Volume: 2023 Issue: 2, 10/19/23

Year: 2023

2023:2 Papers

The journal aims to publish scientific studies that include interdisciplinary and comparative research, critical studies and alternative approaches in social sciences.

The Journal of Papers on Social Science is published twice a year (in April and October) and indexed in many national and international databases, especially EBSCO and ProQuest. It is a peer-reviewed international journal searched in many international and national databases. Papers on Social Science constitute a forum for reviewing and evaluating past and current studies, both theoretical and practical, preferably on Balkan geography.


  1. Papers on Social Science is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year in April and October. The journal supports interdisciplinary and comparative research, critical studies and alternative approaches in social sciences. Papers on Social Science constitute a forum for reviewing and evaluating theoretical and practical past and current studies, preferably on Balkan geography.
  2. Articles submitted to the journal for publication can be written in Turkish and English. The scientific and linguistic responsibility of the articles published in the journal belongs to the authors.
  3. The authors state their submitted articles have not been to the journal have not been previously published or electronically published anywhere, they are not currently recommended to any journal and/or are not in the process of evaluation; declare and accept that it does not interfere with someone else's copyrights, if it does, all responsibility belongs to the author(s) and that it does not contain any information or explanation contrary to the law and human rights. The responsibility of the articles to be published belongs to the authors and the content of the articles in no way binds Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University Institute of Social Sciences and Papers on Social Science.
  4. All articles must be submitted electronically through the Dergipark system. Author(s) must prepare their papers following journal publication rules and ethical rules. Articles not submitted by the rules will not be evaluated. Submitted papers mean that they have not been published elsewhere or submitted for publication.
  5. Articles submitted to the journal are sent to at least two referees by the decision of the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board may increase the number of referees or apply to the Advisory Board when necessary. After the corrections requested by the referees are corrected by the author(s) within 30 days and sent electronically together with the report on the modifications made, the article is taken back to the referee evaluation process. The articles submitted to the journal are published with the decision of the Editorial Board after receiving positive opinions from at least two separate referees.
  6. Manuscripts to be published in the journal must comply with spelling and grammar rules. Suppose the article is accepted for publication as a result of the peer review. In that case, the responsible author is deemed to have accepted that all publishing rights of the article belong to the Papers on Social Science indefinitely, on behalf of all authors, by filling out the "Copyright Agreement Form" showing the ranking of the authors.
  7. The form regarding the contributions of the authors and the absence of conflicts of interest must be completed and signed by all authors. Click here to access the relevant form.
  8. The author(s) can submit an article to the journal at any time or withdraw an article in progress. The articles whose evaluation process is completed are published considering the arrival date. Two articles by the same author(s) cannot be published simultaneously.


  1. Studies submitted for publication should not exceed 25 pages, including appendices and a bibliography. Manuscripts should be written in Word format using the "Times New Roman" character. The margins should be left 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm, top 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm in all work to be sent to the journal. Click for a sample draft file.
  2. Title: Turkish and English titles should be written in Times New Roman 12 points and bold, with all capital letters above the Turkish and English abstracts.
  3. Author name(s) and address(es): The author(s) of the article should write their name(s) and surname(s) centered under the Turkish title of the article in 12 font sizes. The institution/department, e-mail address and ORCID number/numbers, according to their academic title(s), should be written as a footnote in 10 font size on the first page. The responsible author should be indicated as a footnote on the first page.
  4. Abstract: On the first page of the manuscript, there should be a Turkish and English title, a Turkish and English summary not exceeding 150 words, and a maximum of 5 keywords under the abstracts. Abstracts should be written in single line spacing, 10 font size, and justified.
  5. Titles: Titles should be written in 12 font size bold, only the first letters of the words should be capitalized and justified. Subheadings should be written in 11 points in bold and only the first letters of the words should be capitalized. In heading numbers, the numbers should be given after the introduction and numbered in the decimal system (such as 1., 1.1., 1.1.1.).
  6. Main Text: Paragraphs should be 11 font size, alignment; justified, recess; left: 0 cm, right: 0 cm; special: The first line should be 1cm. Before and after the paragraphs, 6 pt spacing should be left and the line spacing should be single. Page numbers should not be given.
  7. Tables and Figures: Figure and table captions should be written on tables and figures in 11 font size bold; centered over tables and figures, each row number (Table 1, Table 2 and Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) and reference notifications should be given under tables and figures in 10 font size and bibliographic information should be given completely. Table, figure, etc. The text inside should be 10 font size. Sequence numbers should be given to the mathematical equations to be included in the text, and the sequence numbers should be written in parentheses, justified to the right of the page.
  8. Citations: References should be made in the text using the conjunction method. Explanatory notes should be expressed in footnotes (10 points) at the bottom of the page. References in the text should be made as to the author's surname (s), year of the source and page number. If there is no author name, the institution name should be used instead of the author. Example; (Akdeniz, 2021), (Akdeniz et al., 2021, pp. 223-224), (Aydın, 2020, p. 236), (Demirkol & Açıkgöz, 2019, p. 63),  (IMF, 2004, p. 32).
  9. References: The references should be arranged in 11 font sizes at the end of the study. The references should start from the page where the article ends, and the studies should be listed alphabetically by surname. When citing multiple papers by the same author, the publication date should start with the oldest. When citing more than one article of the same author with the same date, references should be numbered using the letters a, b, c, … in the bibliography and in-text citations. Sample; Like 2003a, 2003b, 2003c. Single-authored work should be specified first about a single or more than one author's paper.

