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The Effects Of Some Individual and Work Related Variables On Group Cohesion: A Study With Airport Employees

Year 2010, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 167 - 185, 01.09.2010



  • 1. ARYEE, S., BUDHWAR P.S., ve Z.X. CHEN, Trust as a Mediator of the RelationshipBetween Organizational Justice and Work Trustž, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23, (3), 2002, ss. 267-285.
  • 2. BAIRD, Jr. J. E., ve S. B. WEINBERG, Group Communication: the Essence of Synergy, Dubuque, Iowa Win C. Brown Company Publishers. 1981.
  • 3. BOON, S.D., ve St. J.G. HOLMES, The Dynamics of Inter-Personal Trust: Resolving Uncertainty in The Face of Risk. In R.A. Hinde and H.J. Groebel (eds.)ž, Cooperation and Prosocial Behavior. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1991, ss. 90 211.
  • 4. BROMILEY, P., ve L. L. CUMMINGS, Transaction Costs in Organizations with Trust. In R. J. Bies, Sheppard, B., & R. J. Lewicki (Eds.)ž, Research on Negotiations in Organizations, Greenwich, CT: JAI., 5, 1995, ss. 219 247.
  • 5. CARRON, A. V., ve K. S. SPINK, The Group Size-Cohesion Relationship in Minimal Groupsž, Small Group Research, 26, (1), 1995, ss. 86-105.
  • 6. CARRON, A. V., ve L. R. BRAWLEY, Cohesion: Conceptual and Measurement Issuesž, Small Group Research, 31, (1), 2000, ss. 89- 97.
  • 7. CARRON, A.V., BRAWLEY, R., ve W.N. WIDMEYER, The Measurement of Cohesiveness in Sports Groups, In J. L. Duda (ed.)ž, Advances in Sport and Exercise Psychology Mesurement, Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology, 1998, ss. 213- 226.
  • 8. CHANG, A., ve P. BORDIA, A Multidimensional Approach to the Group Cohesion-Group Performance Relationshipž, Small Group Research, 23, (4), 2001, ss. 379-405.
  • 9. COHEN, J., Statistical Power Analysis fort he Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1988.
  • 10. COOK, K.S., HARDIN, R., ve M LEVI, Cooperation Without Trust? Russell Sage. New York. 2005.
  • 11. DENIZ, M. E. The Relationships Among Coping With Stress, Life Satisfaction, Decision-Making Styles and Decision Self-Esteem: An Investigation with Turkish University Studentsž, Social Behavior and Personality, 34, (9), 2006, ss. 1161-1170.
  • 12. DESHPANDE, S, Ethical Climate and the Link Between Success and Ethical Behavior: An Empirical Investigation of a Non-profit Organizationž, Journal of Business Ethics, 15, (3), 1996, ss. 315- 320.
  • 13. DESHPANDE, S., GEORGE, E., ve J. JOSEPH, Ethical Climates and Managerial Success in Russian Organizationsž, Journal of Business Ethics, 23, (2), 2000, ss. 211-217.
  • 14. DIENER, E., Assessing Subjective Well-Being: Progress and Opportunitiesž, Social Indicators Research, 31, 1994, ss.103-157.
  • 15. DIENER, E., SUH, E. M., LUCAS, R. E., ve H. L. SMITH, Subjective Well-Being: Three Decades of Progressž, Psychological Bulletin, 125, (2), 1999, ss. 276-302.
  • 16. DIENER, E., EMMONS, R. A., LARSEN, R. J., ve S. GRIFFIN, The Satisfaction With Life Scalež, Journal of Personality Assessment, 49, (1), 1985, ss. 71-75.
  • 17. DIES, R. R., ve A. K. HESS, An Experimental Investigation of Cohesiveness in Marathon and Conventional Group Psychotherapy. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 77, (3), 1979, ss. 258-262.
  • 18. DIRKS, K. T., ve D. L. FERRIN, Trust in Leadership: Meta-Analytic Findings and Implications for Research and Practicež, Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, (4), 2002, ss. 611  628.
  • 19. DOHERTY, A. J., ve A. V. CARRON, Cohesion in Volunteer Sport Executive committeesž, Journal of Sport Management, 17, 2003, ss. 116-141.
