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Individual And Social Factors Related To Sport Commitment In Adolescent Athletes: A Systematic Review

Year 2022, , 120 - 148, 31.10.2022


Examining sport commitment, which is a crucial structure in revealing the psychosocial factors that affect sport participation, persistence, and dropping out of sports, is important in terms of providing a more comprehensive understanding of this concept in our country, revealing the gaps in the literature and providing new research questions. A better understanding of sport commitment may provide an important opportunity for a more physically active society. In this context, this study aimed to systematically review the psychosocial factors related to sport commitment in the literature to date. A systematic review of articles published in English across PubMed, Google Scholar, SPORTDiscus, and Taylor-Francis Online databases was undertaken using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines by the “sport commitment” keyword. Inclusion criteria such as studies published in peer-reviewed journals based on the Sport Commitment model (Scanlan et al., 1993), the age range of the sample group between 10-18 years (early and middle adolescence), and examining factors related to sport commitment, were taken into account. In addition, exclusion criteria such as not being written in English and using a qualitative research method were taken into during the initial search. Totally 20 articles met inclusion criteria after the full-text articles were screened for eligibility. We used the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool to assess the risk of bias and the quality of the studies included in the review. The studies were grouped under two headings as "individual" and "social" factors related to sport commitment. The findings showed that the concept of motivation stands out as an important factor among the individual factors related to sport commitment. In the part of the social factor, it has been seen that the motivational environment/climate created by the coaches has a critical role in sport commitment. Consequently, it is recommended to consider these factors in developing strategies for sport participation of athletes and persistence in sports.


  • 1. Andreu, J.M.N., ve Hernández, J. G. (2018). Commitment, fear to be evaluated and drop out in young footballers according to the sport category. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science . 4 (8), 10-20.
  • 2. Ashdown-Franks, G., Sabiston, C. M., Solomon-Krakus, S., ve O'Loughlin, J. L. (2017). Sport participation in high school and anxiety symptoms in young adulthood. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 12, 19-24.
  • 3. Berki, T., Piko, B. F., ve Page, R. M. (2019). The relationship between the models of sport commitment and self-determination among adolescent athletes. Acta Facultatis Educationis Physicae Universitatis Comenianae, 59(2), 79–95.
  • 4. Berki, T., Piko, B.F., ve Page, R.M. (2020). Sport commitment profiles of adolescent athletes: Relation between health and psychological behaviour. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 20(3), 1392-1401.
  • 5. Bradley, J., Keane, F., ve Crawford, S. (2013). School sport and academic achievement. The Journal of School Health, 83 (1), 8–13.
  • 6. Carpenter, P.J., Scanlan,T.K., Simons,J.P., ve Lobel,M. (1993). A test of the sport commitment model using structural equation modeling. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 15(2), 119-133.
  • 7. de Jonge, M.; Mackowiak, R.; Pila, E.; Crocker, Sabiston, C.M. (2019) The relationship between sport commitment and physical self-concept: Evidence for the self-enhancement hypothesis among adolescent females. Journal of Sports Sciences. 37, 2459–2466.
  • 8. Dunn, C. R., Dorsch, T. E., King, M. Q., ve Rothlisberger, K. J. (2016). The impact of family financial investment on perceived parent pressure and child enjoyment and commitment in organized youth sport. Family Relations, 65, 287–299.
  • 9. Eime, R.M., Young, J.A., Harvey, J.T., Charity, M.J. ve Payne, W.R.A. (2013). Systematic review of the psychological and social benefits of participation in sport for children and adolescents: ınforming development of a conceptual model of health through sport. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity; 10, 98-129
  • 10. Gabriele, J.M., Gill, D.L., ve Adams, C.E. (2011). The roles of want to commitment and have to commitment in explaining physical activity behavior. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 8(3), 420-428.
  • 11. Gagliardi, A.G., Walker, G.A., Dahab, K.S., Seehusen, C.N., Provance, A.J., Albright, J.C., ve Howell, D.R. (2020). Sports participation volume and psychosocial outcomes among healthy high school athletes. Journal of Clinical and Translational Research. 6, 54–60.
  • 12. Garcia-Mas, A., Palou, P., Gili, M., Ponseti, X., Borras, P. A., Vidal, J., Cruz, J., Torregrosa, M., Villamarín, F. ve Y Sousa, C. (2010). Commitment, enjoyment and motivation in young soccer competitive players. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 13(2), 609-616
  • 13. Garn, A. (2016). Perceived teammate acceptance and sport commitment in adolescent female volleyball players. Sport Psychologist. 30, 30–39.
