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Year 2017, Issue: 106, 121 - 146, 01.09.2017


Obezite bu yüzyılın en önemli sağlık problemlerinden biri olup yalnız toplum sağlığına değil aynı zamanda ülke ekonomisine de zarar vermektedir. Yarattığı negatif dışsallıklar yüzünden obeziteyle etkin mücadelede devlete de rol düşmektedir. Bu çerçevede geçmişte farklı amaçlar için uygulanmış olan ve son zamanlarda obezite vergileri adını alan vergiler günümüzde obeziteyle mücadele için birçok ülkede uygulanmaya başlamıştır. Ancak obezite vergileri üzerine yapılan çalışmalar, bu verginin obeziteye karşı savaşta çok başarılı olmadığına işaret etmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’nin gündeminde olan obezite vergilerinin, obeziteyi azaltmakta ne oranda başarılı olabileceği ve bu uygulamanın vergide adaleti nasıl etkileyebileceği, ülkemizdeki obez bireylerin sosyoekonomik özellikleri ve ilgili literatür ışığında incelenmiştir. Bu tartışma çerçevesinde politika önerilerinde bulunulmuştur


  • Albala, Cecilia ve Fernando Vío (2000), “Obesity and Poverty: A Pending Challenge in Chile”. Obesity and Poverty: A New Public Health Challenge, İçinde: Peña, M. ve Bacallao, J. (ed.) ss. 41-50, Pan American Health Org. Scientific Publication-Panamerican Health Organization (Vol. 576), Washington D.C.
  • Barber, Sarah (2017), “The Soft Drinks Indusrty Levy”, House of Commons Library, Briefing Paper No. 7876.
  • Başaran Yavaşlar, Funda (2012), “Vergisel Düzenin ve Vergi Adaletinin Sağlanmasında Donanımlı Anayasa Dışında Gerekenler”, Anayasadan Mali ve Vergisel Beklentiler, İçinde: Yenisey, F., Güneş, G. ve Şirin, Z. E. (ed.) ss. 397-406, On İki Levha Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • Berardi, Nicoletta, Patrick Sevestre, Marine Tépaut ve Alexandre Vigneron (2016), “The Impact of A ‘Soda Tax’ on Prices: Evidence From French Micro Data.”, Applied Economics, 48(41), 3976-3994.
  • Bonnet, Celiné (2013), “How to Set Up an Effective Food Tax?; Comment on ‘Food Taxes: A New Holy Grail?’”, International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 1(3), 233-234.
  • Briggs, Adam D. M., , Oliver T. Mytton, … ve Peter Scarborough (2017), “Health Impact Assessment of the UK Soft Drinks Industry Levy: A Comparative Risk Assessment Modelling Study”, The Lancet Public Health, 2(1), e15-e22.
  • British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) News (2000), “‘Fat Tax’ Could Save Lives” (28 January 2000), stm (Erişim Tarihi: 24.04.2017).
  • Brownell, Kelly D. (1994), “Get Slim with Higher Taxes” (Editorial), NY Times. December 15, 1994, A29.
  • Büyüktuncer, Zehra, Tosun, Berat N., … ve Besler, Halil T. (2010), “Implications of Socio-Economic Status on the Dietary Fatty Acid Intakes in Turkish Women”, Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 40(2), 305-312.
  • Capacci, Sarah, Mario Mazzocchi, ... ve Bruce Traill (2012), “Policies to Promote Healthy Eating in Europe: A Structured Review of Policies and Their Effectiveness”, Nutrition Reviews, 70(3), 188-200.
  • Caraher, Martin ve Gill Cowburn (2005), “Taxing Food: Implications for Public Health Nutrition”, Public Health Nutrition 8(8), 1242-1249.
  • Cash, Sean, David L. Sunding ve David Zilberman (2005), “Fat Taxes and Thin Subsidies: Prices, Diet, and Health Outcomes”, Acta Agriculturae Scand, Section C 2(3-4), 167-174.
  • Cavaliere, Alessia ve Alessandro Banterle (2008), “Economic Factors Affecting Obesity: An Application in Italy”, In International Congress, August (pp. 26-29).