  • 20. EARLEY, P. C. Social Loafing and Collectivism: A Comparison of the United States and the Peopleœs Republic of Chinaž, Administrative Science Quarterly, (34), 1989, ss.565-581.
  • 21. EISENBERG, J. The Effects of Rewards Schemes, IndividualismCollectivism, and Intrinsic Motivation on Teams, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 2001.
  • 22. EVANS, C.R., ve K.L. DION, Group Cohesion and performance: A Meta-Analysisž, Small Group Research, 22, (2), 1991, ss. 175-187.
  • 23. EVANS, N. J., ve P. A. JARVIS, Group Cohesion: A Review and Re-evaluationž. Small Group Behavior, 11, (4), 1980, ss.359-370.
  • 24. FIELD, A. (2005).
  • 25. FORRESTER, W.R., ve A. TASHCHIAN, Modeling the Relationship Between Cohesion and Performance in Student Work Groupsž, International Journal of Management, 23, (3), 2006, ss. 458-464.
  • 26. FORSYTH, D. R. Group Dynamics, 3rd Edition, Brooks\Cole. New York, 1999.
  • 27. GAMMAGE, K.L., A.V., CARRON, ve P.A., ESTABROOKS, Team Cohesion and Individual Productivity: The Influence of the Norm for Productivity and the Identifiability of Individual Effortž, Small Group Research, 31, (1), 2001, ss.3-18.
  • 28. HAIR, J. F., R. E., ANDERSON, R. J, TAHTAM, ve W. C. BLACK, Multivariate Data Analysis, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998
  • 29. HARRISON, D. A., K. H., PRICE, ve M. P. BELL, Beyond Relational Demography: Time and The Effects of Surface- and Deeplevel Diversity on Work Group Cohesionž. Academy of Management Journal, 41, (1), 1998, 96-107.
  • 30. HOGG, M.A. The Social Psychology og Group Cohesiveness: From Attraction to Social Identity, New York University Pres, New York, 1992.
  • 31. HOGG, M.A., L., Cooper-Shaw, ve D.W. Holzworth, Group Prototypicality and Depersonalized Attraction in Small Interactive Groupsž. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 19, 1993, ss. 452-465.
  • 32. HUNT, S., CHONKO L., ve J. WILCOX, Ethical Problems of Marketing Researchersž, Journal of Marketing Research, 21, 1984, ss. 309-324.
  • 33. KINCAID, C. S., BALOGLU, S., ve D. CORSUN, Modelling Ethics: The Impact of Management Actions on Restuarant Workersœ Ethical Optimismž, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27, (3), 2008, ss. 470-477.
  • 34. KINCAID, S. An Examination of the Effect of Ethical Climate on Ethical Optimism and Organizational Commitment, Dissertation, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1999.
  • 35. KRAMER, R.M., BREWER, M.B., ve B.A HANA, Collective Trust and Collective Action: The Decision to Trust as a Social Decision. In Kramer R. M. ve T.R. Tyler (Eds.) Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research (357-389). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1996.
  • 36. KWANG, P., ve W. P., BURGERS, Properties of Trust: An Analytical Viewž. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 69, (1), 1997, ss. 67 73.
  • 37. LANE, C., ve R., BACHMAN, The Social Constitution of Trust: Supplier relations in Britain and Germanyž, Organization Studies, 17, 1996, ss. 365-395.
  • 38. LANGFRED, C.W. Is Group Cohesiveness a Double-Edged Sword? An Investigation of the Effects of Cohesiveness on Performancež, Small Group Research, 29, (1), 1998, ss. 124-143.
  • 39. LAZARUS, R. S. Emotion and Adaptation, Oxford University Pres, New York, 1991.
  • 40. LEVI, M., ve L. STOKER, Political Trust and Trustworthinessž. Annual Review of Political Science, 3, 2000, ss. 475-507.
  • 41. MAYER, R., DAVIS, J., and F., SHOORMAN, An Integrative Model of Organizational Trustž, Academy of Management Review, 20, (3), 1995, ss. 709-734.