  • 14. Goddard, SG, Stevens, JC, Jackman PC, ve Swann C. (2021). A systematic review of flow interventions in sport and exercise, International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 14, 36-72
  • 15. González-Hernández J., da Silva, C., M. Monteiro D., Alesi M., Gómez-López, M. (2021) Effects of commitment on fear of failure and burnout in teen Spanish handball players. Frontiers in Psychology. 12, 53-63
  • 16. Gröpel, P., Mesagno, C. (2019). Choking interventions in sports: A systematic review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 12(1), 176–201.
  • 17. Guillet, E., Sarrazin, P., Carpenter, P., Trouilloud, D., ve Cury. F. (2002). Predicting persistence or withdrawal in female handballers with Social Exchange theory. International Journal of Psychology, 37 (2), 92-104.
  • 18. Hagiwara, G., ve Isogai, H. (2014). Examining the commitment for competitive sports- development of Japanese version of sports commitment scale-. Japanese Journal of Sport Psychology, 41(2), 131-142.
  • 19. Hall M, S., Newland, A., Newton, M., Podlog L., ve Baucom B., R. (2017). Perceptions of the social psychological climate and sport commitment in adolescent athletes: A multilevel analysis, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 29:1, 75-87.
  • 20. Hong Q., N., Pluye P, Fabregues S., Barlett G., Boardman F., Cargo M., Dagenais P., Gagnon MP., Griffiths F., Nicolau B., O’Cathain A., Rosseau MC., Vedel I. (2018) The mixed methods ` appraisal tool (MMAT) version 2018 for information professionals and researchers. Education for Information, 34 (4) 285–291.
  • 21. Izad, N., H., Badami R., Baluch B., dan Linda J. ve Duffy, L., J. (2016). The perception of same gender coaches by iranian skaters and its influence on sport achievement motivation and commitment. International Journal of Science Culture and Sport. 4(1), 1-13.
  • 22. Jewett, R., Sabiston, CM., Brunet, J., O'Loughlin, E., Scarapicchia, T., ve O'Loughlin, J. (2014). Sport participation during adolescence and mental health in early adulthood. Journal of Adolescent Health, 55, 640- 644.
  • 23. Kelley, H.H., ve Thibaut, J.W. (1978). Interpersonal relations: A theory of interdependence. Wiley-Interscience.
  • 24. Kelley, H. H., Berscheid, E., Christensen, A., Harvey, J. H., Huston, T. L., Levinger, G., Peterson, D., R. (1983). Analyzing close relationships. In H. H. Kelley, E. Berscheid, A. Christensen, J. H. Harvey, T. L. Huston, G. Levinger & D. R. Peterson (Eds.), Close relationships (pp. 20-67). Freeman
  • 25. Kilpatrick, M., Hebert, E., ve Bartholomew, J. (2005). College students’ motivation for physical activity: Differentiating men’s and women’s motives for sport participation and exercise. Journal of American College Health, 54(2), 87-94.
  • 26. Leo, F. M., Sánchez, P. A., Sánchez, D., Amado, D. ve García-Calvo, T. (2009). Influence of the motivational climate created by coach in the sport commitment in youth basketball players. Revista de Psicología del Deporte, 18(3), 375-378.
  • 27. Meghan H. McDonough ve Peter R. E. Crocker (2005). Sport participation motivation in young adolescent girls, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76:4, 456-467.
  • 28. Nichols, G. (1997). A consideration of why active participation in sport and leisure might reduce criminal behaviour. Sport, Education and Society, 2(2), 81- 90.
  • 29. O’Neil L. ve Hodge K. (2019). Commitment in sport: the role of coaching style and autonomous vs. controlled motivation, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 32(6), 607–617.
  • 30. Page MJ., McKenzie JE., Bossuyt PM., Isabella B., Tammy H., Cynthia DM., Larissa S., Jennifer MT., Elie A., Sue EB., Roger C., Julie G., Jeremy MG., Asbjorn H., Manoj ML., Tianjing L., Elizabeth WL., Steve M., Luke AM., James T., Andrea T., Vivan A., Penny W., David M. (2021). The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. British Medical Journal. 372: 71- 93.
  • 31. Pedersen BK, ve Saltin B. (2006). Evidence for prescribing exercise as therapy in chronic disease. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine Science in Sports; 16:3–63.
