Organ nakli sadece alıcıların
yaşam kalitesini ve süresini artırmakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda sınırlı sağlık
hizmeti kaynaklarının etkin bir şekilde kullanılmasını sağlar. Bu yüzden organ
bağışı, dünyadaki tüm sağlık hizmetlerinin karşılaştığı önemli bir sağlık
politikası sorusudur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, sağlık yönetimi bölümünde okuyan
üniversite öğrencileri arasında organ/doku bağışı ve nakli konusundaki bilinç
ve tutumları tespit etmektir. Veriler, 362 öğrenciden toplanmıştır. Bu araştırmanın
sonuçlarına göre sağlık yönetimi öğrencileri organ ve doku bağışı ve
transplantasyonunu desteklemektedir (%82). Az sayıda öğrenci (%3,9),
organ ve dokularını bağışlamaya istekli olmasına rağmen öğrencilerin çoğunluğu
bağış ve transplantasyona karşı olumlu bir şekilde davranmaktadır. Doku ve
organlarını bağışlamak istemeyen öğrencilerin temel nedenleri din (%33,8) ve
korkudur (%46,2). Regresyon modeline bakıldığında, bilgilendirilmek organ/doku
bağışı ve transplantasyonuna yönelik olumlu tutum için istatistiksel olarak
anlamlı bir belirleyicidir. Diğer değişkenlerin (cinsiyet, yaş, gelir, kırsal /
kentsel) regresyon modelinde rolü bulunmamıştır. Bu nedenle, genel nüfusun ve
özellikle öğrenci nüfusunun, organ/doku nakli hakkında eğitilmesi gerektiği
1. Barcellos FC, Araujo CL, da Costa JD. Organ donation: a population‐based study. Clinical Transplantation. 2005; 19(1):33-37.
2. Riyanti S, Hatta M, Norhafizah S, Balkish MN, Siti ZM, Akmal HA, Normawati A. Organ donation by sociodemographic characteristics in Malaysia. Asian Social Science. 2014; 10(4):264-272.
3. Mossialos E, Costa-Font J, Rudisill C. Does organ donation legislation affect individuals' willingness to donate their own or their relative's organs? Evidence from European Union survey data. BMC health services research. 2008; 8:48.
4. Bilgel H, Sadikoglu G, Goktas O, Bilgel N. A survey of the public attitudes towards organ donation in a Turkish community and of the changes that have taken place in the last 12 years. Transpl Int. 2004; 17(3):126-130.
5. Ashraf O, Ali S, Ali SA, et al. Attitude toward organ donation: a survey in Pakistan. Artif Organs. 2005; 29(11):899-905.
6. Hai TB, Eastlund T, Chien LA, et al. Willingness to donate organs and tissues in Vietnam. Journal of Transplant Coordination. 1999; 9(1):57-63.
7. Keiding S, Jensen SL, Vilstrup H. Attitude of the population to organ transplantation. Ugeskrift for laeger. 1994; 156(19):2869-2872.
8. Sanner MA. A Swedish survey of young people's views on organ donation and transplantation. Transpl Int. 2002; 15(12):641-648.
9. Boulware LE, Ratner LE, Sosa JA, et al. Determinants of willingness to donate living related and cadaveric organs: identifying opportunities for intervention. Transplantation. 2002; 73(10): 1683-1691.
10. Sanner MA. Giving and taking--to whom and from whom? People's attitudes toward transplantation of organs and tissue from different sources. Clin Transplant . 1998; 12(6):530-537.
11. Exley M, White N, Martin JH. Why families say no to organ donation. Critical Care Nurse. 2002; 22(6):44-51.
12. Pham H, Spigner C. Knowledge and opinions about organ donation and transplantation among Vietnamese Americans in Seattle, Washington: a pilot study. Clin Transplant. 2004; 18(6):707-715.
13. Hyde MK, White KM. Young Australian adults' knowledge and beliefs about organ donation. Progress in Transplantation. 2007; 17(3): 220-227
14. Lam WA, McCullough LB. Influence of religious and spiritual values on the willingness of Chinese–Americans to donate organs for transplantation. Clin Transplant . 2000; 14(5); 449-456.
15. Presidency of the Republic of Turkey (2018) Online Access: 27.07.2018
16. Schaeffner ES, Windisch W, Freidel K, et al. Knowledge and attitude regarding organ donation among medical students and physicians. Transplantation. 2004; 77(11): 1714-1718.
17. Essman C, Thornton J. Assessing medical student knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding organ donation. Transplant Proc. 2006; 38(9): 2745-2750.
18. Goz F, Goz M, Erkan M. Knowledge and attitudes of medical, nursing, dentistry and health technician students towards organ donation: a pilot study. Journal of clinical nursing. 2006; 15(11):1371-1375.
19. Marć M, Fudali K, Gajdek M, et al. Knowledge and Attitudes of Students of the Rzeszow University About the Transplantation of Organs. Transplant Proc. 2018; 50(7): 1933-1938.
