 26(3): 778–97.
  • Teng CI, Daı YT, Shyu YI, Wong MK, Chu TL, Tsai YH. Professional commitment, patient safety, and patient-perceived care quality. J Nurs Scholarsh. 2009; 41: 301-9.
  • Labrague LJ, De Los Santos JAA. Fear of COVID-19, psychological distress, work satisfaction and turnover intention among frontline nurses. J Nurs Manag. 2021; 29(3): 395–403.
  • Aktürk Z, Acemoğlu H. Sağlık Çalışanları İçin Araştırma Ve Pratik İstatistik. 2. Baskı. Anadolu Matbaası, İstanbul. 2011, 45-50.
  • Alpar R. Spor, sağlık ve eğitim bilimlerinden örneklerle uygulamalı istatistik ve geçerlik güvenirlik, 6. Baskı. Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara. 2020, 46-52.
  • Baltaş Z, Atakuman Y, Duman Y. Standardization of the perceived stress scale: Perceived stress in middle managers. Stress and Anxiety Research Society. 19 the International Conference. Boğaziçi University. 1998.
  • Hair JF, Black WC, Babin BJ, Anderson RE, Tatham RL. Multivariate Data Analysis: Pearson Education Limited. 2013, 34.
  • Camci GB, Kavuran E. Hemşirelerin iş stresi ve tükenmişlik düzeyleri ile meslek ve yaşam doyumu düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2021; 24(2): 274- 83.
  • Onan N, Işıl Ö, Barlas GÜ. The effect of a new coping intervention on stress and burnout in Turkish oncology nurses. Journal of Marmara University Institute of Health Sciences. 2013; 3(3): 121-30.
  • McVicar, A. Workplace stress in nursing: a literature review. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2003; 44(6):633-42.
  • Karaca, A., & Arslan, H. The effect of nurse education on job stress: A systematic review and metaanalysis. Nursing Education Today. 2019; 79: 34-41.
  • Al-Hamdan Z, Dalky H, Al-Ramadneh, J. Nurses’ professional commitment and its effect on patient safety. Global Journal of Health Science. 2018; 10(1): 111–9.
  • Can S. The relationship between the individualized care perceptions of nurses and their professional commitment: results from a descriptive correlational study in Turkey. Nurse Educ Pract. 2021; 55; 103181.
  • Pekeren M, Basdas Ö. Professional commitment and work life quality levels of nurses. Ordu University Journal of Nursing Studies. 2022; 5(1): 32–40.
  • Duran S, et al. Factors affecting nurses’ professional commitment during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study. J Nurs Manag. 2021; 29(7): 1906–15.
  • Tuna R, Sahin S. The effect of attitude towards work on professional commitment. Nursing Ethics. 2021;28(7–8): 1359–74.
  • Tarhan M, Dogan P, Kürklü A. Nurse-physician collaboration, intention to leave job, and professional commitment among new graduate nurses. Nursing Forum, 2022; 57(2): 252–9.
  • Parnikh H, Torabizadeh C, Najafi Kalyani M, Soltanian M. A study of the relationship between professional communication and professional commitment in operating room nurses. Nurs Res Pract. 2022; 1.
  • Rahman HA, Jarrar M, Don MS. Nurse level of education, quality of care and patient safety in the medical and surgical wards in Malaysian private hospitals: a cross-sectional study. Global Journal of Health Science. 2015; 7(6): 331–7.
  • Barouch Gilbert R, Adesope OO, Schroeder NL. Efficacy beliefs, job satisfaction, stress and their influence on the occupational commitment of English-medium content teachers in the Dominican Republic. Educational Psychology. 2014; 34:876-99.
  • Jepson E, Forrest S. Individual contributory factors in teacher stress: the role of achievement striving and occupational commitment. Br J Educ Psychol. 2006; 76:183-97.
  • Klassen RM, Chiu MM. The occupational commitment and intention to quit of practicing and preservice teachers: Influence of self-efficacy, job stress, and teaching context. Contemp Educ Psychol. 2011;36:114-29.
  • Klassen R, Wilson E, Siu AF, et al. Preservice teachers’ job stress, self-efficacy, and occupational commitment in four countries. European Journal of Psychology of Education. 2013;28:1289-1309.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Fundamentals of Nursing
Journal Section Research Articles

Gülsün Kotan 0000-0001-7378-3542

Ali Özcan 0000-0003-3751-8148

Early Pub Date December 27, 2024
Publication Date December 27, 2024
Submission Date November 21, 2024
Acceptance Date December 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 4 Issue: 3


APA Kotan, G., & Özcan, A. (2024). Hemşirelerde İş Stresi ile Mesleğe Bağlılık Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki. Abant Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Teknolojileri Dergisi, 4(3), 97-106.
AMA Kotan G, Özcan A. Hemşirelerde İş Stresi ile Mesleğe Bağlılık Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki. SABİTED. December 2024;4(3):97-106.
Chicago Kotan, Gülsün, and Ali Özcan. “Hemşirelerde İş Stresi Ile Mesleğe Bağlılık Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki”. Abant Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Teknolojileri Dergisi 4, no. 3 (December 2024): 97-106.
EndNote Kotan G, Özcan A (December 1, 2024) Hemşirelerde İş Stresi ile Mesleğe Bağlılık Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki. Abant Sağlık Bilimleri ve Teknolojileri Dergisi 4 3 97–106.
IEEE G. Kotan and A. Özcan, “Hemşirelerde İş Stresi ile Mesleğe Bağlılık Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki”, SABİTED, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 97–106, 2024.
ISNAD Kotan, Gülsün - Özcan, Ali. “Hemşirelerde İş Stresi Ile Mesleğe Bağlılık Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki”. Abant Sağlık Bilimleri ve Teknolojileri Dergisi 4/3 (December 2024), 97-106.
JAMA Kotan G, Özcan A. Hemşirelerde İş Stresi ile Mesleğe Bağlılık Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki. SABİTED. 2024;4:97–106.
MLA Kotan, Gülsün and Ali Özcan. “Hemşirelerde İş Stresi Ile Mesleğe Bağlılık Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki”. Abant Sağlık Bilimleri Ve Teknolojileri Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 3, 2024, pp. 97-106.
Vancouver Kotan G, Özcan A. Hemşirelerde İş Stresi ile Mesleğe Bağlılık Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki. SABİTED. 2024;4(3):97-106.