  • 32. Pons, J., Viladrich, C., Ramis, Y., ve Polman, R. (2018). The mediating role of coping between competitive anxiety and sport commitment in adolescent athletes. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. 21: 41 - 63.
  • 33. Pulido, J. J., Sánchez-Oliva, D., Sánchez-Miguel, P. A., Amado, D., ve García-Calvo, T. (2018). Sport commitment in young soccer players: a self-determination perspective. International Journal of Sports Science Coaching. 13, 243–252.
  • 34. Rusbult, C.E. (1980). Satisfaction and commitment in friendships. Representative Research in Social Psychology, 11, 96-105.
  • 35. Rusbult, C.E., ve Farrell, D. (1983). A longitudinal test of the investment model: The impact of job satisfaction, job commitment, and turnover of variations in rewards, costs, alternatives, and investments. Journal of Applied Psychology, 68 (3): 429–438.
  • 36. Rusbult, C.E., Johnson, D., ve Morrow, G. (1986). Predicting satisfaction and commitment in adult romantic involvements: An assessment of the generalizability of the investment model. Social Psychology Quarterly, 49 (1): 81–89
  • 37. Rusbult C.E. , Farrell D. , Rogers G., ve Mainous A. G. (1988). Impact of exchange variables on exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect: An integrative model of responses to declining job satisfaction. Academy of Management Journal, 31: 599–627
  • 38. Scanlan, T. K., Carpenter, P. J., Schmidt, G. W., Simons, J. P., ve Keeler, B. (1993). An introduction to the sport commitment model. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 15(1): 1-15.
  • 39. Scanlan, T.K., Russell, D.G., Beals, K.P., ve Scanlan, L.A. (2003). Project on elite athlete commitment (PEAK): II. A direct test and expansion of the Sport Commitment Model with elite amateur sportsmen. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 25, 377- 401.
  • 40. Scanlan, T. K., Russell, D. G., Magyar, T. M., ve Scanlan, L. A. (2009). Project on elite athlete commitment (PEAK): III. An examination of the external validity across gender, and the expansion and clarification of the sport commitment model. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 31, 685-705.
  • 41. Scanlan,T.K., Russell,D.G., Scanlan,L.A., Klunchoo,T.J., ve Chow,G.M. (2013). Project on Elite Athlete Commitment (PEAK): IV. Identification of new candidate commitment sources in the Sport Commitment Model. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 35(5), 525-535.
  • 42. Scanlan, T. K., Chow, G. M., Sousa, C., Scanlan, L. A., ve Knifsend, C. A. (2016). The development of the Sport Commitment Questionnaire-2 (English version). Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 22, 233-246.
  • 43. Sevarsson ES, Svansdottir E, ve Sveinsson T. (2017) Organized leisure-time sport participation and academic achievement in preadolescents. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health ,45:86- 107.
  • 44. Shores, K.A. Becker, C.M. Moynahan, R.; Williams, R. ve Nelson, C. (2015). The relationship of young adults’ health and their sports participation. Journal of Sport Behavior. 38, 306–320.
  • 45. Sousa, C., Torregrosa, M., Vilardich,C., Villamarín,F., ve Cruz,J. (2007). The commitment of young soccer players. Psichothema, 29(2), 256-262.
  • 46. Tamminen, K. A., Gaudreau, P., McEwen, C. E., ve Crocker, P. R. E. (2016). Interpersonal emotion regulation among adolescent athletes: A bayesian multilevel model predicting sport enjoyment and commitment. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 38(6), 541-555.
  • 47. Vella SA, Cliff DP, Magee CA ve Okely AD. (2014). Sports participation and parent- reported health-related quality of life in children: longitudinal associations. The Journal of Pediatrics, 164(6):1469–74.