  • 42. MBAATYO, A., Business Cohesion: Managing Schools of Business in the Age of Knowledgež, Sam Advanced Management Journal, Spring, 1988, ss. 29-44.
  • 43. MICHALIN, M.D., KARAU, S.J., ve C. TANGPONG, Top Management Team Cohesion and Superior Industry Returnsž, Group ve Organization Management, 29, 2004, ss. 125-140.
  • 44. MIESING, P. ve J.F. PREBLE, Group Processes and Performance in a Complex Business Simulationž, Small Group Behavior, 16, 1985, ss. 325-338.
  • 45. MOORMAN, C., ZALTMAN, G., ve R. DESHPANDE, Relationships Between Providers and Users of Market Research: The Dynamics of Trust Within and Between Organizationsž, Journal of Marketing Research, 29, 1992, ss. 314-328.
  • 46. MULLEN, B., ve C. COPPER, The Relation Between Group Cohesiveness and Performance: An Integrationž, Psychological Bulletin, 115, (2), 1994, ss. 210-227.
  • 47. NUNNALY, J., Psychometric Theory, New York: McGraw-Hill. 1978.
  • 48. OVAICE G., The Relationship of Individualism and Collectivism to Perceptions of Interpersonal Trust in A Global Consulting Firm, Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2001.
  • 49. PAINE, L., Managing for Organizational Integrityž, Harvard Business Review, 72, (2), 1994, ss. 106-118.
  • 50. RAMAMOORTHY, N., ve P. C. FLOOD, Individualism Collectivism, Perceived Task Interdependence and Teamwork Attitudes Among Irish Blue-Collar Employees: A Test of the Main and Moderating Effectsž. Human Relations, 57, (3), 2004, ss. 347- 366.
  • 51. RAMMAMOORTHY, N., ve S. J. CARROLL, Individualism Collectivism Orientations and Reactions Towards Alternative Human Resource Management Practicesž, Human Relations, 51, 1998, ss. 571-588.
  • 52. REMPEL, M.W., ve R. J. FISHER, Perceived Threat, Cohesion and Group Problem Solving in Intergroup Conflictž, International Journal of Conflict Management, 8, (3), 1997, ss. 216-234.
  • 53. RIEDEL, J. A., Citizen participation: Myths and realitiesž, Public Administration Review, 32, 1972, ss. 211-200.
  • 54. ROTTER, J. B., Generalized Expectancies for Interpersonal Trustž, American Psychologist, 26, (5), 1971, ss. 443-452.
  • 55. ROTTER, J. B., Interpersonal Trust, Trustworthines, and Gullibilityž, American Psychologist, 35, (1), 1980, ss. 1-7.
  • 56. ROUSSEAU, D.M., SITKIN, S.B., BURT, R.S., ve C. CAMERER, Not so Different After All: A Cross-Discipline View of Trustž, Academy of Management Review, 23, 1998, ss. 393 404.
  • 57. RYFF, C., Happiness is Everything, or Is It? Explorations on the Meaning of Psychological Well-beingž, Journal of Personal Social Psychology, 57, 1989, ss. 1069-1081.
  • 58. SECORD, P.F. ve C.W. BACKMAN, Social Psychology,McGrawHill. New York. 1964.
  • 59. SHAW, M.E., Group Dynamics: The Psychology of Small Group Behavior, McGraw-Hill, New York. 1981.
  • 60. SHERMAN, E., ve P. COOPER, Life Satisfaction: The Missing Focus of Marketing to Seniorž, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 8, (1), 1988, ss. 69-71.
  • 61. SMITH, C.A., ORGAN, D.W., ve J.P NEAR, Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Its Nature and Antecedentsž, Journal of Applied Psychology, 68, (4), 1983, ss. 653-664.
  • 62. STOGDILL, R. M., Group Productivity, Drive and Cohesivenessž, Organizational Behavior and Human Performances, 8, 1972, ss. 26-43.
  • 63. TYLER, T. R., ve Y. J. Huo, Trust in the Law, Russell Sage. New York. 2002
  • 64. VEENHOVEN, R. The Study of Life Satisfaction, In W.E. Saris, R.Veenhoven, A.C. Scherpenzeel, and B. Bunting (Eds).ž A Comparative Study of Satisfaction With Life in Europe,. Eøtvøs University Press. 1996, ss. 11-48.
