Research Article
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Year 2010, Issue: 20, 140 - 150, 09.05.2013


21. yüzyılda, insanlık ve insanla ilgili her öğe hızlı ve tarihin hiçbir döneminde olmayan değişimlerle karşı karşıyadır. 21. yüzyılda eğitim sistemlerinde
değişimin ana merkezi ilköğretim ve ortaöğretim okullarıdır. İlköğretim ve
ortaöğretim okulları, nitelikli yurttaş yetiştirerek, ülkenin kalkınmasında büyük
öneme sahip eğitim kademeleridir. Bu nedenle, bu okulların eğitimin amaçlarını üst
düzeyde gerçekleştirmeye yönelik organizasyonu, kaynaklarının sağlanması ve
işleyişlerinin merkezinde okul yöneticisi yer almaktadır. Bu çerçevede, bu
çalışmada, 21. yüzyılda lider olarak okul yöneticilerinin yeni görev ve niteliklerine
ilişkin öne çıkan yeni anlayışların ortaya konulması ve buradan hareketle bu
niteliklerinden öğretim liderliği ve kapsamının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Araştırmada derleme (tarama) yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu literatür taramasında şu
sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır: 1- 21. yüzyılda okul yöneticisinin görevleri daha kapsamlı ve
çok bileşenli hale gelmiştir. 2- 21. yüzyılda, okul yöneticisinin anahtar rolü, yüksek
ve nitelikli öğrenci başarısı için, öncelikli olarak öğrenme-öğretme süreçlerinin
etkililiğini temele almadır. 3- 21. yüzyılın okul yöneticisinin öne çıkan özelliği
değişim odaklı liderlik davranışlarını sergilemesidir. 4- 21. yüzyılda lider olarak
okul yöneticisinin en önemli özelliği, hem öğrenen hem de öğreten olmasıdır. 5- 21.
yüzyılda, okul yöneticisinin yeni görevlerinden biri öğretimsel liderliktir. 6-
Öğretimsel liderlik, destekleyici, kolaylaştırıcı ve bu süreçleri harekete geçiren bir
katalizördür. 7- Öğretimsel liderlik, ailelerle, velilerle, öğretmenler ve öğrencilerle
etkileşimi ve her bir öğrencinin bireysel gelişimi hakkında bilgi verici etkinlikleri
kapsayan bir süreçtir. 8- 21. yüzyılda eğitim sistemlerindeki değişiklikler, okul
yöneticisi yetiştirme eğitim programlarının da yenilenmesini gerektirmektedir.


  • Behar-Horenstein, L. S. (1995).Promoting effective school leadership: a change- oriented model for the preparation of principals.Peabody Journal of Education. 70, 3, 18-40.
  • Çelik, V. (2000). Eğitimsel liderlik. Ankara: PegemA Yayıncılık.
  • Coffin E. (2004). The 21st century principal: A call to action. The importance of developing leadership capacity for the improvement of student Erişim: 17 Nisan 2010.
  • Cuban, L. (1985). Principaling: Images and roles. Peabody Journal of Education, 63, 1, 107-119.
  • Fullan, M. G. & Newton E. E. (1988). School principals and change processes in the secondary school. Canadian Journal of Education, 13, 3, 404-422.
  • Erçetin, S. (2000). Lider sarmalında vizyon. Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık
  • Gaston, W. D. (2005).Defining the roles and responsibilities of public school assistant principals in Virginia.Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, The College of William and Mary in Virginia.
  • Gibson, J. L., Ivancevic, J. M. & Donnelly, J. H. (1988). Organizations. Texas: Business Publications.
  • Glasman, N. S. & Heck R. H. (1992). The changing leadership role of the principal: implications for principal assessment. Peabody Journal of Education, 68, 1, 5- 24.
  • Glasman, N. S. (1984). Achievement and the School Principal.Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 6, 3, 283-296.
  • Goodwin, R. H., Cunningham, M. L. & Eagle, T. (2005). The changing role of the secondary principal in the United States: An historical perspective. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 37, 1, 1-17.
  • Heck, R. H. (1992). Principals' instructional leadership and school performance: implications for policy development, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 14, 1, 21-34.
  • IBE-International Bureau of Education.(1998). Curriculum development.Educational
  • Innovation and Information, 97.
  • Lyons, J. E. (2010). The principalship. http://www. education. uncc. edu/jelyons/ Erişim: 17 Nisan 2010.
  • Markley, D. L. (2008).The changing roles and responsibilities of the high school principal.Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Widener University.
  • Mulford, B. (2003). School leaders: changing roles and impact on teacher and school effectiveness. Education and Training Policy Division,şim: 11 Ocak 2010.
  • Podmostko, M. (2000). Leadership for student learning: Reinventing the principalship. school leadership for the 21st century initiative. A Report of the Task Force on the Principalship.Institute for Educational Leadership, Washington. leadership.html.Erişim: 17 Mart 2010.
  • Reyes-Gonzalez, S. (2007). Professional vitality: Perspectives from nine school principals. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Washington State University, College of Education.
  • Riehl, J. C. (2000). The principal’s role in creating inclusive schools for diverse students.Review of Educational Research, 70, 1, 55-81.
  • Santos, J. (2008). The responsibilities and leadership attributes of principals in opening newly constructed schools. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Benerd Schools of Education, University of Pacific, Stockton, California. Şisman, M. (2002). Öğretim liderliği. Ankara: PegamA Yayıncılık.
  • Shaw, A. (2008). What is 21st century Education. Erişim: 5 Şubat 2010.
  • Weiss, H. C. & Cambone, J. (1994). Principals, shared decision making, and school reform. Educational Evaluation and Policy analysis, 16, 3, 287-301.


