Research Article
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Year 2005, Issue: 58, 105 - 135, 30.07.2005


  • Aktan, C. Coşkun (1997)), Değişim ve Yeni Global Yönetim, MESS Yayınları, İstanbul Ateş, H. (1999), An Exploration of the Theory And Practice of the New Public Management : The Case Study of Turkey with Particular Reference to the Turkish Health Sector, Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, The University of Liverpool, March, Liverpool, UK. Barry, N. P. (1987), The New Right, London, Croom Helm. Eryılmaz, Bilâl (2002), Bürokrasi ve Siyaset: Bürokratik Devletten Etkin Yönetime, Alfa Yayınları. Foster, C. D. And F.J. Plowden (1996), The State Ünder Stres: Can the Hollow State Be Good Gövernment?, Buckhingham: Open University Pres. Friedman, Milton (1998), Kapitalizm ve Özgürlük, Altın Kitapları. Green D. G. (198), The New Right: The Counter-Revolution in Political, Economic and Social Thought, Brighton: Wheatsheaf Gore, A. (1993), “Creating a Gövernment that Works Better and Costs Less” Report of the National Performance Review, New York Time Books, Random House. King, D. S. (1987), The New Right : Politics, Markets and Citizenship, London: MacMillan Education Ltd. Lijeron, Javier H. E. (1996), Decentralisation Local Gövernments and Markets: A Comparative Study of Recent Trends in Selective Countries, The Hague Inst. of Social Studies. Milakovich, M.E. (1995), Improving Service Ouality, Florida:St-Lucie Pres. Mackintosh, M. (1992), Çuestioning The State, In Mackintosh and Hewit (EDS) Development Policy Action, Oxford: Oxford UÜniversity Press. Nye, İr. J. S.; Zelikov, P.D, King D.C., (Editörler) (1997), “Why People Don't Trust Gövernment?” Mass: Harvard University Pres. SAYIŞTAY DERGİSİ e SAYI: 58 133 Kamusal Retorikte Moda Trend: Yeni Kamu Yönetimi OEBCD, (1993) Public Management, OECD Country Profiles, Paris. OECD, (1995) Governance in Transition: Public Management Reforms in OECD Countries , Paris: Puma — OEBCD. Ohmea, Kenich, (1996), Ulus Devletin Sonu (Çev: Zülfü Diclelj, Türk Henkel Yayını, İstanbul. Osborne D. and Gaebler T. (1992), Reinventing Gövernment: How The Entrepreneurial Spirit Is Tranforming the Public Sector, Reading, Addison Wesley. Pollitt, Chrıstopher (1990), Managerialism and Public Services, Oxford: Basıc Blackwell, 1990. Tarnham, David And Sylvia Horton (1992), Managing Private and Public Services, Ed. David Farnham and Sylvia Horton, Macmillan, London pp. 27-52. World Bank (1997), The State in A Changing World World Development Report, New York: Oxford University Press. Wilson And Hinton (1993), The Public Services, The 1990's, Tudor Pub. Zifcak Spencer (1994), New Managerialism: Administrative Reform in Whitehall And Canberra, Buckingham: Open Univ. Pres. MAKALELER Aksoy. A. Şinası, (1995) “Yeni Sağ ve Kamu Yönetimi”, Kamu Yönetimi Disiplini Sempozyum Bildirileri, Cilt II, Aralık, ss.159-173. Caiden, G. E., (1998) “The Vitality of Admınıstrative Reform” İnternational Review of Administration Science, vol:54 No:3 (September) pp-251-357. Gray, Andrew, Jenkins B., (1955) “From Public Adminısration to Public Management: Reassessing a Revolution” Public Administration, vol.73, Spring. Gül, Hüseyin, (1999) “Kamu Yönetiminde Piyasa Temelli Yeni Model Arayışları ve Türk Kamu Yönetiminde Toplam Kalite Yönetiminin Uygulanabilirliği”, Kamu Yönetiminde Kalite Ulusal Kongresi , Ekim. pp 15-30. Hood, C., (1996) “Beyond Progressivism : A New Global Paradigm In Public Management” Int. J. of Pub. Admin. Vol:19 No: 2 pp. 151-157. 134 SAYIŞTAY DERGİSİ e SAYI: 58 Kamusal Retorikte Moda Trend: Yeni Kamu Yönetimi Holmes, Malcolm and David Shand, (1995) “Management Reform: Some Practitioner Perpectives on The Past Ten Years”, Gövernance, Vol: 8 No:4. LEBLEBİCİ, D.N., (2000) “Kamu Yönetimi ve Türkiye'deki Gelişimi” Atatürkrün Ölümünün 62. yılında Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye'sinde Bilimsel Gelişmeler Sempozyumu, 8-10 Kasım 2000, Ankara Hacettepe Üniversitesi. Mascarenhas, R.C., (1993) “Bullding An Enterprise Culture in The Public Sector in Australa, Britam and . New Zealand” — Public Administration Review, C.53 S.4. Öxley, H. And Martin J.P, (1991) “Controlling goövernment Spending and Deficits: Trends in The 1980's and Prospects for The 1990's” içinde OECD Economics Studies, S. 17 Parıs, OEBCD. Ömürgönülşen, Uğur, (1997) “The Emergance of A New Approach to The Public Sector: The New Public Management”, Prof. Dr. Cemal Mıhçıoğlu'na Armağan, A.ÜSBF Dergisi, C.52 S.1-4. Schedler, Kuno, (1996) “Legitimization As Granted By The Customer?” Reflections On The Compatibility of The New Public Management in The İnternational Perspective, İnstitute of Public Finance and Fiscal Law, St.Galen, Switzerland, pp-69-86 Wright, V., (1992) “Public Administration in The Nineties: Trends and Innovations” içinde: Public Administration in The Innovations, Proceeing of XXII International Congress of Administrative Sciences, Vienna, Bruxelles: International Instutite of Adminiıstrative Sciences. Yayman, Hüseyin, — (2000), 1980 Sonrası “Türkiye'de — Özelleştirme Uygulamalarının Gelişimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Üzerine Etkileri, Gazi Üniversitesi, İlBF Dergisi, Cilt:2 Sayı: 3 Yaşamış, Demir Firuz, (1997) Kamu Yönetimi Kuramında ve Uygulamasında Yeni Gelişmeler: “Administration”dan “Management”a, Türk İdare Dergisi, Aralık, Yıl:69 Sayı: 417. INTERNET Dinçer, Ömer ve C. Yılmaz, “Değişimin Yönetimi İçin Yönetimde Değişim”,, Erişim Tarıhı: 15.11.2004
Year 2005, Issue: 58, 105 - 135, 30.07.2005