  • 65. WIDMEYER, W. N., BRAWLEY, L. R., and A. V. CARRON, The Measurement of Cohesion in Sport Teams: The Group Environment Questionnaire, Ontario Sports Dynamics, London. 1985
  • 66. VITELL, S. J., ve D. L. DAVIS, The Relationship Between Ethics and Job Satisfaction: an Empirical Investigationž, Journal of Business Ethics, 9, 1990, ss. 489-494.
  • 67. WATSON, G. W., ve S. D PAPAMARCOS, Social Capital and Organizational Commitmentž, Journal of Business and Psychology, 16, (4), 2002, ss. 537 552.
  • 68. WEBER, S. S., ve L. M. DONAHUE, Impact of Highly and Less Job-related Diversity on Work Group Cohesion and Performance: A Meta-analysisž, Journal of Management, 27, 2001, ss. 141-162.
  • 69. WELLS, C. V., ve D. KIPNIS, Trust, Dependency, and Control in the Contemporary Organizationž, Journal of Business and Psychology, 15, (4), 2001, ss. 593 603.
  • 70. WILLIAMSON, O. E., Calculativeness, Trust, and Economic Organizationž, Journal of Law and Economics, 36, 1993, ss. 453- 502.
  • 71. WRIGHT, N., ve G. DREWERY, Cohesion Among Culturally Heterogeneous Groupsž, Journal of American Academy of Business, 2, (1), 2002, ss. 66-72.
  • 72. YAMAGISHI, T., Trust As A Form of Social Intelligence. In K. S. Cook (Ed.) Trust in Society (121-147). Russell Sage, York. 2001
  • 73. YANG, K., Public Administratorsœ Trust in Citizen: A Missing Link in Citizen Involvement Effortsž, Public Administration Review, 65, 2005, ss. 273-285.


Year 2010, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 167 - 185, 01.09.2010


Bu çalışmanın amacı, müşteri ile doğrudan ilişki kuran hava limanı çalışanlarının grup bağlılığını etkileyen önemli faktörleri bulmak olarak belirlenmiştir. Veri toplamak amacıyla, Türkiye’de bulunan dört büyük hava limanında kendi kendine doldurulan 250 soru formu kullanılmıştır. % 79 cevaplama oranı ile, müşteri ile doğrudan ilişki içindeki 198 yer hizmetleri personelinden geçerli soru formu elde edilmiştir. Farklı sayıdaki maddelerden oluşan dört ölçeğin hepsinin kabul edilebilir bir iç tutarlılık düzeyine sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Seçilmiş bireysel ve işle ilgili faktörler üzerinde yapılan çoklu basamaklı regresyon, tüm modelin % 35’ini açıklayarak grup bağlılığını etkileyen dört faktör (havalimanı çalışanlarının ahlaki iyimserliği, insanlara güven duyguları, yaşam memnuniyet düzeyi ve fazla mesai saatleri) olduğunu ortaya koymuştur.


  • 1. ARYEE, S., BUDHWAR P.S., ve Z.X. CHEN, Trust as a Mediator of the RelationshipBetween Organizational Justice and Work Trustž, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23, (3), 2002, ss. 267-285.
  • 2. BAIRD, Jr. J. E., ve S. B. WEINBERG, Group Communication: the Essence of Synergy, Dubuque, Iowa Win C. Brown Company Publishers. 1981.
  • 3. BOON, S.D., ve St. J.G. HOLMES, The Dynamics of Inter-Personal Trust: Resolving Uncertainty in The Face of Risk. In R.A. Hinde and H.J. Groebel (eds.)ž, Cooperation and Prosocial Behavior. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1991, ss. 90 211.
  • 4. BROMILEY, P., ve L. L. CUMMINGS, Transaction Costs in Organizations with Trust. In R. J. Bies, Sheppard, B., & R. J. Lewicki (Eds.)ž, Research on Negotiations in Organizations, Greenwich, CT: JAI., 5, 1995, ss. 219 247.
  • 5. CARRON, A. V., ve K. S. SPINK, The Group Size-Cohesion Relationship in Minimal Groupsž, Small Group Research, 26, (1), 1995, ss. 86-105.