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Ergen Sporcularda Spora Bağlılık İle İlişkili Bireysel ve Sosyal Faktörler: Sistematik Derleme

Year 2022, , 120 - 148, 31.10.2022


Spora katılım, devamlılık ve sporu bırakmayla ilişkili faktörlerin ortaya konmasında önemli bir yapı olan spora bağlılığın incelenmesi, ülkemizde bu kavramın daha kapsamlı bir şekilde anlaşılması, alan yazındaki boşlukları açığa çıkararak yeni araştırma soruları ortaya konmasını sağlaması açısından önemlidir. Spora bağlılığı daha iyi anlamak, fiziksel olarak daha aktif bir topluma sahip olmak için önemli bir fırsat sunabilir. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmanın amacı alan yazındaki spora bağlılık ile ilişkili psikososyal faktörleri sistematik derleme metodu ile ortaya koymaktır. Derleme PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) yönergelerine uygun olarak, PubMed, Google Scholar, SPORTDiscus ve Taylor-Francis Online veri tabanlarında, “sport commitment” anahtar kelimeleri kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tarama sonucunda toplam 1132 çalışmaya ulaşılmıştır. Ön incelemeler sonrası spora bağlılık (Sport Commitment) modelini (Scanlan ve diğ., 1993) temel alan, hakemli dergide yayınlanan, örneklem grubunun yaş aralığı 10-18 yaş (erken ve orta ergenlik) arasında olan, spora bağlılık ile ilişkili faktörleri inceleyen çalışmalar gibi dâhil etme kriterleri, İngilizce dilinde yazılmama, nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanma gibi dışlama kriterleri göz önünde bulundurularak 20 çalışma sistematik derlemeye dâhil edilmiştir. Dâhil edilen çalışmalarda yanlılık riski ve çalışmaların kalitesini değerlendirmek için Karma Yöntem Değerlendirme Aracı (Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool) kullanılmıştır. Çalışmalar spora bağlılıkla ilişkili ‘‘bireysel’’ ve ‘‘sosyal’’ faktörler olarak iki başlık altında toplanmıştır. Bulgular, spora bağlılıkla ilişkili bireysel faktörler arasında güdülenme kavramının önemli bir faktör olarak ön plana çıktığını göstermiştir. Sosyal faktörlerde ise antrenörlerin oluşturduğu ortam/iklimin sporcuların spora bağlılığı için oldukça kritik bir rolü olduğu görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak ergen sporcuların spora katılım ve devamlılığına ilişkin stratejilerin geliştirilmesinde bu faktörlerin dikkate alınması önerilir.


  • 1. Andreu, J.M.N., ve Hernández, J. G. (2018). Commitment, fear to be evaluated and drop out in young footballers according to the sport category. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science . 4 (8), 10-20.
  • 2. Ashdown-Franks, G., Sabiston, C. M., Solomon-Krakus, S., ve O'Loughlin, J. L. (2017). Sport participation in high school and anxiety symptoms in young adulthood. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 12, 19-24.
  • 3. Berki, T., Piko, B. F., ve Page, R. M. (2019). The relationship between the models of sport commitment and self-determination among adolescent athletes. Acta Facultatis Educationis Physicae Universitatis Comenianae, 59(2), 79–95.
  • 4. Berki, T., Piko, B.F., ve Page, R.M. (2020). Sport commitment profiles of adolescent athletes: Relation between health and psychological behaviour. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 20(3), 1392-1401.
  • 5. Bradley, J., Keane, F., ve Crawford, S. (2013). School sport and academic achievement. The Journal of School Health, 83 (1), 8–13.
  • 6. Carpenter, P.J., Scanlan,T.K., Simons,J.P., ve Lobel,M. (1993). A test of the sport commitment model using structural equation modeling. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 15(2), 119-133.
  • 7. de Jonge, M.; Mackowiak, R.; Pila, E.; Crocker, Sabiston, C.M. (2019) The relationship between sport commitment and physical self-concept: Evidence for the self-enhancement hypothesis among adolescent females. Journal of Sports Sciences. 37, 2459–2466.
  • 8. Dunn, C. R., Dorsch, T. E., King, M. Q., ve Rothlisberger, K. J. (2016). The impact of family financial investment on perceived parent pressure and child enjoyment and commitment in organized youth sport. Family Relations, 65, 287–299.
  • 9. Eime, R.M., Young, J.A., Harvey, J.T., Charity, M.J. ve Payne, W.R.A. (2013). Systematic review of the psychological and social benefits of participation in sport for children and adolescents: ınforming development of a conceptual model of health through sport. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity; 10, 98-129
  • 10. Gabriele, J.M., Gill, D.L., ve Adams, C.E. (2011). The roles of want to commitment and have to commitment in explaining physical activity behavior. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 8(3), 420-428.
  • 11. Gagliardi, A.G., Walker, G.A., Dahab, K.S., Seehusen, C.N., Provance, A.J., Albright, J.C., ve Howell, D.R. (2020). Sports participation volume and psychosocial outcomes among healthy high school athletes. Journal of Clinical and Translational Research. 6, 54–60.