  • Cawley, John ve David Frisvold (2015), “The Incidence of Taxes on Sugar- Sweetened Beverages: The Case of Berkeley, California”, National Bureau of Economic Research, Nber Working Paper Series, No. 21465.
  • Chouinard, Hayley H., David E. Davis, Jeffrey T. LaFrance ve Jeffrey M. Perloff (2007), “Fat Taxes: Big Money For Small Change”, Forum Health Econ Policy, 10(2), 1558–9544.
  • Cornelsen, Laura, Rosemary Green, Alan Dangour ve Richard Smith (2014), “Why Fat Taxes Won’t Make Us Thin”, Journal of Public Health, 37(1), 18-23.
  • Costa-Font, Joan, Cristina Hernández-Quevedo, ve Dolores Jiménez-Rubio (2014), “Income Inequalities in Unhealthy Life Styles in England and Spain”, Economics & Human Biology, 13, 66-75.
  • Courtemanche, Charles (2009), “Longer Hours And Larger Waistlines? The Relationship Between Work Hours and Obesity”, Forum for Health Economics & Policy, 12(2), 1-31.
  • Cox, Sarah (2016), “Sugary Drinks Taxation”, University of Connecticut, School of Law, Law Library Blog, taxation (Erişim Tarihi: 31.03.2017).
  • Çayır, Aliye, Nazlı Atak ve Serdal K. Köse (2011), “Beslenme ve Diyet Kliniğine Başvuranlarda Obezite Durumu ve Etkili Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi”, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası, 64(1), 13-19.
  • Da Câmara, Francisco S. ve Diogo Pinto (2017), “2017 Budget: The Backdrop, The Road Ahead, and Beyond”, Tax Notes International, 85(1), 63-65.
  • Dharmasena, Senarath ve Oral Jr. Capps (2012), “Intended and Unintended Consequences of A Proposed National Tax on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages to Combat the US Obesity Problem”, Health Economics, 21(6), 669–694.
  • Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (2013), Food Statistics Pocketbook 2013, London.
  • Dinsa, G. Deye, Yevgeniy Goryakin, Elena Fumagalli ve Mark Suhrcke (2012), “Obesity and Socioeconomic Status in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review”, Obesity Reviews, 13(11), 1067-1079.
  • Donahue, Tara (2005), “Obesity: Your Problem Or Mine?: Using A Fatty Food Tax to Fight the Obesity Epidemic”, Doctoral dissertation, University of Oregon.
  • Duffey, Kiyah J., Penny Gordon-Larsen, ... ve Barry M. Popkin (2010), “Food Price and Diet and Health Outcomes: 20 Years of the CARDIA Study”, Archives of Internal Medicine, 170(5), 420-426.
  • Epstein, Leonard, Kelly Dearing, Lora Roba ve Eric Finkelstein (2010), “The Influence of Taxes and Subsidies on Energy Purchased in An Experimental Purchasing Study”, Psychological Science, 21(3), 406-414.
  • Erem, Cihangir, Cengiz Arslan, ... ve Münir Telatar (2004), “Prevalence of Obesity and Associated Risk Factors in A Turkish Population (Trabzon City, Turkey), Obesity Research, 12(7), 1117–1127.
  • Ergin, Isil, Hur Hassoy ve Anton Kunst (2012), “Socio-Economic Inequalities in Overweight Among Adults in Turkey: A Regional Evaluation”, Public Health Nutrition, 15(1), 58-66.
  • Fernald, Lia C.H. (2007), “Socio-economic Status and Body Mass Index in Low- income Mexican Adults”, Social Science & Medicine, 64, 2030-2042.
  • Finkelstein, Eric A., Justin G. Trogdon, Joel W. Cohen ve William Dietz (2009), “Annual Medical Spending Attributable to Obesity: Payer-and Service- Specific Estimates”, Health Affairs, 28(5), w822-w831.
  • Finkelstein, Eric, Simone French, Jayachandran N. Variyam ve Pamela S. Haines (2004), “Pros and Cons of Proposed Interventions to Promote Healthy Eating”, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 27(3), 163-171.