APA Formatting and Style Guide;


Mini-Guide to APA 6th for Referencing, Citing, Quoting



a) Single Authored Book:

Göle, N. (2010). İç içe girişler: İslam ve Avrupa. İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.

Fiske, J. (1989). Understanding popular culture. Boston: Unwin Hyman.

b) Book with Two Authors:

Ball, T. & Dagger, R. (1995). Ideals and ideologies. (Second edition). New York: Harper Collins College Publishers.

Korkmaz, A. & Erdoğan, İ. (1994). Popüler kültür ve iletişim. Ankara: Ümit Yayıncılık.

c) Book with More than Two Authors:

Bourdieu, P., Schnapper, D. & Darbel A. (1996). The love of art: European Art Museums and Their Public. Cambridge: Polity.

McKendrick, N., Brewer, J. & Plumb, J. H. (1982). The birth of consumer society: the commercialization of eighteenth-century England. Londra: Hutchinson.

d) Compilation Book and Chapter in Compilation Book:

Kandiyoti, D. & Saktanber, A. A. (Ed.) (2005). Kültür fragmanları: Türkiye’de gündelik hayat (2. Baskı). İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.

Lauglo, J. (2000). Social capital trumping class and cultural capital? Engagement with school among immigrant youth. In S. Baron, J. Field & T. Schuller (Eds.), Social capital: critical perspectives (pp. 142-67), Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.

e) Translated Book:

Bauman, Z. (1999). Sosyolojik Düşünmek.(Çev. Abdullah Yılmaz). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınevi.

f) Book Without an Author:

Yabancıların çalışma izinleri raporları. (2014). Ankara: ÇSGB.

g) Institution Publication:

Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü (D.İ.E.). (2005). Evlenme istatistikleri, Ankara: DİE Yayınları.


Ertem, M. (1999). Göç ve bulaşıcı hastalıklar. Toplum ve Hekim, 14(3), 225-228.

Fine, M. & Asch, A. (1988). Disability beyond stigma: social interaction, discrimination, and activism. J Soc Issues, 44, 3-21.

Morçöl, G. & Gitmez, A.S. (1995). A typology of the urban Turkey. Journal of Urban Affairs, 17 (4), 413-422.

Grov, E.K., Dahl, E.E., Moum, T. & Fossa, S.D., (2005), Anxiety, depression, and the quality of life in caregivers of patients with cancer in late palliative phase. Annual Oncology, 16, 1185-1191.

Faist, T. (1998a). Transnational social spaces out of international migration: evolution, significance and future prospects. European Journal of Sociology, 2, 213-247.

Faist, T. (2000b). Transnationalization in international migration: implications for the study of citizenship and culture. Ethnic and Racial Studies, (23)2, 189-212.


a) Conference Papers

Küçükkaraca, N. (2001, Ekim). Göç ve Çalışan Çocuklar: Diyarbakır’da çalışan çocuklar. Sosyal Hizmet Sempozyumu, Diyarbakır.

Furstenberg, F. F. Jr. & Judith, A. S. (1983, April). Divorce and child development. Presented at the Meetings of Ortopsychiatric Association, Boston.

b) Dissertations:

Özer, A. (1997). GAP projesinin sosyo-ekonomik ve kültürel boyutları. (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Hacettepe Üniversitesi/Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.

c) Electronic Resources

Dwyer, E. R., Hodson, R. & McCloud, L. (2013). Gender, debt, and dropping out of college. Gender and Society, 27, 30-55. Retrieved April 22, 2016, from http://gas.sagepub.com/content/27/1.toc

Aydın, E. (2015). Girişim sermayesinin yatırım fon ve ortaklıklarının gelir vergisi ve kurumlar vergisi bakımından vergilendirilmesi. Marmara Üniversitesi İ.İ.B. Dergisi, 37(2), 57-82. Erişim Tarihi: 22.04.2016, http://dosya.marmara.edu.tr/ikf/iib-dergi/2015-2/57-82.pdf

Publication Principles

• Papers on Social Science is based on scientific publication ethical standards and obligations prepared based on recommendations of The European Association of Science Editors (EASE) and recommendations and guidelines developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for journal editors.
• The articles sent to the Papers on Social Science should not have been published in another journal before or should not be evaluated for publication.
• Papers presented with a summary/extensive summary at a scientific meeting can be accepted into the evaluation process, provided that it is stated. Still, studies that have been presented/published in their entirety will not be included.
• Every study sent to the Papers on Social Science is evaluated impartially determined by the referees determined by the editors and the evaluation process is kept confidential.
• The authors named in the article are responsible for the entire content of the paper.
• Authors can withdraw their articles provided a reasonable justification and signature provided with the Article Withdrawal Form.