  • Aktan, C. Coşkun (1997)), Değişim ve Yeni Global Yönetim, MESS Yayınları, İstanbul Ateş, H. (1999), An Exploration of the Theory And Practice of the New Public Management : The Case Study of Turkey with Particular Reference to the Turkish Health Sector, Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, The University of Liverpool, March, Liverpool, UK. Barry, N. P. (1987), The New Right, London, Croom Helm. Eryılmaz, Bilâl (2002), Bürokrasi ve Siyaset: Bürokratik Devletten Etkin Yönetime, Alfa Yayınları. Foster, C. D. And F.J. Plowden (1996), The State Ünder Stres: Can the Hollow State Be Good Gövernment?, Buckhingham: Open University Pres. Friedman, Milton (1998), Kapitalizm ve Özgürlük, Altın Kitapları. Green D. G. (198), The New Right: The Counter-Revolution in Political, Economic and Social Thought, Brighton: Wheatsheaf Gore, A. (1993), “Creating a Gövernment that Works Better and Costs Less” Report of the National Performance Review, New York Time Books, Random House. King, D. S. (1987), The New Right : Politics, Markets and Citizenship, London: MacMillan Education Ltd. Lijeron, Javier H. E. (1996), Decentralisation Local Gövernments and Markets: A Comparative Study of Recent Trends in Selective Countries, The Hague Inst. of Social Studies. Milakovich, M.E. (1995), Improving Service Ouality, Florida:St-Lucie Pres. Mackintosh, M. (1992), Çuestioning The State, In Mackintosh and Hewit (EDS) Development Policy Action, Oxford: Oxford UÜniversity Press. Nye, İr. J. S.; Zelikov, P.D, King D.C., (Editörler) (1997), “Why People Don't Trust Gövernment?” Mass: Harvard University Pres. SAYIŞTAY DERGİSİ e SAYI: 58 133 Kamusal Retorikte Moda Trend: Yeni Kamu Yönetimi OEBCD, (1993) Public Management, OECD Country Profiles, Paris. OECD, (1995) Governance in Transition: Public Management Reforms in OECD Countries , Paris: Puma — OEBCD. Ohmea, Kenich, (1996), Ulus Devletin Sonu (Çev: Zülfü Diclelj, Türk Henkel Yayını, İstanbul. Osborne D. and Gaebler T. (1992), Reinventing Gövernment: How The Entrepreneurial Spirit Is Tranforming the Public Sector, Reading, Addison Wesley. Pollitt, Chrıstopher (1990), Managerialism and Public Services, Oxford: Basıc Blackwell, 1990. Tarnham, David And Sylvia Horton (1992), Managing Private and Public Services, Ed. David Farnham and Sylvia Horton, Macmillan, London pp. 27-52. World Bank (1997), The State in A Changing World World Development Report, New York: Oxford University Press. Wilson And Hinton (1993), The Public Services, The 1990's, Tudor Pub. Zifcak Spencer (1994), New Managerialism: Administrative Reform in Whitehall And Canberra, Buckingham: Open Univ. Pres. MAKALELER Aksoy. A. Şinası, (1995) “Yeni Sağ ve Kamu Yönetimi”, Kamu Yönetimi Disiplini Sempozyum Bildirileri, Cilt II, Aralık, ss.159-173. Caiden, G. E., (1998) “The Vitality of Admınıstrative