  • Fitzgerald, Cormac (2016), “It’s Official: Ireland is Getting A Sugar Tax (But Not For A Few Years)”, The Journal, 3020822-Oct2016/ (Erişim Tarihi: 31.03.2017).
  • Gergerlioğlu, Ufuk (2014), “Bireysel ve Toplumsal Maliyetler Perspektifinden Obezite Vergilemesinin İktisadi Etkilerinin Değerlendirilmesi”, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (7), 135-141.
  • Giskes, Katrina, Frank J. van Lenthe, … ve Johan P. Mackenbach (2008), “Socioeconomic Position at Different Stages of the Life Course and Its Influence on Body Weight and Weight Gain in Adulthood: A Longitudinal Study with 13-year Follow-Up”, Obesity, 16, 1377e1381.
  • Gordon-Larsen, Penny, David K. Guilkey ve Barry M. Popkin (2011), “An Economic Analysis of Community-level Fast Food Prices and Individual-level Fast Food Intake: A Longitudinal Study”, Health & Place, 17(6), 1235–1241.
  • Gustavsen, Geir Waehler ve Kyrre Rickertsen (2011), “The Effects of Taxes on Purchases of Sugar-Sweetened Carbonated Soft Drinks: A Quantile Regression Approach”, Applied Economics 43(6), 707–716.
  • Hall, Kevin D., Gary Sacks, ... ve Boyd A. Swinburn (2011), “Quantification of The Effect of Energy Imbalance on Bodyweight”, The Lancet, 378(9793), 826-837.
  • Iseri, Ali ve Nurullah Arslan (2009), “Obesity in Adults in Turkey: Age and Regional Effects, Eur J Public Health, 19(1), 91-94.
  • Jacobson, Michael ve Kelly D. Brownell (2000), “Small Taxes on Soft Drinks and Snack Foods to Promote Health”, American Journal Of Public Health, 90(6), 854-857.
  • Karaoğlan, Deniz ve Aysit Tansel (2014), “Health Behaviors and Education In Turkey”, IZA Discussion Paper No. 8262.
  • Karaoğlan, Deniz ve Aysit Tansel (2017), “Determinants of Obesity in Turkey: A Quantile Regression Analysis from a Developing Country”, IZA Discussion Paper No. 10491.
  • Lakdawalla, Darius ve Tomas Philipson (2002), “The Growth of Obesity and Technological Change: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination”, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No. 8946, http:// (Erişim Tarihi: 02.06.2017).
  • Leichester, Andrew and Frank Windmeijer (2004), “The ‘Fat Tax’: Economic Incentives To Reduce Obesity”, The Institute For Fiscal Studies, Briefing Note No. 49.
  • Leifert, Rodrigo M. ve Claudo R. Lucinda (2015), “Linear Symmetric ‘Fat Taxes’: Evidence from Brazil”, Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy, 37(4), 634- 666.
  • Lin, Biing H., Travis A. Smith, Jonq Y. Lee, & Kevin D. Hall (2011), “Measuring Weight Outcomes for Obesity Intervention Strategies: The Case of A Sugar- Sweetened Beverage Tax”, Economics & Human Biology, 9(4), 329-341.
  • Ljungvall, Åsa ve Ulf G. Gerdtham (2010), “More Equal but Heavier: A Longitudinal Analysis of Income-Related Obesity Inequalities in an Adult Swedish Cohort”, Social Science & Medicine, 70(2), 221-231.
  • Long, Michael W., Steven L. Gortmaker, … ve Y. Claire Wang (2015), “Cost Effectiveness of A Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Excise Tax in the US”, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 49(1), 112-123.
  • Lusk, Jayson L., ve Christiane Schroeter (2012), “When Do Fat Taxes Increase Consumer Welfare?”, Health Economics, 21(11), 1367-1374.
  • Madden, David (2015), “The Poverty Effects Of A ‘Fat Tax’In Ireland”, Health Economics, 24(1), 104-121.
  • Malik, Vasanti S., Matthias B. Schulze ve Frank B. Hu (2006), “Intake of Sugar- Sweetened Beverages and Weight Gain: A Systematic Review” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 84(2), 274–288.