Evaluation Process

• In order to submit an article to the Papers on Social Science, authors must be a member of the DergiPark system.
• The report states that the articles sent to the journal are passed through similarity scanning software such as Turnitin, iThenticate, etc. They show a maximum of 15% similarity must be uploaded to the system. In addition, the "Copyright Form" filled and signed by the authors must be uploaded to the system.
• Since the editors will notify the authors of the developments in the evaluation process through the system, the authors must enter their current e-mail addresses into the system.
• The article submitted to the journal is first reviewed by the editor-in-chief and the editor. In the preliminary examination, the article is evaluated in terms of "quality" (originality of the subject, topicality, contribution to the field) and "formal" aspects (compliance with spelling rules). Articles that do not meet these criteria are not included in the evaluation process or changes are requested.
• After the preliminary examination, the candidate articles are sent to two referees who are experts in their fields and have at least Ph.D. titles. Referees are given 20 days to complete their assessments. Evaluation periods can be extended at the request of the referees.
• The referees complete their evaluations within the specified time and upload their reports and evaluation form to the system. The invitations of the referees who do not complete the evaluation within the specified time are canceled and the new referee process is started.
• A double-blind peer-review system is used, where the names of the referees and authors are kept confidential. At the end of the evaluation process, the referees can "accept" the article, "reject" or request "correction".
• For an article to be accepted for publication, at least two referees must give a positive opinion. If one of the referee's reports is "positive" and the other is "negative", the article is sent to a third referee.
• Referee reports and evaluation forms are shared with the authors and they are requested to complete the corrections suggested by the referees and upload them to the system.
• When the evaluation process of the article is completed positively, the article journal writing rules are reviewed within the framework of the APA6 writing principles and the layout is arranged. Authors may be asked to make arrangements with respect to the journal's layout requirement at the final control stage. The article is published in order of application and acceptance dates.

Responsibilities of Editors

• They have to carry out the evaluation process for the articles sent to the journal, without any prejudice, in line with the principles of openness, transparency, scientificity and impartiality.
• They contribute to increasing the scientific quality of the evaluation process by sending the articles to expert referees.
• They notify the parties of the decisions taken during the evaluation process.
• They are responsible for following the evaluation process under the journal standards, reducing the disruptions and concluding the process.
• During the evaluation process, the authors and referees are responsible for hiding information that may lead to their identification.
• They do not interfere in any way with referee reports and decisions.

Duties of Referees

• They should evaluate the article for which they are assigned as evaluators under the journal rules and academic requirements.
• In cases where they don't want to evaluate the work for reasons such as conflict of interest, personal or professional affinity, conflict of interest and time constraint, they eventually should notify the editor.
• They adopt the double-blind referee evaluation process and fulfill the requirements of the process.
• They should agree to evaluate within the specified time interval and inform the editor in case of time extension.
• The referees should express their opinions and suggestions about the study clearly and understandably and evaluate scientific ethics.
• Reviewers should not use the work in their research before the work is published; they should not allow others to use it.
• Referees should evaluate the quality of the manuscript, the experimental and theoretical parts of the study, its interpretation and presentation, adhering to scientific principles.

Responsibilities of Authors

• A study submitted to the Papers on Social Science must be original and the authors must undertake that the text has not been published in any journal before.
• The authors are responsible for the content of the articles sent to the Papers on Social Science. It is assumed that all authors accept all responsibilities in the Statement of Publication Ethics with the application to the journal.
• Authors can not submit more than one article to the same issue of the journal.
• Authors must sign and upload the Copyright Transfer and Conflict of Interest Notice Form to the system.
• Authors are required to upload a report showing that their work has a maximum of 15% similarity by passing them through plagiarism detection software (iThenticate, Turnitin, etc.) to the system at the time of application.
• Authors must comply with the journal template, spelling rules, and academic writing standards.
• Authors should make the changes requested by the referee, editor or editor-in-chief in a timely and diligent manner.
• When the authors want to withdraw their work under evaluation or editing, they must fill in the scanned and signed ARTICLE WITHDRAWAL FORM by each author and submit it to the Papers on Social Science. The work cannot be submitted for evaluation to another journal unless the withdrawal request is approved. If the author or authors withdraw the articles without informing the editor, without submitting the withdrawal form, the responsibility thereunto belongs to the authors.

No fee is charged for article publication or article processes in the journal.
Papers on Social Science is an "open access" journal, and published studies are accessible free of charge.