  • 6. CARRON, A. V., ve L. R. BRAWLEY, Cohesion: Conceptual and Measurement Issuesž, Small Group Research, 31, (1), 2000, ss. 89- 97.
  • 7. CARRON, A.V., BRAWLEY, R., ve W.N. WIDMEYER, The Measurement of Cohesiveness in Sports Groups, In J. L. Duda (ed.)ž, Advances in Sport and Exercise Psychology Mesurement, Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology, 1998, ss. 213- 226.
  • 8. CHANG, A., ve P. BORDIA, A Multidimensional Approach to the Group Cohesion-Group Performance Relationshipž, Small Group Research, 23, (4), 2001, ss. 379-405.
  • 9. COHEN, J., Statistical Power Analysis fort he Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1988.
  • 10. COOK, K.S., HARDIN, R., ve M LEVI, Cooperation Without Trust? Russell Sage. New York. 2005.
  • 11. DENIZ, M. E. The Relationships Among Coping With Stress, Life Satisfaction, Decision-Making Styles and Decision Self-Esteem: An Investigation with Turkish University Studentsž, Social Behavior and Personality, 34, (9), 2006, ss. 1161-1170.
  • 12. DESHPANDE, S, Ethical Climate and the Link Between Success and Ethical Behavior: An Empirical Investigation of a Non-profit Organizationž, Journal of Business Ethics, 15, (3), 1996, ss. 315- 320.
  • 13. DESHPANDE, S., GEORGE, E., ve J. JOSEPH, Ethical Climates and Managerial Success in Russian Organizationsž, Journal of Business Ethics, 23, (2), 2000, ss. 211-217.
  • 14. DIENER, E., Assessing Subjective Well-Being: Progress and Opportunitiesž, Social Indicators Research, 31, 1994, ss.103-157.
  • 15. DIENER, E., SUH, E. M., LUCAS, R. E., ve H. L. SMITH, Subjective Well-Being: Three Decades of Progressž, Psychological Bulletin, 125, (2), 1999, ss. 276-302.
  • 16. DIENER, E., EMMONS, R. A., LARSEN, R. J., ve S. GRIFFIN, The Satisfaction With Life Scalež, Journal of Personality Assessment, 49, (1), 1985, ss. 71-75.
  • 17. DIES, R. R., ve A. K. HESS, An Experimental Investigation of Cohesiveness in Marathon and Conventional Group Psychotherapy. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 77, (3), 1979, ss. 258-262.
  • 18. DIRKS, K. T., ve D. L. FERRIN, Trust in Leadership: Meta-Analytic Findings and Implications for Research and Practicež, Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, (4), 2002, ss. 611  628.
  • 19. DOHERTY, A. J., ve A. V. CARRON, Cohesion in Volunteer Sport Executive committeesž, Journal of Sport Management, 17, 2003, ss. 116-141.
  • 20. EARLEY, P. C. Social Loafing and Collectivism: A Comparison of the United States and the Peopleœs Republic of Chinaž, Administrative Science Quarterly, (34), 1989, ss.565-581.
  • 21. EISENBERG, J. The Effects of Rewards Schemes, IndividualismCollectivism, and Intrinsic Motivation on Teams, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 2001.
  • 22. EVANS, C.R., ve K.L. DION, Group Cohesion and performance: A Meta-Analysisž, Small Group Research, 22, (2), 1991, ss. 175-187.
  • 23. EVANS, N. J., ve P. A. JARVIS, Group Cohesion: A Review and Re-evaluationž. Small Group Behavior, 11, (4), 1980, ss.359-370.
  • 24. FIELD, A. (2005).
  • 25. FORRESTER, W.R., ve A. TASHCHIAN, Modeling the Relationship Between Cohesion and Performance in Student Work Groupsž, International Journal of Management, 23, (3), 2006, ss. 458-464.
  • 26. FORSYTH, D. R. Group Dynamics, 3rd Edition, Brooks\Cole. New York, 1999.