20. Burra P, de Bona M, Canova D., et al. Changing attitude to organ donation and transplantation in university students during the years of medical school in Italy. Transplant Proc. 2005; 37(2): 547-550.
21. Cantwell M, Clifford C. English nursing and medical students’ attitudes towards organ donation. Journal of advanced nursing. 2000; 32(4); 961-968.
22. Chen JX, Zhang TM, Lim FL, et al. Current knowledge and attitudes about organ donation and transplantation among Chinese university students. Transplant Proc. 2006; 38(9): 2761-2765.
23. Dutra MM, Bonfim TA, Pereira IS, et al. Knowledge about transplantation and attitudes toward organ donation: a survey among medical students in northeast Brazil. Transplant Proc. 2004; 36(4): 818-820.
24. Yilmaz SG, Yücel BO, Çuhadar D. Knowledge and attitudes of the faculty of theology students on organ transplantation. Journal of religion and health. 2017; 56(3): 1042-1051.
25. Rachmani R, Mizrahi S, Agabaria R. Attitudes of negev beduins toward organ donation: a field survey. Transplant Proc. 2000; 32(4): 757-758.
26. Al Shehri S, Shaheen FAM, Al-Khader AA. Organ donations from deceased persons in the Saudi Arabian population. Experimental and clinical transplantation: official journal of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation. 2005; 3(1): 301-305.
27. Alkhawari FS, Stimson GV, Warrens AN. Attitudes toward transplantation in UK Muslim Indo‐Asians in west London. American Journal of Transplantation. 2005; 5(6):1326-1331.
28. Shaheen FA, Souqiyyeh MZ, Al-Attar B, et al. Survey of opinion of secondary school students on organ donation. Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation. 1996; 7(2): 131.
29. Chakradhar K, Doshi D, Srikanth Reddy B, et al. Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding organ donation among Indian dental students. International Journal of Organ Transplantation medicine. 2016; 7(1): 28-35.
30. Mavatkar MV, Singh V, Pol S, Gokhe SB. A study of effect of special lecture on awareness related to organ donation among second year undergraduate medical students of a Medical College in a Metropolitan city, Maharashtra. International Journal of Current Research in Medical Sciences. 2017; 3(1): 1-6.
31. Atamanuk AN, Ortiz Fragola JP, Giorgi M, et al. Medical students' attitude towards organ donation: understanding reasons for refusal in order to increase transplantation rates. Transplant Proc. 2018; 50(10), 2976-2980.
32. Turkish Republic Ministry of Health [20.10.2018]. Organ, Tissue Transplantation and Dialysis Services Head of Department. Kamusal.aspx.
33. Şantaş G, Şantaş F. Türkiye’de Organ Bağışının Mevcut Durumu ve Organ Bağışında Stratejik İletişimin Önemi. SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2018; 9(2): 163-168.
Attitudes’ of University Students towards Organ Donation and Transplantation
transplantation not only improves the length and quality of life of recipients
but also is an effective use of limited health care resources. So organ
donation is an important health policy question facing all health services
worldwide. The purpose of this study was to identify the consciousness and
attitudes toward organ and tissue donation and transplantation among the
university students which are studying at a health management department. Data
was collected from 362 students. According to the results of this study, health
management students support organ and tissue donation and transplantation
(82%). Despite the fact that a small number of students were generally willing
to donate their organs and tissue (3.9%) the majority of the students are in a
positive manner toward donation and transplantation. The basic reasons for the
students who do not want to donate their tissues and organs are religion
(33.8%) and fear (46.2%). When looking at the regression model, being informed
is statistically significant predictor for the positive attitude toward organ
and tissue donation and transplantation. The other variables (gender, age,
income, rural / urban) have no role in the regression model. So it is thought
that the general population and especially the student population should be
educated about organ or tissue transplantation.
1. Barcellos FC, Araujo CL, da Costa JD. Organ donation: a population‐based study. Clinical Transplantation. 2005; 19(1):33-37.
2. Riyanti S, Hatta M, Norhafizah S, Balkish MN, Siti ZM, Akmal HA, Normawati A. Organ donation by sociodemographic characteristics in Malaysia. Asian Social Science. 2014; 10(4):264-272.
3. Mossialos E, Costa-Font J, Rudisill C. Does organ donation legislation affect individuals' willingness to donate their own or their relative's organs? Evidence from European Union survey data. BMC health services research. 2008; 8:48.
4. Bilgel H, Sadikoglu G, Goktas O, Bilgel N. A survey of the public attitudes towards organ donation in a Turkish community and of the changes that have taken place in the last 12 years. Transpl Int. 2004; 17(3):126-130.
5. Ashraf O, Ali S, Ali SA, et al. Attitude toward organ donation: a survey in Pakistan. Artif Organs. 2005; 29(11):899-905.
6. Hai TB, Eastlund T, Chien LA, et al. Willingness to donate organs and tissues in Vietnam. Journal of Transplant Coordination. 1999; 9(1):57-63.
7. Keiding S, Jensen SL, Vilstrup H. Attitude of the population to organ transplantation. Ugeskrift for laeger. 1994; 156(19):2869-2872.