  • 12. Garcia-Mas, A., Palou, P., Gili, M., Ponseti, X., Borras, P. A., Vidal, J., Cruz, J., Torregrosa, M., Villamarín, F. ve Y Sousa, C. (2010). Commitment, enjoyment and motivation in young soccer competitive players. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 13(2), 609-616
  • 13. Garn, A. (2016). Perceived teammate acceptance and sport commitment in adolescent female volleyball players. Sport Psychologist. 30, 30–39.
  • 14. Goddard, SG, Stevens, JC, Jackman PC, ve Swann C. (2021). A systematic review of flow interventions in sport and exercise, International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 14, 36-72
  • 15. González-Hernández J., da Silva, C., M. Monteiro D., Alesi M., Gómez-López, M. (2021) Effects of commitment on fear of failure and burnout in teen Spanish handball players. Frontiers in Psychology. 12, 53-63
  • 16. Gröpel, P., Mesagno, C. (2019). Choking interventions in sports: A systematic review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 12(1), 176–201.
  • 17. Guillet, E., Sarrazin, P., Carpenter, P., Trouilloud, D., ve Cury. F. (2002). Predicting persistence or withdrawal in female handballers with Social Exchange theory. International Journal of Psychology, 37 (2), 92-104.
  • 18. Hagiwara, G., ve Isogai, H. (2014). Examining the commitment for competitive sports- development of Japanese version of sports commitment scale-. Japanese Journal of Sport Psychology, 41(2), 131-142.
  • 19. Hall M, S., Newland, A., Newton, M., Podlog L., ve Baucom B., R. (2017). Perceptions of the social psychological climate and sport commitment in adolescent athletes: A multilevel analysis, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 29:1, 75-87.
  • 20. Hong Q., N., Pluye P, Fabregues S., Barlett G., Boardman F., Cargo M., Dagenais P., Gagnon MP., Griffiths F., Nicolau B., O’Cathain A., Rosseau MC., Vedel I. (2018) The mixed methods ` appraisal tool (MMAT) version 2018 for information professionals and researchers. Education for Information, 34 (4) 285–291.
  • 21. Izad, N., H., Badami R., Baluch B., dan Linda J. ve Duffy, L., J. (2016). The perception of same gender coaches by iranian skaters and its influence on sport achievement motivation and commitment. International Journal of Science Culture and Sport. 4(1), 1-13.
  • 22. Jewett, R., Sabiston, CM., Brunet, J., O'Loughlin, E., Scarapicchia, T., ve O'Loughlin, J. (2014). Sport participation during adolescence and mental health in early adulthood. Journal of Adolescent Health, 55, 640- 644.
  • 23. Kelley, H.H., ve Thibaut, J.W. (1978). Interpersonal relations: A theory of interdependence. Wiley-Interscience.
  • 24. Kelley, H. H., Berscheid, E., Christensen, A., Harvey, J. H., Huston, T. L., Levinger, G., Peterson, D., R. (1983). Analyzing close relationships. In H. H. Kelley, E. Berscheid, A. Christensen, J. H. Harvey, T. L. Huston, G. Levinger & D. R. Peterson (Eds.), Close relationships (pp. 20-67). Freeman
  • 25. Kilpatrick, M., Hebert, E., ve Bartholomew, J. (2005). College students’ motivation for physical activity: Differentiating men’s and women’s motives for sport participation and exercise. Journal of American College Health, 54(2), 87-94.
  • 26. Leo, F. M., Sánchez, P. A., Sánchez, D., Amado, D. ve García-Calvo, T. (2009). Influence of the motivational climate created by coach in the sport commitment in youth basketball players. Revista de Psicología del Deporte, 18(3), 375-378.
  • 27. Meghan H. McDonough ve Peter R. E. Crocker (2005). Sport participation motivation in young adolescent girls, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76:4, 456-467.
  • 28. Nichols, G. (1997). A consideration of why active participation in sport and leisure might reduce criminal behaviour. Sport, Education and Society, 2(2), 81- 90.
  • 29. O’Neil L. ve Hodge K. (2019). Commitment in sport: the role of coaching style and autonomous vs. controlled motivation, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 32(6), 607–617.
