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Avrupa Birliği'ne Üyelik Sürecinde Türk İmalat Sanayiinin Rekabet Gücündeki Değişimler

Year 2009, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 17 - 30, 01.03.2009



  • 1. Akgüngör, S., R. F. Barbaros, N. Kumral (2002), “Competitiveness of the Turkish Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry in the Euroepan Union Market”, Russian and East European Finance and Trade, Vol. 38, No. 3, May-June, 34-53
  • 2. Balassa, B. (1965), “Trade Liberalisation and ‘Revealed’ Comparative Advantage”, The Manchester School of Economic and social Studies, Vol. 33, No. 2, May, 99-123
  • 3. Donges, J. vd. (1982), The Second Enlargement of the Community, Kieler Studien 171.
  • 4. Fagerberg, J., Handson, P., Lundberg, L. and Melchor, A. (1997), “Competitiveness, Scale and R&D” in Fagerberg et al. (eds.), Technology and International Trade, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar .
  • 5. Ferman, M., S. Akgüngör, A. H. Yüksel (2004), “Türkiye’nin İhracat Rekabet Gücü ve Sürdürülebilirliği”, içinde 2004 Türkiye İktisat Kongresi Tebliğ Sunuşları: Gelişme Stratejileri ve Makroekonomik Politikalar, DPT, İzmir, 5-9 Mayıs, 1-29
  • 6. Fertő, I., L. J. Hubbard, “The Dynamics of Agri-Food Trade Patterns - The Accession Countries’ Case”, Paper for presentation at the 78th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, Imperial College, University of London, April 2-4, 2004.
  • 7. Godin, B. (2004), “The Obsession for Competitiveness and Its Impact on Statistics: The Construction of High-Technology Indicators”, Research Policy, Vol. 33, Issue 8, October 2004, 1217-1229
  • 8. Heidensohn, K., E. P. Hibbert (1997), “A Sectoral Analysis of Europe’s International Competitiveness”, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 7 (2), 25-37
  • 9. Hinloopen, J., C. Marrewijk, “On the Empirical Distribution of the Balassa Index”, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Vol:137, No:1, 2001.
  • 10. Kösekahyaoğlu, L., B. Gövdere (2006), “Ücretler, Sermaye Birikimi ve İç Pazar Büyüklüğünün Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği Ticaretine Etkisi: Sektörel Bir Analiz”, Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu Uluslararası İktisat Kongresi, 11-13 Eylül 2006, Anakara.
  • 11. IMD-International Institute for Management Development (2006), The World Competitiveness Scoreboard 2006, <>, (Erişim: 12.03.2007)
  • 12. IMD-International Institute for Management Development (2008), The World Competitiveness Scoreboard 2008, <>, (Erişim: 25.06.2008)
  • 13. Krugman, P. (1980), “Scale Economies, Product Differentiation and the Pattern of Trade”, American Economic Review, Vol. 70.
  • 14. Kurth, W. (1992), “Technology and Shifting Comparative Advantage”, OECD STI Review,No 10,8-47
  • 15. Lundberg, L. (1988), “Technology, Factor Proportions and Competitiveness”, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 90/2, 173-188
  • 16. McCombie, J. S. L., A. P. Thirlwall (1994), Economic Growth and the Balance of Payments Constraint, St. Martin’s Press.
  • 17. Rodas-Martini, P. (1998), “Intra-Industry Trade and Revealed Comparative Advantage in the Central American Common Market”, World Development, Vol. 26, No. 2, 337-344
  • 18. Turner, A. G., S. S. Golub (1997), “Towards a System of Multilateral Unit Labor Cost-Based Competitiveness Indicators for Advanced, Developing, and Transition Countries.” IMF Working Paper, WP/97/151. November.
  • 19. United Nations Statistics Division-Commodity Trade Statistics Database (COMTRADE), <>, (Erişim: 06.01.2007).
  • 20. Utkulu, U., D. Seymen, “Trade, Competitiveness and Revealed Comparative Advantage: Evidence for Turkey towards the EU”, European Trade Study Group 6th Annual Conference, 2004.
  • 21. Wu, H-L., C-H. Chen (2004), “Changes in the Foreign Market Competitiveness of East Asian Exports”, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol. 34, No. 4, 503-522
  • 22. Yılmaz, B. (2003), “Turkey’s Competitiveness in the European Union: A Comparison with Five Candidate Countries and the EU15”, Ezoneplus Working Paper, No. 12, Freie Universitat, Berlin.