  • 27. GAMMAGE, K.L., A.V., CARRON, ve P.A., ESTABROOKS, Team Cohesion and Individual Productivity: The Influence of the Norm for Productivity and the Identifiability of Individual Effortž, Small Group Research, 31, (1), 2001, ss.3-18.
  • 28. HAIR, J. F., R. E., ANDERSON, R. J, TAHTAM, ve W. C. BLACK, Multivariate Data Analysis, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998
  • 29. HARRISON, D. A., K. H., PRICE, ve M. P. BELL, Beyond Relational Demography: Time and The Effects of Surface- and Deeplevel Diversity on Work Group Cohesionž. Academy of Management Journal, 41, (1), 1998, 96-107.
  • 30. HOGG, M.A. The Social Psychology og Group Cohesiveness: From Attraction to Social Identity, New York University Pres, New York, 1992.
  • 31. HOGG, M.A., L., Cooper-Shaw, ve D.W. Holzworth, Group Prototypicality and Depersonalized Attraction in Small Interactive Groupsž. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 19, 1993, ss. 452-465.
  • 32. HUNT, S., CHONKO L., ve J. WILCOX, Ethical Problems of Marketing Researchersž, Journal of Marketing Research, 21, 1984, ss. 309-324.
  • 33. KINCAID, C. S., BALOGLU, S., ve D. CORSUN, Modelling Ethics: The Impact of Management Actions on Restuarant Workersœ Ethical Optimismž, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27, (3), 2008, ss. 470-477.
  • 34. KINCAID, S. An Examination of the Effect of Ethical Climate on Ethical Optimism and Organizational Commitment, Dissertation, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1999.
  • 35. KRAMER, R.M., BREWER, M.B., ve B.A HANA, Collective Trust and Collective Action: The Decision to Trust as a Social Decision. In Kramer R. M. ve T.R. Tyler (Eds.) Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research (357-389). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1996.
  • 36. KWANG, P., ve W. P., BURGERS, Properties of Trust: An Analytical Viewž. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 69, (1), 1997, ss. 67 73.
  • 37. LANE, C., ve R., BACHMAN, The Social Constitution of Trust: Supplier relations in Britain and Germanyž, Organization Studies, 17, 1996, ss. 365-395.
  • 38. LANGFRED, C.W. Is Group Cohesiveness a Double-Edged Sword? An Investigation of the Effects of Cohesiveness on Performancež, Small Group Research, 29, (1), 1998, ss. 124-143.
  • 39. LAZARUS, R. S. Emotion and Adaptation, Oxford University Pres, New York, 1991.
  • 40. LEVI, M., ve L. STOKER, Political Trust and Trustworthinessž. Annual Review of Political Science, 3, 2000, ss. 475-507.
  • 41. MAYER, R., DAVIS, J., and F., SHOORMAN, An Integrative Model of Organizational Trustž, Academy of Management Review, 20, (3), 1995, ss. 709-734.
  • 42. MBAATYO, A., Business Cohesion: Managing Schools of Business in the Age of Knowledgež, Sam Advanced Management Journal, Spring, 1988, ss. 29-44.
  • 43. MICHALIN, M.D., KARAU, S.J., ve C. TANGPONG, Top Management Team Cohesion and Superior Industry Returnsž, Group ve Organization Management, 29, 2004, ss. 125-140.
  • 44. MIESING, P. ve J.F. PREBLE, Group Processes and Performance in a Complex Business Simulationž, Small Group Behavior, 16, 1985, ss. 325-338.
  • 45. MOORMAN, C., ZALTMAN, G., ve R. DESHPANDE, Relationships Between Providers and Users of Market Research: The Dynamics of Trust Within and Between Organizationsž, Journal of Marketing Research, 29, 1992, ss. 314-328.
  • 46. MULLEN, B., ve C. COPPER, The Relation Between Group Cohesiveness and Performance: An Integrationž, Psychological Bulletin, 115, (2), 1994, ss. 210-227.
  • 47. NUNNALY, J., Psychometric Theory, New York: McGraw-Hill. 1978.
  • 48. OVAICE G., The Relationship of Individualism and Collectivism to Perceptions of Interpersonal Trust in A Global Consulting Firm, Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2001.
  • 49. PAINE, L., Managing for Organizational Integrityž, Harvard Business Review, 72, (2), 1994, ss. 106-118.