  • Maniadakis, Nikolaos, Vasiliki Kapaki, Louiza Damianidi ve Georgia Kourlaba (2013), “A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Taxes on Nonalcoholic Beverages and High-in-Fat Foods as a Means to Prevent Obesity Trends”, ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research, Oct 22;5:519-43. doi: 10.2147/CEOR.S49659(Erişim Tarihi: 14.02.2017).
  • McGuinness, Stephen A. (2012), “Time to Cut the Fat: The Case for Government Anti-Obesity Legislation”, JL & Health, 25, 41-83.
  • Mendez, Michelle A., Richard S. Cooper, ... ve Terrence Forrester (2004), “Higher Income is More Strongly Associated with Obesity Than with Obesity- Related Metabolic Disorders in Jamaican Adults”, International Journal of Obesity, 28(4), 543-550.
  • Miljkovic, Dragan, William Nganje ve Helene de Chastenet (2008), “Economic Factors Affecting the Increase in Obesity in the United States: Differential Response to Price”, Food Policy, 33(1), 48-60.
  • Monteiro, Carlos A., Erly C. Moura, Wolney L. Conde ve Barry M. Popkin (2004), “Socioeconomic Status and Obesity in Adult Populations of Developing Countries: A Review”, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 82(12), 940-946.
  • Muller, Laurent, Anne Lacroix, Jayson L. Lusk ve Bernard Ruffieux (2017), “Distributional Impacts of Fat Taxes and Thin Subsidies”, The Economic Journal Early View: 1-45, DOI: 10.1111/ecoj.12357.
  • Nnoaham, Kelechi E., Gary Sacks, Mike Rayner, Oliver Mytton ve Alastair Gray (2009), “Modelling Income Group Differences in the Health and Economic Impacts of Targeted Food Taxes and Subsidies”, International Journal of Epidemiology 38:1324-1333.
  • OECD (2014) “Obesity Update”, Update-2014.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 10.03.2017).
  • OECD (2017) “Obesity Update”, Obesity-Update-2017.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 01.06.2017).
  • Oğuz, Aytekin, Ahmet Temizhan, … ve Şükrü Çelik (2008), “Obesity and Abdominal Obesity: An Alarming Challenge for Cardio-Metabolic Risk in Turkish Adults”, Anadolu Kardiyol Dergisi, 8(6):401-406.
  • Pan American Health Organization (2015), “Taxes on Sugar-sweetened Beverages as a Public Health Strategy: The Experience of Mexico”, Mexico Representative Office, Mexico D. F., Mexico.
  • Pechey, Rachel, Susan A. Jebb, Kelly, ... ve Theresa M. Marteau (2013), “Socioeconomic Differences in Purchases of More vs. Less Healthy Foods and Beverages: Analysis of Over 25,000 British Households in 2010”, Social Science & Medicine, 92, 22-26.
  • Popkin, Barry M. ve Penny Gordon-Larsen (2004), “The Nutrition Transition: Worldwide Obesity Dynamics and Their Determinants. International Journal Of Obesity, 28, 52-59.
  • PwC (2015), “Weighing the Cost Obesity: A Case For Action” http://www. (Erişim Tarihi: 14.03.2017).
  • Saruç, Naci Tolga, İsa Sağbaş ve Işıl Y. Ayas (2015), “Obezite ile Mücadelede Kamu Politikalarının Algılanan Etkinliği ve Mali Sosyolojinin Önemi”, 30. Türkiye Maliye Sempozyumu, 20-24 Mayıs 2015, Antalya.
  • Schroeter, Christiane, Jayson Lusk ve Wallace Tyner (2008), “Determining the Impact of Food Price and Income Changes on Body Weight”, Journal Of Health Economics, 27(1), 45-68.
  • Seydel, G. Seyda, Ozlem Kucukoglu, … ve Ali Canbay (2016), “Economic Growth Leads to Increase Of Obesity and Associated Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Developing Countries”, Annals of Hepatology: Official Journal of the Mexican Association of Hepatology, 15(5), 662-672.
  • Shahar, Danit, Iris Shai, Hillel Vardi, Avnel Shahar ve Drora Fraser (2005), “Diet and Eating Habits in High and Low Socioeconomic Groups”, Nutrition, 21(5), 559-566.