  • 30. Page MJ., McKenzie JE., Bossuyt PM., Isabella B., Tammy H., Cynthia DM., Larissa S., Jennifer MT., Elie A., Sue EB., Roger C., Julie G., Jeremy MG., Asbjorn H., Manoj ML., Tianjing L., Elizabeth WL., Steve M., Luke AM., James T., Andrea T., Vivan A., Penny W., David M. (2021). The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. British Medical Journal. 372: 71- 93.
  • 31. Pedersen BK, ve Saltin B. (2006). Evidence for prescribing exercise as therapy in chronic disease. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine Science in Sports; 16:3–63.
  • 32. Pons, J., Viladrich, C., Ramis, Y., ve Polman, R. (2018). The mediating role of coping between competitive anxiety and sport commitment in adolescent athletes. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. 21: 41 - 63.
  • 33. Pulido, J. J., Sánchez-Oliva, D., Sánchez-Miguel, P. A., Amado, D., ve García-Calvo, T. (2018). Sport commitment in young soccer players: a self-determination perspective. International Journal of Sports Science Coaching. 13, 243–252.
  • 34. Rusbult, C.E. (1980). Satisfaction and commitment in friendships. Representative Research in Social Psychology, 11, 96-105.
  • 35. Rusbult, C.E., ve Farrell, D. (1983). A longitudinal test of the investment model: The impact of job satisfaction, job commitment, and turnover of variations in rewards, costs, alternatives, and investments. Journal of Applied Psychology, 68 (3): 429–438.
  • 36. Rusbult, C.E., Johnson, D., ve Morrow, G. (1986). Predicting satisfaction and commitment in adult romantic involvements: An assessment of the generalizability of the investment model. Social Psychology Quarterly, 49 (1): 81–89
  • 37. Rusbult C.E. , Farrell D. , Rogers G., ve Mainous A. G. (1988). Impact of exchange variables on exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect: An integrative model of responses to declining job satisfaction. Academy of Management Journal, 31: 599–627
  • 38. Scanlan, T. K., Carpenter, P. J., Schmidt, G. W., Simons, J. P., ve Keeler, B. (1993). An introduction to the sport commitment model. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 15(1): 1-15.
  • 39. Scanlan, T.K., Russell, D.G., Beals, K.P., ve Scanlan, L.A. (2003). Project on elite athlete commitment (PEAK): II. A direct test and expansion of the Sport Commitment Model with elite amateur sportsmen. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 25, 377- 401.
  • 40. Scanlan, T. K., Russell, D. G., Magyar, T. M., ve Scanlan, L. A. (2009). Project on elite athlete commitment (PEAK): III. An examination of the external validity across gender, and the expansion and clarification of the sport commitment model. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 31, 685-705.
  • 41. Scanlan,T.K., Russell,D.G., Scanlan,L.A., Klunchoo,T.J., ve Chow,G.M. (2013). Project on Elite Athlete Commitment (PEAK): IV. Identification of new candidate commitment sources in the Sport Commitment Model. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 35(5), 525-535.
  • 42. Scanlan, T. K., Chow, G. M., Sousa, C., Scanlan, L. A., ve Knifsend, C. A. (2016). The development of the Sport Commitment Questionnaire-2 (English version). Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 22, 233-246.
  • 43. Sevarsson ES, Svansdottir E, ve Sveinsson T. (2017) Organized leisure-time sport participation and academic achievement in preadolescents. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health ,45:86- 107.
  • 44. Shores, K.A. Becker, C.M. Moynahan, R.; Williams, R. ve Nelson, C. (2015). The relationship of young adults’ health and their sports participation. Journal of Sport Behavior. 38, 306–320.
  • 45. Sousa, C., Torregrosa, M., Vilardich,C., Villamarín,F., ve Cruz,J. (2007). The commitment of young soccer players. Psichothema, 29(2), 256-262.
  • 46. Tamminen, K. A., Gaudreau, P., McEwen, C. E., ve Crocker, P. R. E. (2016). Interpersonal emotion regulation among adolescent athletes: A bayesian multilevel model predicting sport enjoyment and commitment. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 38(6), 541-555.
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There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Halis Egemen Merdan 0000-0002-9654-8665

Emine Çağlar 0000-0001-6771-8955

Publication Date October 31, 2022
Submission Date October 12, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Merdan, H. E., & Çağlar, E. (2022). Ergen Sporcularda Spora Bağlılık İle İlişkili Bireysel ve Sosyal Faktörler: Sistematik Derleme. Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 33(3), 120-148.



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