Year 2010, Issue: 20, 140 - 150, 09.05.2013


In the 21st century, humanity and each constituent about human being have encountered rapid changes which have not been seen in any period of history. The main focus of change is primary and secondary schools in the 21st century. By training qualified citizens, primary and secondary schools are educational stages which have remarkable prominence in the development of a country. For this reason, school principle is in the centre of these schools’ organization, resource maintenance and mechanisms directed towards realizing educational goals at a higher level. In this framework, this study aims to reveal foremost and novel understandings about new duties and qualifications of school principals as leaders in the 21st century and
accordingly, it is aimed to determine instructional leadership and its scope.
Compilation method based on literature review is used in this study. Following
results were obtained: 1- Duties of school principle have become more comprehensive
and multi-dimensional in the 21st century. 2- Key role of school principle in the 21st
century is to place primarily the effectiveness of learning-teaching processes in the
centre for efficient and high-rate student success. 3- Prominent feature of the 21st
century school principal is to demonstrate change-oriented behaviors. 4- The most
crucial qualification of a school principal as a leader in the 21st century is to be both
a learner and a teacher. 5- One of the new duties of school principal in the 21st
century is instructional leadership. 6- Instructional leadership is a supportive and
facilitative catalyst who is initiative of these processes. 7- Instructional leadership is
a process involving interaction with families, parents, teachers and students as well
as sharing knowledge about individual development of each student. 8- Alterations
in the educational systems of the 21st century require renewing training programs of
school principal. 


  • Behar-Horenstein, L. S. (1995).Promoting effective school leadership: a change- oriented model for the preparation of principals.Peabody Journal of Education. 70, 3, 18-40.
  • Çelik, V. (2000). Eğitimsel liderlik. Ankara: PegemA Yayıncılık.
  • Coffin E. (2004). The 21st century principal: A call to action. The importance of developing leadership capacity for the improvement of student Erişim: 17 Nisan 2010.
  • Cuban, L. (1985). Principaling: Images and roles. Peabody Journal of Education, 63, 1, 107-119.
  • Fullan, M. G. & Newton E. E. (1988). School principals and change processes in the secondary school. Canadian Journal of Education, 13, 3, 404-422.
  • Erçetin, S. (2000). Lider sarmalında vizyon. Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık
  • Gaston, W. D. (2005).Defining the roles and responsibilities of public school assistant principals in Virginia.Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, The College of William and Mary in Virginia.
  • Gibson, J. L., Ivancevic, J. M. & Donnelly, J. H. (1988). Organizations. Texas: Business Publications.
  • Glasman, N. S. & Heck R. H. (1992). The changing leadership role of the principal: implications for principal assessment. Peabody Journal of Education, 68, 1, 5- 24.
  • Glasman, N. S. (1984). Achievement and the School Principal.Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 6, 3, 283-296.
  • Goodwin, R. H., Cunningham, M. L. & Eagle, T. (2005). The changing role of the secondary principal in the United States: An historical perspective. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 37, 1, 1-17.
  • Heck, R. H. (1992). Principals' instructional leadership and school performance: implications for policy development, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 14, 1, 21-34.
  • IBE-International Bureau of Education.(1998). Curriculum development.Educational
  • Innovation and Information, 97.
  • Lyons, J. E. (2010). The principalship. http://www. education. uncc. edu/jelyons/ Erişim: 17 Nisan 2010.
  • Markley, D. L. (2008).The changing roles and responsibilities of the high school principal.Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Widener University.
  • Mulford, B. (2003). School leaders: changing roles and impact on teacher and school effectiveness. Education and Training Policy Division,şim: 11 Ocak 2010.
  • Podmostko, M. (2000). Leadership for student learning: Reinventing the principalship. school leadership for the 21st century initiative. A Report of the Task Force on the Principalship.Institute for Educational Leadership, Washington. leadership.html.Erişim: 17 Mart 2010.
  • Reyes-Gonzalez, S. (2007). Professional vitality: Perspectives from nine school principals. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Washington State University, College of Education.
  • Riehl, J. C. (2000). The principal’s role in creating inclusive schools for diverse students.Review of Educational Research, 70, 1, 55-81.
  • Santos, J. (2008). The responsibilities and leadership attributes of principals in opening newly constructed schools. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Benerd Schools of Education, University of Pacific, Stockton, California. Şisman, M. (2002). Öğretim liderliği. Ankara: PegamA Yayıncılık.
  • Shaw, A. (2008). What is 21st century Education. Erişim: 5 Şubat 2010.
  • Weiss, H. C. & Cambone, J. (1994). Principals, shared decision making, and school reform. Educational Evaluation and Policy analysis, 16, 3, 287-301.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yasemin Aksoyalp This is me

Publication Date May 9, 2013
Submission Date January 30, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2010 Issue: 20


APA Aksoyalp, Y. (2013). 21. YÜZYILDA OKUL YÖNETİCİSİNİN NİTELİĞİ: ÖĞRETİM LİDERLİĞİ. Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi(20), 140-150.