  • Sheu, Wendy (2006), “The Evolution of the Modern Snack Tax Bill: From World War I to the War Against Obesity”, 21, (Third Year Paper) (on file with the Harvard Law School Library, InstRepos:8846753 (Erişim Tarihi: 31.03.2017).
  • Şen, Hüseyin ve İsa Sağbaş (2016), Vergi Teorisi ve Politikası, 2. Baskı, Ankara.
  • Tiffin, Richard ve Matthew Salois (2014), “The Distributional Consequences of A Fiscal Food Policy: Evidence from the UK”, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 42(3), 397-417.
  • Türkiye Halk Sağlığı Kurumu (2013), “Türkiye Sağlıklı Beslenme ve Hareketli Hayat Programı (2013-2017)”, T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı, Ankara, http://beslenme. turkiye_saglikli_beslenme_ve_hareketli_hayat_ programi.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 02.03.2017).
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Year 2017, Issue: 106, 121 - 146, 01.09.2017


Obesity is one of the most important health problems of this century, which not only harms public health but also national economy. Due to its negative externalities, governments have an active role in combating obesity. Obesity taxes, which were applied for different purposes in the past and recently named obesity taxes, are nowadays implemented in many countries to fight obesity. However, studies on obesity taxes indicate that this tax is not very successful in the fight against obesity. In this research, the success rate of obesity taxes, which is on the agenda of Turkey, in reducing obesity in Turkey is discussed along with how it can effect taxation equity in the light of the relevant literature and the socioeconomic features of obese people in Turkey. In this framework, policy recommendations are made


  • Albala, Cecilia ve Fernando Vío (2000), “Obesity and Poverty: A Pending Challenge in Chile”. Obesity and Poverty: A New Public Health Challenge, İçinde: Peña, M. ve Bacallao, J. (ed.) ss. 41-50, Pan American Health Org. Scientific Publication-Panamerican Health Organization (Vol. 576), Washington D.C.
  • Barber, Sarah (2017), “The Soft Drinks Indusrty Levy”, House of Commons Library, Briefing Paper No. 7876.
  • Başaran Yavaşlar, Funda (2012), “Vergisel Düzenin ve Vergi Adaletinin Sağlanmasında Donanımlı Anayasa Dışında Gerekenler”, Anayasadan Mali ve Vergisel Beklentiler, İçinde: Yenisey, F., Güneş, G. ve Şirin, Z. E. (ed.) ss. 397-406, On İki Levha Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
  • Berardi, Nicoletta, Patrick Sevestre, Marine Tépaut ve Alexandre Vigneron (2016), “The Impact of A ‘Soda Tax’ on Prices: Evidence From French Micro Data.”, Applied Economics, 48(41), 3976-3994.
  • Bonnet, Celiné (2013), “How to Set Up an Effective Food Tax?; Comment on ‘Food Taxes: A New Holy Grail?’”, International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 1(3), 233-234.
  • Briggs, Adam D. M., , Oliver T. Mytton, … ve Peter Scarborough (2017), “Health Impact Assessment of the UK Soft Drinks Industry Levy: A Comparative Risk Assessment Modelling Study”, The Lancet Public Health, 2(1), e15-e22.
  • British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) News (2000), “‘Fat Tax’ Could Save Lives” (28 January 2000), stm (Erişim Tarihi: 24.04.2017).
  • Brownell, Kelly D. (1994), “Get Slim with Higher Taxes” (Editorial), NY Times. December 15, 1994, A29.
  • Büyüktuncer, Zehra, Tosun, Berat N., … ve Besler, Halil T. (2010), “Implications of Socio-Economic Status on the Dietary Fatty Acid Intakes in Turkish Women”, Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 40(2), 305-312.
  • Capacci, Sarah, Mario Mazzocchi, ... ve Bruce Traill (2012), “Policies to Promote Healthy Eating in Europe: A Structured Review of Policies and Their Effectiveness”, Nutrition Reviews, 70(3), 188-200.
  • Caraher, Martin ve Gill Cowburn (2005), “Taxing Food: Implications for Public Health Nutrition”, Public Health Nutrition 8(8), 1242-1249.