8. Sanner MA. A Swedish survey of young people's views on organ donation and transplantation. Transpl Int. 2002; 15(12):641-648.
9. Boulware LE, Ratner LE, Sosa JA, et al. Determinants of willingness to donate living related and cadaveric organs: identifying opportunities for intervention. Transplantation. 2002; 73(10): 1683-1691.
10. Sanner MA. Giving and taking--to whom and from whom? People's attitudes toward transplantation of organs and tissue from different sources. Clin Transplant . 1998; 12(6):530-537.
11. Exley M, White N, Martin JH. Why families say no to organ donation. Critical Care Nurse. 2002; 22(6):44-51.
12. Pham H, Spigner C. Knowledge and opinions about organ donation and transplantation among Vietnamese Americans in Seattle, Washington: a pilot study. Clin Transplant. 2004; 18(6):707-715.
13. Hyde MK, White KM. Young Australian adults' knowledge and beliefs about organ donation. Progress in Transplantation. 2007; 17(3): 220-227
14. Lam WA, McCullough LB. Influence of religious and spiritual values on the willingness of Chinese–Americans to donate organs for transplantation. Clin Transplant . 2000; 14(5); 449-456.
15. Presidency of the Republic of Turkey (2018) Online Access: 27.07.2018
16. Schaeffner ES, Windisch W, Freidel K, et al. Knowledge and attitude regarding organ donation among medical students and physicians. Transplantation. 2004; 77(11): 1714-1718.
17. Essman C, Thornton J. Assessing medical student knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding organ donation. Transplant Proc. 2006; 38(9): 2745-2750.
18. Goz F, Goz M, Erkan M. Knowledge and attitudes of medical, nursing, dentistry and health technician students towards organ donation: a pilot study. Journal of clinical nursing. 2006; 15(11):1371-1375.
19. Marć M, Fudali K, Gajdek M, et al. Knowledge and Attitudes of Students of the Rzeszow University About the Transplantation of Organs. Transplant Proc. 2018; 50(7): 1933-1938.
20. Burra P, de Bona M, Canova D., et al. Changing attitude to organ donation and transplantation in university students during the years of medical school in Italy. Transplant Proc. 2005; 37(2): 547-550.
21. Cantwell M, Clifford C. English nursing and medical students’ attitudes towards organ donation. Journal of advanced nursing. 2000; 32(4); 961-968.
22. Chen JX, Zhang TM, Lim FL, et al. Current knowledge and attitudes about organ donation and transplantation among Chinese university students. Transplant Proc. 2006; 38(9): 2761-2765.
23. Dutra MM, Bonfim TA, Pereira IS, et al. Knowledge about transplantation and attitudes toward organ donation: a survey among medical students in northeast Brazil. Transplant Proc. 2004; 36(4): 818-820.
24. Yilmaz SG, Yücel BO, Çuhadar D. Knowledge and attitudes of the faculty of theology students on organ transplantation. Journal of religion and health. 2017; 56(3): 1042-1051.
25. Rachmani R, Mizrahi S, Agabaria R. Attitudes of negev beduins toward organ donation: a field survey. Transplant Proc. 2000; 32(4): 757-758.
26. Al Shehri S, Shaheen FAM, Al-Khader AA. Organ donations from deceased persons in the Saudi Arabian population. Experimental and clinical transplantation: official journal of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation. 2005; 3(1): 301-305.
27. Alkhawari FS, Stimson GV, Warrens AN. Attitudes toward transplantation in UK Muslim Indo‐Asians in west London. American Journal of Transplantation. 2005; 5(6):1326-1331.
28. Shaheen FA, Souqiyyeh MZ, Al-Attar B, et al. Survey of opinion of secondary school students on organ donation. Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation. 1996; 7(2): 131.
29. Chakradhar K, Doshi D, Srikanth Reddy B, et al. Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding organ donation among Indian dental students. International Journal of Organ Transplantation medicine. 2016; 7(1): 28-35.
30. Mavatkar MV, Singh V, Pol S, Gokhe SB. A study of effect of special lecture on awareness related to organ donation among second year undergraduate medical students of a Medical College in a Metropolitan city, Maharashtra. International Journal of Current Research in Medical Sciences. 2017; 3(1): 1-6.
31. Atamanuk AN, Ortiz Fragola JP, Giorgi M, et al. Medical students' attitude towards organ donation: understanding reasons for refusal in order to increase transplantation rates. Transplant Proc. 2018; 50(10), 2976-2980.
32. Turkish Republic Ministry of Health [20.10.2018]. Organ, Tissue Transplantation and Dialysis Services Head of Department. Kamusal.aspx.
33. Şantaş G, Şantaş F. Türkiye’de Organ Bağışının Mevcut Durumu ve Organ Bağışında Stratejik İletişimin Önemi. SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2018; 9(2): 163-168.
Yalçın Balçık P, Yorgancıoğlu Tarcan G, Sapaz B. Attitudes’ of University Students towards Organ Donation and Transplantation. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2019;10(3):314-9.