  • 50. RAMAMOORTHY, N., ve P. C. FLOOD, Individualism Collectivism, Perceived Task Interdependence and Teamwork Attitudes Among Irish Blue-Collar Employees: A Test of the Main and Moderating Effectsž. Human Relations, 57, (3), 2004, ss. 347- 366.
  • 51. RAMMAMOORTHY, N., ve S. J. CARROLL, Individualism Collectivism Orientations and Reactions Towards Alternative Human Resource Management Practicesž, Human Relations, 51, 1998, ss. 571-588.
  • 52. REMPEL, M.W., ve R. J. FISHER, Perceived Threat, Cohesion and Group Problem Solving in Intergroup Conflictž, International Journal of Conflict Management, 8, (3), 1997, ss. 216-234.
  • 53. RIEDEL, J. A., Citizen participation: Myths and realitiesž, Public Administration Review, 32, 1972, ss. 211-200.
  • 54. ROTTER, J. B., Generalized Expectancies for Interpersonal Trustž, American Psychologist, 26, (5), 1971, ss. 443-452.
  • 55. ROTTER, J. B., Interpersonal Trust, Trustworthines, and Gullibilityž, American Psychologist, 35, (1), 1980, ss. 1-7.
  • 56. ROUSSEAU, D.M., SITKIN, S.B., BURT, R.S., ve C. CAMERER, Not so Different After All: A Cross-Discipline View of Trustž, Academy of Management Review, 23, 1998, ss. 393 404.
  • 57. RYFF, C., Happiness is Everything, or Is It? Explorations on the Meaning of Psychological Well-beingž, Journal of Personal Social Psychology, 57, 1989, ss. 1069-1081.
  • 58. SECORD, P.F. ve C.W. BACKMAN, Social Psychology,McGrawHill. New York. 1964.
  • 59. SHAW, M.E., Group Dynamics: The Psychology of Small Group Behavior, McGraw-Hill, New York. 1981.
  • 60. SHERMAN, E., ve P. COOPER, Life Satisfaction: The Missing Focus of Marketing to Seniorž, Journal of Health Care Marketing, 8, (1), 1988, ss. 69-71.
  • 61. SMITH, C.A., ORGAN, D.W., ve J.P NEAR, Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Its Nature and Antecedentsž, Journal of Applied Psychology, 68, (4), 1983, ss. 653-664.
  • 62. STOGDILL, R. M., Group Productivity, Drive and Cohesivenessž, Organizational Behavior and Human Performances, 8, 1972, ss. 26-43.
  • 63. TYLER, T. R., ve Y. J. Huo, Trust in the Law, Russell Sage. New York. 2002
  • 64. VEENHOVEN, R. The Study of Life Satisfaction, In W.E. Saris, R.Veenhoven, A.C. Scherpenzeel, and B. Bunting (Eds).ž A Comparative Study of Satisfaction With Life in Europe,. Eøtvøs University Press. 1996, ss. 11-48.
  • 65. WIDMEYER, W. N., BRAWLEY, L. R., and A. V. CARRON, The Measurement of Cohesion in Sport Teams: The Group Environment Questionnaire, Ontario Sports Dynamics, London. 1985
  • 66. VITELL, S. J., ve D. L. DAVIS, The Relationship Between Ethics and Job Satisfaction: an Empirical Investigationž, Journal of Business Ethics, 9, 1990, ss. 489-494.
  • 67. WATSON, G. W., ve S. D PAPAMARCOS, Social Capital and Organizational Commitmentž, Journal of Business and Psychology, 16, (4), 2002, ss. 537 552.
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There are 73 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

  Yrd.Doç.Dr.Halil Demirer This is me

Yrd.Doç.Dr.Nuriye Güreş This is me

Öğr.Gör.Volkan Akgül This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 15 Issue: 3


APA Demirer, .Y., Güreş, Y., & Akgül, Ö. (2010). BİREYSEL VE İŞ İLE İLGİLİ FAKTÖRLERİN GRUP BAĞLILIĞINA ETKİLERİ: HAVA LİMANI ÇALIŞANLARI ÜZERİNE BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(3), 167-185.