  • Cash, Sean, David L. Sunding ve David Zilberman (2005), “Fat Taxes and Thin Subsidies: Prices, Diet, and Health Outcomes”, Acta Agriculturae Scand, Section C 2(3-4), 167-174.
  • Cavaliere, Alessia ve Alessandro Banterle (2008), “Economic Factors Affecting Obesity: An Application in Italy”, In International Congress, August (pp. 26-29).
  • Cawley, John ve David Frisvold (2015), “The Incidence of Taxes on Sugar- Sweetened Beverages: The Case of Berkeley, California”, National Bureau of Economic Research, Nber Working Paper Series, No. 21465.
  • Chouinard, Hayley H., David E. Davis, Jeffrey T. LaFrance ve Jeffrey M. Perloff (2007), “Fat Taxes: Big Money For Small Change”, Forum Health Econ Policy, 10(2), 1558–9544.
  • Cornelsen, Laura, Rosemary Green, Alan Dangour ve Richard Smith (2014), “Why Fat Taxes Won’t Make Us Thin”, Journal of Public Health, 37(1), 18-23.
  • Costa-Font, Joan, Cristina Hernández-Quevedo, ve Dolores Jiménez-Rubio (2014), “Income Inequalities in Unhealthy Life Styles in England and Spain”, Economics & Human Biology, 13, 66-75.
  • Courtemanche, Charles (2009), “Longer Hours And Larger Waistlines? The Relationship Between Work Hours and Obesity”, Forum for Health Economics & Policy, 12(2), 1-31.
  • Cox, Sarah (2016), “Sugary Drinks Taxation”, University of Connecticut, School of Law, Law Library Blog, taxation (Erişim Tarihi: 31.03.2017).
  • Çayır, Aliye, Nazlı Atak ve Serdal K. Köse (2011), “Beslenme ve Diyet Kliniğine Başvuranlarda Obezite Durumu ve Etkili Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi”, Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası, 64(1), 13-19.
  • Da Câmara, Francisco S. ve Diogo Pinto (2017), “2017 Budget: The Backdrop, The Road Ahead, and Beyond”, Tax Notes International, 85(1), 63-65.
  • Dharmasena, Senarath ve Oral Jr. Capps (2012), “Intended and Unintended Consequences of A Proposed National Tax on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages to Combat the US Obesity Problem”, Health Economics, 21(6), 669–694.
  • Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (2013), Food Statistics Pocketbook 2013, London.
  • Dinsa, G. Deye, Yevgeniy Goryakin, Elena Fumagalli ve Mark Suhrcke (2012), “Obesity and Socioeconomic Status in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review”, Obesity Reviews, 13(11), 1067-1079.
  • Donahue, Tara (2005), “Obesity: Your Problem Or Mine?: Using A Fatty Food Tax to Fight the Obesity Epidemic”, Doctoral dissertation, University of Oregon.
  • Duffey, Kiyah J., Penny Gordon-Larsen, ... ve Barry M. Popkin (2010), “Food Price and Diet and Health Outcomes: 20 Years of the CARDIA Study”, Archives of Internal Medicine, 170(5), 420-426.
  • Epstein, Leonard, Kelly Dearing, Lora Roba ve Eric Finkelstein (2010), “The Influence of Taxes and Subsidies on Energy Purchased in An Experimental Purchasing Study”, Psychological Science, 21(3), 406-414.
  • Erem, Cihangir, Cengiz Arslan, ... ve Münir Telatar (2004), “Prevalence of Obesity and Associated Risk Factors in A Turkish Population (Trabzon City, Turkey), Obesity Research, 12(7), 1117–1127.
  • Ergin, Isil, Hur Hassoy ve Anton Kunst (2012), “Socio-Economic Inequalities in Overweight Among Adults in Turkey: A Regional Evaluation”, Public Health Nutrition, 15(1), 58-66.
  • Fernald, Lia C.H. (2007), “Socio-economic Status and Body Mass Index in Low- income Mexican Adults”, Social Science & Medicine, 64, 2030-2042.