Reform” İnternational Review of Administration Science, vol:54 No:3 (September) pp-251-357. Gray, Andrew, Jenkins B., (1955) “From Public Adminısration to Public Management: Reassessing a Revolution” Public Administration, vol.73, Spring. Gül, Hüseyin, (1999) “Kamu Yönetiminde Piyasa Temelli Yeni Model Arayışları ve Türk Kamu Yönetiminde Toplam Kalite Yönetiminin Uygulanabilirliği”, Kamu Yönetiminde Kalite Ulusal Kongresi , Ekim. pp 15-30. Hood, C., (1996) “Beyond Progressivism : A New Global Paradigm In Public Management” Int. J. of Pub. Admin. Vol:19 No: 2 pp. 151-157. 134 SAYIŞTAY DERGİSİ e SAYI: 58 Kamusal Retorikte Moda Trend: Yeni Kamu Yönetimi Holmes, Malcolm and David Shand, (1995) “Management Reform: Some Practitioner Perpectives on The Past Ten Years”, Gövernance, Vol: 8 No:4. LEBLEBİCİ, D.N., (2000) “Kamu Yönetimi ve Türkiye'deki Gelişimi” Atatürkrün Ölümünün 62. yılında Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye'sinde Bilimsel Gelişmeler Sempozyumu, 8-10 Kasım 2000, Ankara Hacettepe Üniversitesi. Mascarenhas, R.C., (1993) “Bullding An Enterprise Culture in The Public Sector in Australa, Britam and . New Zealand” — Public Administration Review, C.53 S.4. Öxley, H. And Martin J.P, (1991) “Controlling goövernment Spending and Deficits: Trends in The 1980's and Prospects for The 1990's” içinde OECD Economics Studies, S. 17 Parıs, OEBCD. Ömürgönülşen, Uğur, (1997) “The Emergance of A New Approach to The Public Sector: The New Public Management”, Prof. Dr. Cemal Mıhçıoğlu'na Armağan, A.ÜSBF Dergisi, C.52 S.1-4. Schedler, Kuno, (1996) “Legitimization As Granted By The Customer?” Reflections On The Compatibility of The New Public Management in The İnternational Perspective, İnstitute of Public Finance and Fiscal Law, St.Galen, Switzerland, pp-69-86 Wright, V., (1992) “Public Administration in The Nineties: Trends and Innovations” içinde: Public Administration in The Innovations, Proceeing of XXII International Congress of Administrative Sciences, Vienna, Bruxelles: International Instutite of Adminiıstrative Sciences. Yayman, Hüseyin, — (2000), 1980 Sonrası “Türkiye'de — Özelleştirme Uygulamalarının Gelişimi ve Kamu Yönetimi Üzerine Etkileri, Gazi Üniversitesi, İlBF Dergisi, Cilt:2 Sayı: 3 Yaşamış, Demir Firuz, (1997) Kamu Yönetimi Kuramında ve Uygulamasında Yeni Gelişmeler: “Administration”dan “Management”a, Türk İdare Dergisi, Aralık, Yıl:69 Sayı: 417. INTERNET Dinçer, Ömer ve C. Yılmaz, “Değişimin Yönetimi İçin Yönetimde Değişim”,, Erişim Tarıhı: 15.11.2004
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Law in Context
Journal Section Research Articles

Demokaan Demirel This is me

Publication Date July 30, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Issue: 58


APA Demirel, D. (2005). KAMUSAL RETORİKTE MODA TREND: YENİ KAMU YÖNETİMİ. Sayıştay Dergisi(58), 105-135.