Year 2009, Volume: 14 Issue: 1, 17 - 30, 01.03.2009


Uluslararası rekabetin hızla artması, firma-sektör ve ülke bazında rekabet gücü ölçümüne ilişkin tartışmaları gündemde tutmaktadır. Rekabet gücünün belirlenmesine ve ölçümüne ilişkin sayısız yaklaşım ortaya konulmaktadırlar. Fakat bu tarz çalışmaların sayı ve sektör bazlı uygulamalar bakımından yetersiz kaldığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türk imalat sanayinin Avrupa Birliği pazarındaki rekabet gücünü ülke ve endüstri temelinde Balassa ve Donges tarafından geliştirilen yöntemlerle ve ayrıca regresyon analizi ile değerlendirmek ve zaman içerisinde ortaya çıkan değişimi incelemektir. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgular Türkiye’nin AB pazarında tekstil ve giyim eşyasının yer aldığı SITC 6 ve SITC 8 gruplarında AB ülkeleri karşısında bir rekabet avantajı varken, diğer ürün dezavantajlı konumda olduğunu göstermektedir. Regresyon analizi ise, ücret ve iç pazar büyüklüğünün hem emek hem de teknoloji yoğun sektörlerde Türkiye’nin rekabet gücünün temel belirleyicilerinden biri olduğuna işaret etmektedir


  • 1. Akgüngör, S., R. F. Barbaros, N. Kumral (2002), “Competitiveness of the Turkish Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry in the Euroepan Union Market”, Russian and East European Finance and Trade, Vol. 38, No. 3, May-June, 34-53
  • 2. Balassa, B. (1965), “Trade Liberalisation and ‘Revealed’ Comparative Advantage”, The Manchester School of Economic and social Studies, Vol. 33, No. 2, May, 99-123
  • 3. Donges, J. vd. (1982), The Second Enlargement of the Community, Kieler Studien 171.
  • 4. Fagerberg, J., Handson, P., Lundberg, L. and Melchor, A. (1997), “Competitiveness, Scale and R&D” in Fagerberg et al. (eds.), Technology and International Trade, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar .
  • 5. Ferman, M., S. Akgüngör, A. H. Yüksel (2004), “Türkiye’nin İhracat Rekabet Gücü ve Sürdürülebilirliği”, içinde 2004 Türkiye İktisat Kongresi Tebliğ Sunuşları: Gelişme Stratejileri ve Makroekonomik Politikalar, DPT, İzmir, 5-9 Mayıs, 1-29
  • 6. Fertő, I., L. J. Hubbard, “The Dynamics of Agri-Food Trade Patterns - The Accession Countries’ Case”, Paper for presentation at the 78th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, Imperial College, University of London, April 2-4, 2004.
  • 7. Godin, B. (2004), “The Obsession for Competitiveness and Its Impact on Statistics: The Construction of High-Technology Indicators”, Research Policy, Vol. 33, Issue 8, October 2004, 1217-1229
  • 8. Heidensohn, K., E. P. Hibbert (1997), “A Sectoral Analysis of Europe’s International Competitiveness”, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 7 (2), 25-37
  • 9. Hinloopen, J., C. Marrewijk, “On the Empirical Distribution of the Balassa Index”, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Vol:137, No:1, 2001.
  • 10. Kösekahyaoğlu, L., B. Gövdere (2006), “Ücretler, Sermaye Birikimi ve İç Pazar Büyüklüğünün Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği Ticaretine Etkisi: Sektörel Bir Analiz”, Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu Uluslararası İktisat Kongresi, 11-13 Eylül 2006, Anakara.
  • 11. IMD-International Institute for Management Development (2006), The World Competitiveness Scoreboard 2006, <>, (Erişim: 12.03.2007)
  • 12. IMD-International Institute for Management Development (2008), The World Competitiveness Scoreboard 2008, <>, (Erişim: 25.06.2008)
  • 13. Krugman, P. (1980), “Scale Economies, Product Differentiation and the Pattern of Trade”, American Economic Review, Vol. 70.
  • 14. Kurth, W. (1992), “Technology and Shifting Comparative Advantage”, OECD STI Review,No 10,8-47
  • 15. Lundberg, L. (1988), “Technology, Factor Proportions and Competitiveness”, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 90/2, 173-188
  • 16. McCombie, J. S. L., A. P. Thirlwall (1994), Economic Growth and the Balance of Payments Constraint, St. Martin’s Press.
  • 17. Rodas-Martini, P. (1998), “Intra-Industry Trade and Revealed Comparative Advantage in the Central American Common Market”, World Development, Vol. 26, No. 2, 337-344
  • 18. Turner, A. G., S. S. Golub (1997), “Towards a System of Multilateral Unit Labor Cost-Based Competitiveness Indicators for Advanced, Developing, and Transition Countries.” IMF Working Paper, WP/97/151. November.
  • 19. United Nations Statistics Division-Commodity Trade Statistics Database (COMTRADE), <>, (Erişim: 06.01.2007).
  • 20. Utkulu, U., D. Seymen, “Trade, Competitiveness and Revealed Comparative Advantage: Evidence for Turkey towards the EU”, European Trade Study Group 6th Annual Conference, 2004.
  • 21. Wu, H-L., C-H. Chen (2004), “Changes in the Foreign Market Competitiveness of East Asian Exports”, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Vol. 34, No. 4, 503-522
  • 22. Yılmaz, B. (2003), “Turkey’s Competitiveness in the European Union: A Comparison with Five Candidate Countries and the EU15”, Ezoneplus Working Paper, No. 12, Freie Universitat, Berlin.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

  Doç.dr.levent Kösekahyaoğlu This is me

Arş.gör.gökhan Özdamar This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 14 Issue: 1


APA Kösekahyaoğlu, .D., & Özdamar, A. (2009). AVRUPA BİRLİĞİ’NE ÜYELİK SÜRECİNDE TÜRK İMALAT SANAYİİNİN REKABET GÜCÜNDEKİ DEĞİŞİMLER. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(1), 17-30.