  • Finkelstein, Eric A., Justin G. Trogdon, Joel W. Cohen ve William Dietz (2009), “Annual Medical Spending Attributable to Obesity: Payer-and Service- Specific Estimates”, Health Affairs, 28(5), w822-w831.
  • Finkelstein, Eric, Simone French, Jayachandran N. Variyam ve Pamela S. Haines (2004), “Pros and Cons of Proposed Interventions to Promote Healthy Eating”, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 27(3), 163-171.
  • Fitzgerald, Cormac (2016), “It’s Official: Ireland is Getting A Sugar Tax (But Not For A Few Years)”, The Journal, 3020822-Oct2016/ (Erişim Tarihi: 31.03.2017).
  • Gergerlioğlu, Ufuk (2014), “Bireysel ve Toplumsal Maliyetler Perspektifinden Obezite Vergilemesinin İktisadi Etkilerinin Değerlendirilmesi”, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (7), 135-141.
  • Giskes, Katrina, Frank J. van Lenthe, … ve Johan P. Mackenbach (2008), “Socioeconomic Position at Different Stages of the Life Course and Its Influence on Body Weight and Weight Gain in Adulthood: A Longitudinal Study with 13-year Follow-Up”, Obesity, 16, 1377e1381.
  • Gordon-Larsen, Penny, David K. Guilkey ve Barry M. Popkin (2011), “An Economic Analysis of Community-level Fast Food Prices and Individual-level Fast Food Intake: A Longitudinal Study”, Health & Place, 17(6), 1235–1241.
  • Gustavsen, Geir Waehler ve Kyrre Rickertsen (2011), “The Effects of Taxes on Purchases of Sugar-Sweetened Carbonated Soft Drinks: A Quantile Regression Approach”, Applied Economics 43(6), 707–716.
  • Hall, Kevin D., Gary Sacks, ... ve Boyd A. Swinburn (2011), “Quantification of The Effect of Energy Imbalance on Bodyweight”, The Lancet, 378(9793), 826-837.
  • Iseri, Ali ve Nurullah Arslan (2009), “Obesity in Adults in Turkey: Age and Regional Effects, Eur J Public Health, 19(1), 91-94.
  • Jacobson, Michael ve Kelly D. Brownell (2000), “Small Taxes on Soft Drinks and Snack Foods to Promote Health”, American Journal Of Public Health, 90(6), 854-857.
  • Karaoğlan, Deniz ve Aysit Tansel (2014), “Health Behaviors and Education In Turkey”, IZA Discussion Paper No. 8262.
  • Karaoğlan, Deniz ve Aysit Tansel (2017), “Determinants of Obesity in Turkey: A Quantile Regression Analysis from a Developing Country”, IZA Discussion Paper No. 10491.
  • Lakdawalla, Darius ve Tomas Philipson (2002), “The Growth of Obesity and Technological Change: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination”, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No. 8946, http:// (Erişim Tarihi: 02.06.2017).
  • Leichester, Andrew and Frank Windmeijer (2004), “The ‘Fat Tax’: Economic Incentives To Reduce Obesity”, The Institute For Fiscal Studies, Briefing Note No. 49.
  • Leifert, Rodrigo M. ve Claudo R. Lucinda (2015), “Linear Symmetric ‘Fat Taxes’: Evidence from Brazil”, Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy, 37(4), 634- 666.
  • Lin, Biing H., Travis A. Smith, Jonq Y. Lee, & Kevin D. Hall (2011), “Measuring Weight Outcomes for Obesity Intervention Strategies: The Case of A Sugar- Sweetened Beverage Tax”, Economics & Human Biology, 9(4), 329-341.
  • Ljungvall, Åsa ve Ulf G. Gerdtham (2010), “More Equal but Heavier: A Longitudinal Analysis of Income-Related Obesity Inequalities in an Adult Swedish Cohort”, Social Science & Medicine, 70(2), 221-231.
  • Long, Michael W., Steven L. Gortmaker, … ve Y. Claire Wang (2015), “Cost Effectiveness of A Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Excise Tax in the US”, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 49(1), 112-123.
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There are 79 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Asuman Çukur This is me

İmran Arıtı Erdem This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Issue: 106
